// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #ifndef V8_DATEPARSER_INL_H_ #define V8_DATEPARSER_INL_H_ #include "dateparser.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { template bool DateParser::Parse(Vector str, FixedArray* out, UnicodeCache* unicode_cache) { ASSERT(out->length() >= OUTPUT_SIZE); InputReader in(unicode_cache, str); DateStringTokenizer scanner(&in); TimeZoneComposer tz; TimeComposer time; DayComposer day; // Specification: // Accept ES5 ISO 8601 date-time-strings or legacy dates compatible // with Safari. // ES5 ISO 8601 dates: // [('-'|'+')yy]yyyy[-MM[-DD]][THH:mm[:ss[.sss]][Z|(+|-)hh:mm]] // where yyyy is in the range 0000..9999 and // +/-yyyyyy is in the range -999999..+999999 - // but -000000 is invalid (year zero must be positive), // MM is in the range 01..12, // DD is in the range 01..31, // MM and DD defaults to 01 if missing,, // HH is generally in the range 00..23, but can be 24 if mm, ss // and sss are zero (or missing), representing midnight at the // end of a day, // mm and ss are in the range 00..59, // sss is in the range 000..999, // hh is in the range 00..23, // mm, ss, and sss default to 00 if missing, and // timezone defaults to Z if missing. // Extensions: // We also allow sss to have more or less than three digits (but at // least one). // We allow hh:mm to be specified as hhmm. // Legacy dates: // Any unrecognized word before the first number is ignored. // Parenthesized text is ignored. // An unsigned number followed by ':' is a time value, and is // added to the TimeComposer. A number followed by '::' adds a second // zero as well. A number followed by '.' is also a time and must be // followed by milliseconds. // Any other number is a date component and is added to DayComposer. // A month name (or really: any word having the same first three letters // as a month name) is recorded as a named month in the Day composer. // A word recognizable as a time-zone is recorded as such, as is // '(+|-)(hhmm|hh:)'. // Legacy dates don't allow extra signs ('+' or '-') or umatched ')' // after a number has been read (before the first number, any garbage // is allowed). // Intersection of the two: // A string that matches both formats (e.g. 1970-01-01) will be // parsed as an ES5 date-time string - which means it will default // to UTC time-zone. That's unavoidable if following the ES5 // specification. // After a valid "T" has been read while scanning an ES5 datetime string, // the input can no longer be a valid legacy date, since the "T" is a // garbage string after a number has been read. // First try getting as far as possible with as ES5 Date Time String. DateToken next_unhandled_token = ParseES5DateTime(&scanner, &day, &time, &tz); if (next_unhandled_token.IsInvalid()) return false; bool has_read_number = !day.IsEmpty(); // If there's anything left, continue with the legacy parser. for (DateToken token = next_unhandled_token; !token.IsEndOfInput(); token = scanner.Next()) { if (token.IsNumber()) { has_read_number = true; int n = token.number(); if (scanner.SkipSymbol(':')) { if (scanner.SkipSymbol(':')) { // n + "::" if (!time.IsEmpty()) return false; time.Add(n); time.Add(0); } else { // n + ":" if (!time.Add(n)) return false; if (scanner.Peek().IsSymbol('.')) scanner.Next(); } } else if (scanner.SkipSymbol('.') && time.IsExpecting(n)) { time.Add(n); if (!scanner.Peek().IsNumber()) return false; int n = ReadMilliseconds(scanner.Next()); if (n < 0) return false; time.AddFinal(n); } else if (tz.IsExpecting(n)) { tz.SetAbsoluteMinute(n); } else if (time.IsExpecting(n)) { time.AddFinal(n); // Require end, white space, "Z", "+" or "-" immediately after // finalizing time. DateToken peek = scanner.Peek(); if (!peek.IsEndOfInput() && !peek.IsWhiteSpace() && !peek.IsKeywordZ() && !peek.IsAsciiSign()) return false; } else { if (!day.Add(n)) return false; scanner.SkipSymbol('-'); } } else if (token.IsKeyword()) { // Parse a "word" (sequence of chars. >= 'A'). KeywordType type = token.keyword_type(); int value = token.keyword_value(); if (type == AM_PM && !time.IsEmpty()) { time.SetHourOffset(value); } else if (type == MONTH_NAME) { day.SetNamedMonth(value); scanner.SkipSymbol('-'); } else if (type == TIME_ZONE_NAME && has_read_number) { tz.Set(value); } else { // Garbage words are illegal if a number has been read. if (has_read_number) return false; // The first number has to be separated from garbage words by // whitespace or other separators. if (scanner.Peek().IsNumber()) return false; } } else if (token.IsAsciiSign() && (tz.IsUTC() || !time.IsEmpty())) { // Parse UTC offset (only after UTC or time). tz.SetSign(token.ascii_sign()); // The following number may be empty. int n = 0; if (scanner.Peek().IsNumber()) { n = scanner.Next().number(); } has_read_number = true; if (scanner.Peek().IsSymbol(':')) { tz.SetAbsoluteHour(n); tz.SetAbsoluteMinute(kNone); } else { tz.SetAbsoluteHour(n / 100); tz.SetAbsoluteMinute(n % 100); } } else if ((token.IsAsciiSign() || token.IsSymbol(')')) && has_read_number) { // Extra