// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --allow-natives-syntax --stack-size=100 --harmony function test(f, expected, type) { try { f(); } catch (e) { assertInstanceof(e, type); assertEquals(expected, e.message); return; } assertUnreachable("Exception expected"); } const typedArrayConstructors = [ Uint8Array, Int8Array, Uint16Array, Int16Array, Uint32Array, Int32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array, Uint8ClampedArray ]; // === Error === // kCyclicProto test(function() { var o = {}; o.__proto__ = o; }, "Cyclic __proto__ value", Error); // === TypeError === // kApplyNonFunction test(function() { Reflect.apply(1, []); }, "Function.prototype.apply was called on 1, which is a number " + "and not a function", TypeError); test(function() { var a = [1, 2]; Object.freeze(a); a.splice(1, 1, [1]); }, "Cannot assign to read only property '1' of object '[object Array]'", TypeError); test(function() { var a = [1]; Object.seal(a); a.shift(); }, "Cannot delete property '0' of [object Array]", TypeError); // kCalledNonCallable test(function() { [].forEach(1); }, "1 is not a function", TypeError); // kCalledOnNonObject test(function() { Object.defineProperty(1, "x", {}); }, "Object.defineProperty called on non-object", TypeError); test(function() { (function() {}).apply({}, 1); }, "CreateListFromArrayLike called on non-object", TypeError); test(function() { Reflect.apply(function() {}, {}, 1); }, "CreateListFromArrayLike called on non-object", TypeError); test(function() { Reflect.construct(function() {}, 1); }, "CreateListFromArrayLike called on non-object", TypeError); // kCalledOnNullOrUndefined test(function() { String.prototype.includes.call(null); }, "String.prototype.includes called on null or undefined", TypeError); test(function() { String.prototype.match.call(null); }, "String.prototype.match called on null or undefined", TypeError); test(function() { String.prototype.search.call(null); }, "String.prototype.search called on null or undefined", TypeError); test(function() { Array.prototype.shift.call(null); }, "Cannot convert undefined or null to object", TypeError); test(function() { String.prototype.trim.call(null); }, "String.prototype.trim called on null or undefined", TypeError); test(function() { String.prototype.trimLeft.call(null); }, "String.prototype.trimLeft called on null or undefined", TypeError); test(function() { String.prototype.trimRight.call(null); }, "String.prototype.trimRight called on null or undefined", TypeError); // kCannotFreezeArrayBufferView test(function() { Object.freeze(new Uint16Array(1)); }, "Cannot freeze array buffer views with elements", TypeError); // kConstAssign test(function() { "use strict"; const a = 1; a = 2; }, "Assignment to constant variable.", TypeError); // kCannotConvertToPrimitive test(function() { var o = { toString: function() { return this } }; [].join(o); }, "Cannot convert object to primitive value", TypeError); // kConstructorNotFunction test(function() { Map(); }, "Constructor Map requires 'new'", TypeError); test(function() { Set(); }, "Constructor Set requires 'new'", TypeError); test(function() { Uint16Array(1); }, "Constructor Uint16Array requires 'new'", TypeError); test(function() { WeakSet(); }, "Constructor WeakSet requires 'new'", TypeError); test(function() { WeakMap(); }, "Constructor WeakMap requires 'new'", TypeError); // kDataViewNotArrayBuffer test(function() { new DataView(1); }, "First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer", TypeError); // kDefineDisallowed test(function() { "use strict"; var o = {}; Object.preventExtensions(o); Object.defineProperty(o, "x", { value: 1 }); }, "Cannot define property x, object is not extensible", TypeError); // kDetachedOperation for (constructor of typedArrayConstructors) { test(() => { const ta = new constructor([1]); %ArrayBufferDetach(ta.buffer); ta.find(() => {}); }, "Cannot perform %TypedArray%.prototype.find on a detached ArrayBuffer", TypeError); test(() => { const ta = new constructor([1]); %ArrayBufferDetach(ta.buffer); ta.findIndex(() => {}); }, "Cannot perform %TypedArray%.prototype.findIndex on a detached ArrayBuffer", TypeError); } // kFirstArgumentNotRegExp test(function() { "a".startsWith(/a/); }, "First argument to String.prototype.startsWith " + "must not be a regular expression", TypeError); test(function() { "a".includes(/a/); }, "First argument to String.prototype.includes " + "must not be a regular expression", TypeError); // kFlagsGetterNonObject test(function() { Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(RegExp.prototype, "flags").get.call(1); }, "RegExp.prototype.flags getter called on non-object 1", TypeError); // kFunctionBind test(function() { Function.prototype.bind.call(1); }, "Bind must be called on a function", TypeError); // kGeneratorRunning test(function() { var iter; function* generator() { yield iter.next(); } var iter = generator(); iter.next(); }, "Generator is already running", TypeError); // kIncompatibleMethodReceiver test(function() { Set.prototype.add.call([]); }, "Method Set.prototype.add called on incompatible receiver [object Array]", TypeError); test(function() { WeakSet.prototype.add.call([]); }, "Method