[turboshaft] introduce SnapshotTable

Bug: v8:12783

Change-Id: Ie8e578105065ed5ad833fbf2a525b149e39d3424
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/v8/v8/+/3971368
Reviewed-by: Darius Mercadier <dmercadier@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Tobias Tebbi <tebbi@chromium.org>
Auto-Submit: Tobias Tebbi <tebbi@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#83966}
This commit is contained in:
Tobias Tebbi 2022-10-27 18:38:01 +02:00 committed by V8 LUCI CQ
parent f018f2a146
commit bfda81d1a1
5 changed files with 625 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -2907,6 +2907,7 @@ filegroup(

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@ -2944,6 +2944,7 @@ v8_header_set("v8_internal_headers") {

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// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include "src/base/iterator.h"
#include "src/base/small-vector.h"
#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
// A `SnapshotTable` stores a mapping from keys to values and creates snapshots,
// which capture the current state efficiently and allow us to return to a
// previous snapshot later. It is opimized for the case where we switch between
// similar snapshots with a closeby common ancestor.
// Complexity:
// creating a scope linear in the number of `Set` operations between the
// current state and the common ancestor of all
// predecessors and the current state, plus the `Set`
// operations from the common ancestor to all predecessors.
// Scope::Get() O(1)
// Scope::Set() O(1) + operator== for Value
// Scope::Seal() O(1)
// NewKey() O(1)
namespace v8::internal::compiler::turboshaft {
template <class Value, class KeyData = std::monostate>
class SnapshotTable {
struct TableEntry;
struct LogEntry;
struct SnapshotData;
// A `Key` identifies an entry in the `SnapshotTable`. For better performance,
// keys always have identity. The template parameter `KeyData` can be used to
// embed additional data in the keys.
// A Key is implemented as a pointer into the table, which also contains the
// `KeyData`. Therefore, keys have pointer-size and are cheap to copy.
class Key {
bool operator==(Key other) const { return entry_ == other.entry_; }
const KeyData& data() const { return *entry_; }
KeyData& data() { return *entry_; }
friend SnapshotTable;
TableEntry* entry_;
explicit Key(TableEntry& entry) : entry_(&entry) {}
// A `Snapshot` captures the state of the `SnapshotTable`. Using a `Scope`,
// the state of the table can be reset to a given snapshot.
// A `Snapshot` is implemented as a pointer to internal data and is therefore
// cheap to copy.
class Snapshot {
bool operator==(Snapshot other) const { return data_ == other.data_; }
friend SnapshotTable;
SnapshotData* data_;
explicit Snapshot(SnapshotData& data) : data_(&data) {}
// All modifications to the table need to be performed through a `Scope`.
// There can only be a single active scope for a table at a time. A new scope
// is based on a list of predecessor snapshots. If no predecessor is given,
// the scope is based on the initial state of the table. A single predecessor
// snapshot resets the table to exactly this snapshot. In the case of multiple
// snapshots, a merge function is used to unify values that were set since the
// last common ancestor snapshot.
// The previous scope needs to be closed using Seal() before another one can
// be created.
class Scope {
// These overloads move to a new snapshot based on the common ancestor,
// without merging different values from the predecessors.
Scope(SnapshotTable& table, base::Vector<const Snapshot> predecessors)
: snapshot_table_(table),
snapshot_(&table.MoveToNewSnapshot(predecessors)) {}
explicit Scope(SnapshotTable& table,
std::initializer_list<Snapshot> predecessors = {})
: Scope(table, base::VectorOf(predecessors)) {}
Scope(SnapshotTable& table, Snapshot parent) : Scope(table, {parent}) {}
// These overloads merge different values from the predecessors using the
// given function.
template <class F>
Scope(SnapshotTable& table, base::Vector<const Snapshot> predecessors,
F merge_fun)
: Scope(table, predecessors) {
table.MergePredecessors(predecessors, merge_fun);
template <class F>
Scope(SnapshotTable& table, std::initializer_list<Snapshot> predecessors,
F merge_fun)
: Scope(table, base::VectorOf(predecessors), merge_fun) {}
Scope(const Scope&) = delete;
Scope& operator=(const Scope&) = delete;
const Value& Get(Key key) {
DCHECK_EQ(snapshot_, snapshot_table_.current_snapshot_);
return key.entry_->value;
void Set(Key key, Value new_value) {
snapshot_table_.Set(key, new_value);
// Sealing the current scope means that no more modifications are possible.
