# Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # for py2/py3 compatibility from __future__ import print_function import json import os import platform import subprocess import sys import time from . import base # Base dir of the build products for Release and Debug. OUT_DIR = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', 'out')) def print_failure_header(test): if test.output_proc.negative: negative_marker = '[negative] ' else: negative_marker = '' print("=== %(label)s %(negative)s===" % { 'label': test, 'negative': negative_marker, }) class ResultsTracker(base.TestProcObserver): """Tracks number of results and stops to run tests if max_failures reached.""" def __init__(self, max_failures): super(ResultsTracker, self).__init__() self._requirement = base.DROP_OUTPUT self.failed = 0 self.remaining = 0 self.total = 0 self.max_failures = max_failures def _on_next_test(self, test): self.total += 1 self.remaining += 1 def _on_result_for(self, test, result): self.remaining -= 1 if result.has_unexpected_output: self.failed += 1 if self.max_failures and self.failed >= self.max_failures: print('>>> Too many failures, exiting...') self.stop() class ProgressIndicator(base.TestProcObserver): def __init__(self): super(base.TestProcObserver, self).__init__() self.options = None def finished(self): pass def configure(self, options): self.options = options class SimpleProgressIndicator(ProgressIndicator): def __init__(self): super(SimpleProgressIndicator, self).__init__() self._requirement = base.DROP_PASS_OUTPUT self._failed = [] def _on_result_for(self, test, result): # TODO(majeski): Support for dummy/grouped results if result.has_unexpected_output: self._failed.append((test, result)) def finished(self): crashed = 0 print() for test, result in self._failed: print_failure_header(test) if result.output.stderr: print("--- stderr ---") print(result.output.stderr.strip()) if result.output.stdout: print("--- stdout ---") print(result.output.stdout.strip()) print("Command: %s" % result.cmd.to_string()) if result.output.HasCrashed(): print("exit code: %d" % result.output.exit_code) print("--- CRASHED ---") crashed += 1 if result.output.HasTimedOut(): print("--- TIMEOUT ---") if len(self._failed) == 0: print("===") print("=== All tests succeeded") print("===") else: print() print("===") print("=== %i tests failed" % len(self._failed)) if crashed > 0: print("=== %i tests CRASHED" % crashed) print("===") class VerboseProgressIndicator(SimpleProgressIndicator): def __init__(self): super(VerboseProgressIndicator, self).__init__() self._last_printed_time = time.time() def _print(self, text): print(text) sys.stdout.flush() self._last_printed_time = time.time() def _message(self, test, result): # TODO(majeski): Support for dummy/grouped results if result.has_unexpected_output: if result.output.HasCrashed(): outcome = 'CRASH' else: outcome = 'FAIL' else: outcome = 'pass' return 'Done running %s %s: %s' % ( test, test.variant or 'default', outcome) def _on_result_for(self, test, result): super(VerboseProgressIndicator, self)._on_result_for(test, result) self._print(self._message(test, result)) # TODO(machenbach): Remove this platform specific hack and implement a proper # feedback channel from the workers, providing which tests are currently run. def _print_processes_linux(self): if platform.system() == 'Linux': try: cmd = 'ps -aux | grep "%s"' % OUT_DIR output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) self._print('List of processes:') for line in (output or '').splitlines(): # Show command with pid, but other process info cut off. self._print('pid: %s cmd: %s' % (line.split()[1], line[line.index(OUT_DIR):])) except: pass def _on_heartbeat(self): if time.time() - self._last_printed_time > 30: # Print something every 30 seconds to not get killed by an output # timeout. self._print('Still working...') self._print_processes_linux() def _on_event(self, event): self._print(event) self._print_processes_linux() class CIProgressIndicator(VerboseProgressIndicator): def _on_result_for(self, test, result): super(VerboseProgressIndicator, self)._on_result_for(test, result) if self.options.ci_test_completion: with open(self.options.ci_test_completion, "a") as f: f.write(self._message(test, result) + "\n") class DotsProgressIndicator(SimpleProgressIndicator): def __init__(self): super(DotsProgressIndicator, self).__init__() self._count = 0 def _on_result_for(self, test, result): super(DotsProgressIndicator, self)._on_result_for(test, result) # TODO(majeski): Support for dummy/grouped results self._count += 1 if self._count > 1 and self._count % 50 == 1: sys.stdout.write('\n') if result.has_unexpected_output: if result.output.HasCrashed(): sys.stdout.write('C') sys.stdout.flush() elif result.output.HasTimedOut(): sys.stdout.write('T') sys.stdout.flush() else: sys.stdout.write('F') sys.stdout.flush() else: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() class CompactProgressIndicator(ProgressIndicator): def __init__(self, templates): super(CompactProgressIndicator, self).