// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --harmony-json-parse-with-source (function TestBigInt() { const tooBigForNumber = BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) + 2n; const intToBigInt = (key, val, { source }) => typeof val === 'number' && val % 1 === 0 ? BigInt(source) : val; const roundTripped = JSON.parse(String(tooBigForNumber), intToBigInt); assertEquals(tooBigForNumber, roundTripped); const bigIntToRawJSON = (key, val) => typeof val === 'bigint' ? JSON.rawJSON(val) : val; const embedded = JSON.stringify({ tooBigForNumber }, bigIntToRawJSON); assertEquals('{"tooBigForNumber":9007199254740993}', embedded); })(); function GenerateParseReviverFunction(texts) { let i = 0; return function (key, value, context) { assertTrue(typeof context === 'object'); assertEquals(Object.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(context)); // The json value is a primitive value, it's context only has a source property. if (texts[i] !== undefined) { const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(context, 'source'); assertTrue(descriptor.configurable); assertTrue(descriptor.enumerable); assertTrue(descriptor.writable); assertEquals(undefined, descriptor.get); assertEquals(undefined, descriptor.set); assertEquals(texts[i++], descriptor.value); assertEquals(['source'], Object.getOwnPropertyNames(context)); assertEquals([], Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(context)); } else { // The json value is JSArray or JSObject, it's context has no property. assertFalse(Object.hasOwn(context, 'source')); assertEquals([], Object.getOwnPropertyNames(context)); assertEquals([], Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(context)); i++; } return value; }; } (function TestNumber() { assertEquals(1, JSON.parse('1', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['1']))); assertEquals(1.1, JSON.parse('1.1', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['1.1']))); assertEquals(-1, JSON.parse('-1', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['-1']))); assertEquals( -1.1, JSON.parse('-1.1', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['-1.1'])) ); assertEquals( 11, JSON.parse('1.1e1', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['1.1e1'])) ); assertEquals( 11, JSON.parse('1.1e+1', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['1.1e+1'])) ); assertEquals( 0.11, JSON.parse('1.1e-1', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['1.1e-1'])) ); assertEquals( 11, JSON.parse('1.1E1', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['1.1E1'])) ); assertEquals( 11, JSON.parse('1.1E+1', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['1.1E+1'])) ); assertEquals( 0.11, JSON.parse('1.1E-1', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['1.1E-1'])) ); assertEquals('1', JSON.stringify(JSON.rawJSON(1))); assertEquals('1.1', JSON.stringify(JSON.rawJSON(1.1))); assertEquals('-1', JSON.stringify(JSON.rawJSON(-1))); assertEquals('-1.1', JSON.stringify(JSON.rawJSON(-1.1))); assertEquals('11', JSON.stringify(JSON.rawJSON(1.1e1))); assertEquals('0.11', JSON.stringify(JSON.rawJSON(1.1e-1))); })(); (function TestBasic() { assertEquals( null, JSON.parse('null', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['null'])) ); assertEquals( true, JSON.parse('true', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['true'])) ); assertEquals( false, JSON.parse('false', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['false'])) ); assertEquals( 'foo', JSON.parse('"foo"', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['"foo"'])) ); assertEquals('null', JSON.stringify(JSON.rawJSON(null))); assertEquals('true', JSON.stringify(JSON.rawJSON(true))); assertEquals('false', JSON.stringify(JSON.rawJSON(false))); assertEquals('"foo"', JSON.stringify(JSON.rawJSON('"foo"'))); })(); (function TestObject() { assertEquals( {}, JSON.parse('{}', GenerateParseReviverFunction([])) ); assertEquals( { 42: 37 }, JSON.parse('{"42":37}', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['37'])) ); assertEquals( { x: 1, y: 2 }, JSON.parse('{"x": 1, "y": 2}', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['1', '2'])) ); // undefined means the json value is