#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import json import multiprocessing import optparse import os import re import subprocess import sys CLANG_TIDY_WARNING = re.compile(r'(\/.*?)\ .*\[(.*)\]$') CLANG_TIDY_CMDLINE_OUT = re.compile(r'^clang-tidy.*\ .*|^\./\.\*') FILE_REGEXS = ['../src/*', '../test/*'] HEADER_REGEX = ['\.\.\/src\/.*|\.\.\/include\/.*|\.\.\/test\/.*'] THREADS = multiprocessing.cpu_count() class ClangTidyWarning(object): """ Wraps up a clang-tidy warning to present aggregated information. """ def __init__(self, warning_type): self.warning_type = warning_type self.occurrences = set() def add_occurrence(self, file_path): self.occurrences.add(file_path.lstrip()) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.warning_type) def to_string(self, file_loc): s = '[%s] #%d\n' % (self.warning_type, len(self.occurrences)) if file_loc: s += ' ' + '\n '.join(self.occurrences) s += '\n' return s def __str__(self): return self.to_string(False) def __lt__(self, other): return len(self.occurrences) < len(other.occurrences) def GenerateCompileCommands(build_folder): """ Generate a compilation database. Currently clang-tidy-4 does not understand all flags that are passed by the build system, therefore, we remove them from the generated file. """ ninja_ps = subprocess.Popen( ['ninja', '-t', 'compdb', 'cxx', 'cc'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=build_folder) out_filepath = os.path.join(build_folder, 'compile_commands.json') with open(out_filepath, 'w') as cc_file: while True: line = ninja_ps.stdout.readline() if line == '': break line = line.replace('-fcomplete-member-pointers', '') line = line.replace('-Wno-enum-compare-switch', '') line = line.replace('-Wno-ignored-pragma-optimize', '') line = line.replace('-Wno-null-pointer-arithmetic', '') line = line.replace('-Wno-unused-lambda-capture', '') cc_file.write(line) def skip_line(line): """ Check if a clang-tidy output line should be skipped. """ return bool(CLANG_TIDY_CMDLINE_OUT.search(line)) def ClangTidyRunFull(build_folder, skip_output_filter, checks, auto_fix): """ Run clang-tidy on the full codebase and print warnings. """ extra_args = [] if auto_fix: extra_args.append('-fix') if checks is not None: extra_args.append('-checks') extra_args.append('-*, ' + checks) with open(os.devnull, 'w') as DEVNULL: ct_process = subprocess.Popen( ['run-clang-tidy', '-j' + str(THREADS), '-p', '.'] + ['-header-filter'] + HEADER_REGEX + extra_args + FILE_REGEXS, cwd=build_folder, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL) removing_check_header = False empty_lines = 0 while True: line = ct_process.stdout.readline() if line == '': break # Skip all lines after Enbale checks and before two newlines, # i.e., skip clang-tidy check list. if line.startswith('Enabled checks'): removing_check_header = True if removing_check_header and not skip_output_filter: if line == '\n': empty_lines += 1 if empty_lines == 2: removing_check_header = False continue # Different lines get removed to ease output reading. if not skip_output_filter and skip_line(line): continue # Print line, because no filter was matched. if line != '\n': sys.stdout.write(line) def ClangTidyRunAggregate(build_folder, print_files): """ Run clang-tidy on the full codebase and aggregate warnings into categories. """ with open(os.devnull, 'w') as DEVNULL: ct_process = subprocess.Popen( ['run-clang-tidy', '-j' + str(THREADS), '-p', '.'] + ['-header-filter'] + HEADER_REGEX + FILE_REGEXS, cwd=build_folder, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL) warnings = dict() while True: line = ct_process.stdout.readline() if line == '': break res = CLANG_TIDY_WARNING.search(line) if res is not None: warnings.setdefault( res.group(2), ClangTidyWarning(res.group(2))).add_occurrence(res.group(1)) for warning in sorted(warnings.values(), reverse=True): sys.stdout.write(warning.to_string(print_files)) def ClangTidyRunDiff(build_folder, diff_branch, auto_fix): """ Run clang-tidy on the diff between current and the diff_branch. """ if diff_branch is None: diff_branch = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'merge-base', 'HEAD', 'origin/master']).strip() git_ps = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'diff', '-U0', diff_branch], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) extra_args = [] if auto_fix: extra_args.append('-fix') with open(os.devnull, 'w') as DEVNULL: """ The script `clang-tidy-diff` does not provide support to add header- filters. To still analyze headers we use the build path option `-path` to inject out header-filter option. This works because the script just adds the passed path string to the commandline of clang-tidy. """ modified_build_folder = build_folder modified_build_folder += ' -header-filter=' modified_build_folder += '\'' + ''.join(HEADER_REGEX) + '\'' ct_ps = subprocess.Popen( ['clang-tidy-diff.py', '-path', modified_build_folder, '-p1'] + extra_args, stdin=git_ps.