// Copyright 2010 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Tests of the CPU profiler and utilities. #include #include #include "include/libplatform/v8-tracing.h" #include "include/v8-fast-api-calls.h" #include "include/v8-function.h" #include "include/v8-locker.h" #include "include/v8-profiler.h" #include "src/api/api-inl.h" #include "src/base/platform/platform.h" #include "src/base/strings.h" #include "src/codegen/compilation-cache.h" #include "src/codegen/source-position-table.h" #include "src/deoptimizer/deoptimize-reason.h" #include "src/execution/embedder-state.h" #include "src/heap/spaces.h" #include "src/init/v8.h" #include "src/libsampler/sampler.h" #include "src/logging/log.h" #include "src/objects/objects-inl.h" #include "src/profiler/cpu-profiler.h" #include "src/profiler/profiler-listener.h" #include "src/profiler/symbolizer.h" #include "src/utils/utils.h" #include "test/cctest/cctest.h" #include "test/cctest/heap/heap-utils.h" #include "test/cctest/profiler-extension.h" #include "test/common/flag-utils.h" #ifdef V8_USE_PERFETTO #include "protos/perfetto/trace/trace.pb.h" #include "src/libplatform/tracing/trace-event-listener.h" #endif namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace test_cpu_profiler { // Helper methods static v8::Local GetFunction(v8::Local env, const char* name) { return v8::Local::Cast( env->Global()->Get(env, v8_str(name)).ToLocalChecked()); } static size_t offset(const char* src, const char* substring) { const char* it = strstr(src, substring); CHECK(it); return static_cast(it - src); } template static int dist(A a, B b) { return abs(static_cast(a) - static_cast(b)); } static const char* reason(const i::DeoptimizeReason reason) { return i::DeoptimizeReasonToString(reason); } TEST(StartStop) { i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); CodeEntryStorage storage; CpuProfilesCollection profiles(isolate); ProfilerCodeObserver code_observer(isolate, storage); Symbolizer symbolizer(code_observer.code_map()); std::unique_ptr processor( new SamplingEventsProcessor( isolate, &symbolizer, &code_observer, &profiles, v8::base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(100), true)); CHECK(processor->Start()); processor->StopSynchronously(); } static void EnqueueTickSampleEvent(ProfilerEventsProcessor* proc, i::Address frame1, i::Address frame2 = kNullAddress, i::Address frame3 = kNullAddress) { v8::internal::TickSample sample; sample.pc = reinterpret_cast(frame1); sample.tos = reinterpret_cast(frame1); sample.frames_count = 0; if (frame2 != kNullAddress) { sample.stack[0] = reinterpret_cast(frame2); sample.frames_count = 1; } if (frame3 != kNullAddress) { sample.stack[1] = reinterpret_cast(frame3); sample.frames_count = 2; } sample.timestamp = base::TimeTicks::Now(); proc->AddSample(sample); } namespace { class TestSetup { public: TestSetup() : old_flag_prof_browser_mode_(i::FLAG_prof_browser_mode) { i::FLAG_prof_browser_mode = false; } ~TestSetup() { i::FLAG_prof_browser_mode = old_flag_prof_browser_mode_; } private: bool old_flag_prof_browser_mode_; }; } // namespace i::AbstractCode CreateCode(i::Isolate* isolate, LocalContext* env) { static int counter = 0; base::EmbeddedVector script; base::EmbeddedVector name; base::SNPrintF(name, "function_%d", ++counter); const char* name_start = name.begin(); base::SNPrintF(script, "function %s() {\n" "var counter = 0;\n" "for (var i = 0; i < %d; ++i) counter += i;\n" "return '%s_' + counter;\n" "}\n" "%s();\n", name_start, counter, name_start, name_start); CompileRun(script.begin()); i::Handle fun = i::Handle::cast( v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*GetFunction(env->local(), name_start))); return fun->abstract_code(isolate); } TEST(CodeEvents) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); TestSetup test_setup; i::HandleScope scope(isolate); i::Handle aaa_code(CreateCode(isolate, &env), isolate); i::Handle comment_code(CreateCode(isolate, &env), isolate); i::Handle comment2_code(CreateCode(isolate, &env), isolate); i::Handle moved_code(CreateCode(isolate, &env), isolate); CodeEntryStorage storage; CpuProfilesCollection* profiles = new CpuProfilesCollection(isolate); ProfilerCodeObserver code_observer(isolate, storage); Symbolizer* symbolizer = new Symbolizer(code_observer.code_map()); ProfilerEventsProcessor* processor = new SamplingEventsProcessor( isolate, symbolizer, &code_observer, profiles, v8::base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(100), true); CHECK(processor->Start()); ProfilerListener profiler_listener(isolate, processor, *code_observer.code_entries(), *code_observer.weak_code_registry()); isolate->v8_file_logger()->AddLogEventListener(&profiler_listener); // Enqueue code creation events. const char* aaa_str = "aaa"; i::Handle aaa_name = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(aaa_str); profiler_listener.CodeCreateEvent(i::LogEventListener::CodeTag::kFunction, aaa_code, aaa_name); profiler_listener.CodeCreateEvent(i::LogEventListener::CodeTag::kBuiltin, comment_code, "comment"); profiler_listener.CodeCreateEvent(i::LogEventListener::CodeTag::kBuiltin, comment2_code, "comment2"); profiler_listener.CodeMoveEvent(*comment2_code, *moved_code); PtrComprCageBase cage_base(isolate); // Enqueue a tick event to enable code events processing. EnqueueTickSampleEvent(processor, aaa_code->InstructionStart(cage_base)); isolate->v8_file_logger()->RemoveLogEventListener(&profiler_listener); processor->StopSynchronously(); // Check the state of the symbolizer. CodeEntry* aaa = symbolizer->code_map()->FindEntry(aaa_code->InstructionStart(cage_base)); CHECK(aaa); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp(aaa_str, aaa->name())); CodeEntry* comment = symbolizer->code_map()->FindEntry( comment_code->InstructionStart(cage_base)); CHECK(comment); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("comment", comment->name())); CHECK(!symbolizer->code_map()->FindEntry( comment2_code->InstructionStart(cage_base))); CodeEntry* comment2 = symbolizer->code_map()->FindEntry( moved_code->InstructionStart(cage_base)); CHECK(comment2); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("comment2", comment2->name())); } template static int CompareProfileNodes(const T* p1, const T* p2) { return strcmp((*p1)->entry()->name(), (*p2)->entry()->name()); } TEST(TickEvents) { TestSetup test_setup; LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); i::Handle frame1_code(CreateCode(isolate, &env), isolate); i::Handle frame2_code(CreateCode(isolate, &env), isolate); i::Handle frame3_code(CreateCode(isolate, &env), isolate); CodeEntryStorage storage; CpuProfilesCollection* profiles = new CpuProfilesCollection(isolate); ProfilerCodeObserver* code_observer = new ProfilerCodeObserver(isolate, storage); Symbolizer* symbolizer = new Symbolizer(code_observer->code_map()); ProfilerEventsProcessor* processor = new SamplingEventsProcessor( CcTest::i_isolate(), symbolizer, code_observer, profiles, v8::base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(100), true); CpuProfiler profiler(isolate, kDebugNaming, kLazyLogging, profiles, symbolizer, processor, code_observer); ProfilerId id = profiles->StartProfiling().id; CHECK(processor->Start()); ProfilerListener profiler_listener(isolate, processor, *code_observer->code_entries(), *code_observer->weak_code_registry()); isolate->v8_file_logger()->AddLogEventListener(&profiler_listener); profiler_listener.CodeCreateEvent(i::LogEventListener::CodeTag::kBuiltin, frame1_code, "bbb"); profiler_listener.CodeCreateEvent(i::LogEventListener::CodeTag::kStub, frame2_code, "ccc"); profiler_listener.CodeCreateEvent(i::LogEventListener::CodeTag::kBuiltin, frame3_code, "ddd"); PtrComprCageBase cage_base(isolate); EnqueueTickSampleEvent(processor, frame1_code->InstructionStart(cage_base)); EnqueueTickSampleEvent(processor, frame2_code->InstructionStart(cage_base) + frame2_code->InstructionSize(cage_base) / 2, frame1_code->InstructionStart(cage_base) + frame1_code->InstructionSize(cage_base) / 2); EnqueueTickSampleEvent(processor, frame3_code->InstructionEnd(cage_base) - 1, frame2_code->InstructionEnd(cage_base) - 1, frame1_code->InstructionEnd(cage_base) - 1); isolate->v8_file_logger()->RemoveLogEventListener(&profiler_listener); processor->StopSynchronously(); CpuProfile* profile = profiles->StopProfiling(id); CHECK(profile); // Check call trees. const std::vector* top_down_root_children = profile->top_down()->root()->children(); CHECK_EQ(1, top_down_root_children->size()); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("bbb", top_down_root_children->back()->entry()->name())); const std::vector* top_down_bbb_children = top_down_root_children->back()->children(); CHECK_EQ(1, top_down_bbb_children->size()); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("ccc", top_down_bbb_children->back()->entry()->name())); const std::vector* top_down_stub_children = top_down_bbb_children->back()->children(); CHECK_EQ(1, top_down_stub_children->size()); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("ddd", top_down_stub_children->back()->entry()->name())); const std::vector* top_down_ddd_children = top_down_stub_children->back()->children(); CHECK(top_down_ddd_children->empty()); } TEST(CodeMapClearedBetweenProfilesWithLazyLogging) { TestSetup test_setup; LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); // This gets logged when the profiler starts up and scans the heap. i::Handle code1(CreateCode(isolate, &env), isolate); CpuProfiler profiler(isolate, kDebugNaming, kLazyLogging); profiler.StartProfiling(""); CpuProfile* profile = profiler.StopProfiling(""); CHECK(profile); // Check that the code map is empty. CodeMap* code_map = profiler.code_map_for_test(); CHECK_EQ(code_map->size(), 0); profiler.DeleteProfile(profile); // Create code between profiles. This should not be logged yet. i::Handle code2(CreateCode(isolate, &env), isolate); CHECK(!code_map->FindEntry(code2->InstructionStart(isolate))); } TEST(CodeMapNotClearedBetweenProfilesWithEagerLogging) { TestSetup test_setup; LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); // This gets logged when the profiler starts up and scans the heap. i::Handle code1(CreateCode(isolate, &env), isolate); CpuProfiler profiler(isolate, kDebugNaming, kEagerLogging); profiler.StartProfiling(""); CpuProfile* profile = profiler.StopProfiling(""); CHECK(profile); PtrComprCageBase cage_base(isolate); // Check that our code is still in the code map. CodeMap* code_map = profiler.code_map_for_test(); CodeEntry* code1_entry = code_map->FindEntry(code1->InstructionStart(cage_base)); CHECK(code1_entry); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("function_1", code1_entry->name())); profiler.DeleteProfile(profile); // We should still have an entry in kEagerLogging mode. code1_entry = code_map->FindEntry(code1->InstructionStart(cage_base)); CHECK(code1_entry); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("function_1", code1_entry->name())); // Create code between profiles. This should be logged too. i::Handle code2(CreateCode(isolate, &env), isolate); CHECK(code_map->FindEntry(code2->InstructionStart(cage_base))); profiler.StartProfiling(""); CpuProfile* profile2 = profiler.StopProfiling(""); CHECK(profile2); // Check that we still have code map entries for both code objects. code1_entry = code_map->FindEntry(code1->InstructionStart(cage_base)); CHECK(code1_entry); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("function_1", code1_entry->name())); CodeEntry* code2_entry = code_map->FindEntry(code2->InstructionStart(cage_base)); CHECK(code2_entry); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("function_2", code2_entry->name())); profiler.DeleteProfile(profile2); // Check that we still have code map entries for both code objects, even after // the last profile is deleted. code1_entry = code_map->FindEntry(code1->InstructionStart(cage_base)); CHECK(code1_entry); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("function_1", code1_entry->name())); code2_entry = code_map->FindEntry(code2->InstructionStart(cage_base)); CHECK(code2_entry); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("function_2", code2_entry->name())); } // http://crbug/51594 // This test must not crash. TEST(CrashIfStoppingLastNonExistentProfile) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); TestSetup test_setup; std::unique_ptr profiler(new CpuProfiler(CcTest::i_isolate())); profiler->StartProfiling("1"); profiler->StopProfiling("2"); profiler->StartProfiling("1"); profiler->StopProfiling(""); } // http://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=1398 // Long stacks (exceeding max frames limit) must not be erased. TEST(Issue1398) { TestSetup