// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. var MINIMUM_EDGE_SEPARATION = 20; function isEdgeInitiallyVisible(target, index, source, type) { return type == "control" && (target.cfg || source.cfg); } var Edge = function(target, index, source, type) { this.target = target; this.source = source; this.index = index; this.type = type; this.backEdgeNumber = 0; this.visible = isEdgeInitiallyVisible(target, index, source, type); }; Edge.prototype.stringID = function() { return this.source.id + "," + this.index + "," + this.target.id; }; Edge.prototype.isVisible = function() { return this.visible && this.source.visible && this.target.visible; }; Edge.prototype.getInputHorizontalPosition = function(graph) { if (this.backEdgeNumber > 0) { return graph.maxGraphNodeX + this.backEdgeNumber * MINIMUM_EDGE_SEPARATION; } var source = this.source; var target = this.target; var index = this.index; var input_x = target.x + target.getInputX(index); var inputApproach = target.getInputApproach(this.index); var outputApproach = source.getOutputApproach(graph); if (inputApproach > outputApproach) { return input_x; } else { var inputOffset = MINIMUM_EDGE_SEPARATION * (index + 1); return (target.x < source.x) ? (target.x + target.getTotalNodeWidth() + inputOffset) : (target.x - inputOffset) } } Edge.prototype.generatePath = function(graph) { var target = this.target; var source = this.source; var input_x = target.x + target.getInputX(this.index); var output_x = source.x + source.getOutputX(); var output_y = source.y + DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_BUBBLE_RADIUS; var inputApproach = target.getInputApproach(this.index); var outputApproach = source.getOutputApproach(graph); var horizontalPos = this.getInputHorizontalPosition(graph); var result = "M" + output_x + "," + output_y + "L" + output_x + "," + outputApproach + "L" + horizontalPos + "," + outputApproach; if (horizontalPos != input_x) { result += "L" + horizontalPos + "," + inputApproach; } else { if (inputApproach < outputApproach) { inputApproach = outputApproach; } } result += "L" + input_x + "," + inputApproach + "L" + input_x + "," + (target.y - DEFAULT_NODE_BUBBLE_RADIUS - 12); return result; } Edge.prototype.isBackEdge = function() { return this.target.hasBackEdges() && (this.target.rank < this.source.rank); }