// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. 'use strict'; const histogram_viewer_template = document.currentScript.ownerDocument.querySelector( '#histogram-viewer-template'); class HistogramViewer extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}); shadowRoot.appendChild(histogram_viewer_template.content.cloneNode(true)); } $(id) { return this.shadowRoot.querySelector(id); } set data(value) { this._data = value; this.stateChanged(); } get data() { return this._data; } set selection(value) { this._selection = value; this.stateChanged(); } get selection() { return this._selection; } isValid() { return this.data && this.selection; } hide() { this.$('#container').style.display = 'none'; } show() { this.$('#container').style.display = 'block'; } stateChanged() { if (this.isValid()) { const overall_bytes = (this.selection.merge_categories) ? this.getPropertyForCategory('overall') : this.getPropertyForInstanceTypes('overall'); this.$('#overall').innerHTML = `Overall: ${overall_bytes / KB} KB`; this.drawChart(); } else { this.hide(); } } get selectedData() { console.assert(this.data, 'invalid data'); console.assert(this.selection, 'invalid selection'); return this.data[this.selection.isolate] .gcs[this.selection.gc][this.selection.data_set]; } get selectedInstanceTypes() { console.assert(this.selection, 'invalid selection'); return Object.values(this.selection.categories) .reduce((accu, current) => accu.concat(current), []); } getPropertyForCategory(property) { return Object.values(this.selection.categories) .reduce( (outer_accu, instance_types) => outer_accu + instance_types.reduce( (inner_accu, instance_type) => inner_accu + this.selectedData .instance_type_data[instance_type][property], 0), 0); } getPropertyForInstanceTypes(property) { return this.selectedInstanceTypes.reduce( (accu, instance_type) => accu + this.selectedData.instance_type_data[instance_type][property], 0); } getCategoryData() { const labels = [ 'Bucket', ...Object.keys(this.selection.categories) .map(k => this.selection.category_names.get(k)) ]; const data = this.selectedData.bucket_sizes.map( (bucket_size, index) => [`<${bucket_size}`, ...Object.values(this.selection.categories) .map( instance_types => instance_types .map( instance_type => this.selectedData .instance_type_data[instance_type] .histogram[index]) .reduce((accu, current) => accu + current, 0))]); // Adjust last histogram bucket label. data[data.length - 1][0] = 'rest'; return [labels, ...data]; } getInstanceTypeData() { const instance_types = this.selectedInstanceTypes; const labels = ['Bucket', ...instance_types]; const data = this.selectedData.bucket_sizes.map( (bucket_size, index) => [`<${bucket_size}`, ...instance_types.map( instance_type => this.selectedData.instance_type_data[instance_type] .histogram[index])]); // Adjust last histogram bucket label. data[data.length - 1][0] = 'rest'; return [labels, ...data]; } drawChart() { const chart_data = (this.selection.merge_categories) ? this.getCategoryData() : this.getInstanceTypeData(); const data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(chart_data); const options = { legend: {position: 'top', maxLines: '1'}, chartArea: {width: '85%', height: '85%'}, bar: {groupWidth: '80%'}, explorer: {}, }; const chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(this.$('#chart')); this.show(); chart.draw(data, options); } } customElements.define('histogram-viewer', HistogramViewer);