// Copyright 2006-2008 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // This is a JavaScript implementation of the Richards // benchmark from: // // http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mr10/Bench.html // // The benchmark was originally implemented in BCPL by // Martin Richards. var Richards = new BenchmarkSuite('Richards', 34886, [ new Benchmark("Richards", runRichards) ]); /** * The Richards benchmark simulates the task dispatcher of an * operating system. **/ function runRichards() { var scheduler = new Scheduler(); scheduler.addIdleTask(ID_IDLE, 0, null, COUNT); var queue = new Packet(null, ID_WORKER, KIND_WORK); queue = new Packet(queue, ID_WORKER, KIND_WORK); scheduler.addWorkerTask(ID_WORKER, 1000, queue); queue = new Packet(null, ID_DEVICE_A, KIND_DEVICE); queue = new Packet(queue, ID_DEVICE_A, KIND_DEVICE); queue = new Packet(queue, ID_DEVICE_A, KIND_DEVICE); scheduler.addHandlerTask(ID_HANDLER_A, 2000, queue); queue = new Packet(null, ID_DEVICE_B, KIND_DEVICE); queue = new Packet(queue, ID_DEVICE_B, KIND_DEVICE); queue = new Packet(queue, ID_DEVICE_B, KIND_DEVICE); scheduler.addHandlerTask(ID_HANDLER_B, 3000, queue); scheduler.addDeviceTask(ID_DEVICE_A, 4000, null); scheduler.addDeviceTask(ID_DEVICE_B, 5000, null); scheduler.schedule(); if (scheduler.queueCount != EXPECTED_QUEUE_COUNT || scheduler.holdCount != EXPECTED_HOLD_COUNT) { var msg = "Error during execution: queueCount = " + scheduler.queueCount + ", holdCount = " + scheduler.holdCount + "."; throw new Error(msg); } } var COUNT = 1000; /** * These two constants specify how many times a packet is queued and * how many times a task is put on hold in a correct run of richards. * They don't have any meaning a such but are characteristic of a * correct run so if the actual queue or hold count is different from * the expected there must be a bug in the implementation. **/ var EXPECTED_QUEUE_COUNT = 2322; var EXPECTED_HOLD_COUNT = 928; /** * A scheduler can be used to schedule a set of tasks based on their relative * priorities. Scheduling is done by maintaining a list of task control blocks * which holds tasks and the data queue they are processing. * @constructor */ function Scheduler() { this.queueCount = 0; this.holdCount = 0; this.blocks = new Array(NUMBER_OF_IDS); this.list = null; this.currentTcb = null; this.currentId = null; } var ID_IDLE = 0; var ID_WORKER = 1; var ID_HANDLER_A = 2; var ID_HANDLER_B = 3; var ID_DEVICE_A = 4; var ID_DEVICE_B = 5; var NUMBER_OF_IDS = 6; var KIND_DEVICE = 0; var KIND_WORK = 1; /** * Add an idle task to this scheduler. * @param {int} id the identity of the task * @param {int} priority the task's priority * @param {Packet} queue the queue of work to be processed by the task * @param {int} count the number of times to schedule the task */ Scheduler.prototype.addIdleTask = function (id, priority, queue, count) { this.addRunningTask(id, priority, queue, new IdleTask(this, 1, count)); }; /** * Add a work task to this scheduler. * @param {int} id the identity of the task * @param {int} priority the task's priority * @param {Packet} queue the queue of work to be processed by the task */ Scheduler.prototype.addWorkerTask = function (id, priority, queue) { this.addTask(id, priority, queue, new WorkerTask(this, ID_HANDLER_A, 0)); }; /** * Add a handler task to this scheduler. * @param {int} id the identity of the task * @param {int} priority the task's priority * @param {Packet} queue the queue of work to be processed by the task */ Scheduler.prototype.addHandlerTask = function (id, priority, queue) { this.addTask(id, priority, queue, new HandlerTask(this)); }; /** * Add a handler task to this scheduler. * @param {int} id the identity of the task * @param {int} priority the task's priority * @param {Packet} queue the queue of work to be processed by the task */ Scheduler.prototype.addDeviceTask = function (id, priority, queue) { this.addTask(id, priority, queue, new DeviceTask(this)) }; /** * Add the specified task and mark it as running. * @param {int} id the identity of the task * @param {int} priority the task's priority * @param {Packet} queue the queue of work to be processed by the task * @param {Task} task the task to add */ Scheduler.prototype.addRunningTask = function (id, priority, queue, task) { this.addTask(id, priority, queue, task); this.currentTcb.setRunning(); }; /** * Add the specified task to this scheduler. * @param {int} id the identity of the task * @param {int} priority the task's priority * @param {Packet} queue the queue of work to be processed by the task * @param {Task} task the task to add */ Scheduler.prototype.addTask = function (id, priority, queue, task) { this.currentTcb = new TaskControlBlock(this.list, id, priority, queue, task); this.list = this.currentTcb; this.blocks[id] = this.currentTcb; }; /** * Execute the tasks managed by this scheduler. */ Scheduler.prototype.schedule = function () { this.currentTcb = this.list; while (this.currentTcb != null) { if (this.currentTcb.isHeldOrSuspended()) { this.currentTcb = this.currentTcb.link; } else { this.currentId = this.currentTcb.id; this.currentTcb = this.currentTcb.run(); } } }; /** * Release a task that is currently blocked and return the next block to run. * @param {int} id the id of the task to suspend */ Scheduler.prototype.release = function (id) { var tcb = this.blocks[id]; if (tcb == null) return tcb; tcb.markAsNotHeld(); if (tcb.priority > this.currentTcb.priority) { return tcb; } else { return this.currentTcb; } }; /** * Block the currently executing task and return the next task control block * to run. The blocked task will not be made runnable until it is explicitly * released, even if new work is added to it. */ Scheduler.prototype.holdCurrent = function () { this.holdCount++; this.currentTcb.markAsHeld(); return this.currentTcb.link; }; /** * Suspend the currently executing task and return the next task control block * to run. If new work is added to the suspended task it will be made runnable. */ Scheduler.prototype.suspendCurrent = function () { this.currentTcb.markAsSuspended(); return this.currentTcb; }; /** * Add the specified packet to the end of the worklist used by the task * associated with the packet and make the task runnable if it is currently * suspended. * @param {Packet} packet the packet to add */ Scheduler.prototype.queue = function (packet) { var t = this.blocks[packet.id]; if (t == null) return t; this.queueCount++; packet.link = null; packet.id = this.currentId; return t.checkPriorityAdd(this.currentTcb, packet); }; /** * A task control block manages a task and the queue of work packages associated * with it. * @param {TaskControlBlock} link the preceding block in the linked block list * @param {int} id the id of this block * @param {int} priority the priority of this block * @param {Packet} queue the queue of packages to be processed by the task * @param {Task} task the task * @constructor */ function TaskControlBlock(link, id, priority, queue, task) { this.link = link; this.id = id; this.priority = priority; this.queue = queue; this.task = task; if (queue == null) { this.state = STATE_SUSPENDED; } else { this.state = STATE_SUSPENDED_RUNNABLE; } } /** * The task is running and is currently scheduled. */ var STATE_RUNNING = 0; /** * The task has packets left to process. */ var STATE_RUNNABLE = 1; /** * The task is not currently running. The task is not blocked as such and may * be started by the scheduler. */ var STATE_SUSPENDED = 2; /** * The task is blocked and cannot be run until it is explicitly released. */ var STATE_HELD = 4; var STATE_SUSPENDED_RUNNABLE = STATE_SUSPENDED | STATE_RUNNABLE; var STATE_NOT_HELD = ~STATE_HELD; TaskControlBlock.prototype.setRunning = function () { this.state = STATE_RUNNING; }; TaskControlBlock.prototype.markAsNotHeld = function () { this.state = this.state & STATE_NOT_HELD; }; TaskControlBlock.prototype.markAsHeld = function () { this.state = this.state | STATE_HELD; }; TaskControlBlock.prototype.isHeldOrSuspended = function () { return (this.state & STATE_HELD) != 0 || (this.state == STATE_SUSPENDED); }; TaskControlBlock.prototype.markAsSuspended = function () { this.state = this.state | STATE_SUSPENDED; }; TaskControlBlock.prototype.markAsRunnable = function () { this.state = this.state | STATE_RUNNABLE; }; /** * Runs this task, if it is ready to be run, and returns the next task to run. */ TaskControlBlock.prototype.run = function () { var packet; if (this.state == STATE_SUSPENDED_RUNNABLE) { packet = this.queue; this.queue = packet.link; if (this.queue == null) { this.state = STATE_RUNNING; } else { this.state = STATE_RUNNABLE; } } else { packet = null; } return this.task.run(packet); }; /** * Adds a packet to the worklist of this block's task, marks this as runnable if * necessary, and returns the next runnable object to run (the one * with the highest priority). */ TaskControlBlock.prototype.checkPriorityAdd = function (task, packet) { if (this.queue == null) { this.queue = packet; this.markAsRunnable(); if (this.priority > task.priority) return this; } else { this.queue = packet.addTo(this.queue); } return task; }; TaskControlBlock.prototype.toString = function () { return "tcb { " + this.task + "@" + this.state + " }"; }; /** * An idle task doesn't do any work itself but cycles control between the two * device tasks. