// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // Date toJSON assertEquals("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", new Date(0).toJSON()); assertEquals("1979-01-11T08:00:00.000Z", new Date("1979-01-11 08:00 GMT").toJSON()); assertEquals("2005-05-05T05:05:05.000Z", new Date("2005-05-05 05:05:05 GMT").toJSON()); var n1 = new Date(10000); n1.toISOString = function () { return "foo"; }; assertEquals("foo", n1.toJSON()); var n2 = new Date(10001); n2.toISOString = null; assertThrows(function () { n2.toJSON(); }, TypeError); var n4 = new Date(10003); n4.toISOString = function () { assertEquals(0, arguments.length); assertEquals(this, n4); return null; }; assertEquals(null, n4.toJSON()); assertTrue(Object.prototype === JSON.__proto__); assertEquals("[object JSON]", Object.prototype.toString.call(JSON)); //Test Date.prototype.toJSON as generic function. var d1 = {toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON, toISOString: function() { return 42; }}; assertEquals(42, d1.toJSON()); var d2 = {toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON, valueOf: function() { return Infinity; }, toISOString: function() { return 42; }}; assertEquals(null, d2.toJSON()); var d3 = {toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON, valueOf: "not callable", toString: function() { return Infinity; }, toISOString: function() { return 42; }}; assertEquals(null, d3.toJSON()); var d4 = {toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON, valueOf: "not callable", toString: "not callable either", toISOString: function() { return 42; }}; assertThrows("d4.toJSON()", TypeError); // ToPrimitive throws. var d5 = {toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON, valueOf: "not callable", toString: function() { return "Infinity"; }, toISOString: function() { return 42; }}; assertEquals(42, d5.toJSON()); var d6 = {toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON, toISOString: function() { return ["not primitive"]; }}; assertEquals(["not primitive"], d6.toJSON()); var d7 = {toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON, ISOString: "not callable"}; assertThrows("d7.toJSON()", TypeError); // DontEnum for (var p in this) { assertFalse(p == "JSON"); } // Parse assertEquals({}, JSON.parse("{}")); assertEquals({42:37}, JSON.parse('{"42":37}')); assertEquals(null, JSON.parse("null")); assertEquals(true, JSON.parse("true")); assertEquals(false, JSON.parse("false")); assertEquals("foo", JSON.parse('"foo"')); assertEquals("f\no", JSON.parse('"f\\no"')); assertEquals("\b\f\n\r\t\"\u2028\/\\", JSON.parse('"\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\"\\u2028\\/\\\\"')); assertEquals([1.1], JSON.parse("[1.1]")); assertEquals([1], JSON.parse("[1.0]")); assertEquals(0, JSON.parse("0")); assertEquals(1, JSON.parse("1")); assertEquals(0.1, JSON.parse("0.1")); assertEquals(1.1, JSON.parse("1.1")); assertEquals(1.1, JSON.parse("1.100000")); assertEquals(1.111111, JSON.parse("1.111111")); assertEquals(-0, JSON.parse("-0")); assertEquals(-1, JSON.parse("-1")); assertEquals(-0.1, JSON.parse("-0.1")); assertEquals(-1.1, JSON.parse("-1.1")); assertEquals(-1.1, JSON.parse("-1.100000")); assertEquals(-1.111111, JSON.parse("-1.111111")); assertEquals(11, JSON.parse("1.1e1")); assertEquals(11, JSON.parse("1.1e+1")); assertEquals(0.11, JSON.parse("1.1e-1")); assertEquals(11, JSON.parse("1.1E1")); assertEquals(11, JSON.parse("1.1E+1")); assertEquals(0.11, JSON.parse("1.1E-1")); assertEquals([], JSON.parse("[]")); assertEquals([1], JSON.parse("[1]")); assertEquals([1, "2", true, null], JSON.parse('[1, "2", true, null]')); assertEquals("", JSON.parse('""')); assertEquals(["", "", -0, ""], JSON.parse('[ "" , "" , -0, ""]')); assertEquals("", JSON.parse('""')); function GetFilter(name) { function Filter(key, value) { return (key == name) ? undefined : value; } return Filter; } var pointJson = '{"x": 1, "y": 2}'; assertEquals({'x': 1, 'y': 2}, JSON.parse(pointJson)); assertEquals({'x': 1}, JSON.parse(pointJson, GetFilter('y'))); assertEquals({'y': 2}, JSON.parse(pointJson, GetFilter('x'))); assertEquals([1, 2, 3], JSON.parse("[1, 2, 3]")); assertEquals([1, undefined, 3], JSON.parse("[1, 2, 3]", GetFilter(1))); assertEquals([1, 2, undefined], JSON.parse("[1, 2, 3]", GetFilter(2))); function DoubleNumbers(key, value) { return (typeof value == 'number') ? 