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL) git_ps.wait() while True: line = ct_ps.stdout.readline() if line == '': break if skip_line(line): continue sys.stdout.write(line) def rm_prefix(string, prefix): """ Removes prefix from a string until the new string no longer starts with the prefix. """ while string.startswith(prefix): string = string[len(prefix):] return string def ClangTidyRunSingleFile(build_folder, filename_to_check, auto_fix, line_ranges=[]): """ Run clang-tidy on a single file. """ files_with_relative_path = [] compdb_filepath = os.path.join(build_folder, 'compile_commands.json') with open(compdb_filepath) as raw_json_file: compdb = json.load(raw_json_file) for db_entry in compdb: if db_entry['file'].endswith(filename_to_check): files_with_relative_path.append(db_entry['file']) with open(os.devnull, 'w') as DEVNULL: for file_with_relative_path in files_with_relative_path: line_filter = None if len(line_ranges) != 0: line_filter = '[' line_filter += '{ \"lines\":[' + ', '.join(line_ranges) line_filter += '], \"name\":\"' line_filter += rm_prefix(file_with_relative_path, '../') + '\"}' line_filter += ']' extra_args = ['-line-filter=' + line_filter] if line_filter else [] if auto_fix: extra_args.append('-fix') subprocess.call(['clang-tidy', '-p', '.'] + extra_args + [file_with_relative_path], cwd=build_folder, stderr=DEVNULL) def CheckClangTidy(): """ Checks if a clang-tidy binary exists. """ with open(os.devnull, 'w') as DEVNULL: return subprocess.call(['which', 'clang-tidy'], stdout=DEVNULL) == 0 def CheckCompDB(build_folder): """ Checks if a compilation database exists in the build_folder. """ return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(build_folder, 'compile_commands.json')) def GetOptions(): """ Generate the option parser for this script. """ result = optparse.OptionParser() result.add_option( '-b', '--build-folder', help='Set V8 build folder', dest='build_folder', default='out.gn/x64.release/') result.add_option( '-j', help='Set the amount of threads that should be used', dest='threads', default=None) result.add_option( '--gen-compdb', help='Generate a compilation database for clang-tidy', default=False, action='store_true') result.add_option( '--no-output-filter', help='Done use any output filterning', default=False, action='store_true') result.add_option( '--fix', help='Fix auto fixable issues', default=False, dest='auto_fix', action='store_true' ) # Full clang-tidy. full_run_g = optparse.OptionGroup(result, 'Clang-tidy full', '') full_run_g.add_option( '--full', help='Run clang-tidy on the whole codebase', default=False, action='store_true') full_run_g.add_option('--checks', help='Clang-tidy checks to use.', default=None) result.add_option_group(full_run_g) # Aggregate clang-tidy. agg_run_g = optparse.OptionGroup(result, 'Clang-tidy aggregate', '') agg_run_g.add_option('--aggregate', help='Run clang-tidy on the whole '\ 'codebase and aggregate the warnings', default=False, action='store_true') agg_run_g.add_option('--show-loc', help='Show file locations when running '\ 'in aggregate mode', default=False, action='store_true') result.add_option_group(agg_run_g) # Diff clang-tidy. diff_run_g = optparse.OptionGroup(result, 'Clang-tidy diff', '') diff_run_g.add_option('--branch', help='Run clang-tidy on the diff '\ 'between HEAD and the merge-base between HEAD '\ 'and DIFF_BRANCH (origin/master by default).', default=None, dest='diff_branch') result.add_option_group(diff_run_g) # Single clang-tidy. single_run_g = optparse.OptionGroup(result, 'Clang-tidy single', '') single_run_g.add_option( '--single', help='', default=False, action='store_true') single_run_g.add_option( '--file', help='File name to check', default=None, dest='file_name') single_run_g.add_option('--lines', help='Limit checks to a line range. '\ 'For example: --lines="[2,4], [5,6]"', default=[], dest='line_ranges') result.add_option_group(single_run_g) return result def main(): parser = GetOptions() (options, _) = parser.parse_args() if options.threads is not None: global THREADS THREADS = options.threads if not CheckClangTidy(): print 'Could not find clang-tidy' elif not os.path.isdir(options.build_folder): print 'Provided build folder does not exist, use -b to provide a '\ 'build folder.' elif options.gen_compdb: GenerateCompileCommands(options.build_folder) elif not CheckCompDB(options.build_folder): print 'Could not find compilation database, ' \ 'please generate it with --gen-compdb' else: print options.build_folder if options.full: print 'Running clang-tidy - full' ClangTidyRunFull(options.build_folder, options.no_output_filter, options.checks, options.auto_fix) elif options.aggregate: print 'Running clang-tidy - aggregating warnings' if options.auto_fix: print 'Auto fix not working in aggregate mode, running without.' ClangTidyRunAggregate(options.build_folder, options.show_loc) elif options.single: print 'Running clang-tidy - single on ' + options.file_name if options.file_name is not None: line_ranges = [] for match in re.findall(r'(\[.*?\])', options.line_ranges): if match is not []: line_ranges.append(match) ClangTidyRunSingleFile(options.build_folder, options.file_name, options.auto_fix, line_ranges) else: print 'Filename provided, please specify a filename with --file' else: print 'Running clang-tidy' ClangTidyRunDiff(options.build_folder, options.diff_branch, options.auto_fix) if __name__ == '__main__': main()