// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/allocation-tracker.h" #include "src/frames-inl.h" #include "src/heap-snapshot-generator-inl.h" #include "src/objects-inl.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { AllocationTraceNode::AllocationTraceNode( AllocationTraceTree* tree, unsigned function_info_index) : tree_(tree), function_info_index_(function_info_index), total_size_(0), allocation_count_(0), id_(tree->next_node_id()) { } AllocationTraceNode::~AllocationTraceNode() { for (int i = 0; i < children_.length(); i++) delete children_[i]; } AllocationTraceNode* AllocationTraceNode::FindChild( unsigned function_info_index) { for (int i = 0; i < children_.length(); i++) { AllocationTraceNode* node = children_[i]; if (node->function_info_index() == function_info_index) return node; } return NULL; } AllocationTraceNode* AllocationTraceNode::FindOrAddChild( unsigned function_info_index) { AllocationTraceNode* child = FindChild(function_info_index); if (child == NULL) { child = new AllocationTraceNode(tree_, function_info_index); children_.Add(child); } return child; } void AllocationTraceNode::AddAllocation(unsigned size) { total_size_ += size; ++allocation_count_; } void AllocationTraceNode::Print(int indent, AllocationTracker* tracker) { base::OS::Print("%10u %10u %*c", total_size_, allocation_count_, indent, ' '); if (tracker != NULL) { AllocationTracker::FunctionInfo* info = tracker->function_info_list()[function_info_index_]; base::OS::Print("%s #%u", info->name, id_); } else { base::OS::Print("%u #%u", function_info_index_, id_); } base::OS::Print("\n"); indent += 2; for (int i = 0; i < children_.length(); i++) { children_[i]->Print(indent, tracker); } } AllocationTraceTree::AllocationTraceTree() : next_node_id_(1), root_(this, 0) { } AllocationTraceTree::~AllocationTraceTree() { } AllocationTraceNode* AllocationTraceTree::AddPathFromEnd( const Vector& path) { AllocationTraceNode* node = root(); for (unsigned* entry = path.start() + path.length() - 1; entry != path.start() - 1; --entry) { node = node->FindOrAddChild(*entry); } return node; } void AllocationTraceTree::Print(AllocationTracker* tracker) { base::OS::Print("[AllocationTraceTree:]\n"); base::OS::Print("Total size | Allocation count | Function id | id\n"); root()->Print(0, tracker); } void AllocationTracker::DeleteUnresolvedLocation( UnresolvedLocation** location) { delete *location; } AllocationTracker::FunctionInfo::FunctionInfo() : name(""), function_id(0), script_name(""), script_id(0), line(-1), column(-1) { } void AddressToTraceMap::AddRange(Address start, int size, unsigned trace_node_id) { Address end = start + size; RemoveRange(start, end); RangeStack new_range(start, trace_node_id); ranges_.insert(RangeMap::value_type(end, new_range)); } unsigned AddressToTraceMap::GetTraceNodeId(Address addr) { RangeMap::const_iterator it = ranges_.upper_bound(addr); if (it == ranges_.end()) return 0; if (it->second.start <= addr) { return it->second.trace_node_id; } return 0; } void AddressToTraceMap::MoveObject(Address from, Address to, int size) { unsigned trace_node_id = GetTraceNodeId(from); if (trace_node_id == 0) return; RemoveRange(from, from + size); AddRange(to, size, trace_node_id); } void AddressToTraceMap::Clear() { ranges_.clear(); } void AddressToTraceMap::Print() { PrintF("[AddressToTraceMap (%" V8PRIuPTR "): \n", ranges_.size()); for (RangeMap::iterator it = ranges_.begin(); it != ranges_.end(); ++it) { PrintF("[%p - %p] => %u\n", it->second.start, it->first, it->second.trace_node_id); } PrintF("]\n"); } void AddressToTraceMap::RemoveRange(Address start, Address end) { RangeMap::iterator it = ranges_.upper_bound(start); if (it == ranges_.end()) return; RangeStack prev_range(0, 0); RangeMap::iterator to_remove_begin = it; if (it->second.start < start) { prev_range = it->second; } do { if (it->first > end) { if (it->second.start < end) { it->second.start = end; } break; } ++it; } while (it != ranges_.end()); ranges_.erase(to_remove_begin, it); if (prev_range.start != 0) { ranges_.insert(RangeMap::value_type(start, prev_range)); } } void AllocationTracker::DeleteFunctionInfo(FunctionInfo** info) { delete *info; } AllocationTracker::AllocationTracker( HeapObjectsMap* ids, StringsStorage* names) : ids_(ids), names_(names), id_to_function_info_index_(HashMap::PointersMatch), info_index_for_other_state_(0) { FunctionInfo* info = new FunctionInfo(); info->name = "(root)"; function_info_list_.Add(info); } AllocationTracker::~AllocationTracker() { unresolved_locations_.Iterate(DeleteUnresolvedLocation); function_info_list_.Iterate(&DeleteFunctionInfo); } void AllocationTracker::PrepareForSerialization() { List copy(unresolved_locations_.length()); copy.AddAll(unresolved_locations_); unresolved_locations_.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < copy.length(); i++) { copy[i]->Resolve(); delete copy[i]; } } void AllocationTracker::AllocationEvent(Address addr, int size) { DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation; Heap* heap = ids_->heap(); // Mark the new block as FreeSpace to make sure the heap is iterable // while we are capturing stack trace. heap->CreateFillerObjectAt(addr, size); Isolate* isolate = heap->isolate(); int length = 0; StackTraceFrameIterator it(isolate); while (!it.done() && length < kMaxAllocationTraceLength) { JavaScriptFrame* frame = it.frame(); SharedFunctionInfo* shared = frame->function()->shared(); SnapshotObjectId id = ids_->FindOrAddEntry( shared->address(), shared->Size(), false); allocation_trace_buffer_[length++] = AddFunctionInfo(shared, id); it.Advance(); } if (length == 0) { unsigned index = functionInfoIndexForVMState(isolate->current_vm_state()); if (index != 0) { allocation_trace_buffer_[length++] = index; } } AllocationTraceNode* top_node = trace_tree_.AddPathFromEnd( Vector(allocation_trace_buffer_, length)); top_node->AddAllocation(size); address_to_trace_.AddRange(addr, size, top_node->id()); } static uint32_t SnapshotObjectIdHash(SnapshotObjectId id) { return ComputeIntegerHash(static_cast(id), v8::internal::kZeroHashSeed); } unsigned AllocationTracker::AddFunctionInfo(SharedFunctionInfo* shared, SnapshotObjectId id) { HashMap::Entry* entry = id_to_function_info_index_.LookupOrInsert( reinterpret_cast(id), SnapshotObjectIdHash(id)); if (entry->value == NULL) { FunctionInfo* info = new FunctionInfo(); info->name = names_->GetFunctionName(shared->DebugName()); info->function_id = id; if (shared->script()->IsScript()) { Script* script = Script::cast(shared->script()); if (script->name()->IsName()) { Name* name = Name::cast(script->name()); info->script_name = names_->GetName(name); } info->script_id = script->id()->value(); // Converting start offset into line and column may cause heap // allocations so we postpone them until snapshot serialization. unresolved_locations_.Add(new UnresolvedLocation( script, shared->start_position(), info)); } entry->value = reinterpret_cast(function_info_list_.length()); function_info_list_.Add(info); } return static_cast(reinterpret_cast((entry->value))); } unsigned AllocationTracker::functionInfoIndexForVMState(StateTag state) { if (state != OTHER) return 0; if (info_index_for_other_state_ == 0) { FunctionInfo* info = new FunctionInfo(); info->name = "(V8 API)"; info_index_for_other_state_ = function_info_list_.length(); function_info_list_.Add(info); } return info_index_for_other_state_; } AllocationTracker::UnresolvedLocation::UnresolvedLocation( Script* script, int start, FunctionInfo* info) : start_position_(start), info_(info) { script_ = Handle