// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. "use strict"; class TextView extends View { constructor(id, broker, patterns, allowSpanSelection) { super(id, broker); let view = this; view.hide(); view.textListNode = view.divNode.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; view.fillerSvgElement = view.divElement.append("svg").attr('version','1.1').attr("width", "0"); view.patterns = patterns; view.allowSpanSelection = allowSpanSelection; view.nodeToLineMap = []; var selectionHandler = { clear: function() { broker.clear(selectionHandler); }, select: function(items, selected) { for (let i of items) { if (selected) { i.classList.add("selected"); } else { i.classList.remove("selected"); } } broker.clear(selectionHandler); broker.select(selectionHandler, view.getLocations(items), selected); }, selectionDifference: function(span1, inclusive1, span2, inclusive2) { return null; }, brokeredSelect: function(locations, selected) { view.selectLocations(locations, selected, true); }, brokeredClear: function() { view.selection.clear(); } }; view.selection = new Selection(selectionHandler); broker.addSelectionHandler(selectionHandler); } setPatterns(patterns) { let view = this; view.patterns = patterns; } clearText() { let view = this; while (view.textListNode.firstChild) { view.textListNode.removeChild(view.textListNode.firstChild); } } sameLocation(l1, l2) { let view = this; if (l1.block_id != undefined && l2.block_id != undefined && l1.block_id == l2.block_id && l1.node_id === undefined) { return true; } if (l1.address != undefined && l1.address == l2.address) { return true; } let node1 = l1.node_id; let node2 = l2.node_id; if (node1 === undefined || node2 == undefined) { if (l1.pos_start === undefined || l2.pos_start == undefined) { return false; } if (l1.pos_start == -1 || l2.pos_start == -1) { return false; } if (l1.pos_start < l2.pos_start) { return l1.pos_end > l2.pos_start; } { return l1.pos_start < l2.pos_end; } } return l1.node_id == l2.node_id; } selectLocations(locations, selected, makeVisible) { let view = this; let s = new Set(); for (let l of locations) { for (let i = 0; i < view.textListNode.children.length; ++i) { let child = view.textListNode.children[i]; if (child.location != undefined && view.sameLocation(l, child.location)) { s.add(child); } } } view.selectCommon(s, selected, makeVisible); } getLocations(items) { let result = []; let lastObject = null; for (let i of items) { if (i.location) { result.push(i.location); } } return result; } createFragment(text, style) { let view = this; let span = document.createElement("SPAN"); span.onmousedown = function(e) { view.mouseDownSpan(span, e); } if (style != undefined) { span.classList.add(style); } span.innerText = text; return span; } appendFragment(li, fragment) { li.appendChild(fragment); } processLine(line) { let view = this; let result = []; let patternSet = 0; while (true) { let beforeLine = line; for (let pattern of view.patterns[patternSet]) { let matches = line.match(pattern[0]); if (matches != null) { if (matches[0] != '') { let style = pattern[1] != null ? pattern[1] : {}; let text = matches[0]; if (text != '') { let fragment = view.createFragment(matches[0], style.css); if (style.link) { fragment.classList.add('linkable-text'); fragment.link = style.link; } result.push(fragment); if (style.location != undefined) { let location = style.location(text); if (location != undefined) { fragment.location = location; } } } line = line.substr(matches[0].length); } let nextPatternSet = patternSet; if (pattern.length > 2) { nextPatternSet = pattern[2]; } if (line == "") { if (nextPatternSet != -1) { throw("illegal parsing state in text-view in patternSet" + patternSet); } return result; } patternSet = nextPatternSet; break; } } if (beforeLine == line) { throw("input not consumed in text-view in patternSet" + patternSet); } } } select(s, selected, makeVisible) { let view = this; view.selection.clear(); view.selectCommon(s, selected, makeVisible); } selectCommon(s, selected, makeVisible) { let view = this; let firstSelect = makeVisible && view.selection.isEmpty(); if ((typeof s) === 'function') { for (let i = 0; i < view.textListNode.children.length; ++i) { let child = view.textListNode.children[i]; if (child.location && s(child.location)) { if (firstSelect) { makeContainerPosVisible(view.parentNode, child.offsetTop); firstSelect = false; } view.selection.select(child, selected); } } } else if (typeof s[Symbol.iterator] === 'function') { if (firstSelect) { for (let i of s) { makeContainerPosVisible(view.parentNode, i.offsetTop); break; } } view.selection.select(s, selected); } else { if (firstSelect) { makeContainerPosVisible(view.parentNode, s.offsetTop); } view.selection.select(s, selected); } } mouseDownLine(li, e) { let view = this; e.stopPropagation(); if (!e.shiftKey) { view.selection.clear(); } if (li.location != undefined) { view.selectLocations([li.location], true, false); } } mouseDownSpan(span, e) { let view = this; if (view.allowSpanSelection) { e.stopPropagation(); if (!e.shiftKey) { view.selection.clear(); } select(li, true); } else if (span.link) { span.link(span.textContent); e.stopPropagation(); } } processText(text) { let view = this; let textLines = text.split(/[\n]/); let lineNo = 0; for (let line of textLines) { let li = document.createElement("LI"); li.onmousedown = function(e) { view.mouseDownLine(li, e); } li.className = "nolinenums"; li.lineNo = lineNo++; let fragments = view.processLine(line); for (let fragment of fragments) { view.appendFragment(li, fragment); } let lineLocation = view.lineLocation(li); if (lineLocation != undefined) { li.location = lineLocation; } view.textListNode.appendChild(li); } } initializeContent(data, rememberedSelection) { let view = this; view.selection.clear(); view.clearText(); view.processText(data); var fillerSize = document.documentElement.clientHeight - view.textListNode.clientHeight; if (fillerSize < 0) { fillerSize = 0; } view.fillerSvgElement.attr("height", fillerSize); } deleteContent() { } isScrollable() { return true; } detachSelection() { return null; } lineLocation(li) { let view = this; for (let i = 0; i < li.children.length; ++i) { let fragment = li.children[i]; if (fragment.location != undefined && !view.allowSpanSelection) { return fragment.location; } } } }