// Produces a new snapshot which represents the current state.
Snapshot Seal() {
// Optimization: If nothing changed in the new snapshot, we discard it and
// use its parent instead.
if (snapshot_->log_begin == snapshot_->log_end) {
SnapshotData* parent = snapshot_->parent;
snapshot_table_.current_snapshot_ = parent;
DCHECK_EQ(snapshot_, &snapshot_table_.snapshots_.back());
return Snapshot{*parent};
return Snapshot{*snapshot_};
~Scope() {
// Seal() should have been used to obtain the new snapshot.
SnapshotTable& snapshot_table_;
SnapshotData* snapshot_;
explicit SnapshotTable(Zone* zone) : zone_(zone) {
root_snapshot_ = &NewSnapshot(nullptr);
current_snapshot_ = root_snapshot_;
// The initial value is independent of the snapshot mechanism. Creating a key
// with a certain initial value later has the same effect as creating the key
// before all modifications to the table.
// Keys have identity, and the data embedded in the key is mutable.
Key NewKey(KeyData data, Value initial_value = Value{}) {
return Key{table_.emplace_back(
TableEntry{std::move(initial_value), std::move(data)})};
Key NewKey(Value initial_value = Value{}) {
return NewKey(KeyData{}, initial_value);
Zone* zone_;
ZoneDeque<TableEntry> table_{zone_};
ZoneDeque<SnapshotData> snapshots_{zone_};
// While logically each snapshot has its own log, we allocate the memory as a
// single global log with each snapshot pointing to a section of it to reduce
// the number of allocations.
ZoneVector<LogEntry> log_{zone_};
SnapshotData* root_snapshot_;
SnapshotData* current_snapshot_;
// The following members are only used during a merge operation. They are
// declared here to recycle the memory, avoiding repeated Zone-allocation.
ZoneVector<TableEntry*> merging_entries_{zone_};
ZoneVector<Value> merge_values_{zone_};
SnapshotData& NewSnapshot(SnapshotData* parent) {
return snapshots_.emplace_back(parent, log_.size());
base::Vector<LogEntry> LogEntries(SnapshotData* s) {
return base::VectorOf(&log_[s->log_begin], s->log_end - s->log_begin);
void RevertCurrentSnapshot() {
base::Vector<LogEntry> log_entries = LogEntries(current_snapshot_);
for (const LogEntry& entry : base::Reversed(log_entries)) {
DCHECK_EQ(entry.table_entry.value, entry.new_value);
entry.table_entry.value = entry.old_value;
current_snapshot_ = current_snapshot_->parent;
void ReplaySnapshot(SnapshotData* snapshot) {
DCHECK_EQ(snapshot->parent, current_snapshot_);
for (const LogEntry& entry : LogEntries(snapshot)) {
DCHECK_EQ(entry.table_entry.value, entry.old_value);
entry.table_entry.value = entry.new_value;
current_snapshot_ = snapshot;
void Set(Key key, Value new_value) {
if (key.entry_->value == new_value) return;
log_.push_back(LogEntry{*key.entry_, key.entry_->value, new_value});
key.entry_->value = new_value;
void RecordMergeValue(TableEntry& entry, const Value& value,
uint32_t predecessor_index, uint32_t predecessor_count);
SnapshotData& MoveToNewSnapshot(base::Vector<const Snapshot> predecessors);
template <class F>
void MergePredecessors(base::Vector<const Snapshot> predecessors,
F merge_fun);
static constexpr uint32_t kNoMergeOffset =
static constexpr uint32_t kNoMergedPredecessor =
// Place `KeyData` in a superclass to benefit from empty-base optimization.