2 * value : value; } var deepObject = '{"a": {"b": 1, "c": 2}, "d": {"e": {"f": 3}}}'; assertEquals({"a": {"b": 1, "c": 2}, "d": {"e": {"f": 3}}}, JSON.parse(deepObject)); assertEquals({"a": {"b": 2, "c": 4}, "d": {"e": {"f": 6}}}, JSON.parse(deepObject, DoubleNumbers)); function TestInvalid(str) { assertThrows(function () { JSON.parse(str); }, SyntaxError); } TestInvalid('abcdef'); TestInvalid('isNaN()'); TestInvalid('{"x": [1, 2, deepObject]}'); TestInvalid('[1, [2, [deepObject], 3], 4]'); TestInvalid('function () { return 0; }'); TestInvalid("[1, 2"); TestInvalid('{"x": 3'); // JavaScript number literals not valid in JSON. TestInvalid('[01]'); TestInvalid('[.1]'); TestInvalid('[1.]'); TestInvalid('[1.e1]'); TestInvalid('[-.1]'); TestInvalid('[-1.]'); // Plain invalid number literals. TestInvalid('-'); TestInvalid('--1'); TestInvalid('-1e'); TestInvalid('1e--1]'); TestInvalid('1e+-1'); TestInvalid('1e-+1'); TestInvalid('1e++1'); // JavaScript string literals not valid in JSON. TestInvalid("'single quote'"); // Valid JavaScript TestInvalid('"\\a invalid escape"'); TestInvalid('"\\v invalid escape"'); // Valid JavaScript TestInvalid('"\\\' invalid escape"'); // Valid JavaScript TestInvalid('"\\x42 invalid escape"'); // Valid JavaScript TestInvalid('"\\u202 invalid escape"'); TestInvalid('"\\012 invalid escape"'); TestInvalid('"Unterminated string'); TestInvalid('"Unterminated string\\"'); TestInvalid('"Unterminated string\\\\\\"'); // Test bad JSON that would be good JavaScript (ES5). TestInvalid("{true:42}"); TestInvalid("{false:42}"); TestInvalid("{null:42}"); TestInvalid("{'foo':42}"); TestInvalid("{42:42}"); TestInvalid("{0:42}"); TestInvalid("{-1:42}"); // Test for trailing garbage detection. TestInvalid('42 px'); TestInvalid('42 .2'); TestInvalid('42 2'); TestInvalid('42 e1'); TestInvalid('"42" ""'); TestInvalid('"42" ""'); TestInvalid('"" ""'); TestInvalid('true ""'); TestInvalid('false ""'); TestInvalid('null ""'); TestInvalid('null ""'); TestInvalid('[] ""'); TestInvalid('[true] ""'); TestInvalid('{} ""'); TestInvalid('{"x":true} ""'); TestInvalid('"Garbage""After string"'); // Stringify assertEquals("true", JSON.stringify(true)); assertEquals("false", JSON.stringify(false)); assertEquals("null", JSON.stringify(null)); assertEquals("false", JSON.stringify({toJSON: function () { return false; }})); assertEquals("4", JSON.stringify(4)); assertEquals('"foo"', JSON.stringify("foo")); assertEquals("null", JSON.stringify(Infinity)); assertEquals("null", JSON.stringify(-Infinity)); assertEquals("null", JSON.stringify(NaN)); assertEquals("4", JSON.stringify(new Number(4))); assertEquals('"bar"', JSON.stringify(new String("bar"))); assertEquals('"foo\\u0000bar"', JSON.stringify("foo\0bar")); assertEquals('"f\\"o\'o\\\\b\\ba\\fr\\nb\\ra\\tz"', JSON.stringify("f\"o\'o\\b\ba\fr\nb\ra\tz")); assertEquals("[1,2,3]", JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3])); assertEquals("[\n 1,\n 2,\n 3\n]", JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3], null, 1)); assertEquals("[\n 1,\n 2,\n 3\n]", JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3], null, 2)); assertEquals("[\n 1,\n 2,\n 3\n]", JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3], null, new