// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --no-enable-one-shot-optimization Debug = debug.Debug var exception = null; var object_with_symbol_key = {[Symbol("a")]: 1}; var object_with_callbacks = { toString: () => "string", valueOf: () => 3}; var symbol_for_a = Symbol.for("a"); var typed_array = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]); var array_buffer = new ArrayBuffer(3); var data_view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8), 0, 8); var array = [1,2,3]; function listener(event, exec_state, event_data, data) { if (event != Debug.DebugEvent.Break) return; try { function success(expectation, source) { var result = exec_state.frame(0).evaluate(source, true).value(); if (expectation !== undefined) assertEquals(expectation, result); } function fail(source) { assertThrows(() => exec_state.frame(0).evaluate(source, true), EvalError); } // Test some Object functions. success({}, `new Object()`); success({p : 3}, `Object.create({}, { p: { value: 3 } })`); success("[[\"a\",1],[\"b\",2]]", `JSON.stringify(Object.entries({a:1, b:2}))`); success({value: 1, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true}, `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({a: 1}, "a")`); success("{\"a\":{\"value\":1,\"writable\":true," + "\"enumerable\":true,\"configurable\":true}}", `JSON.stringify(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors({a: 1}))`); success(["a"], `Object.getOwnPropertyNames({a: 1})`); success(undefined, `Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object_with_symbol_key)`); success({}, `Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.create({}))`); success(true, `Object.is(Object, Object)`); success(true, `Object.isExtensible({})`); success(false, `Object.isFrozen({})`); success(false, `Object.isSealed({})`); success([1, 2], `Object.values({a:1, b:2})`); fail(`Object.assign({}, {})`); fail(`Object.defineProperties({}, [{p:{value:3}}])`); fail(`Object.defineProperty({}, {p:{value:3}})`); fail(`Object.freeze({})`); fail(`Object.preventExtensions({})`); fail(`Object.seal({})`); fail(`Object.setPrototypeOf({}, {})`); // Test some Object.prototype functions. success(true, `({a:1}).hasOwnProperty("a")`); success(true, `Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf({})`); success(true, `({a:1}).propertyIsEnumerable("a")`); success("[object Object]", `({a:1}).toString()`); success("string", `(object_with_callbacks).toString()`); success(3, `(object_with_callbacks).valueOf()`); // Test Array functions. success(true, `Array.isArray([1, 2, 3])`); success([], `new Array()`); success([undefined, undefined], `new Array(2)`); success([1, 2], `new Array(1, 2)`); fail(`Array.from([1, 2, 3])`); fail(`Array.of(1, 2, 3)`); var function_param = [ "flatMap", "forEach", "every", "some", "reduce", "reduceRight", "find", "filter", "map", "findIndex" ]; var fails = ["toLocaleString", "pop", "push", "reverse", "shift", "unshift", "splice", "sort", "copyWithin", "fill"]; for (f of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Array.prototype)) { if (typeof Array.prototype[f] === "function") { if (fails.includes(f)) { if (function_param.includes(f)) { fail(`array.${f}(()=>{});`); } else { fail(`array.${f}();`); } } else if (function_param.includes(f)) { exec_state.frame(0).evaluate(`array.${f}(()=>{});`, true); } else { exec_state.frame(0).evaluate(`array.${f}();`, true); } } } // Test ArrayBuffer functions. success(3, `array_buffer.byteLength`); success(2, `array_buffer.slice(1, 3).byteLength`); success(true, `ArrayBuffer.isView(typed_array)`); // Test DataView functions. success(undefined, `new DataView(array_buffer, 1, 2)`); success(undefined, `data_view.buffer`); success(undefined, `data_view.byteLength`); success(undefined, `data_view.byteOffset`); for (f of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(DataView.prototype)) { if (typeof data_view[f] === 'function') { if (f.startsWith('getBig')) { success(0n, `data_view.