template <class Value, class KeyData>
struct SnapshotTable<Value, KeyData>::TableEntry : KeyData {
Value value;
// Used during merging: the offset in `merge_values_` where we store the
// merged values.
uint32_t merge_offset = kNoMergeOffset;
// Used during merging: the index of the predecessor for which we last
// recorded a value. This allows us to only use the last value for a given
// predecessor and skip over all earlier ones.
uint32_t last_merged_predecessor = kNoMergedPredecessor;
explicit TableEntry(Value value, KeyData data)
: KeyData(std::move(data)), value(std::move(value)) {}
template <class Value, class KeyData>
struct SnapshotTable<Value, KeyData>::LogEntry {
TableEntry& table_entry;
Value old_value;
Value new_value;
template <class Value, class KeyData>
struct SnapshotTable<Value, KeyData>::SnapshotData {
SnapshotData* parent;
const uint32_t depth = parent ? parent->depth + 1 : 0;
size_t log_begin;
size_t log_end = kInvalidOffset;
static constexpr size_t kInvalidOffset = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
SnapshotData(SnapshotData* parent, size_t log_begin)
: parent(parent), log_begin(log_begin) {}
SnapshotData* CommonAncestor(SnapshotData* other) {
SnapshotData* self = this;
while (other->depth > self->depth) other = other->parent;
while (self->depth > other->depth) self = self->parent;
while (other != self) {
self = self->parent;
other = other->parent;
return self;
void Seal(size_t log_end) {
DCHECK_WITH_MSG(!IsSealed(), "A scope can only be sealed once.");
this->log_end = log_end;
bool IsSealed() const { return log_end != kInvalidOffset; }
template <class Value, class KeyData>
void SnapshotTable<Value, KeyData>::RecordMergeValue(
TableEntry& entry, const Value& value, uint32_t predecessor_index,
uint32_t predecessor_count) {
if (predecessor_index == entry.last_merged_predecessor) {
DCHECK_NE(entry.merge_offset, kNoMergeOffset);
// We already recorded a later value for this predecessor, so we should skip
// earlier values.
if (entry.merge_offset == kNoMergeOffset) {
// Allocate space for the merge values. All the merge values are initialized
// to the value from the parent snapshot. This way, we get the right value
// for predecessors that did not change the value.
DCHECK_EQ(entry.last_merged_predecessor, kNoMergedPredecessor);
CHECK_LE(merge_values_.size() + predecessor_count,
entry.merge_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(merge_values_.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < predecessor_count; ++i) {
merge_values_[entry.merge_offset + predecessor_index] = value;
entry.last_merged_predecessor = predecessor_index;
// This function prepares the SnapshotTable to start a new snapshot/scope whose
// predecessors are `predecessors`. To do this, it resets and replay snapshots
// in between the `current_snapshot_` and the position of the new snapshot. For
// instance:
// S0
// / \
// S1 S3
// | \
// S2 S4
// / \
// S5 S6
// If `predecessors` are S5 and S6, and `current_snapshot_` is S2, we:
// - First find the common ancestor of S5 and S6 (it's S4). This will be the
// parent snapshot of the new snapshot.
// - Find the common ancestor of S4 and the current snapshot S2 (it's S0).
// - Roll back S2 and S1 to reach S0
// - Replay S3 and S4 go be in the state of S4 (the common ancestor of
// `predecessors`).
