#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # This is a utility for converting JavaScript source code into C-style # char arrays. It is used for embedded JavaScript code in the V8 # library. import os, re, sys, string import jsmin import bz2 def ToCAsciiArray(lines): result = [] for chr in lines: value = ord(chr) assert value < 128 result.append(str(value)) return ", ".join(result) def ToCArray(lines): result = [] for chr in lines: result.append(str(ord(chr))) return ", ".join(result) def RemoveCommentsAndTrailingWhitespace(lines): lines = re.sub(r'//.*\n', '\n', lines) # end-of-line comments lines = re.sub(re.compile(r'/\*.*?\*/', re.DOTALL), '', lines) # comments. lines = re.sub(r'\s+\n+', '\n', lines) # trailing whitespace return lines def ReadFile(filename): file = open(filename, "rt") try: lines = file.read() finally: file.close() return lines def ReadLines(filename): result = [] for line in open(filename, "rt"): if '#' in line: line = line[:line.index('#')] line = line.strip() if len(line) > 0: result.append(line) return result def LoadConfigFrom(name): import ConfigParser config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read(name) return config def ParseValue(string): string = string.strip() if string.startswith('[') and string.endswith(']'): return string.lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split() else: return string EVAL_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\beval\s*\(') WITH_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\bwith\s*\(') def Validate(lines, file): lines = RemoveCommentsAndTrailingWhitespace(lines) # Because of simplified context setup, eval and with is not # allowed in the natives files. eval_match = EVAL_PATTERN.search(lines) if eval_match: raise ("Eval disallowed in natives: %s" % file) with_match = WITH_PATTERN.search(lines) if with_match: raise ("With statements disallowed in natives: %s" % file) def ExpandConstants(lines, constants): for key, value in constants: lines = key.sub(str(value), lines) return lines def ExpandMacros(lines, macros): # We allow macros to depend on the previously declared macros, but # we don't allow self-dependecies or recursion. for name_pattern, macro in reversed(macros): pattern_match = name_pattern.search(lines, 0) while pattern_match is not None: # Scan over the arguments height = 1 start = pattern_match.start() end = pattern_match.end() assert lines[end - 1] == '(' last_match = end arg_index = [0] # Wrap state into array, to work around Python "scoping" mapping = { } def add_arg(str): # Remember to expand recursively in the arguments replacement = ExpandMacros(str.strip(), macros) mapping[macro.args[arg_index[0]]] = replacement arg_index[0] += 1 while end < len(lines) and height > 0: # We don't count commas at higher nesting levels. if lines[end] == ',' and height == 1: add_arg(lines[last_match:end]) last_match = end + 1 elif lines[end] in ['(', '{', '[']: height = height + 1 elif lines[end] in [')', '}', ']']: height = height - 1 end = end + 1 # Remember to add the last match. add_arg(lines[last_match:end-1]) result = macro.expand(mapping) # Replace the occurrence of the macro with the expansion lines = lines[:start] + result + lines[end:] pattern_match = name_pattern.search(lines, start + len(result)) return lines class TextMacro: def __init__(self, args, body): self.args = args self.body = body def expand(self, mapping): result = self.body for key, value in mapping.items(): result = result.replace(key, value) return result class PythonMacro: def __init__(self, args, fun): self.args = args self.fun = fun def expand(self, mapping): args = [] for arg in self.args: args.append(mapping[arg]) return str(self.fun(*args)) CONST_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^const\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*=\s*([^;]*);$') MACRO_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^macro\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*=\s*([^;]*);$') PYTHON_MACRO_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^python\s+macro\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*=\s*([^;]*);$') def ReadMacros(lines): constants = [] macros = [] for line in lines: hash = line.find('#') if hash != -1: line = line[:hash] line = line.strip() if len(line) is 0: continue const_match = CONST_PATTERN.match(line) if const_match: name = const_match.group(1) value = const_match.group(2).strip() constants.append((re.compile("\\b%s\\b" % name), value)) else: macro_match = MACRO_PATTERN.match(line) if macro_match: name = macro_match.group(1) args = [match.strip() for match in macro_match.group(2).split(',')] body = macro_match.group(3).strip() macros.append((re.compile("\\b%s\\(" % name), TextMacro(args, body))) else: python_match = PYTHON_MACRO_PATTERN.match(line) if python_match: name = python_match.group(1) args = [match.strip() for match in python_match.group(2).split(',')] body = python_match.group(3).strip() fun = eval("lambda " + ",".join(args) + ': ' + body) macros.append((re.compile("\\b%s\\(" % name), PythonMacro(args, fun))) else: raise ("Illegal line: " + line) return (constants, macros) HEADER_TEMPLATE = """\ // Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // This file was generated from .js source files by GYP. If you // want to make changes to this file you should either change the // javascript source files or the GYP script. #include "v8.h" #include "natives.h" #include "utils.