// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include "v8.h" #include "prettyprinter.h" #include "scopes.h" #include "platform.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { #ifdef DEBUG PrettyPrinter::PrettyPrinter(Isolate* isolate) { output_ = NULL; size_ = 0; pos_ = 0; InitializeAstVisitor(isolate); } PrettyPrinter::~PrettyPrinter() { DeleteArray(output_); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitBlock(Block* node) { if (!node->is_initializer_block()) Print("{ "); PrintStatements(node->statements()); if (node->statements()->length() > 0) Print(" "); if (!node->is_initializer_block()) Print("}"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration* node) { Print("var "); PrintLiteral(node->proxy()->name(), false); Print(";"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration* node) { Print("function "); PrintLiteral(node->proxy()->name(), false); Print(" = "); PrintFunctionLiteral(node->fun()); Print(";"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitModuleDeclaration(ModuleDeclaration* node) { Print("module "); PrintLiteral(node->proxy()->name(), false); Print(" = "); Visit(node->module()); Print(";"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitImportDeclaration(ImportDeclaration* node) { Print("import "); PrintLiteral(node->proxy()->name(), false); Print(" from "); Visit(node->module()); Print(";"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitExportDeclaration(ExportDeclaration* node) { Print("export "); PrintLiteral(node->proxy()->name(), false); Print(";"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitModuleLiteral(ModuleLiteral* node) { VisitBlock(node->body()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitModuleVariable(ModuleVariable* node) { Visit(node->proxy()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitModulePath(ModulePath* node) { Visit(node->module()); Print("."); PrintLiteral(node->name(), false); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitModuleUrl(ModuleUrl* node) { Print("at "); PrintLiteral(node->url(), true); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitModuleStatement(ModuleStatement* node) { Print("module "); PrintLiteral(node->proxy()->name(), false); Print(" "); Visit(node->body()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement* node) { Visit(node->expression()); Print(";"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement* node) { Print(";"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitIfStatement(IfStatement* node) { Print("if ("); Visit(node->condition()); Print(") "); Visit(node->then_statement()); if (node->HasElseStatement()) { Print(" else "); Visit(node->else_statement()); } } void PrettyPrinter::VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement* node) { Print("continue"); ZoneStringList* labels = node->target()->labels(); if (labels != NULL) { Print(" "); ASSERT(labels->length() > 0); // guaranteed to have at least one entry PrintLiteral(labels->at(0), false); // any label from the list is fine } Print(";"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitBreakStatement(BreakStatement* node) { Print("break"); ZoneStringList* labels = node->target()->labels(); if (labels != NULL) { Print(" "); ASSERT(labels->length() > 0); // guaranteed to have at least one entry PrintLiteral(labels->at(0), false); // any label from the list is fine } Print(";"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement* node) { Print("return "); Visit(node->expression()); Print(";"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitWithStatement(WithStatement* node) { Print("with ("); Visit(node->expression()); Print(") "); Visit(node->statement()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement* node) { PrintLabels(node->labels()); Print("switch ("); Visit(node->tag()); Print(") { "); ZoneList* cases = node->cases(); for (int i = 0; i < cases->length(); i++) PrintCaseClause(cases->at(i)); Print("}"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitDoWhileStatement(DoWhileStatement* node) { PrintLabels(node->labels()); Print("do "); Visit(node->body()); Print(" while ("); Visit(node->cond()); Print(");"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitWhileStatement(WhileStatement* node) { PrintLabels(node->labels()); Print("while ("); Visit(node->cond()); Print(") "); Visit(node->body()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitForStatement(ForStatement* node) { PrintLabels(node->labels()); Print("for ("); if (node->init() != NULL) { Visit(node->init()); Print(" "); } else { Print("; "); } if (node->cond() != NULL) Visit(node->cond()); Print("; "); if (node->next() != NULL) { Visit(node->next()); // prints extra ';', unfortunately // to fix: should use Expression for next } Print(") "); Visit(node->body()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitForInStatement(ForInStatement* node) { PrintLabels(node->labels()); Print("for ("); Visit(node->each()); Print(" in "); Visit(node->enumerable()); Print(") "); Visit(node->body()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitForOfStatement(ForOfStatement* node) { PrintLabels(node->labels()); Print("for ("); Visit(node->each()); Print(" of "); Visit(node->iterable()); Print(") "); Visit(node->body()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitTryCatchStatement(TryCatchStatement* node) { Print("try "); Visit(node->try_block()); Print(" catch ("); const bool quote = false; PrintLiteral(node->variable()->name(), quote); Print(") "); Visit(node->catch_block()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitTryFinallyStatement(TryFinallyStatement* node) { Print("try "); Visit(node->try_block()); Print(" finally "); Visit(node->finally_block()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitDebuggerStatement(DebuggerStatement* node) { Print("debugger "); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitFunctionLiteral(FunctionLiteral* node) { Print("("); PrintFunctionLiteral(node); Print(")"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitNativeFunctionLiteral(NativeFunctionLiteral* node) { Print("("); PrintLiteral(node->name(), false); Print(")"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitConditional(Conditional* node) { Visit(node->condition()); Print(" ? "); Visit(node->then_expression()); Print(" : "); Visit(node->else_expression()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitLiteral(Literal* node) { PrintLiteral(node->value(), true); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitRegExpLiteral(RegExpLiteral* node) { Print(" RegExp("); PrintLiteral(node->pattern(), false); Print(","); PrintLiteral(node->flags(), false); Print(") "); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitObjectLiteral(ObjectLiteral* node) { Print("{ "); for (int i = 0; i < node->properties()->length(); i++) { if (i != 0) Print(","); ObjectLiteral::Property* property = node->properties()->at(i); Print(" "); Visit(property->key()); Print(": "); Visit(property->value()); } Print(" }"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitArrayLiteral(ArrayLiteral* node) { Print("[ "); for (int i = 0; i < node->values()->length(); i++) { if (i != 0) Print(","); Visit(node->values()->at(i)); } Print(" ]"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitVariableProxy(VariableProxy* node) { PrintLiteral(node->name(), false); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitAssignment(Assignment* node) { Visit(node->target()); Print(" %s ", Token::String(node->op())); Visit(node->value()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitYield(Yield* node) { Print("yield "); Visit(node->expression()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitThrow(Throw* node) { Print("throw "); Visit(node->exception()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitProperty(Property* node) { Expression* key = node->key(); Literal* literal = key->AsLiteral(); if (literal != NULL && literal->value()->IsInternalizedString()) { Print("("); Visit(node->obj()); Print(")."); PrintLiteral(literal->value(), false); } else { Visit(node->obj()); Print("["); Visit(key); Print("]"); } } void PrettyPrinter::VisitCall(Call* node) { Visit(node->expression()); PrintArguments(node->arguments()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitCallNew(CallNew* node) { Print("new ("); Visit(node->expression()); Print(")"); PrintArguments(node->arguments()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitCallRuntime(CallRuntime* node) { Print("%%"); PrintLiteral(node->name(), false); PrintArguments(node->arguments()); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitUnaryOperation(UnaryOperation* node) { Token::Value op = node->op(); bool needsSpace = op == Token::DELETE || op == Token::TYPEOF || op == Token::VOID; Print("(%s%s", Token::String(op), needsSpace ? " " : ""); Visit(node->expression()); Print(")"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitCountOperation(CountOperation* node) { Print("("); if (node->is_prefix()) Print("%s", Token::String(node->op())); Visit(node->expression()); if (node->is_postfix()) Print("%s", Token::String(node->op())); Print(")"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitBinaryOperation(BinaryOperation* node) { Print("("); Visit(node->left()); Print(" %s ", Token::String(node->op())); Visit(node->right()); Print(")"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitCompareOperation(CompareOperation* node) { Print("("); Visit(node->left()); Print(" %s ", Token::String(node->op())); Visit(node->right()); Print(")"); } void PrettyPrinter::VisitThisFunction(ThisFunction* node) { Print(""); } const char* PrettyPrinter::Print(AstNode* node) { Init(); Visit(node); return output_; } const char* PrettyPrinter::PrintExpression(FunctionLiteral* program) { Init(); ExpressionStatement* statement = program->body()->at(0)->AsExpressionStatement(); Visit(statement->expression()); return output_; } const char* PrettyPrinter::PrintProgram(FunctionLiteral* program) { Init(); PrintStatements(program->body()); Print("\n"); return output_; } void PrettyPrinter::PrintOut(Isolate* isolate, AstNode* node) { PrettyPrinter printer(isolate); PrintF("%s", printer.Print(node)); } void PrettyPrinter::Init() { if (size_ == 0) { ASSERT(output_ == NULL); const int initial_size = 256; output_ = NewArray(initial_size); size_ = initial_size; } output_[0] = '\0'; pos_ = 0; } void PrettyPrinter::Print(const char* format, ...) { for (;;) { va_list arguments; va_start(arguments, format); int n = OS::VSNPrintF(Vector(output_, size_) + pos_, format, arguments); va_end(arguments); if (n >= 0) { // there was enough space - we are done pos_ += n; return; } else { // there was not enough space - allocate more and try again const int slack = 32; int new_size = size_ + (size_ >> 1) + slack; char* new_output = NewArray(new_size); OS::MemCopy(new_output, output_, pos_); DeleteArray(output_); output_ = new_output; size_ = new_size; } } } void PrettyPrinter::PrintStatements(ZoneList* statements) { if (statements == NULL) return; for (int i = 0; i < statements->length(); i++) { if (i != 0) Print(" "); Visit(statements->at(i)); } } void PrettyPrinter::PrintLabels(ZoneStringList* labels) { if (labels != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < labels->length(); i++) { PrintLiteral(labels->at(i), false); Print(": "); } } } void PrettyPrinter::PrintArguments(ZoneList* arguments) { Print("("); for (int i = 0; i < arguments->length(); i++) { if (i != 0) Print(", "); Visit(arguments->at(i)); } Print(")"); } void PrettyPrinter::PrintLiteral(Handle value, bool quote) { Object* object = *value; if (object->IsString()) { String* string = String::cast(object); if (quote) Print("\""); for (int i = 0; i < string->length(); i++) { Print("%c", string->Get(i)); } if (quote) Print("\""); } else if (object->IsNull()) { Print("null"); } else if (object->IsTrue()) { Print("true"); } else if (object->IsFalse()) { Print("false"); } else if (object->IsUndefined()) { Print("undefined"); } else if (object->IsNumber()) { Print("%g", object->Number()); } else if (object->IsJSObject()) { // regular expression if (object->IsJSFunction()) { Print("JS-Function"); } else if (object->IsJSArray()) { Print("JS-array[%u]", JSArray::cast(object)->length()); } else if (object->IsJSObject()) { Print("JS-Object"); } else { Print("?UNKNOWN?"); } } else if (object->IsFixedArray()) { Print("FixedArray"); } else { Print("", object); } } void PrettyPrinter::PrintParameters(Scope* scope) { Print("("); for (int i = 0; i < scope->num_parameters(); i++) { if (i > 0) Print(", "); PrintLiteral(scope->parameter(i)->name(), false); } Print(")"); } void PrettyPrinter::PrintDeclarations(ZoneList* declarations) { for (int i = 0; i < declarations->length(); i++) { if (i > 0) Print(" "); Visit(declarations->at(i)); } } void PrettyPrinter::PrintFunctionLiteral(FunctionLiteral* function) { Print("function "); PrintLiteral(function->name(), false); PrintParameters(function->scope()); Print(" { "); PrintDeclarations(function->scope()->declarations()); PrintStatements(function->body()); Print(" }"); } void PrettyPrinter::PrintCaseClause(CaseClause* clause) { if (clause->is_default()) { Print("default"); } else { Print("case "); Visit(clause->label()); } Print(": "); PrintStatements(clause->statements()); if (clause->statements()->length() > 0) Print(" "); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IndentedScope BASE_EMBEDDED { public: IndentedScope(AstPrinter* printer, const char* txt) : ast_printer_(printer) { ast_printer_->PrintIndented(txt); ast_printer_->Print("\n"); ast_printer_->inc_indent(); } virtual ~IndentedScope() { ast_printer_->dec_indent(); } private: AstPrinter* ast_printer_; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AstPrinter::AstPrinter(Isolate* isolate) : PrettyPrinter(isolate), indent_(0) { } AstPrinter::~AstPrinter() { ASSERT(indent_ == 0); } void AstPrinter::PrintIndented(const char* txt) { for (int i = 0; i < indent_; i++) { Print(". "); } Print(txt); } void AstPrinter::PrintLiteralIndented(const char* info, Handle value, bool quote) { PrintIndented(info); Print(" "); PrintLiteral(value, quote); Print("\n"); } void AstPrinter::PrintLiteralWithModeIndented(const char* info, Variable* var, Handle value) { if (var == NULL) { PrintLiteralIndented(info, value, true); } else { EmbeddedVector buf; int pos = OS::SNPrintF(buf, "%s (mode = %s", info, Variable::Mode2String(var->mode())); OS::SNPrintF(buf + pos, ")"); PrintLiteralIndented(buf.start(), value, true); } } void AstPrinter::PrintLabelsIndented(ZoneStringList* labels) { if (labels == NULL || labels->length() == 0) return; PrintIndented("LABELS "); PrintLabels(labels); Print("\n"); } void AstPrinter::PrintIndentedVisit(const char* s, AstNode* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, s); Visit(node); } const char* AstPrinter::PrintProgram(FunctionLiteral* program) { Init(); { IndentedScope indent(this, "FUNC"); PrintLiteralIndented("NAME", program->name(), true); PrintLiteralIndented("INFERRED NAME", program->inferred_name(), true); PrintParameters(program->scope()); PrintDeclarations(program->scope()->declarations()); PrintStatements(program->body()); } return Output(); } void AstPrinter::PrintDeclarations(ZoneList* declarations) { if (declarations->length() > 0) { IndentedScope indent(this, "DECLS"); for (int i = 0; i < declarations->length(); i++) { Visit(declarations->at(i)); } } } void AstPrinter::PrintParameters(Scope* scope) { if (scope->num_parameters() > 0) { IndentedScope indent(this, "PARAMS"); for (int i = 0; i < scope->num_parameters(); i++) { PrintLiteralWithModeIndented("VAR", scope->parameter(i), scope->parameter(i)->name()); } } } void AstPrinter::PrintStatements(ZoneList* statements) { for (int i = 0; i < statements->length(); i++) { Visit(statements->at(i)); } } void AstPrinter::PrintArguments(ZoneList* arguments) { for (int i = 0; i < arguments->length(); i++) { Visit(arguments->at(i)); } } void AstPrinter::PrintCaseClause(CaseClause* clause) { if (clause->is_default()) { IndentedScope indent(this, "DEFAULT"); PrintStatements(clause->statements()); } else { IndentedScope indent(this, "CASE"); Visit(clause->label()); PrintStatements(clause->statements()); } } void AstPrinter::VisitBlock(Block* node) { const char* block_txt = node->is_initializer_block() ? "BLOCK INIT" : "BLOCK"; IndentedScope indent(this, block_txt); PrintStatements(node->statements()); } // TODO(svenpanne) Start with IndentedScope. void AstPrinter::VisitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration* node) { PrintLiteralWithModeIndented(Variable::Mode2String(node->mode()), node->proxy()->var(), node->proxy()->name()); } // TODO(svenpanne) Start with IndentedScope. void AstPrinter::VisitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration* node) { PrintIndented("FUNCTION "); PrintLiteral(node->proxy()->name(), true); Print(" = function "); PrintLiteral(node->fun()->name(), false); Print("\n"); } void AstPrinter::VisitModuleDeclaration(ModuleDeclaration* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "MODULE"); PrintLiteralIndented("NAME", node->proxy()->name(), true); Visit(node->module()); } void AstPrinter::VisitImportDeclaration(ImportDeclaration* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "IMPORT"); PrintLiteralIndented("NAME", node->proxy()->name(), true); Visit(node->module()); } void AstPrinter::VisitExportDeclaration(ExportDeclaration* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "EXPORT "); PrintLiteral(node->proxy()->name(), true); } void AstPrinter::VisitModuleLiteral(ModuleLiteral* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "MODULE LITERAL"); VisitBlock(node->body()); } void AstPrinter::VisitModuleVariable(ModuleVariable* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "MODULE VARIABLE"); Visit(node->proxy()); } void AstPrinter::VisitModulePath(ModulePath* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "MODULE PATH"); PrintIndentedVisit("MODULE PATH PARENT", node->module()); PrintLiteralIndented("NAME", node->name(), true); } void