${f}()`); } else if (f.startsWith('get')) { success(0, `data_view.${f}()`); } } } // Test TypedArray functions. success({}, `new Uint8Array()`); success({0: 0, 1: 0}, `new Uint8Array(2)`); success({0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3}, `new Uint8Array(typed_array)`); success(true, `!!typed_array.buffer`); success(0, `typed_array.byteOffset`); success(3, `typed_array.byteLength`); fail(`Uint8Array.of(1, 2)`); function_param = [ "forEach", "every", "some", "reduce", "reduceRight", "find", "filter", "map", "findIndex" ]; fails = ["toString", "join", "toLocaleString", "reverse", "sort", "copyWithin", "fill", "set"]; var typed_proto_proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(new Uint8Array())); for (f of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(typed_proto_proto)) { if (typeof typed_array[f] === "function" && f !== "constructor") { if (fails.includes(f)) { if (function_param.includes(f)) { fail(`typed_array.${f}(()=>{});`); } else { fail(`typed_array.${f}();`); } } else if (function_param.includes(f)) { exec_state.frame(0).evaluate(`typed_array.${f}(()=>{});`, true); } else { exec_state.frame(0).evaluate(`typed_array.${f}();`, true); } } } // Test Math functions. for (f of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Math)) { if (typeof Math[f] === "function") { var result = exec_state.frame(0).evaluate( `Math.${f}(0.5, -0.5);`, true).value(); if (f != "random") assertEquals(Math[f](0.5, -0.5), result); } } // Test Number functions. success(new Number(0), `new Number()`); for (f of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Number)) { if (typeof Number[f] === "function") { success(Number[f](0.5), `Number.${f}(0.5);`); } } for (f of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Number.prototype)) { if (typeof Number.prototype[f] === "function") { if (f == "toLocaleString") continue; success(Number(0.5)[f](5), `Number(0.5).${f}(5);`); } } // Test String functions. success(new String(), `new String()`); success(" ", "String.fromCodePoint(0x20)"); success(" ", "String.fromCharCode(0x20)"); for (f of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(String.prototype)) { if (typeof String.prototype[f] === "function") { // Do not expect locale-specific or regexp-related functions to work. // {Lower,Upper}Case (Locale-specific or not) do not work either // if Intl is enabled. if (f.indexOf("locale") >= 0) continue; if (f.indexOf("Locale") >= 0) continue; if (typeof Intl !== 'undefined') { if (f == "toUpperCase") continue; if (f == "toLowerCase") continue; } if (f == "normalize") continue; if (f == "match") continue; if (f == "search") continue; if (f == "split" || f == "replace") { fail(`'abcd'.${f}(2)`); continue; } success("abcd"[f](2), `"abcd".${f}(2);`); } } fail("'abCd'.toLocaleLowerCase()"); fail("'abcd'.toLocaleUpperCase()"); if (typeof Intl !== 'undefined') { fail("'abCd'.toLowerCase()"); fail("'abcd'.toUpperCase()"); } fail("'abcd'.match(/a/)"); fail("'abcd'.replace(/a/)"); fail("'abcd'.search(/a/)"); // Test RegExp functions. fail(`/a/.compile()`); success('a', `/a/.exec('abc')[0]`); success(true, `/a/.test('abc')`); fail(`/a/.toString()`); // Test JSON functions. success('{"abc":[1,2]}', "JSON.stringify(JSON.parse('{\"abc\":[1,2]}'))"); // Test Symbol functions. success(undefined, `Symbol("a")`); fail(`Symbol.for("a")`); // Symbol.for can be observed via Symbol.keyFor. success("a", `Symbol.keyFor(symbol_for_a)`); success("Symbol(a)", `symbol_for_a.valueOf().toString()`); success("Symbol(a)", `symbol_for_a[Symbol.toPrimitive]().toString()`); } catch (e) { exception = e; print(e, e.stack); }; }; // Add the debug event listener. Debug.setListener(listener); function f() { debugger; }; f(); assertNull(exception);