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { static const byte sources[] = { %(sources_data)s }; %(raw_sources_declaration)s\ template <> int NativesCollection<%(type)s>::GetBuiltinsCount() { return %(builtin_count)i; } template <> int NativesCollection<%(type)s>::GetDebuggerCount() { return %(debugger_count)i; } template <> int NativesCollection<%(type)s>::GetIndex(const char* name) { %(get_index_cases)s\ return -1; } template <> int NativesCollection<%(type)s>::GetRawScriptsSize() { return %(raw_total_length)i; } template <> Vector NativesCollection<%(type)s>::GetRawScriptSource(int index) { %(get_raw_script_source_cases)s\ return Vector("", 0); } template <> Vector NativesCollection<%(type)s>::GetScriptName(int index) { %(get_script_name_cases)s\ return Vector("", 0); } template <> Vector NativesCollection<%(type)s>::GetScriptsSource() { return Vector(sources, %(total_length)i); } template <> void NativesCollection<%(type)s>::SetRawScriptsSource(Vector raw_source) { ASSERT(%(raw_total_length)i == raw_source.length()); raw_sources = raw_source.start(); } } // internal } // v8 """ RAW_SOURCES_COMPRESSION_DECLARATION = """\ static const char* raw_sources = NULL; """ RAW_SOURCES_DECLARATION = """\ static const char* raw_sources = reinterpret_cast(sources); """ GET_INDEX_CASE = """\ if (strcmp(name, "%(id)s") == 0) return %(i)i; """ GET_RAW_SCRIPT_SOURCE_CASE = """\ if (index == %(i)i) return Vector(raw_sources + %(offset)i, %(raw_length)i); """ GET_SCRIPT_NAME_CASE = """\ if (index == %(i)i) return Vector("%(name)s", %(length)i); """ def JS2C(source, target, env): ids = [] debugger_ids = [] modules = [] # Locate the macros file name. consts = [] macros = [] for s in source: if 'macros.py' == (os.path.split(str(s))[1]): (consts, macros) = ReadMacros(ReadLines(str(s))) else: modules.append(s) minifier = jsmin.JavaScriptMinifier() module_offset = 0 all_sources = [] for module in modules: filename = str(module) debugger = filename.endswith('-debugger.js') lines = ReadFile(filename) lines = ExpandConstants(lines, consts) lines = ExpandMacros(lines, macros) Validate(lines, filename) lines = minifier.JSMinify(lines) id = (os.path.split(filename)[1])[:-3] if debugger: id = id[:-9] raw_length = len(lines) if debugger: debugger_ids.append((id, raw_length, module_offset)) else: ids.append((id, raw_length, module_offset)) all_sources.append(lines) module_offset += raw_length total_length = raw_total_length = module_offset if env['COMPRESSION'] == 'off': raw_sources_declaration = RAW_SOURCES_DECLARATION sources_data = ToCAsciiArray("".join(all_sources)) else: raw_sources_declaration = RAW_SOURCES_COMPRESSION_DECLARATION if env['COMPRESSION'] == 'bz2': all_sources = bz2.compress("".join(all_sources)) total_length = len(all_sources) sources_data = ToCArray(all_sources) # Build debugger support functions get_index_cases = [ ] get_raw_script_source_cases = [ ] get_script_name_cases = [ ] i = 0 for (id, raw_length, module_offset) in debugger_ids + ids: native_name = "native %s.js" % id get_index_cases.append(GET_INDEX_CASE % { 'id': id, 'i': i }) get_raw_script_source_cases.append(GET_RAW_SCRIPT_SOURCE_CASE % { 'offset': module_offset, 'raw_length': raw_length, 'i': i }) get_script_name_cases.append(GET_SCRIPT_NAME_CASE % { 'name': native_name, 'length': len(native_name), 'i': i }) i = i + 1 # Emit result output = open(str(target[0]), "w") output.write(HEADER_TEMPLATE % { 'builtin_count': len(ids) + len(debugger_ids), 'debugger_count': len(debugger_ids), 'sources_data': sources_data, 'raw_sources_declaration': raw_sources_declaration, 'raw_total_length': raw_total_length, 'total_length': total_length, 'get_index_cases': "".join(get_index_cases), 'get_raw_script_source_cases': "".join(get_raw_script_source_cases), 'get_script_name_cases': "".join(get_script_name_cases), 'type': env['TYPE'] }) output.close() def main(): natives = sys.argv[1] type = sys.argv[2] compression = sys.argv[3] source_files = sys.argv[4:] JS2C(source_files, [natives], { 'TYPE': type, 'COMPRESSION': compression }) if __name__ == "__main__": main()