// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --experimental-wasm-typed-funcref --experimental-wasm-type-reflection d8.file.execute("test/mjsunit/wasm/wasm-module-builder.js"); (function TestExternRefTableSetWithMultipleTypes() { print(arguments.callee.name); let table = new WebAssembly.Table({element: "externref", initial: 10}); // Table should be initialized with undefined. assertEquals(undefined, table.get(1)); let obj = {'hello' : 'world'}; table.set(2, obj); assertSame(obj, table.get(2)); table.set(3, 1234); assertEquals(1234, table.get(3)); table.set(4, 123.5); assertEquals(123.5, table.get(4)); table.set(5, undefined); assertEquals(undefined, table.get(5)); // Overwrite entry 4, because null would otherwise be the default value. table.set(4, null); assertEquals(null, table.get(4)); table.set(7, print); assertEquals(print, table.get(7)); assertThrows(() => table.set(12), RangeError); })(); (function TestImportExternRefTable() { print(arguments.callee.name); const builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); const table_index = builder.addImportedTable( "imp", "table", 3, 10, kWasmExternRef); builder.addFunction('get', kSig_r_v) .addBody([kExprI32Const, 0, kExprTableGet, table_index]); let table_ref = new WebAssembly.Table( { element: "externref", initial: 3, maximum: 10 }); builder.instantiate({imp:{table: table_ref}}); let table_func = new WebAssembly.Table( { element: "anyfunc", initial: 3, maximum: 10 }); assertThrows(() => builder.instantiate({ imp: { table: table_func } }), WebAssembly.LinkError, /imported table does not match the expected type/); })(); (function TestExternRefDropDeclarativeElementSegment() { print(arguments.callee.name); const builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addDeclarativeElementSegment([[kExprRefNull, kFuncRefCode]], kWasmFuncRef); builder.addFunction('drop', kSig_v_v) .addBody([kNumericPrefix, kExprElemDrop, 0]) .exportFunc(); const instance = builder.instantiate(); // Counts as double-drop because declarative segments are dropped on // initialization and is therefore not expected to throw. instance.exports.drop(); })(); (function TestExternRefTableInitFromDeclarativeElementSegment() { print(arguments.callee.name); const builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); const table = builder.addTable(kWasmAnyFunc, 10); builder.addDeclarativeElementSegment([[kExprRefNull, kFuncRefCode]], kWasmFuncRef); builder.addFunction('init', kSig_v_v) .addBody([ kExprI32Const, 0, kExprI32Const, 0, kExprI32Const, 1, kNumericPrefix, kExprTableInit, table.index, 0 ]) .exportFunc(); const instance = builder.instantiate(); assertTraps(kTrapElementSegmentOutOfBounds, () => instance.exports.init()); })(); (function TestExternRefTableConstructorWithDefaultValue() { print(arguments.callee.name); const testObject = {}; const argument = { "element": "externref", "initial": 3 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument, testObject); assertEquals(table.length, 3); assertEquals(table.get(0), testObject); assertEquals(table.get(1), testObject); assertEquals(table.get(2), testObject); })(); function getDummy(val) { let builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addFunction('dummy', kSig_i_v) .addBody([kExprI32Const, val]) .exportAs('dummy'); return builder.instantiate().exports.dummy; } (function TestFuncRefTableConstructorWithDefaultValue() { print(arguments.callee.name); const expected = 6; let dummy = getDummy(expected); const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 3 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument, dummy); assertEquals(table.length, 3); assertEquals(table.get(0)(), expected); assertEquals(table.get(1)(), expected); assertEquals(table.get(2)(), expected); })(); (function TestExternFuncTableSetWithoutValue() { print(arguments.callee.name); const expected = 6; const dummy = getDummy(expected); const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 3 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument, dummy); assertEquals(table.get(1)(), expected); table.set(1); assertEquals(table.get(1), null); })(); (function TestExternRefTableSetWithoutValue() { print(arguments.callee.name); const testObject = {}; const argument = { "element": "externref", "initial": 3 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument, testObject); assertEquals(table.get(1), testObject); table.set(1); assertEquals(table.get(1), undefined); })(); (function TestFunctionExternRefTableRoundtrip() { // Test that // - initialization, setting, and growing an externref table, and // - (imported) externref globals // preserve function references. print(arguments.callee.name); const js_function = function (i) { return i + 1; }; const wasm_js_function = new WebAssembly.Function( {parameters:['i32', 'i32'], results: ['i32']}, function(a, b) { return a * b; }) let extern_type = wasmRefType(kWasmExternRef); let builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); let imported_global = builder.addImportedGlobal('m', 'n', extern_type, false); let global = builder.addGlobal(kWasmExternRef, true).exportAs('global'); let table = builder.addTable(extern_type, 2, 10, [kExprGlobalGet, imported_global]) builder.addFunction( 'setup', makeSig([extern_type, extern_type], [])) .addBody([ kExprLocalGet, 0, kExprGlobalSet, global.index, kExprI32Const, 1, kExprLocalGet, 0, kExprTableSet, table.index, kExprLocalGet, 1, kExprI32Const, 1, kNumericPrefix, kExprTableGrow, table.index, kExprDrop]) .exportFunc(); builder.addFunction('get', makeSig([kWasmI32], [kWasmExternRef])) .addBody([kExprLocalGet, 0, kExprTableGet, table.index]) .exportFunc(); let instance = builder.instantiate({m : {n : js_function}}); instance.exports.setup(wasm_js_function, instance.exports.setup); assertEquals(instance.exports.global.value, wasm_js_function); assertEquals(instance.exports.get(0), js_function); assertEquals(instance.exports.get(1), wasm_js_function); assertEquals(instance.exports.get(2), instance.exports.setup); })(); (function TestFunctionExternRefTableRoundtrip2() { // Test that initialization, setting, and growing an externref table in the JS // API preserves function references. print(arguments.callee.name); let builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addFunction('dummy', kSig_i_v) .addBody([kExprI32Const, 0]) .exportAs('dummy'); let instance = builder.instantiate(); const js_function = function (i) { return i + 1; }; const wasm_js_function = new WebAssembly.Function( {parameters:['i32', 'i32'], results: ['i32']}, function(a, b) { return a * b; }) const argument = { "element": "externref", "initial": 3 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument, js_function); table.set(1, wasm_js_function); table.set(2, instance.exports.dummy); table.grow(1, wasm_js_function); assertEquals(table.get(0), js_function); assertEquals(table.get(1), wasm_js_function); assertEquals(table.get(2), instance.exports.dummy); assertEquals(table.get(3), wasm_js_function); })();