// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // Test ES5 sections Object.create. // We do not support nonconfigurable properties on objects so that is not // tested. We do test getters, setters, writable, enumerable and value. // Check that no exceptions are thrown. Object.create(null); Object.create(null, undefined); // Check that the right exception is thrown. try { Object.create(4); assertTrue(false); } catch (e) { assertTrue(/Object or null/.test(e)); } try { Object.create("foo"); print(2); assertTrue(false); } catch (e) { assertTrue(/Object or null/.test(e)); } var ctr = 0; var ctr2 = 0; var ctr3 = 0; var ctr4 = 0; var ctr5 = 0; var ctr6 = 1000; var protoFoo = { foo: function() { ctr++; }}; var fooValue = { foo: { writable: true, value: function() { ctr2++; }}}; var fooGetter = { foo: { get: function() { return ctr3++; }}}; var fooSetter = { foo: { set: function() { return ctr4++; }}}; var fooAmbiguous = { foo: { get: function() { return ctr3++; }, value: 3 }}; function valueGet() { ctr5++; return 3 }; function getterGet() { ctr5++; return function() { return ctr6++; }; }; // Simple object with prototype, no properties added. Object.create(protoFoo).foo(); assertEquals(1, ctr); // Simple object with object with prototype, no properties added. Object.create(Object.create(protoFoo)).foo(); assertEquals(2, ctr); // Add a property foo that returns a function. var v = Object.create(protoFoo, fooValue); v.foo(); assertEquals(2, ctr); assertEquals(1, ctr2); // Ensure the property is writable. v.foo = 42; assertEquals(42, v.foo); assertEquals(2, ctr); assertEquals(1, ctr2); // Ensure by default properties are not writable. v = Object.create(null, { foo: {value: 103}}); assertEquals(103, v.foo); v.foo = 42; assertEquals(103, v.foo); // Add a getter foo that returns a counter value. assertEquals(0, Object.create(protoFoo, fooGetter).foo); assertEquals(2, ctr); assertEquals(1, ctr2); assertEquals(1, ctr3); // Add a setter foo that runs a function. assertEquals(1, Object.create(protoFoo, fooSetter).foo = 1); assertEquals(2, ctr); assertEquals(1, ctr2); assertEquals(1, ctr3); assertEquals(1, ctr4); // Make sure that trying to add both a value and a getter // will result in an exception. try { Object.create(protoFoo, fooAmbiguous); assertTrue(false); } catch (e) { assertTrue(/Invalid property/.test(e)); } assertEquals(2, ctr); assertEquals(1, ctr2); assertEquals(1, ctr3); assertEquals(1, ctr4); var ctr7 = 0; var metaProps = { enumerable: { get: function() { assertEquals(0, ctr7++); return true; }}, configurable: { get: function() { assertEquals(1, ctr7++); return true; }}, value: { get: function() { assertEquals(2, ctr7++); return 4; }}, writable: { get: function() { assertEquals(3, ctr7++); return true; }}, get: { get: function() { assertEquals(4, ctr7++); return function() { }; }}, set: { get: function() { assertEquals(5, ctr7++); return function() { }; }} }; // Instead of a plain props object, let's use getters to return its properties. var magicValueProps = { foo: Object.create(null, { value: { get: valueGet }})}; var magicGetterProps = { foo: Object.create(null, { get: { get: getterGet }})}; var magicAmbiguousProps = { foo: Object.create(null, metaProps) }; assertEquals(3, Object.create(null, magicValueProps).foo); assertEquals(1, ctr5); assertEquals(1000, Object.create(null, magicGetterProps).foo); assertEquals(2, ctr5); // See if we do the steps in ToPropertyDescriptor in the right order. // We shouldn't throw the exception for an ambiguous properties object // before we got all the values out. try { Object.create(null, magicAmbiguousProps); assertTrue(false); } catch (e) { assertTrue(/Invalid property/.test(e)); assertEquals(6, ctr7); } var magicWritableProps = { foo: Object.create(null, { value: { value: 4 }, writable: { get: function() { ctr6++; return false; }}})}; var fooNotWritable = Object.create(null, magicWritableProps) assertEquals(1002, ctr6); assertEquals(4, fooNotWritable.foo); fooNotWritable.foo = 5; assertEquals(4, fooNotWritable.foo); // Test enumerable flag. var fooNotEnumerable = Object.create({fizz: 14}, {foo: {value: 3, enumerable: false}, bar: {value: 4, enumerable: true}, baz: {value: 5}}); var sum = 0; for (x in fooNotEnumerable) { assertTrue(x === 'bar' || x === 'fizz'); sum += fooNotEnumerable[x]; } assertEquals(18, sum); try { Object.create(null, {foo: { get: 0 }}); assertTrue(false); } catch (e) { assertTrue(/Getter must be a function/.test(e)); } try { Object.create(null, {foo: { set: 0 }}); assertTrue(false); } catch (e) { assertTrue(/Setter must be a function/.test(e)); } try { Object.create(null, {foo: { set: 0, get: 0 }}); assertTrue(false); } catch (e) { assertTrue(/Getter must be a function/.test(e)); } // Ensure that only enumerable own properties on the descriptor are used. var tricky = Object.create( { foo: { value: 1, enumerable: true }}, { bar: { value: { value: 2, enumerable: true }, enumerable: false }, baz: { value: { value: 4, enumerable: false }, enumerable: true }, fizz: { value: { value: 8, enumerable: false }, enumerable: false }, buzz: { value: { value: 16, enumerable: true }, enumerable: true }}); assertEquals(1, tricky.foo.value); assertEquals(2, tricky.bar.value); assertEquals(4, tricky.baz.value); assertEquals(8, tricky.fizz.value); assertEquals(16, tricky.buzz.value); var sonOfTricky = Object.create(null, tricky); assertFalse("foo" in sonOfTricky); assertFalse("bar" in sonOfTricky); assertTrue("baz" in sonOfTricky); assertFalse("fizz" in sonOfTricky); assertTrue("buzz" in sonOfTricky); var sum = 0; for (x in sonOfTricky) { assertTrue(x === 'buzz'); sum += sonOfTricky[x]; } assertEquals(16, sum);