// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --expose-wasm --expose-debug-as debug load("test/mjsunit/wasm/wasm-constants.js"); load("test/mjsunit/wasm/wasm-module-builder.js"); Debug = debug.Debug // Initialized in setup(). var exception; var break_count; var num_wasm_scripts; var module; function listener(event, exec_state, event_data, data) { try { if (event == Debug.DebugEvent.Break) { ++break_count; // Request frame details. This should trigger creation of the Script // objects for all frames on the stack. var num_frames = exec_state.frameCount(); for (var i = 0; i < num_frames; ++i) { var frame = exec_state.frame(i); var details = frame.details(); var script = details.script(); if (script.type == Debug.ScriptType.Wasm) { var pos = frame.sourcePosition(); var name = script.nameOrSourceURL(); var disassembly = Debug.disassembleWasmFunction(script.id); var offset_table = Debug.getWasmFunctionOffsetTable(script.id); assertEquals(0, offset_table.length % 3); var lineNr = null; var columnNr = null; for (var p = 0; p < offset_table.length; p += 3) { if (offset_table[p] != pos) continue; lineNr = offset_table[p+1]; columnNr = offset_table[p+2]; } assertNotNull(lineNr, "position should occur in offset table"); assertNotNull(columnNr, "position should occur in offset table"); var line = disassembly.split("\n")[lineNr]; assertTrue(!!line, "line number must occur in disassembly"); assertTrue(line.length > columnNr, "column number must be valid"); var expected_string; if (name.endsWith("/1")) { // Function 0 calls the imported function. expected_string = "kExprCallFunction,"; } else if (name.endsWith("/2")) { // Function 1 calls function 0. expected_string = "kExprCallFunction,"; } else { assertTrue(false, "Unexpected wasm script: " + name); } assertTrue(line.substr(columnNr).startsWith(expected_string), "offset " + columnNr + " should start with '" + expected_string + "': " + line); } } } else if (event == Debug.DebugEvent.AfterCompile) { var script = event_data.script(); if (script.scriptType() == Debug.ScriptType.Wasm) { ++num_wasm_scripts; } } } catch (e) { print("exception: " + e); exception = e; } }; var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addImport("func", kSig_v_v); builder.addFunction("call_import", kSig_v_v) .addBody([kExprCallFunction, 0]) .exportFunc(); // Add a bit of unneccessary code to increase the byte offset. builder.addFunction("call_call_import", kSig_v_v) .addLocals({i32_count: 2}) .addBody([ kExprI32Const, 27, kExprSetLocal, 0, kExprI32Const, (-7 & 0x7f), kExprSetLocal, 1, kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprGetLocal, 1, kExprI32Add, kExprI64UConvertI32, kExprI64Const, 0, kExprI64Ne, kExprIf, kAstStmt, kExprCallFunction, 1, kExprEnd ]) .exportFunc(); function call_debugger() { debugger; } function setup() { module = builder.instantiate({func: call_debugger}); exception = null; break_count = 0; num_wasm_scripts = 0; } (function testRegisteredWasmScripts1() { setup(); Debug.setListener(listener); // Call the "call_import" function -> 1 script. module.exports.call_import(); module.exports.call_import(); module.exports.call_call_import(); Debug.setListener(null); assertEquals(3, break_count); if (exception) throw exception; })(); (function testRegisteredWasmScripts2() { setup(); Debug.setListener(listener); module.exports.call_call_import(); Debug.setListener(null); assertEquals(1, break_count); if (exception) throw exception; })();