JSObject or JSArray and the passed // context to the reviver function has no source property. assertEquals( { x: [1, 2], y: [2, 3] }, JSON.parse( '{"x": [1,2], "y": [2,3]}', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['1', '2', undefined, '2', '3', undefined]) ) ); assertEquals( { x: { x: 1, y: 2 } }, JSON.parse( '{"x": {"x": 1, "y": 2}}', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['1', '2', undefined, undefined]) ) ); assertEquals('{"42":37}', JSON.stringify({ 42: JSON.rawJSON(37) })); assertEquals( '{"x":1,"y":2}', JSON.stringify({ x: JSON.rawJSON(1), y: JSON.rawJSON(2) }) ); assertEquals( '{"x":{"x":1,"y":2}}', JSON.stringify({ x: { x: JSON.rawJSON(1), y: JSON.rawJSON(2) } }) ); })(); (function TestArray() { assertEquals([1], JSON.parse('[1.0]', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['1.0']))); assertEquals( [1.1], JSON.parse('[1.1]', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['1.1'])) ); assertEquals([], JSON.parse('[]', GenerateParseReviverFunction([]))); assertEquals( [1, '2', true, null, { x: 1, y: 1 }], JSON.parse( '[1, "2", true, null, {"x": 1, "y": 1}]', GenerateParseReviverFunction(['1', '"2"', 'true', 'null', '1', '1']) ) ); assertEquals('[1,1.1]', JSON.stringify([JSON.rawJSON(1), JSON.rawJSON(1.1)])); assertEquals( '["1",true,null,false]', JSON.stringify([ JSON.rawJSON('"1"'), JSON.rawJSON(true), JSON.rawJSON(null), JSON.rawJSON(false), ]) ); assertEquals( '[{"x":1,"y":1}]', JSON.stringify([{ x: JSON.rawJSON(1), y: JSON.rawJSON(1) }]) ); })(); function assertIsRawJson(rawJson, expectedRawJsonValue) { assertEquals(null, Object.getPrototypeOf(rawJson)); assertTrue(Object.hasOwn(rawJson, 'rawJSON')); assertEquals(['rawJSON'], Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rawJson)); assertEquals([], Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(rawJson)); assertEquals(expectedRawJsonValue, rawJson.rawJSON); } (function TestRawJson() { assertIsRawJson(JSON.rawJSON(1), '1'); assertIsRawJson(JSON.rawJSON(null), 'null'); assertIsRawJson(JSON.rawJSON(true), 'true'); assertIsRawJson(JSON.rawJSON(false), 'false'); assertIsRawJson(JSON.rawJSON('"foo"'), '"foo"'); assertThrows(() => { JSON.rawJSON(Symbol('123')); }, TypeError); assertThrows(() => { JSON.rawJSON(undefined); }, SyntaxError); assertThrows(() => { JSON.rawJSON({}); }, SyntaxError); assertThrows(() => { JSON.rawJSON([]); }, SyntaxError); const ILLEGAL_END_CHARS = ['\n', '\t', '\r', ' ']; for (const char of ILLEGAL_END_CHARS) { assertThrows(() => { JSON.rawJSON(`${char}123`); }, SyntaxError); assertThrows(() => { JSON.rawJSON(`123${char}`); }, SyntaxError); } assertThrows(() => { JSON.rawJSON(''); }, SyntaxError); const values = [1, 1.1, null, false, true, '123']; for (const value of values) { assertFalse(JSON.isRawJSON(value)); assertTrue(JSON.isRawJSON(JSON.rawJSON(value))); } assertFalse(JSON.isRawJSON(undefined)); assertFalse(JSON.isRawJSON(Symbol('123'))); assertFalse(JSON.isRawJSON([])); assertFalse(JSON.isRawJSON({ rawJSON: '123' })); })(); (function TestReviverModifyJsonValue() { { let reviverCallIndex = 0; const expectedKeys = ['a', 'b', 'c', '']; const reviver = function(key, value, {source}) { assertEquals(expectedKeys[reviverCallIndex++], key); if (key == 'a') { this.b = 2; assertEquals('0', source); } else if (key == 'b') { this.c = 3; assertEquals(2, value); assertEquals('1', source); } else if (key == 'c') { assertEquals(3, value); assertEquals(undefined, source); } return value; } assertEquals({a: 0, b: 2, c: 3}, JSON.parse('{"a": 0, "b": 1, "c": [1, 2]}', reviver)); } { let reviverCallIndex = 0; const expectedKeys = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '']; const reviver = function(key, value, {source}) { assertEquals(expectedKeys[reviverCallIndex++], key); if (key == '0') { this[1] = 3; assertEquals(1, value); assertEquals('1', source); } else if (key == '1') { this[2] = 4; assertEquals(3, value); assertEquals('2', source); } else if(key == '2') { this[3] = 5; assertEquals(4, value); assertEquals('3', source); } else if(key == '5'){ assertEquals(5, value); assertEquals(undefined, source); } return value; } assertEquals([1, 3, 4, 5], JSON.parse('[1, 2, 3, {"a": 1}]', reviver)); } })();