sign or ')' is illegal if a number has been read. return false; } else { // Ignore other characters and whitespace. } } return day.Write(out) && time.Write(out) && tz.Write(out); } template DateParser::DateToken DateParser::DateStringTokenizer::Scan() { int pre_pos = in_->position(); if (in_->IsEnd()) return DateToken::EndOfInput(); if (in_->IsAsciiDigit()) { int n = in_->ReadUnsignedNumeral(); int length = in_->position() - pre_pos; return DateToken::Number(n, length); } if (in_->Skip(':')) return DateToken::Symbol(':'); if (in_->Skip('-')) return DateToken::Symbol('-'); if (in_->Skip('+')) return DateToken::Symbol('+'); if (in_->Skip('.')) return DateToken::Symbol('.'); if (in_->Skip(')')) return DateToken::Symbol(')'); if (in_->IsAsciiAlphaOrAbove()) { ASSERT(KeywordTable::kPrefixLength == 3); uint32_t buffer[3] = {0, 0, 0}; int length = in_->ReadWord(buffer, 3); int index = KeywordTable::Lookup(buffer, length); return DateToken::Keyword(KeywordTable::GetType(index), KeywordTable::GetValue(index), length); } if (in_->SkipWhiteSpace()) { return DateToken::WhiteSpace(in_->position() - pre_pos); } if (in_->SkipParentheses()) { return DateToken::Unknown(); } in_->Next(); return DateToken::Unknown(); } template DateParser::DateToken DateParser::ParseES5DateTime( DateStringTokenizer* scanner, DayComposer* day, TimeComposer* time, TimeZoneComposer* tz) { ASSERT(day->IsEmpty()); ASSERT(time->IsEmpty()); ASSERT(tz->IsEmpty()); // Parse mandatory date string: [('-'|'+')yy]yyyy[':'MM[':'DD]] if (scanner->Peek().IsAsciiSign()) { // Keep the sign token, so we can pass it back to the legacy // parser if we don't use it. DateToken sign_token = scanner->Next(); if (!scanner->Peek().IsFixedLengthNumber(6)) return sign_token; int sign = sign_token.ascii_sign(); int year = scanner->Next().number(); if (sign < 0 && year == 0) return sign_token; day->Add(sign * year); } else if (scanner->Peek().IsFixedLengthNumber(4)) { day->Add(scanner->Next().number()); } else { return scanner->Next(); } if (scanner->SkipSymbol('-')) { if (!scanner->Peek().IsFixedLengthNumber(2) || !DayComposer::IsMonth(scanner->Peek().number())) return scanner->Next(); day->Add(scanner->Next().number()); if (scanner->SkipSymbol('-')) { if (!scanner->Peek().IsFixedLengthNumber(2) || !DayComposer::IsDay(scanner->Peek().number())) return scanner->Next(); day->Add(scanner->Next().number()); } } // Check for optional time string: 'T'HH':'mm[':'ss['.'sss]]Z if (!scanner->Peek().IsKeywordType(TIME_SEPARATOR)) { if (!scanner->Peek().IsEndOfInput()) return scanner->Next(); } else { // ES5 Date Time String time part is present. scanner->Next(); if (!scanner->Peek().IsFixedLengthNumber(2) || !Between(scanner->Peek().number(), 0, 24)) { return DateToken::Invalid(); } // Allow 24:00[:00[.000]], but no other time starting with 24. bool hour_is_24 = (scanner->Peek().number() == 24); time->Add(scanner->Next().number()); if (!scanner->SkipSymbol(':')) return DateToken::Invalid(); if (!scanner->Peek().IsFixedLengthNumber(2) || !TimeComposer::IsMinute(scanner->Peek().number()) || (hour_is_24 && scanner->Peek().number() > 0)) { return DateToken::Invalid(); } time->Add(scanner->Next().number()); if (scanner->SkipSymbol(':')) { if (!scanner->Peek().IsFixedLengthNumber(2) || !TimeComposer::IsSecond(scanner->Peek().number()) || (hour_is_24 && scanner->Peek().number() > 0)) { return DateToken::Invalid(); } time->Add(scanner->Next().number()); if (scanner->SkipSymbol('.')) { if (!scanner->Peek().IsNumber() || (hour_is_24 && scanner->Peek().number() > 0)) { return DateToken::Invalid(); } // Allow more or less than the mandated three digits. time->Add(ReadMilliseconds(scanner->Next())); } } // Check for optional timezone designation: 'Z' | ('+'|'-')hh':'mm if (scanner->Peek().IsKeywordZ()) { scanner->Next(); tz->Set(0); } else if (scanner->Peek().IsSymbol('+') || scanner->Peek().IsSymbol('-')) { tz->SetSign(scanner->Next().symbol() == '+' ? 1 : -1); if (scanner->Peek().IsFixedLengthNumber(4)) { // hhmm extension syntax. int hourmin = scanner->Next().number(); int hour = hourmin / 100; int min = hourmin % 100; if (!TimeComposer::IsHour(hour) || !TimeComposer::IsMinute(min)) { return DateToken::Invalid(); } tz->SetAbsoluteHour(hour); tz->SetAbsoluteMinute(min); } else { // hh:mm standard syntax. if (!scanner->Peek().IsFixedLengthNumber(2) || !TimeComposer::IsHour(scanner->Peek().number())) { return DateToken::Invalid(); } tz->SetAbsoluteHour(scanner->Next().number()); if (!scanner->SkipSymbol(':')) return DateToken::Invalid(); if (!scanner->Peek().IsFixedLengthNumber(2) || !TimeComposer::IsMinute(scanner->Peek().number())) { return DateToken::Invalid(); } tz->SetAbsoluteMinute(scanner->Next().number()); } } if (!scanner->Peek().IsEndOfInput()) return DateToken::Invalid(); } // Successfully parsed ES5 Date Time String. Default to UTC if no TZ given. if (tz->IsEmpty()) tz->Set(0); day->set_iso_date(); return DateToken::EndOfInput(); } } } // namespace v8::internal #endif // V8_DATEPARSER_INL_H_