// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. function newBenchmark(name, handlers) { new BenchmarkSuite(name, [1000], [ new Benchmark(name, false, false, 0, handlers.run, handlers.setup, handlers.teardown) ]); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- var result; var foo = () => {} newBenchmark("ProxyConstructorWithArrowFunc", { setup() { }, run() { var proxy = new Proxy(foo, {}); result = proxy; }, teardown() { return (typeof result == 'function'); } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Class {}; newBenchmark("ProxyConstructorWithClass", { setup() { }, run() { var proxy = new Proxy(Class, {}); result = proxy; }, teardown() { return (typeof result == 'function'); } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- let obj = {}; newBenchmark("ProxyConstructorWithObject", { setup() { }, run() { var proxy = new Proxy(obj, {}); result = proxy; }, teardown() { return (typeof result == 'function'); } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- var p = new Proxy({}, {}); newBenchmark("ProxyConstructorWithProxy", { setup() { }, run() { var proxy = new Proxy(p, {}); result = proxy; }, teardown() { return (typeof result == 'function'); } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SOME_NUMBER = 42; const SOME_OTHER_NUMBER = 1337; const ITERATIONS = 1000; newBenchmark("CallProxyWithoutTrap", { setup() { const target = () => { return SOME_NUMBER; }; p = new Proxy(target, {}); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { p(); } }, teardown() { return (result === SOME_NUMBER); } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- newBenchmark("CallProxyWithTrap", { setup() { const target = () => { return SOME_NUMBER; }; p = new Proxy(target, { apply: function(target, thisArg, argumentsList) { return SOME_OTHER_NUMBER; } }); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { p(); } }, teardown() { return (result === SOME_OTHER_NUMBER); } }); var instance; class MyClass { }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- newBenchmark("ConstructProxyWithoutTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(MyClass, {}); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { instance = new p(); } }, teardown() { return instance instanceof MyClass; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- newBenchmark("ConstructProxyWithTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(Object, { construct: function(target, argumentsList, newTarget) { return new MyClass; } }); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { instance = new p(); } }, teardown() { return instance instanceof MyClass; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- obj = { prop: SOME_NUMBER } let value; newBenchmark("GetStringWithoutTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, {}); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { value = p.prop; } }, teardown() { return value === SOME_NUMBER; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- newBenchmark("GetStringWithTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, { get: function(target, propertyKey, receiver) { return SOME_OTHER_NUMBER; } }); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { value = p.prop; } }, teardown() { return value === SOME_OTHER_NUMBER; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- obj = [SOME_NUMBER]; newBenchmark("GetIndexWithoutTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, {}); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { value = p[0]; } }, teardown() { return value === SOME_NUMBER; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- newBenchmark("GetIndexWithTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, { get: function(target, propertyKey, receiver) { return SOME_OTHER_NUMBER; } }); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { value = p[0]; } }, teardown() { return value === SOME_OTHER_NUMBER; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- var symbol = Symbol(); obj[symbol] = SOME_NUMBER; newBenchmark("GetSymbolWithoutTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, {}); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { value = p[symbol]; } }, teardown() { return value === SOME_NUMBER; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- newBenchmark("GetSymbolWithTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, { get: function(target, propertyKey, receiver) { return SOME_OTHER_NUMBER; } }); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { value = p[symbol]; } }, teardown() { return value === SOME_OTHER_NUMBER; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- obj = {}; newBenchmark("HasStringWithoutTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, {}); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { value = ('prop' in p); } }, teardown() { return value === true; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- newBenchmark("HasStringWithTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, { has: function(target, propertyKey) { return true; } }); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { value = ('prop' in p); } }, teardown() { return value === true; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- obj[symbol] = SOME_NUMBER; newBenchmark("HasSymbolWithoutTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, {}); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { value = (symbol in p); } }, teardown() { return value === true; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- newBenchmark("HasSymbolWithTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, { has: function(target, propertyKey) { return true; } }); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { value = (symbol in p); } }, teardown() { return value === true; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- obj = { prop: undefined } value = SOME_NUMBER; newBenchmark("SetStringWithoutTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, {}); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { p.prop = value; } }, teardown() { return value === SOME_NUMBER; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- newBenchmark("SetStringWithTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, { set: function(target, propertyKey, value, receiver) { target[propertyKey] = SOME_OTHER_NUMBER; return true; } }); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { p.prop = value; } }, teardown() { return value === SOME_OTHER_NUMBER; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- obj = [undefined]; value = SOME_NUMBER; newBenchmark("SetIndexWithoutTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, {}); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { p[0] = value; } }, teardown() { return value === SOME_NUMBER; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- newBenchmark("SetIndexWithTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, { set: function(target, propertyKey, value, receiver) { target[propertyKey] = SOME_OTHER_NUMBER; return true; } }); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { p[0] = value; } }, teardown() { return value === SOME_OTHER_NUMBER; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- obj[symbol] = undefined; value = SOME_NUMBER; newBenchmark("SetSymbolWithoutTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, {}); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { p[symbol] = value; } }, teardown() { return value === SOME_NUMBER; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- newBenchmark("SetSymbolWithTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, { set: function(target, propertyKey, value, receiver) { target[propertyKey] = SOME_OTHER_NUMBER; return true; } }); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { p[symbol] = value; } }, teardown() { return value === SOME_OTHER_NUMBER; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- var obj20prop = {}; var measured; newBenchmark("HasInIdiom", { setup() { for (var i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { obj20prop['prop' + i] = SOME_NUMBER; } p = new Proxy(obj20prop, { has: function(target, propertyKey) { return true; }, get: function(target, propertyKey, receiver) { if (typeof propertyKey == 'string' && propertyKey.match('prop')) return SOME_NUMBER; else return Reflect.get(target, propertyKey, receiver); }, }); measured = function measured(o) { var result = 0; for (var x in o) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(o, x)) { var v = o[x]; result += v; } } return result; } }, run() { result = measured(p); }, teardown() { return result === 20 * SOME_NUMBER; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- obj = {}; value = false; newBenchmark("IsExtensibleWithoutTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, {}); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { value = Object.isExtensible(p); } return value; }, teardown() { return value === true; } }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- obj = {}; value = false; newBenchmark("IsExtensibleWithTrap", { setup() { p = new Proxy(obj, { isExtensible: function(target) { return true; } }); }, run() { for(var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { value = Object.isExtensible(p); } return value; }, teardown() { return value === true; } });