// Copyright 2008 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // Flags: --allow-natives-syntax function f0() { switch (0) { // switch deliberately left empty } } f0(); // no errors function f1(x) { switch (x) { default: return "f1"; } return "foo"; } assertEquals("f1", f1(0), "default-switch.0"); assertEquals("f1", f1(1), "default-switch.1"); function f2(x) { var r; switch (x) { case 0: r = "zero"; break; case 1: r = "one"; break; case 2: r = "two"; break; case 3: r = "three"; break; default: r = "default"; } return r; } assertEquals("zero", f2(0), "0-1-switch.0"); assertEquals("one", f2(1), "0-1-switch.1"); assertEquals("default", f2(7), "0-1-switch.2"); assertEquals("default", f2(-1), "0-1-switch.-1"); assertEquals("default", f2(NaN), "0-1-switch.NaN"); assertEquals("default", f2(Math.pow(2,34)), "0-1-switch.largeNum"); assertEquals("default", f2("0"), "0-1-switch.string"); assertEquals("default", f2(false), "0-1-switch.bool"); assertEquals("default", f2(null), "0-1-switch.null"); assertEquals("default", f2(undefined), "0-1-switch.undef"); assertEquals("default", f2(new Number(2)), "0-1-switch.undef"); assertEquals("default", f2({valueOf: function(){return 2; }}), "0-1-switch.obj"); function f3(x, c) { var r = 0; switch (x) { default: r = "default"; break; case c: r = "value is c = " + c; break; case 2: r = "two"; break; case -5: r = "minus 5"; break; case 9: r = "nine"; break; } return r; } assertEquals("two", f3(2,0), "value-switch.2-0"); assertEquals("minus 5", f3(-5,0), "value-switch.-5-0"); assertEquals("nine", f3(9,0), "value-switch.9-0"); assertEquals("value is c = 0", f3(0,0), "value-switch.0-0"); assertEquals("value is c = 2", f3(2,2), "value-switch.2-2"); assertEquals("default", f3(7,0), "value-switch.7-0"); function f4(x) { switch(x) { case 0: x++; default: x++; case 2: x++; } return x; } assertEquals(3, f4(0), "fallthrough-switch.0"); assertEquals(3, f4(1), "fallthrough-switch.1"); assertEquals(3, f4(2), "fallthrough-switch.2"); assertEquals(5, f4(3), "fallthrough-switch.3"); function f4_string(tag, x) { switch(tag) { case 'zero': x++; case 'two': x++; } return x; } // Symbols assertEquals(2, f4_string('zero', 0), "fallthrough-string-switch.0"); assertEquals(1, f4_string('one', 1), "fallthrough-string-switch.1"); assertEquals(3, f4_string('two', 2), "fallthrough-string-switch.2"); // Strings assertEquals(2, f4_string('_zero'.slice(1), 0), "fallthrough-string-switch.3"); assertEquals(1, f4_string('_one'.slice(1), 1), "fallthrough-string-switch.4"); assertEquals(3, f4_string('_two'.slice(1), 2), "fallthrough-string-switch.5"); // Oddball assertEquals(3, f4_string(null, 3), "fallthrough-string-switch.6"); // Test for regression function regress_string(value) { var json = 1; switch (typeof value) { case 'object': break; default: } return json; }; assertEquals(1, regress_string('object'), 'regression-string'); function f5(x) { switch(x) { case -2: return true; case -1: return false; case 0: return true; case 2: return false; default: return 42; } } assertTrue(f5(-2), "negcase.-2"); assertFalse(f5(-1), "negcase.-1"); assertTrue(f5(0), "negcase.-0"); assertEquals(42, f5(1), "negcase.1"); assertFalse(f5(2), "negcase.2"); function f6(N) { // long enough case that code buffer grows during code-generation var res = 0; for(var i = 0; i < N; i++) { switch(i & 0x3f) { case 0: res += 0; break; case 1: res += 1; break; case 2: res += 2; break; case 3: res += 3; break; case 4: res += 4; break; case 5: res += 5; break; case 6: res += 6; break; case 7: res += 7; break; case 8: res += 8; break; case 9: res += 9; break; case 10: res += 10; break; case 11: res += 11; break; case 12: res += 12; break; case 13: res += 13; break; case 14: res += 14; break; case 15: res += 15; break; case 16: res += 16; break; case 17: res += 17; break; case 18: res += 18; break; case 19: res += 19; break; case 20: res += 20; break; case 21: res += 21; break; case 22: res += 22; break; case 23: res += 23; break; case 24: res += 24; break; case 25: res += 25; break; case 26: res += 26; break; case 27: res += 27; break; case 28: res += 28; break; case 29: res += 29; break; case 30: res += 30; break; case 31: res += 31; break; case 32: res += 32; break; case 33: res += 33; break; case 34: res += 34; break; case 35: res += 35; break; case 36: res += 36; break; case 37: res += 37; break; case 38: res += 38; break; case 39: res += 39; break; case 40: res += 40; break; case 41: res += 41; break; case 42: res += 42; break; case 43: res += 43; break; case 44: res += 44; break; case 45: res += 45; break; case 46: res += 46; break; case 47: res += 47; break; case 48: res += 48; break; case 49: res += 49; break; case 50: res += 50; break; case 51: res += 51; break; case 52: res += 52; break; case 53: res += 53; break; case 54: res += 54; break; case 55: res += 55; break; case 56: res += 56; break; case 57: res += 57; break; case 58: res += 58; break; case 59: res += 59; break; case 60: res += 60; break; case 