WeakSet.prototype.add called on incompatible receiver [object Array]", TypeError); test(function() { WeakSet.prototype.delete.call([]); }, "Method WeakSet.prototype.delete called on incompatible receiver [object Array]", TypeError); test(function() { WeakMap.prototype.set.call([]); }, "Method WeakMap.prototype.set called on incompatible receiver [object Array]", TypeError); test(function() { WeakMap.prototype.delete.call([]); }, "Method WeakMap.prototype.delete called on incompatible receiver [object Array]", TypeError); // kNonCallableInInstanceOfCheck test(function() { 1 instanceof {}; }, "Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not callable", TypeError); // kNonObjectInInstanceOfCheck test(function() { 1 instanceof 1; }, "Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object", TypeError); // kInstanceofNonobjectProto test(function() { function f() {} var o = new f(); f.prototype = 1; o instanceof f; }, "Function has non-object prototype '1' in instanceof check", TypeError); // kInvalidInOperatorUse test(function() { 1 in 1; }, "Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '1' in 1", TypeError); // kInvalidWeakMapKey test(function() { new WeakMap([[1, 1]]); }, "Invalid value used as weak map key", TypeError); test(function() { new WeakMap().set(1, 1); }, "Invalid value used as weak map key", TypeError); // kInvalidWeakSetValue test(function() { new WeakSet([1]); }, "Invalid value used in weak set", TypeError); test(function() { new WeakSet().add(1); }, "Invalid value used in weak set", TypeError); // kIteratorResultNotAnObject test(function() { var obj = {}; obj[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return { next: function() { return 1 }}}; Array.from(obj); }, "Iterator result 1 is not an object", TypeError); // kIteratorValueNotAnObject test(function() { new Map([1]); }, "Iterator value 1 is not an entry object", TypeError); test(function() { let holeyDoubleArray = [, 123.123]; assertTrue(%HasDoubleElements(holeyDoubleArray)); assertTrue(%HasHoleyElements(holeyDoubleArray)); new Map(holeyDoubleArray); }, "Iterator value undefined is not an entry object", TypeError); test(function() { let holeyDoubleArray = [, 123.123]; assertTrue(%HasDoubleElements(holeyDoubleArray)); assertTrue(%HasHoleyElements(holeyDoubleArray)); new WeakMap(holeyDoubleArray); }, "Iterator value undefined is not an entry object", TypeError); // kNotConstructor test(function() { new Symbol(); }, "Symbol is not a constructor", TypeError); // kNotDateObject test(function() { Date.prototype.getHours.call(1); }, "this is not a Date object.", TypeError); // kNotGeneric test(() => String.prototype.toString.call(1), "String.prototype.toString requires that 'this' be a String", TypeError); test(() => String.prototype.valueOf.call(1), "String.prototype.valueOf requires that 'this' be a String", TypeError); test(() => Boolean.prototype.toString.call(1), "Boolean.prototype.toString requires that 'this' be a Boolean", TypeError); test(() => Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(1), "Boolean.prototype.valueOf requires that 'this' be a Boolean", TypeError); test(() => Number.prototype.toString.call({}), "Number.prototype.toString requires that 'this' be a Number", TypeError); test(() => Number.prototype.valueOf.call({}), "Number.prototype.valueOf requires that 'this' be a Number", TypeError); test(() => Function.prototype.toString.call(1), "Function.prototype.toString requires that 'this' be a Function", TypeError); // kNotTypedArray test(function() { Uint16Array.prototype.forEach.call(1); }, "this is not a typed array.", TypeError); // kObjectGetterExpectingFunction test(function() { ({}).__defineGetter__("x", 0); }, "Object.prototype.__defineGetter__: Expecting function", TypeError); // kObjectGetterCallable test(function() { Object.defineProperty({}, "x", { get: 1 }); }, "Getter must be a function: 1", TypeError); // kObjectNotExtensible test(function() { "use strict"; var o = {}; Object.freeze(o); o.a = 1; }, "Cannot add property a, object is not extensible", TypeError); // kObjectSetterExpectingFunction test(function() { ({}).__defineSetter__("x", 0); }, "Object.prototype.__defineSetter__: Expecting function", TypeError); // kObjectSetterCallable test(function() { Object.defineProperty({}, "x", { set: 1 }); }, "Setter must be a function: 1", TypeError); // kPropertyDescObject test(function() { Object.defineProperty({}, "x", 1); }, "Property description must be an object: 1", TypeError); // kPropertyNotFunction test(function() { Map.prototype.set = 0; new Map([[1, 2]]); }, "'0' returned for property 'set' of object '#' is not a function", TypeError); test(function() { Set.prototype.add = 0; new Set([1]); }, "'0' returned for property 'add' of object '#' is not a function", TypeError); test(function() { WeakMap.prototype.set = 0; new WeakMap([[{}, 1]]); }, "'0' returned for property 'set' of object '#' is not a function", TypeError); test(function() { WeakSet.prototype.add = 0; new WeakSet([{}]); }, "'0' returned for property 'add' of object '#' is not a function", TypeError); // kProtoObjectOrNull test(function() { Object.setPrototypeOf({}, 1); }, "Object prototype may only be an Object