AstPrinter::VisitModuleUrl(ModuleUrl* node) { PrintLiteralIndented("URL", node->url(), true); } void AstPrinter::VisitModuleStatement(ModuleStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "MODULE STATEMENT"); PrintLiteralIndented("NAME", node->proxy()->name(), true); PrintStatements(node->body()->statements()); } void AstPrinter::VisitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "EXPRESSION STATEMENT"); Visit(node->expression()); } void AstPrinter::VisitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "EMPTY"); } void AstPrinter::VisitIfStatement(IfStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "IF"); PrintIndentedVisit("CONDITION", node->condition()); PrintIndentedVisit("THEN", node->then_statement()); if (node->HasElseStatement()) { PrintIndentedVisit("ELSE", node->else_statement()); } } void AstPrinter::VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "CONTINUE"); PrintLabelsIndented(node->target()->labels()); } void AstPrinter::VisitBreakStatement(BreakStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "BREAK"); PrintLabelsIndented(node->target()->labels()); } void AstPrinter::VisitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "RETURN"); Visit(node->expression()); } void AstPrinter::VisitWithStatement(WithStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "WITH"); PrintIndentedVisit("OBJECT", node->expression()); PrintIndentedVisit("BODY", node->statement()); } void AstPrinter::VisitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "SWITCH"); PrintLabelsIndented(node->labels()); PrintIndentedVisit("TAG", node->tag()); for (int i = 0; i < node->cases()->length(); i++) { PrintCaseClause(node->cases()->at(i)); } } void AstPrinter::VisitDoWhileStatement(DoWhileStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "DO"); PrintLabelsIndented(node->labels()); PrintIndentedVisit("BODY", node->body()); PrintIndentedVisit("COND", node->cond()); } void AstPrinter::VisitWhileStatement(WhileStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "WHILE"); PrintLabelsIndented(node->labels()); PrintIndentedVisit("COND", node->cond()); PrintIndentedVisit("BODY", node->body()); } void AstPrinter::VisitForStatement(ForStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "FOR"); PrintLabelsIndented(node->labels()); if (node->init()) PrintIndentedVisit("INIT", node->init()); if (node->cond()) PrintIndentedVisit("COND", node->cond()); PrintIndentedVisit("BODY", node->body()); if (node->next()) PrintIndentedVisit("NEXT", node->next()); } void AstPrinter::VisitForInStatement(ForInStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "FOR IN"); PrintIndentedVisit("FOR", node->each()); PrintIndentedVisit("IN", node->enumerable()); PrintIndentedVisit("BODY", node->body()); } void AstPrinter::VisitForOfStatement(ForOfStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "FOR OF"); PrintIndentedVisit("FOR", node->each()); PrintIndentedVisit("OF", node->iterable()); PrintIndentedVisit("BODY", node->body()); } void AstPrinter::VisitTryCatchStatement(TryCatchStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "TRY CATCH"); PrintIndentedVisit("TRY", node->try_block()); PrintLiteralWithModeIndented("CATCHVAR", node->variable(), node->variable()->name()); PrintIndentedVisit("CATCH", node->catch_block()); } void AstPrinter::VisitTryFinallyStatement(TryFinallyStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "TRY FINALLY"); PrintIndentedVisit("TRY", node->try_block()); PrintIndentedVisit("FINALLY", node->finally_block()); } void AstPrinter::VisitDebuggerStatement(DebuggerStatement* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "DEBUGGER"); } void AstPrinter::VisitFunctionLiteral(FunctionLiteral* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "FUNC LITERAL"); PrintLiteralIndented("NAME", node->name(), false); PrintLiteralIndented("INFERRED NAME", node->inferred_name(), false); PrintParameters(node->scope()); // We don't want to see the function literal in this case: it // will be printed via PrintProgram when the code for it is // generated. // PrintStatements(node->body()); } void AstPrinter::VisitNativeFunctionLiteral(NativeFunctionLiteral* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "NATIVE FUNC LITERAL"); PrintLiteralIndented("NAME", node->name(), false); } void AstPrinter::VisitConditional(Conditional* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "CONDITIONAL"); PrintIndentedVisit("CONDITION", node->condition()); PrintIndentedVisit("THEN", node->then_expression()); PrintIndentedVisit("ELSE", node->else_expression()); } // TODO(svenpanne) Start