61: res += 61; break; case 62: res += 62; break; case 63: res += 63; break; case 64: break; default: break; } } return res; } assertEquals(190, f6(20), "largeSwitch.20"); assertEquals(2016, f6(64), "largeSwitch.64"); assertEquals(4032, f6(128), "largeSwitch.128"); assertEquals(4222, f6(148), "largeSwitch.148"); function f7(value) { switch (value) { case 0: return "0"; case -0: return "-0"; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: // Dummy fillers. } switch (value) { case 0x3fffffff: return "MaxSmi"; case 0x3ffffffe: case 0x3ffffffd: case 0x3ffffffc: case 0x3ffffffb: case 0x3ffffffa: // Dummy fillers } switch (value) { case -0x40000000: return "MinSmi"; case -0x3fffffff: case -0x3ffffffe: case -0x3ffffffd: case -0x3ffffffc: case -0x3ffffffb: // Dummy fillers } switch (value) { case 10: return "A"; case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: // Dummy fillers } return "default"; } assertEquals("default", f7(0.1), "0-1-switch.double-0.1"); assertEquals("0", f7(-0), "0-1-switch.double-neg0"); assertEquals("MaxSmi", f7((1<<30)-1), "0-1-switch.maxsmi"); assertEquals("MinSmi", f7(-(1<<30)), "0-1-switch.minsmi"); assertEquals("default", f7(1<<30), "0-1-switch.maxsmi++"); assertEquals("default", f7(-(1<<30)-1), "0-1-switch.minsmi--"); assertEquals("A", f7((170/16)-(170%16/16)), "0-1-switch.heapnum"); function makeVeryLong(length) { var res = "(function () {\n" + " var res = 0;\n" + " for (var i = 0; i <= " + length + "; i++) {\n" + " switch(i) {\n"; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { res += " case " + i + ": res += 2; break;\n"; } res += " default: res += 1;\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " return res;\n" + "})"; return eval(res); } var verylong_size = 1000; var verylong = makeVeryLong(verylong_size); assertEquals(verylong_size * 2 + 1, verylong()); // // Test suite below aims to cover all possible combinations of following: // // clauses | tags | type feedback | optimization // ========================================================= // strings | symbol | all | on // smis | string | target | off // mixed | oddball | non-target | // | smis | none | // | heapnum | | // ========================================================= // Function-with-switch generator var test_id = 0, clause_values = { string: ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'], smi: [1, 2, 3, 4], mixed: ['abc', 1, 'def', 2, 'ghi', 3, 'jkl', 4] }; function switch_gen(clause_type, feedback, optimize) { var values = clause_values[clause_type]; function opt(fn) { if (feedback === 'all') { values.forEach(fn); } else if (Array.isArray(feedback)) { // Non-target values.filter(function(v) { return feedback.indexOf(v) === -1; }).forEach(fn); } else if (feedback !== undefined) { // Target fn(feedback); } else { // None } if (optimize) %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(fn); return fn; }; return opt(new Function( 'tag', '"' + (test_id++) + '";' + 'switch(tag) {' + values.map(function(value) { return 'case ' + JSON.stringify(value) + ': return' + JSON.stringify('ok-' + value); }).join(';') + '}' )); }; function test_switch(clause_type, test_type, feedback, optimize) { var pairs = [], fn = switch_gen(clause_type, feedback, optimize); if (Array.isArray(test_type)) { pairs = test_type.map(function(v) { return { value: v, expected: 'ok-' + v }; }); } else if (test_type === 'symbols') { pairs = clause_values.string.map(function(v) { return { value: v, expected: clause_type !== 'smi' ? 'ok-' + v : undefined }; }); } else if (test_type === 'strings') { pairs = clause_values.string.map(function(v) { return { value: ('%%' + v).slice(2), expected: clause_type !== 'smi' ? 'ok-' + v : undefined }; }); } else if (test_type === 'oddball') { pairs = [ { value: null, expected: undefined }, { value: NaN, expected: undefined }, { value: undefined, expected: undefined } ]; } else if (test_type === 'smi') { pairs = clause_values.smi.map(function(v) { return { value: v, expected: clause_type !== 'string' ? 'ok-' + v : undefined }; }); } else if (test_type === 'heapnum') { pairs = clause_values.smi.map(function(v) { return { value: ((v * 17)/16) - ((v*17)%16/16), expected: clause_type !== 'string' ? 'ok-' + v : undefined }; }); } pairs.forEach(function(pair) { assertEquals(fn(pair.value), pair.expected); }); }; // test_switch(clause_type, test_type, feedback, optimize); function test_switches(opt) { var test_types = ['symbols', 'strings', 'oddball', 'smi', 'heapnum']; function test(clause_type) { var values = clause_values[clause_type]; test_types.forEach(function(test_type) { test_switch(clause_type, test_type, 'all', opt); test_switch(clause_type, test_type, 'none', opt); // Targeting specific clause feedback values.forEach(function(value) { test_switch(clause_type, test_type, [value], value, opt); test_switch(clause_type, test_type, value, value, opt); }); }); }; test('string'); test('smi'); test('mixed'); }; test_switches(false); test_switches(true);