// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import {CodeEntry} from '../../codemap.mjs'; import {delay, simpleHtmlEscape} from '../helper.mjs'; import {DeoptLogEntry} from '../log/code.mjs'; import {TickLogEntry} from '../log/tick.mjs'; import {Flame, FlameBuilder, ProfileNode} from '../profiling.mjs'; import {Timeline} from '../timeline.mjs'; import {FocusEvent, SelectRelatedEvent, ToolTipEvent} from './events.mjs'; import {CollapsableElement, CSSColor, DOM, LazyTable} from './helper.mjs'; import {Track} from './timeline/timeline-overview.mjs'; DOM.defineCustomElement('view/profiler-panel', (templateText) => class ProfilerPanel extends CollapsableElement { /** @type {Timeline} */ _timeline; /** @type {Timeline | TickLogEntry[]} */ _displayedLogEntries; /** @type {Timeline | TickLogEntry[]} */ _selectedLogEntries; /** @type {ProfileNode[]} */ _profileNodes = []; /** @type {Map} */ _profileNodeMap; constructor() { super(templateText); this._tableNode = this.$('#table'); this._tableNode.onclick = this._handleRowClick.bind(this); this._showAllRadio = this.$('#show-all'); this._showAllRadio.onclick = _ => this._showEntries(this._timeline); this._showTimeRangeRadio = this.$('#show-timerange'); this._showTimeRangeRadio.onclick = _ => this._showEntries(this._timeline.selectionOrSelf); this._showSelectionRadio = this.$('#show-selection'); this._showSelectionRadio.onclick = _ => this._showEntries(this._selectedLogEntries); /** @type {TimelineOverview} */ this._timelineOverview = this.$('#overview'); this._timelineOverview.countCallback = (tick, /* trick,*/ track) => { let count = 0; for (let j = 0; j < tick.stack.length; j++) { if (track.hasEntry(tick.stack[j])) count++; } return count; }; this._flameChart = this.$('#flameChart'); this._flameChart.onmousemove = this._handleFlameChartMouseMove.bind(this); this._flameChart.onclick = this._handleFlameChartClick.bind(this); } /** @param {Timeline} timeline */ set timeline(timeline) { this._timeline = timeline; this._timelineOverview.timeline = timeline; } /** @param {Timeline | TickLogEntry[]} entries */ set selectedLogEntries(entries) { if (entries === this._timeline) { this._showAllRadio.click(); } else if (entries === this._timeline.selection) { this._showTimeRangeRadio.click(); } else { this._selectedLogEntries = entries; this._showSelectionRadio.click(); } } /** @param {Timeline | TickLogEntry[]} entries */ _showEntries(entries) { this._displayedLogEntries = entries; this.requestUpdate(); } _update() { this._profileNodeMap = new Map(); const entries = this._displayedLogEntries ? (this._displayedLogEntries.values ?? []) : (this._timeline?.values ?? []); let totalDuration = 0; let totalEntries = 0; for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { /** @type {TickLogEntry} */ const tick = entries[i]; totalDuration += tick.duration; const stack = tick.stack; let prevCodeEntry; let prevStatsEntry; for (let j = 0; j < stack.length; j++) { const codeEntry = stack[j]; totalEntries++; let statsEntry = this._profileNodeMap.get(codeEntry); if (statsEntry === undefined) { statsEntry = new ProfileNode(codeEntry); this._profileNodeMap.set(codeEntry, statsEntry); } statsEntry.ticksAndPosition.push(tick, j); if (prevCodeEntry !== undefined) { statsEntry.inCodeEntries.push(prevCodeEntry); prevStatsEntry.outCodeEntries.push(codeEntry); } prevCodeEntry = codeEntry; prevStatsEntry = statsEntry; } } this._profileNodes = Array.from(this._profileNodeMap.values()); this._profileNodes.sort((a, b) => b.selfCount() - a.selfCount()); const body = DOM.tbody(); let buffer = []; for (let id = 0; id < this._profileNodes.length; id++) { /** @type {ProfileNode} */ const node = this._profileNodes[id]; /** @type {CodeEntry} */ const codeEntry = node.codeEntry; buffer.push(``); buffer.push(`${node.selfCount()}`); const selfPercent = (node.selfCount() / entries.length * 100).toFixed(1); buffer.push(`${selfPercent}%`); buffer.push(`${node.totalCount()}`); const totalPercent = (node.totalCount() / totalEntries * 100).toFixed(1); buffer.push(`${totalPercent}%`); if (node.isLeaf()) { buffer.push(''); } else { buffer.push('▸'); } if (typeof codeEntry === 'number') { buffer.push(''); buffer.push(`${codeEntry}`); buffer.push(''); } else { const logEntry = codeEntry.logEntry; let sourcePositionString = logEntry.sourcePosition?.toString() ?? ''; if (logEntry.type == 'SHARED_LIB') { sourcePositionString = logEntry.name; } buffer.push(`${logEntry.type}`); buffer.push( `${simpleHtmlEscape(logEntry.shortName)}`); buffer.push( `${simpleHtmlEscape(sourcePositionString)}`); } buffer.push(''); } body.innerHTML = buffer.join(''); this._tableNode.replaceChild(body, this._tableNode.tBodies[0]); this._updateOverview(this._profileNodes[0]) } _handleRowClick(e) { let node = e.target; let dataId = null; try { while (dataId === null) { dataId = node.getAttribute('data-id'); node = node.parentNode; if (!node) return; } } catch (e) { // getAttribute can throw, this is the lazy way out if we click on the // title (or anywhere that doesn't have a data-it on any parent). return; } const profileNode = this._profileNodes[dataId]; const className = e.target.className; if (className == 'aC') { e.target.className = 'aO'; return; } else if (className == 'aO') { e.target.className = 'aC'; return; } else if (className == 'sp' || className == 'nm') { // open source position const codeEntry = profileNode?.codeEntry; if (codeEntry) { if (e.shiftKey) { this.dispatchEvent(new SelectRelatedEvent(codeEntry)); return; } else if (codeEntry.sourcePosition) { this.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent(codeEntry.sourcePosition)); return; } } } // Default operation: show overview this._updateOverview(profileNode); this._updateFlameChart(profileNode); } _updateOverview(profileNode) { if (profileNode === undefined) { this._timelineOverview.tracks = []; return; } const mainCode = profileNode.codeEntry; const secondaryCodeEntries = []; const deopts = []; const codeCreation = typeof mainCode == 'number' ? [] : [mainCode.logEntry]; if (mainCode.func?.codeEntries.size > 1) { for (let dynamicCode of mainCode.func.codeEntries) { for (let related of dynamicCode.logEntry.relatedEntries()) { if (related instanceof DeoptLogEntry) deopts.push(related); } if (dynamicCode === profileNode.codeEntry) continue; codeCreation.push(dynamicCode.logEntry); secondaryCodeEntries.push(dynamicCode); } } this._timelineOverview.tracks = [ Track.continuous([mainCode], CSSColor.primaryColor), Track.continuous(secondaryCodeEntries, CSSColor.secondaryColor), Track.discrete(deopts, CSSColor.red), Track.discrete(codeCreation, CSSColor.green), ]; } async _updateFlameChart(profileNode) { await delay(100); const codeEntry = profileNode.codeEntry; const stacksIn = profileNode.stacksIn(); // Reverse the stack so the FlameBuilder groups the top-most frame for (let i = 0; i < stacksIn.length; i++) { stacksIn[i].reverse(); } const stacksOut = profileNode.stacksOut(); const flameBuilderIn = FlameBuilder.forTicks(stacksIn); const flameBuilderOut = FlameBuilder.forTicks(stacksOut); let fragment = new DocumentFragment(); const kItemHeight = 12; // One empty line at the beginning const maxInDepth = Math.max(2, flameBuilderIn.maxDepth + 1); let centerDepth = maxInDepth; for (const flame of flameBuilderIn.flames) { // Ignore padded frames. if (flame.logEntry === undefined) continue; const codeEntry = flame.logEntry.entry; const flameProfileNode = this._profileNodeMap.get(codeEntry); const y = (centerDepth - flame.depth - 1) * kItemHeight; fragment.appendChild( this._createFlame(flame, flameProfileNode, y, 'fsIn')); } // Add spacing: centerDepth++; const y = centerDepth * kItemHeight; // Create fake Flame for the main entry; const centerFlame = new Flame(0, codeEntry.logEntry, 0, profileNode.totalCount()); fragment.appendChild( this._createFlame(centerFlame, profileNode, y, 'fsMain')); // Add spacing: centerDepth += 2; for (const flame of flameBuilderOut.flames) { if (flame.logEntry === undefined) continue; const codeEntry = flame.logEntry.entry; const flameProfileNode = this._profileNodeMap.get(codeEntry); const y = (flame.depth + centerDepth) * kItemHeight; fragment.appendChild( this._createFlame(flame, flameProfileNode, y, 'fsOut')); } this.$('#flameChartFlames').replaceChildren(fragment); this.$('#flameChartIn').style.height = (maxInDepth * kItemHeight) + 'px'; this.$('#flameChartSelected').style.top = ((maxInDepth + 1) * kItemHeight) + 'px'; this.$('#flameChartOut').style.top = (centerDepth * kItemHeight) + 'px'; this.$('#flameChartOut').style.height = (flameBuilderOut.maxDepth * kItemHeight) + 'px'; } _createFlame(flame, profileNode, y, className) { const ticksToPixel = 4; const x = flame.time * ticksToPixel; const width = flame.duration * ticksToPixel; const div = DOM.div(className); div.style = `left:${x}px;top:${y}px;width:${width}px`; div.innerText = flame.name; div.data = profileNode; return div; } _handleFlameChartMouseMove(e) { const profileNode = e.target.data; if (!profileNode) return; const logEntry = profileNode.codeEntry.logEntry; this.dispatchEvent(new ToolTipEvent(logEntry, e.target)); } _handleFlameChartClick(e) { const profileNode = e.target.data; if (!profileNode) return; this._updateOverview(profileNode); this._updateFlameChart(profileNode) } });