Number(2))); assertEquals("[\n^1,\n^2,\n^3\n]", JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3], null, "^")); assertEquals("[\n^1,\n^2,\n^3\n]", JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3], null, new String("^"))); assertEquals("[\n 1,\n 2,\n [\n 3,\n [\n 4\n ],\n 5\n ],\n 6,\n 7\n]", JSON.stringify([1, 2, [3, [4], 5], 6, 7], null, 1)); assertEquals("[]", JSON.stringify([], null, 1)); assertEquals("[1,2,[3,[4],5],6,7]", JSON.stringify([1, 2, [3, [4], 5], 6, 7], null)); assertEquals("[2,4,[6,[8],10],12,14]", JSON.stringify([1, 2, [3, [4], 5], 6, 7], DoubleNumbers)); assertEquals('["a","ab","abc"]', JSON.stringify(["a","ab","abc"])); assertEquals('{"a":1,"c":true}', JSON.stringify({ a : 1, b : function() { 1 }, c : true, d : function() { 2 } })); assertEquals('[1,null,true,null]', JSON.stringify([1, function() { 1 }, true, function() { 2 }])); assertEquals('"toJSON 123"', JSON.stringify({ toJSON : function() { return 'toJSON 123'; } })); assertEquals('{"a":321}', JSON.stringify({ a : { toJSON : function() { return 321; } } })); var counter = 0; assertEquals('{"getter":123}', JSON.stringify({ get getter() { counter++; return 123; } })); assertEquals(1, counter); assertEquals('{"a":"abc","b":"\u1234bc"}', JSON.stringify({ a : "abc", b : "\u1234bc" })); var a = { a : 1, b : 2 }; delete a.a; assertEquals('{"b":2}', JSON.stringify(a)); var b = {}; b.__proto__ = { toJSON : function() { return 321;} }; assertEquals("321", JSON.stringify(b)); var array = [""]; var expected = '""'; for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { array.push(""); expected = '"",' + expected; } expected = '[' + expected + ']'; assertEquals(expected, JSON.stringify(array)); var circular = [1, 2, 3]; circular[2] = circular; assertThrows(function () { JSON.stringify(circular); }, TypeError); var singleton = []; var multiOccurrence = [singleton, singleton, singleton]; assertEquals("[[],[],[]]", JSON.stringify(multiOccurrence)); assertEquals('{"x":5,"y":6}', JSON.stringify({x:5,y:6})); assertEquals('{"x":5}', JSON.stringify({x:5,y:6}, ['x'])); assertEquals('{\n "a": "b",\n "c": "d"\n}', JSON.stringify({a:"b",c:"d"}, null, 1)); assertEquals('{"y":6,"x":5}', JSON.stringify({x:5,y:6}, ['y', 'x'])); // toJSON get string keys. var checker = {}; var array = [checker]; checker.toJSON = function(key) { return 1 + key; }; assertEquals('["10"]', JSON.stringify(array)); // The gap is capped at ten characters if specified as string. assertEquals('{\n "a": "b",\n "c": "d"\n}', JSON.stringify({a:"b",c:"d"}, null, " /*characters after 10th*/")); //The gap is capped at ten characters if specified as number. assertEquals('{\n "a": "b",\n "c": "d"\n}', JSON.stringify({a:"b",c:"d"}, null, 15)); // Replaced wrapped primitives are unwrapped. function newx(k, v) { return (k == "x") ? new v(42) : v; } assertEquals('{"x":"42"}', JSON.stringify({x: String}, newx)); assertEquals('{"x":42}', JSON.stringify({x: Number}, newx)); assertEquals('{"x":true}', JSON.stringify({x: Boolean}, newx)); assertEquals(undefined, JSON.stringify(undefined)); assertEquals(undefined, JSON.stringify(function () { })); // Arrays with missing, undefined or function elements have those elements // replaced by null. assertEquals("[null,null,null]", JSON.stringify([undefined,,function(){}])); // Objects with undefined or function properties (including replaced properties) // have those properties ignored. assertEquals('{}', JSON.stringify({a: undefined, b: function(){}, c: 42, d: 42}, function(k, v) { if (k == "c") return undefined; if (k == "d") return function(){}; return v; })); TestInvalid('1); throw "foo"; (1'); var x = 0; eval("(1); x++; (1)"); TestInvalid('1); x++; (1'); // Test string conversion of argument. var o = { toString: function() { return "42"; } }; assertEquals(42, JSON.parse(o)); for (var