// - Start creating a new snapshot with parent S4.
template <class Value, class KeyData>
typename SnapshotTable<Value, KeyData>::SnapshotData&
SnapshotTable<Value, KeyData>::MoveToNewSnapshot(
base::Vector<const Snapshot> predecessors) {
"A new scope was opened before the previous scope was sealed.");
SnapshotData* common_ancestor;
if (predecessors.empty()) {
common_ancestor = root_snapshot_;
} else {
common_ancestor = predecessors.first().data_;
for (Snapshot s : predecessors.SubVectorFrom(1)) {
common_ancestor = common_ancestor->CommonAncestor(s.data_);
SnapshotData* go_back_to = common_ancestor->CommonAncestor(current_snapshot_);
while (current_snapshot_ != go_back_to) {
// Replay to common_ancestor.
base::SmallVector<SnapshotData*, 16> path;
for (SnapshotData* s = common_ancestor; s != go_back_to; s = s->parent) {
for (SnapshotData* s : base::Reversed(path)) {
DCHECK_EQ(current_snapshot_, common_ancestor);
SnapshotData& new_snapshot = NewSnapshot(common_ancestor);
current_snapshot_ = &new_snapshot;
return new_snapshot;
// Merges all entries modified in `predecessors` since the last common ancestor
// by adding them to the current scope.
template <class Value, class KeyData>
template <class F>
void SnapshotTable<Value, KeyData>::MergePredecessors(
base::Vector<const Snapshot> predecessors, F merge_fun) {
CHECK_LE(predecessors.size(), std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
uint32_t predecessor_count = static_cast<uint32_t>(predecessors.size());
if (predecessor_count < 1) return;
// The merging works by reserving `predecessor_count` many slots in
// `merge_values_` for every key that we find while going through the
// predecessor logs. There, we place the values of the corresponding
// predecessors, so that we can finally call the `merge_fun` by creating a
// `base::Vector` pointing to the collected values inside of `merge_values_`.
SnapshotData* common_ancestor = current_snapshot_->parent;
// Collect all the entries that require merging. For this, we walk the logs of
// the predecessors backwards until reaching the common ancestor.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < predecessor_count; ++i) {
for (SnapshotData* predecessor = predecessors[i].data_;
predecessor != common_ancestor; predecessor = predecessor->parent) {
base::Vector<LogEntry> log_entries = LogEntries(predecessor);
for (const LogEntry& entry : base::Reversed(log_entries)) {
RecordMergeValue(entry.table_entry, entry.new_value, i,
// Actually perform the merging by calling the merge function and modifying
// the table.
for (TableEntry* entry : merging_entries_) {
Key key{*entry};
Set(key, merge_fun(key, base::VectorOf(&merge_values_[entry->merge_offset],
entry->last_merged_predecessor = kNoMergedPredecessor;
entry->merge_offset = kNoMergeOffset;
} // namespace v8::internal::compiler::turboshaft

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@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ v8_source_set("unittests_sources") {

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// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/snapshot-table.h"
#include "src/base/optional.h"
#include "src/base/vector.h"
#include "test/unittests/test-utils.h"
namespace v8::internal::compiler::turboshaft {
class SnapshotTableTest : public TestWithPlatform {};
TEST_F(SnapshotTableTest, BasicTest) {
AccountingAllocator allocator;
Zone zone(&allocator, ZONE_NAME);
using Key = SnapshotTable<int>::Key;
using Snapshot = SnapshotTable<int>::Snapshot;
SnapshotTable<int> table(&zone);
Key k1 = table.NewKey(1);
Key k2 = table.NewKey(2);
Key k3 = table.NewKey(3);
Key k4 = table.NewKey(4);
base::Optional<Snapshot> s1;
SnapshotTable<int>::Scope scope(table);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k1), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k2), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k3), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k4), 4);
scope.Set(k1, 10);
scope.Set(k2, 20);
scope.Set(k4, 4);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k1), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k2), 20);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k3), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k4), 4);
s1 = scope.Seal();
base::Optional<Snapshot> s2;
SnapshotTable<int>::Scope scope(table);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k1), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k2), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k3), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k4), 4);
scope.Set(k1, 11);
scope.Set(k3, 33);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k1), 11);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k2), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k3), 33);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k4), 4);
s2 = scope.Seal();
SnapshotTable<int>::Scope scope(table, *s2);
// Assignments of the same value are ignored.