with IndentedScope. void AstPrinter::VisitLiteral(Literal* node) { PrintLiteralIndented("LITERAL", node->value(), true); } void AstPrinter::VisitRegExpLiteral(RegExpLiteral* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "REGEXP LITERAL"); PrintLiteralIndented("PATTERN", node->pattern(), false); PrintLiteralIndented("FLAGS", node->flags(), false); } void AstPrinter::VisitObjectLiteral(ObjectLiteral* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "OBJ LITERAL"); for (int i = 0; i < node->properties()->length(); i++) { const char* prop_kind = NULL; switch (node->properties()->at(i)->kind()) { case ObjectLiteral::Property::CONSTANT: prop_kind = "PROPERTY - CONSTANT"; break; case ObjectLiteral::Property::COMPUTED: prop_kind = "PROPERTY - COMPUTED"; break; case ObjectLiteral::Property::MATERIALIZED_LITERAL: prop_kind = "PROPERTY - MATERIALIZED_LITERAL"; break; case ObjectLiteral::Property::PROTOTYPE: prop_kind = "PROPERTY - PROTOTYPE"; break; case ObjectLiteral::Property::GETTER: prop_kind = "PROPERTY - GETTER"; break; case ObjectLiteral::Property::SETTER: prop_kind = "PROPERTY - SETTER"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } IndentedScope prop(this, prop_kind); PrintIndentedVisit("KEY", node->properties()->at(i)->key()); PrintIndentedVisit("VALUE", node->properties()->at(i)->value()); } } void AstPrinter::VisitArrayLiteral(ArrayLiteral* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "ARRAY LITERAL"); if (node->values()->length() > 0) { IndentedScope indent(this, "VALUES"); for (int i = 0; i < node->values()->length(); i++) { Visit(node->values()->at(i)); } } } // TODO(svenpanne) Start with IndentedScope. void AstPrinter::VisitVariableProxy(VariableProxy* node) { Variable* var = node->var(); EmbeddedVector buf; int pos = OS::SNPrintF(buf, "VAR PROXY"); switch (var->location()) { case Variable::UNALLOCATED: break; case Variable::PARAMETER: OS::SNPrintF(buf + pos, " parameter[%d]", var->index()); break; case Variable::LOCAL: OS::SNPrintF(buf + pos, " local[%d]", var->index()); break; case Variable::CONTEXT: OS::SNPrintF(buf + pos, " context[%d]", var->index()); break; case Variable::LOOKUP: OS::SNPrintF(buf + pos, " lookup"); break; } PrintLiteralWithModeIndented(buf.start(), var, node->name()); } void AstPrinter::VisitAssignment(Assignment* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, Token::Name(node->op())); Visit(node->target()); Visit(node->value()); } void AstPrinter::VisitYield(Yield* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "YIELD"); Visit(node->expression()); } void AstPrinter::VisitThrow(Throw* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "THROW"); Visit(node->exception()); } void AstPrinter::VisitProperty(Property* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "PROPERTY"); Visit(node->obj()); Literal* literal = node->key()->AsLiteral(); if (literal != NULL && literal->value()->IsInternalizedString()) { PrintLiteralIndented("NAME", literal->value(), false); } else { PrintIndentedVisit("KEY", node->key()); } } void AstPrinter::VisitCall(Call* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "CALL"); Visit(node->expression()); PrintArguments(node->arguments()); } void AstPrinter::VisitCallNew(CallNew* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "CALL NEW"); Visit(node->expression()); PrintArguments(node->arguments()); } void AstPrinter::VisitCallRuntime(CallRuntime* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "CALL RUNTIME"); PrintLiteralIndented("NAME", node->name(), false); PrintArguments(node->arguments()); } void AstPrinter::VisitUnaryOperation(UnaryOperation* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, Token::Name(node->op())); Visit(node->expression()); } void AstPrinter::VisitCountOperation(CountOperation* node) { EmbeddedVector buf; OS::SNPrintF(buf, "%s %s", (node->is_prefix() ? "PRE" : "POST"), Token::Name(node->op())); IndentedScope indent(this, buf.start()); Visit(node->expression()); } void AstPrinter::VisitBinaryOperation(BinaryOperation* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, Token::Name(node->op())); Visit(node->left()); Visit(node->right()); } void AstPrinter::VisitCompareOperation(CompareOperation* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, Token::Name(node->op())); Visit(node->left()); Visit(node->right()); } void AstPrinter::VisitThisFunction(ThisFunction* node) { IndentedScope indent(this, "THIS-FUNCTION"); } #endif // DEBUG } } // namespace v8::internal