#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Tests the push-to-trunk.sh script. Needs to be run in V8 base dir: # ./tools/test-push-to-trunk.sh # TODO(machenbach): Check automatically if expectations match. # TODO(machenbach): Mock out version number retrieval. # TODO(machenbach): Allow multiple different test cases. # TODO(machenbach): Allow multi line mock output. # TODO(machenbach): Represent test expectations/mock output without an array # index increment. ########## Stdin for push-to-trunk.sh # Confirm push to trunk commit ID INPUT[0]="Y" # Open editor INPUT[1]="" # Confirm increment version number INPUT[2]="Y" # Reviewer for V8 CL INPUT[3]="reviewer@chromium.org" # Enter LGTM for V8 CL INPUT[4]="LGTM" # Confirm checkout sanity INPUT[5]="Y" # Manually type in trunk revision INPUT[6]="12345" # Reviewer for Chromium CL INPUT[7]="reviewer@chromium.org" ########## Expected commands and mock output EXP[0]="git status -s -uno" OUT[0]="" EXP[1]="git status -s -b -uno" OUT[1]="## some_branch" EXP[2]="git svn fetch" OUT[2]="" EXP[3]="git branch" OUT[3]="not the temp branch" EXP[4]="git checkout -b prepare-push-temporary-branch-created-by-script" OUT[4]="" EXP[5]="git branch" OUT[5]="not the branch" EXP[6]="git branch" OUT[6]="not the trunk branch" EXP[7]="git checkout -b prepare-push svn/bleeding_edge" OUT[7]="" EXP[8]="git log -1 --format=%H ChangeLog" OUT[8]="hash1" EXP[9]="git log -1 hash1" OUT[9]="" EXP[10]="git log hash1..HEAD --format=%H" OUT[10]="hash2" EXP[11]="git log -1 hash2 --format=\"%w(80,8,8)%s\"" OUT[11]="Log line..." EXP[12]="git log -1 hash2 --format=\"%B\"" OUT[12]="BUG=6789" EXP[13]="git log -1 hash2 --format=\"%w(80,8,8)(%an)\"" OUT[13]=" (author@chromium.org)" EXP[14]="git commit -a -m \"Prepare push to trunk. Now working on version 3.4.5.\"" OUT[14]="" EXP[15]="git cl upload -r reviewer@chromium.org --send-mail" OUT[15]="" EXP[16]="git cl dcommit" OUT[16]="" EXP[17]="git svn fetch" OUT[17]="" EXP[18]="git checkout svn/bleeding_edge" OUT[18]="" EXP[19]="git log -1 --format=%H --grep=Prepare push to trunk. Now working on version 3.4.5." OUT[19]="hash3" EXP[20]="git diff svn/trunk" OUT[20]="patch1" EXP[21]="git checkout -b trunk-push svn/trunk" OUT[21]="" EXP[22]="git apply --index --reject /tmp/v8-push-to-trunk-tempfile-patch" OUT[22]="" EXP[23]="git add src/version.cc" OUT[23]="" EXP[24]="git commit -F /tmp/v8-push-to-trunk-tempfile-commitmsg" OUT[24]="" EXP[25]="git svn dcommit" OUT[25]="r1234" EXP[26]="git svn tag 3.4.5 -m \"Tagging version 3.4.5\"" OUT[26]="" EXP[27]="git status -s -uno" OUT[27]="" EXP[28]="git checkout master" OUT[28]="" EXP[29]="git pull" OUT[29]="" EXP[30]="git checkout -b v8-roll-12345" OUT[30]="" EXP[31]="git commit -am Update V8 to version 3.4.5." OUT[31]="" EXP[32]="git cl upload --send-mail" OUT[32]="" EXP[33]="git checkout -f some_branch" OUT[33]="" EXP[34]="git branch -D prepare-push-temporary-branch-created-by-script" OUT[34]="" EXP[35]="git branch -D prepare-push" OUT[35]="" EXP[36]="git branch -D trunk-push" OUT[36]="" ########## Global temp files for test input/output export TEST_OUTPUT=$(mktemp) export INDEX=$(mktemp) export MOCK_OUTPUT=$(mktemp) export EXPECTED_COMMANDS=$(mktemp) ########## Command index inc_index() { local I="$(command cat $INDEX)" let "I+=1" echo "$I" > $INDEX echo $I } echo "-1" > $INDEX export -f inc_index ########## Mock output accessor get_mock_output() { local I=$1 let "I+=1" command sed "${I}q;d" $MOCK_OUTPUT } export -f get_mock_output for E in "${OUT[@]}"; do echo $E done > $MOCK_OUTPUT ########## Expected commands accessor get_expected_command() { local I=$1 let "I+=1" command sed "${I}q;d" $EXPECTED_COMMANDS } export -f get_expected_command for E in "${EXP[@]}"; do echo $E done > $EXPECTED_COMMANDS ########## Mock commands git() { # All calls to git are mocked out. Expected calls and mock output are stored # in the EXP/OUT arrays above. local I=$(inc_index) local OUT=$(get_mock_output $I) local EXP=$(get_expected_command $I) echo "#############################" >> $TEST_OUTPUT echo "Com. Index: $I" >> $TEST_OUTPUT echo "Expected: ${EXP}" >> $TEST_OUTPUT echo "Actual: git $@" >> $TEST_OUTPUT echo "Mock Output: ${OUT}" >> $TEST_OUTPUT echo "${OUT}" } mv() { echo "#############################" >> $TEST_OUTPUT echo "mv $@" >> $TEST_OUTPUT } sed() { # Only calls to sed * -i * are mocked out. echo "#############################" >> $TEST_OUTPUT local arr=$@ if [[ "${arr[@]}" =~ "-i" || "${arr[${#arr[@]}-1]}" == "-i" ]]; then echo "sed $@" >> $TEST_OUTPUT else echo "sed $@" >> $TEST_OUTPUT command sed "$@" fi } editor() { echo "#############################" >> $TEST_OUTPUT echo "editor $@" >> $TEST_OUTPUT } cd() { echo "#############################" >> $TEST_OUTPUT echo "cd $@" >> $TEST_OUTPUT } export -f git export -f mv export -f sed export -f cd export -f editor export EDITOR=editor ########## Invoke script with test stdin for i in "${INPUT[@]}"; do echo $i done | tools/push-to-trunk.sh -c "path/to/chromium" echo "Collected output:" command cat $TEST_OUTPUT ########## Clean up rm -rf $TEST_OUTPUT rm -rf $INDEX rm -rf $MOCK_OUTPUT rm -rf $EXPECTED_COMMANDS