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k1), 11);
scope.Set(k1, 11);
// An empty scope does not produce a new snapshot.
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Seal(), *s2);
base::Optional<Snapshot> s3;
SnapshotTable<int>::Scope scope(
table, {*s1, *s2}, [&](Key key, base::Vector<const int> values) {
if (key == k1) {
EXPECT_EQ(values[0], 10);
EXPECT_EQ(values[1], 11);
} else if (key == k2) {
EXPECT_EQ(values[0], 20);
EXPECT_EQ(values[1], 2);
} else if (key == k3) {
EXPECT_EQ(values[0], 3);
EXPECT_EQ(values[1], 33);
} else {
return values[0] + values[1];
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k1), 21);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k2), 22);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k3), 36);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k4), 4);
scope.Set(k1, 40);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k1), 40);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k2), 22);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k3), 36);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k4), 4);
s3 = scope.Seal();
base::Optional<Snapshot> s4;
SnapshotTable<int>::Scope scope(table, *s2);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k1), 11);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k2), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k3), 33);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k4), 4);
scope.Set(k3, 30);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k3), 30);
s4 = scope.Seal();
base::Optional<Snapshot> s5;
SnapshotTable<int>::Scope scope(
table, {*s4, *s2}, [&](Key key, base::Vector<const int> values) {
if (key == k3) {
EXPECT_EQ(values[0], 30);
EXPECT_EQ(values[1], 33);
} else {
return values[0] + values[1];
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k1), 11);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k2), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k3), 63);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k4), 4);
s5 = scope.Seal();
base::Optional<Key> k5;
base::Optional<Snapshot> s6;
SnapshotTable<int>::Scope scope(table, *s2);
scope.Set(k1, 5);
// Creating a new key while the SnapshotTable is already in use, in the
// middle of a scope. This is the same as creating the key in the beginning.
k5 = table.NewKey(-1);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(*k5), -1);
scope.Set(*k5, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(*k5), 42);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k1), 5);
s6 = scope.Seal();
base::Optional<Snapshot> s7;
// We're merging {s6} and {s1}, to make sure that {s1}'s behavior is correct
// with regard to {k5}, which wasn't created yet when {s1} was sealed.
SnapshotTable<int>::Scope scope(
table, {*s6, *s1}, [&](Key key, base::Vector<const int> values) {
if (key == k1) {
EXPECT_EQ(values[1], 10);
EXPECT_EQ(values[0], 5);
} else if (key == k2) {
EXPECT_EQ(values[1], 20);
EXPECT_EQ(values[0], 2);
} else if (key == k3) {
EXPECT_EQ(values[1], 3);
EXPECT_EQ(values[0], 33);
} else if (key == *k5) {
EXPECT_EQ(values[0], 42);
EXPECT_EQ(values[1], -1);
return 127;
} else {
return values[0] + values[1];
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k1), 15);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k2), 22);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k3), 36);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k4), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(*k5), 127);
// We're not setting anything else, but the merges should produce entries in
// the log.
s7 = scope.Seal();
base::Optional<Snapshot> s8;
SnapshotTable<int>::Scope scope(table, *s7);
// We're checking that {s7} did indeed capture the merge entries, despite
// that we didn't do any explicit Set.
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k1), 15);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k2), 22);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k3), 36);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(k4), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(scope.Get(*k5), 127);
s8 = scope.Seal();
TEST_F(SnapshotTableTest, KeyData) {
AccountingAllocator allocator;
Zone zone(&allocator, ZONE_NAME);
struct Data {
int x;
using STable = SnapshotTable<int, Data>;
using Key = STable::Key;
STable table(&zone);
Key k1 = table.NewKey(Data{5}, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(k1.data().x, 5);
} // namespace v8::internal::compiler::turboshaft