// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --harmony-change-array-by-copy assertEquals(0, Array.prototype.toReversed.length); assertEquals("toReversed", Array.prototype.toReversed.name); (function TestSmiPacked() { let a = [1,2,3,4]; let r = a.toReversed(); assertEquals([1,2,3,4], a); assertEquals([4,3,2,1], r); assertFalse(a === r); })(); (function TestDoublePacked() { let a = [1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4]; let r = a.toReversed(); assertEquals([1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4], a); assertEquals([4.4,3.3,2.2,1.1], r); assertFalse(a === r); })(); (function TestPacked() { let a = [true,false,1,42.42]; let r = a.toReversed(); assertEquals([true,false,1,42.42], a); assertEquals([42.42,1,false,true], r); assertFalse(a === r); })(); (function TestGeneric() { let a = { length: 4, get "0"() { return "hello"; }, get "1"() { return "cursed"; }, get "2"() { return "java"; }, get "3"() { return "script" } }; let r = Array.prototype.toReversed.call(a); assertEquals("hello", a[0]); assertEquals(["script","java","cursed","hello"], r); assertFalse(a === r); assertTrue(Array.isArray(r)); assertEquals(Array, r.constructor); })(); (function TestReadOrder() { let order = []; let a = { length: 4, get "0"() { order.push("4th"); return "4th"; }, get "1"() { order.push("3rd"); return "3rd"; }, get "2"() { order.push("2nd"); return "2nd"; }, get "3"() { order.push("1st"); return "1st"; } }; let r = Array.prototype.toReversed.call(a); assertEquals(["1st","2nd","3rd","4th"], r); assertEquals(["1st","2nd","3rd","4th"], order); })(); (function TestTooBig() { let a = { length: Math.pow(2, 32) }; assertThrows(() => Array.prototype.toReversed.call(a), RangeError); })(); (function TestNoSpecies() { class MyArray extends Array { static get [Symbol.species]() { return MyArray; } } assertEquals(Array, (new MyArray()).toReversed().constructor); })(); // All tests after this have an invalidated elements-on-prototype protector. (function TestNoHoles() { let a = [,,,,]; Array.prototype[3] = "on proto"; let r = a.toReversed(); assertEquals(["on proto",undefined,undefined,undefined], r); for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { assertFalse(a.hasOwnProperty(i)); assertTrue(r.hasOwnProperty(i)); } })(); (function TestMidIterationShenanigans() { let a = { length: 4, "0": 1, get "1"() { a.length = 1; return 2; }, "2": 3, "3": 4, __proto__: Array.prototype }; // The length is cached before iteration, so mid-iteration resizing does not // affect the copied array length. let r = a.toReversed(); assertEquals(1, a.length); assertEquals([4,3,2,1], r); // Values can be changed mid-iteration. a = { length: 4, "0": 1, get "1"() { a[0] = "poof"; return 2; }, "2": 3, "3": 4, __proto__: Array.prototype }; r = a.toReversed(); assertEquals([4,3,2,"poof"], r); })(); assertEquals(Array.prototype[Symbol.unscopables].toReversed, true);