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler the scheduler that manages this task * @param {int} v1 a seed value that controls how the device tasks are scheduled * @param {int} count the number of times this task should be scheduled * @constructor */ function IdleTask(scheduler, v1, count) { this.scheduler = scheduler; this.v1 = v1; this.count = count; } IdleTask.prototype.run = function (packet) { this.count--; if (this.count == 0) return this.scheduler.holdCurrent(); if ((this.v1 & 1) == 0) { this.v1 = this.v1 >> 1; return this.scheduler.release(ID_DEVICE_A); } else { this.v1 = (this.v1 >> 1) ^ 0xD008; return this.scheduler.release(ID_DEVICE_B); } }; IdleTask.prototype.toString = function () { return "IdleTask" }; /** * A task that suspends itself after each time it has been run to simulate * waiting for data from an external device. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler the scheduler that manages this task * @constructor */ function DeviceTask(scheduler) { this.scheduler = scheduler; this.v1 = null; } DeviceTask.prototype.run = function (packet) { if (packet == null) { if (this.v1 == null) return this.scheduler.suspendCurrent(); var v = this.v1; this.v1 = null; return this.scheduler.queue(v); } else { this.v1 = packet; return this.scheduler.holdCurrent(); } }; DeviceTask.prototype.toString = function () { return "DeviceTask"; }; /** * A task that manipulates work packets. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler the scheduler that manages this task * @param {int} v1 a seed used to specify how work packets are manipulated * @param {int} v2 another seed used to specify how work packets are manipulated * @constructor */ function WorkerTask(scheduler, v1, v2) { this.scheduler = scheduler; this.v1 = v1; this.v2 = v2; } WorkerTask.prototype.run = function (packet) { if (packet == null) { return this.scheduler.suspendCurrent(); } else { if (this.v1 == ID_HANDLER_A) { this.v1 = ID_HANDLER_B; } else { this.v1 = ID_HANDLER_A; } packet.id = this.v1; packet.a1 = 0; for (var i = 0; i < DATA_SIZE; i++) { this.v2++; if (this.v2 > 26) this.v2 = 1; packet.a2[i] = this.v2; } return this.scheduler.queue(packet); } }; WorkerTask.prototype.toString = function () { return "WorkerTask"; }; /** * A task that manipulates work packets and then suspends itself. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler the scheduler that manages this task * @constructor */ function HandlerTask(scheduler) { this.scheduler = scheduler; this.v1 = null; this.v2 = null; } HandlerTask.prototype.run = function (packet) { if (packet != null) { if (packet.kind == KIND_WORK) { this.v1 = packet.addTo(this.v1); } else { this.v2 = packet.addTo(this.v2); } } if (this.v1 != null) { var count = this.v1.a1; var v; if (count < DATA_SIZE) { if (this.v2 != null) { v = this.v2; this.v2 = this.v2.link; v.a1 = this.v1.a2[count]; this.v1.a1 = count + 1; return this.scheduler.queue(v); } } else { v = this.v1; this.v1 = this.v1.link; return this.scheduler.queue(v); } } return this.scheduler.suspendCurrent(); }; HandlerTask.prototype.toString = function () { return "HandlerTask"; }; /* --- * * P a c k e t * --- */ var DATA_SIZE = 4; /** * A simple package of data that is manipulated by the tasks. The exact layout * of the payload data carried by a packet is not importaint, and neither is the * nature of the work performed on packets by the tasks. * * Besides carrying data, packets form linked lists and are hence used both as * data and worklists. * @param {Packet} link the tail of the linked list of packets * @param {int} id an ID for this packet * @param {int} kind the type of this packet * @constructor */ function Packet(link, id, kind) { this.link = link; this.id = id; this.kind = kind; this.a1 = 0; this.a2 = new Array(DATA_SIZE); } /** * Add this packet to the end of a worklist, and return the worklist. * @param {Packet} queue the worklist to add this packet to */ Packet.prototype.addTo = function (queue) { this.link = null; if (queue == null) return this; var peek, next = queue; while ((peek = next.link) != null) next = peek; next.link = this; return queue; }; Packet.prototype.toString = function () { return "Packet"; };