or null: 1", TypeError); // kRedefineDisallowed test(function() { "use strict"; var o = {}; Object.defineProperty(o, "x", { value: 1, configurable: false }); Object.defineProperty(o, "x", { value: 2 }); }, "Cannot redefine property: x", TypeError); // kReduceNoInitial test(function() { [].reduce(function() {}); }, "Reduce of empty array with no initial value", TypeError); // kResolverNotAFunction test(function() { new Promise(1); }, "Promise resolver 1 is not a function", TypeError); // kStrictDeleteProperty test(function() { "use strict"; var o = {}; Object.defineProperty(o, "p", { value: 1, writable: false }); delete o.p; }, "Cannot delete property 'p' of #", TypeError); // kStrictPoisonPill test(function() { "use strict"; arguments.callee; }, "'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on " + "strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them", TypeError); // kStrictReadOnlyProperty test(function() { "use strict"; (1).a = 1; }, "Cannot create property 'a' on number '1'", TypeError); // kSymbolToString test(function() { "" + Symbol(); }, "Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string", TypeError); // kSymbolToNumber test(function() { 1 + Symbol(); }, "Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number", TypeError); // kUndefinedOrNullToObject test(function() { Array.prototype.toString.call(null); }, "Cannot convert undefined or null to object", TypeError); // kValueAndAccessor test(function() { Object.defineProperty({}, "x", { get: function(){}, value: 1}); }, "Invalid property descriptor. Cannot both specify accessors " + "and a value or writable attribute, #", TypeError); // === SyntaxError === // kInvalidRegExpFlags test(function() { eval("/a/x.test(\"a\");"); }, "Invalid regular expression flags", SyntaxError); // kInvalidOrUnexpectedToken test(function() { eval("'\n'"); }, "Invalid or unexpected token", SyntaxError); //kJsonParseUnexpectedEOS test(function() { JSON.parse("{") }, "Unexpected end of JSON input", SyntaxError); // kJsonParseUnexpectedTokenAt test(function() { JSON.parse("/") }, "Unexpected token / in JSON at position 0", SyntaxError); // kJsonParseUnexpectedTokenNumberAt test(function() { JSON.parse("{ 1") }, "Unexpected number in JSON at position 2", SyntaxError); // kJsonParseUnexpectedTokenStringAt test(function() { JSON.parse('"""') }, "Unexpected string in JSON at position 2", SyntaxError); // kMalformedRegExp test(function() { new Function('/(/.test("a");'); }, "Invalid regular expression: /(/: Unterminated group", SyntaxError); // kParenthesisInArgString test(function() { new Function(")", ""); }, "Arg string terminates parameters early", SyntaxError); // === ReferenceError === // kNotDefined test(function() { "use strict"; o; }, "o is not defined", ReferenceError); // === RangeError === // kInvalidOffset test(function() { new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(1),2); }, "Start offset 2 is outside the bounds of the buffer", RangeError); // kArrayLengthOutOfRange test(function() { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty([], "length", { value: 1E100 }); }, "Invalid array length", RangeError); // kInvalidArrayBufferLength test(function() { new ArrayBuffer(-1); }, "Invalid array buffer length", RangeError); // kInvalidArrayLength test(function() { [].length = -1; }, "Invalid array length", RangeError); // kInvalidCodePoint test(function() { String.fromCodePoint(-1); }, "Invalid code point -1", RangeError); // kInvalidCountValue test(function() { "a".repeat(-1); }, "Invalid count value: -1", RangeError); // kInvalidCountValue test(function() { "a".repeat(Infinity); }, "Invalid count value: Infinity", RangeError); // kInvalidCountValue test(function() { "a".repeat(-Infinity); }, "Invalid count value: -Infinity", RangeError); // kInvalidArrayBufferLength test(function() { new Uint16Array(-1); }, "Invalid typed array length: -1", RangeError); // kThrowInvalidStringLength test(function() { "a".padEnd(1 << 30); }, "Invalid string length", RangeError); test(function() { "a".padStart(1 << 30); }, "Invalid string length", RangeError); test(function() { "a".repeat(1 << 30); }, "Invalid string length", RangeError); test(function() { new Array(1 << 30).join(); }, "Invalid string length", RangeError); // kNormalizationForm test(function() { "".normalize("ABC"); }, "The normalization form should be one of NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD.", RangeError); // kNumberFormatRange test(function() { Number(1).toFixed(101); }, "toFixed() digits argument must be between 0 and 100", RangeError); test(function() { Number(1).toExponential(101); }, "toExponential() argument must be between 0 and 100", RangeError); // kStackOverflow test(function() { function f() { f(Array(1000)); } f(); }, "Maximum call stack size exceeded", RangeError); // kToPrecisionFormatRange test(function() { Number(1).toPrecision(101); }, "toPrecision() argument must be between 1 and 100", RangeError); // kToPrecisionFormatRange test(function() { Number(1).toString(100); }, "toString() radix argument must be between 2 and 36", RangeError); // === URIError === // kURIMalformed test(function() { decodeURI("%%"); }, "URI malformed", URIError);