i = 0; i < 65536; i++) { var string = String.fromCharCode(i); var encoded = JSON.stringify(string); var expected = "uninitialized"; // Following the ES5 specification of the abstraction function Quote. if (string == '"' || string == '\\') { // Step 2.a expected = '\\' + string; } else if ("\b\t\n\r\f".indexOf(string) >= 0) { // Step 2.b if (string == '\b') expected = '\\b'; else if (string == '\t') expected = '\\t'; else if (string == '\n') expected = '\\n'; else if (string == '\f') expected = '\\f'; else if (string == '\r') expected = '\\r'; } else if (i < 32) { // Step 2.c if (i < 16) { expected = "\\u000" + i.toString(16); } else { expected = "\\u00" + i.toString(16); } } else { expected = string; } assertEquals('"' + expected + '"', encoded, "Codepoint " + i); } // Ensure that wrappers and callables are handled correctly. var num37 = new Number(42); num37.valueOf = function() { return 37; }; var numFoo = new Number(42); numFoo.valueOf = "not callable"; numFoo.toString = function() { return "foo"; }; var numTrue = new Number(42); numTrue.valueOf = function() { return true; } var strFoo = new String("bar"); strFoo.toString = function() { return "foo"; }; var str37 = new String("bar"); str37.toString = "not callable"; str37.valueOf = function() { return 37; }; var strTrue = new String("bar"); strTrue.toString = function() { return true; } var func = function() { /* Is callable */ }; var funcJSON = function() { /* Is callable */ }; funcJSON.toJSON = function() { return "has toJSON"; }; var re = /Is callable/; var reJSON = /Is callable/; reJSON.toJSON = function() { return "has toJSON"; }; assertEquals( '[37,null,1,"foo","37","true",null,"has toJSON",{},"has toJSON"]', JSON.stringify([num37, numFoo, numTrue, strFoo, str37, strTrue, func, funcJSON, re, reJSON])); var oddball = Object(42); oddball.__proto__ = { __proto__: null, toString: function() { return true; } }; assertEquals('1', JSON.stringify(oddball)); var getCount = 0; var callCount = 0; var counter = { get toJSON() { getCount++; return function() { callCount++; return 42; }; } }; // RegExps are not callable, so they are stringified as objects. assertEquals('{}', JSON.stringify(/regexp/)); assertEquals('42', JSON.stringify(counter)); assertEquals(1, getCount); assertEquals(1, callCount); var oddball2 = Object(42); var oddball3 = Object("foo"); oddball3.__proto__ = { __proto__: null, toString: "not callable", valueOf: function() { return true; } }; oddball2.__proto__ = { __proto__: null, toJSON: function () { return oddball3; } } assertEquals('"true"', JSON.stringify(oddball2)); var falseNum = Object("37"); falseNum.__proto__ = Number.prototype; falseNum.toString = function() { return 42; }; assertEquals('"42"', JSON.stringify(falseNum)); // Parse an object value as __proto__. var o1 = JSON.parse('{"__proto__":[]}'); assertEquals([], o1.__proto__); assertEquals(["__proto__"], Object.keys(o1)); assertEquals([], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o1, "__proto__").value); assertEquals(["__proto__"], Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o1)); assertTrue(o1.hasOwnProperty("__proto__")); assertTrue(Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf(o1)); // Parse a non-object value as __proto__. var o2 = JSON.parse('{"__proto__":5}'); assertEquals(5, o2.__proto__); assertEquals(["__proto__"], Object.keys(o2)); assertEquals(5, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o2, "__proto__").value); assertEquals(["__proto__"], Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o2)); assertTrue(o2.hasOwnProperty("__proto__")); assertTrue(Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf(o2)); var json = '{"stuff before slash\\\\stuff after slash":"whatever"}'; assertEquals(json, JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(json)));