__init__() self._requirement = base.DROP_PASS_OUTPUT self._templates = templates self._last_status_length = 0 self._start_time = time.time() self._passed = 0 self._failed = 0 def set_test_count(self, test_count): self._total = test_count def _on_result_for(self, test, result): # TODO(majeski): Support for dummy/grouped results if result.has_unexpected_output: self._failed += 1 else: self._passed += 1 self._print_progress(str(test)) if result.has_unexpected_output: output = result.output stdout = output.stdout.strip() stderr = output.stderr.strip() self._clear_line(self._last_status_length) print_failure_header(test) if len(stdout): print(self._templates['stdout'] % stdout) if len(stderr): print(self._templates['stderr'] % stderr) print("Command: %s" % result.cmd.to_string(relative=True)) if output.HasCrashed(): print("exit code: %d" % output.exit_code) print("--- CRASHED ---") if output.HasTimedOut(): print("--- TIMEOUT ---") def finished(self): self._print_progress('Done') print() def _print_progress(self, name): self._clear_line(self._last_status_length) elapsed = time.time() - self._start_time if self._total: progress = (self._passed + self._failed) * 100 // self._total else: progress = 0 status = self._templates['status_line'] % { 'passed': self._passed, 'progress': progress, 'failed': self._failed, 'test': name, 'mins': int(elapsed) / 60, 'secs': int(elapsed) % 60 } status = self._truncate(status, 78) self._last_status_length = len(status) print(status, end='') sys.stdout.flush() def _truncate(self, string, length): if length and len(string) > (length - 3): return string[:(length - 3)] + "..." else: return string def _clear_line(self, last_length): raise NotImplementedError() class ColorProgressIndicator(CompactProgressIndicator): def __init__(self): templates = { 'status_line': ("[%(mins)02i:%(secs)02i|" "\033[34m%%%(progress) 4d\033[0m|" "\033[32m+%(passed) 4d\033[0m|" "\033[31m-%(failed) 4d\033[0m]: %(test)s"), 'stdout': "\033[1m%s\033[0m", 'stderr': "\033[31m%s\033[0m", } super(ColorProgressIndicator, self).__init__(templates) def _clear_line(self, last_length): print("\033[1K\r", end='') class MonochromeProgressIndicator(CompactProgressIndicator): def __init__(self): templates = { 'status_line': ("[%(mins)02i:%(secs)02i|%%%(progress) 4d|" "+%(passed) 4d|-%(failed) 4d]: %(test)s"), 'stdout': '%s', 'stderr': '%s', } super(MonochromeProgressIndicator, self).__init__(templates) def _clear_line(self, last_length): print(("\r" + (" " * last_length) + "\r"), end='') class JsonTestProgressIndicator(ProgressIndicator): def __init__(self, framework_name, json_test_results, arch, mode): super(JsonTestProgressIndicator, self).__init__() # We want to drop stdout/err for all passed tests on the first try, but we # need to get outputs for all runs after the first one. To accommodate that, # reruns are set to keep the result no matter what requirement says, i.e. # keep_output set to True in the RerunProc. self._requirement = base.DROP_PASS_STDOUT self.framework_name = framework_name self.json_test_results = json_test_results self.arch = arch self.mode = mode self.results = [] self.tests = [] def _on_result_for(self, test, result): if result.is_rerun: self.process_results(test, result.results) else: self.process_results(test, [result]) def process_results(self, test, results): for run, result in enumerate(results): # TODO(majeski): Support for dummy/grouped results output = result.output # Buffer all tests for sorting the durations in the end. # TODO(machenbach): Running average + buffer only slowest 20 tests. self.tests.append((test, output.duration, result.cmd)) # Omit tests that run as expected on the first try. # Everything that happens after the first run is included in the output # even if it flakily passes. if not result.has_unexpected_output and run == 0: continue self.results.append({ "name": str(test), "flags": result.cmd.args, "command": result.cmd.to_string(relative=True), "run": run + 1, "stdout": output.stdout, "stderr": output.stderr, "exit_code": output.exit_code, "result": test.output_proc.get_outcome(output), "expected": test.expected_outcomes, "duration": output.duration, "random_seed": test.random_seed, "target_name": test.get_shell(), "variant": test.variant, "variant_flags": test.variant_flags, "framework_name": self.framework_name, }) def finished(self): complete_results = [] if os.path.exists(self.json_test_results): with open(self.json_test_results, "r") as f: # Buildbot might start out with an empty file. complete_results = json.loads(f.read() or "[]") duration_mean = None if self.tests: # Get duration mean. duration_mean = ( sum(duration for (_, duration, cmd) in self.tests) / float(len(self.tests))) # Sort tests by duration. self.tests.sort(key=lambda __duration_cmd: __duration_cmd[1], reverse=True) slowest_tests = [ { "name": str(test), "flags": cmd.args, "command": cmd.to_string(relative=True), "duration": duration, "marked_slow": test.is_slow, } for (test, duration, cmd) in self.tests[:20] ] complete_results.append({ "arch": self.arch, "mode": self.mode, "results": self.results, "slowest_tests": slowest_tests, "duration_mean": duration_mean, "test_total": len(self.tests), }) with open(self.json_test_results, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(complete_results))