test_setup; LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); i::Handle code(CreateCode(isolate, &env), isolate); CodeEntryStorage storage; CpuProfilesCollection* profiles = new CpuProfilesCollection(isolate); ProfilerCodeObserver* code_observer = new ProfilerCodeObserver(isolate, storage); Symbolizer* symbolizer = new Symbolizer(code_observer->code_map()); ProfilerEventsProcessor* processor = new SamplingEventsProcessor( CcTest::i_isolate(), symbolizer, code_observer, profiles, v8::base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(100), true); CpuProfiler profiler(isolate, kDebugNaming, kLazyLogging, profiles, symbolizer, processor, code_observer); ProfilerId id = profiles->StartProfiling("").id; CHECK(processor->Start()); ProfilerListener profiler_listener(isolate, processor, *code_observer->code_entries(), *code_observer->weak_code_registry()); profiler_listener.CodeCreateEvent(i::LogEventListener::CodeTag::kBuiltin, code, "bbb"); PtrComprCageBase cage_base(isolate); v8::internal::TickSample sample; sample.pc = reinterpret_cast(code->InstructionStart(cage_base)); sample.tos = nullptr; sample.frames_count = TickSample::kMaxFramesCount; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sample.frames_count; ++i) { sample.stack[i] = reinterpret_cast(code->InstructionStart(cage_base)); } sample.timestamp = base::TimeTicks::Now(); processor->AddSample(sample); processor->StopSynchronously(); CpuProfile* profile = profiles->StopProfiling(id); CHECK(profile); unsigned actual_depth = 0; const ProfileNode* node = profile->top_down()->root(); while (!node->children()->empty()) { node = node->children()->back(); ++actual_depth; } CHECK_EQ(1 + TickSample::kMaxFramesCount, actual_depth); // +1 for PC. } TEST(DeleteAllCpuProfiles) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); TestSetup test_setup; std::unique_ptr profiler(new CpuProfiler(CcTest::i_isolate())); CHECK_EQ(0, profiler->GetProfilesCount()); profiler->DeleteAllProfiles(); CHECK_EQ(0, profiler->GetProfilesCount()); profiler->StartProfiling("1"); profiler->StopProfiling("1"); CHECK_EQ(1, profiler->GetProfilesCount()); profiler->DeleteAllProfiles(); CHECK_EQ(0, profiler->GetProfilesCount()); profiler->StartProfiling("1"); profiler->StartProfiling("2"); profiler->StopProfiling("2"); profiler->StopProfiling("1"); CHECK_EQ(2, profiler->GetProfilesCount()); profiler->DeleteAllProfiles(); CHECK_EQ(0, profiler->GetProfilesCount()); // Test profiling cancellation by the 'delete' command. profiler->StartProfiling("1"); profiler->StartProfiling("2"); CHECK_EQ(0, profiler->GetProfilesCount()); profiler->DeleteAllProfiles(); CHECK_EQ(0, profiler->GetProfilesCount()); } static bool FindCpuProfile(v8::CpuProfiler* v8profiler, const v8::CpuProfile* v8profile) { i::CpuProfiler* profiler = reinterpret_cast(v8profiler); const i::CpuProfile* profile = reinterpret_cast(v8profile); int length = profiler->GetProfilesCount(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (profile == profiler->GetProfile(i)) return true; } return false; } TEST(DeleteCpuProfile) { LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate()); v8::CpuProfiler* cpu_profiler = v8::CpuProfiler::New(env->GetIsolate()); i::CpuProfiler* iprofiler = reinterpret_cast(cpu_profiler); CHECK_EQ(0, iprofiler->GetProfilesCount()); v8::Local name1 = v8_str("1"); cpu_profiler->StartProfiling(name1); v8::CpuProfile* p1 = cpu_profiler->StopProfiling(name1); CHECK(p1); CHECK_EQ(1, iprofiler->GetProfilesCount()); CHECK(FindCpuProfile(cpu_profiler, p1)); p1->Delete(); CHECK_EQ(0, iprofiler->GetProfilesCount()); v8::Local name2 = v8_str("2"); cpu_profiler->StartProfiling(name2); v8::CpuProfile* p2 = cpu_profiler->StopProfiling(name2); CHECK(p2); CHECK_EQ(1, iprofiler->GetProfilesCount()); CHECK(FindCpuProfile(cpu_profiler, p2)); v8::Local name3 = v8_str("3"); cpu_profiler->StartProfiling(name3); v8::CpuProfile* p3 = cpu_profiler->StopProfiling(name3); CHECK(p3); CHECK_EQ(2, iprofiler->GetProfilesCount()); CHECK_NE(p2, p3); CHECK(FindCpuProfile(cpu_profiler, p3)); CHECK(FindCpuProfile(cpu_profiler, p2)); p2->Delete(); CHECK_EQ(1, iprofiler->GetProfilesCount()); CHECK(!FindCpuProfile(cpu_profiler, p2)); CHECK(FindCpuProfile(cpu_profiler, p3)); p3->Delete(); CHECK_EQ(0, iprofiler->GetProfilesCount()); cpu_profiler->Dispose(); } TEST(ProfileStartEndTime) { LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate()); v8::CpuProfiler* cpu_profiler = v8::CpuProfiler::New(env->GetIsolate()); v8::Local profile_name = v8_str("test"); cpu_profiler->StartProfiling(profile_name); const v8::CpuProfile* profile = cpu_profiler->StopProfiling(profile_name); CHECK(profile->GetStartTime() <= profile->GetEndTime()); cpu_profiler->Dispose(); } class ProfilerHelper { public: explicit ProfilerHelper( const v8::Local& context, v8::CpuProfilingLoggingMode logging_mode = kLazyLogging) : context_(context), profiler_(v8::CpuProfiler::New(context->GetIsolate(), kDebugNaming, logging_mode)) { i::ProfilerExtension::set_profiler(profiler_); } ~ProfilerHelper() { i::ProfilerExtension::set_profiler(static_cast(nullptr)); profiler_->Dispose(); } using ProfilingMode = v8::CpuProfilingMode; v8::CpuProfile* Run( v8::Local function, v8::Local argv[], int argc, unsigned min_js_samples = 0, unsigned min_external_samples = 0, ProfilingMode mode = ProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, unsigned max_samples = v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, v8::Local context = v8::Local()); v8::CpuProfiler* profiler() { return profiler_; } private: v8::Local context_; v8::CpuProfiler* profiler_; }; v8::CpuProfile* ProfilerHelper::Run(v8::Local function, v8::Local argv[], int argc, unsigned min_js_samples, unsigned min_external_samples, ProfilingMode mode, unsigned max_samples, v8::Local context) { v8::Local profile_name = v8_str("my_profile"); profiler_->SetSamplingInterval(20); profiler_->StartProfiling(profile_name, {mode, max_samples, 0, context}); v8::internal::CpuProfiler* iprofiler = reinterpret_cast(profiler_); v8::sampler::Sampler* sampler = reinterpret_cast(iprofiler->processor()) ->sampler(); sampler->StartCountingSamples(); do { function->Call(context_, context_->Global(), argc, argv).ToLocalChecked(); } while (sampler->js_sample_count() < min_js_samples || sampler->external_sample_count() < min_external_samples); v8::CpuProfile* profile = profiler_->StopProfiling(profile_name); CHECK(profile); // Dump collected profile to have a better diagnostic in case of failure. reinterpret_cast(profile)->Print(); return profile; } static unsigned TotalHitCount(const v8::CpuProfileNode* node) { unsigned hit_count = node->GetHitCount(); for (int i = 0, count = node->GetChildrenCount(); i < count; ++i) hit_count += TotalHitCount(node->GetChild(i)); return hit_count; } static unsigned TotalHitCount(const v8::CpuProfileNode* node, const std::string& name) { if (name.compare(node->GetFunctionNameStr()) == 0) return TotalHitCount(node); unsigned hit_count = 0; for (int i = 0, count = node->GetChildrenCount(); i < count; ++i) hit_count += TotalHitCount(node->GetChild(i), name); return hit_count; } static const v8::CpuProfileNode* FindChild(v8::Local context, const v8::CpuProfileNode* node, const char* name) { int count = node->GetChildrenCount(); v8::Local name_handle = v8_str(name); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { const v8::CpuProfileNode* child = node->GetChild(i); if (name_handle->Equals(context, child->GetFunctionName()).FromJust()) { return child; } } return nullptr; } static const v8::CpuProfileNode* FindChild(const v8::CpuProfileNode* node, const char* name) { for (int i = 0, count = node->GetChildrenCount(); i < count; ++i) { const v8::CpuProfileNode* child = node->GetChild(i); if (strcmp(child->GetFunctionNameStr(), name) == 0) { return child; } } return nullptr; } static const v8::CpuProfileNode* GetChild(v8::Local context, const v8::CpuProfileNode* node, const char* name) { const v8::CpuProfileNode* result = FindChild(context, node, name); if (!result) FATAL("Failed to GetChild: %s", name); return result; } static void CheckSimpleBranch(v8::Local context, const v8::CpuProfileNode* node, const char* names[], int length) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { const char* name = names[i]; node = GetChild(context, node, name); } } static const ProfileNode* GetSimpleBranch(v8::Local context, v8::CpuProfile* profile, const char* names[], int length) { const v8::CpuProfileNode* node = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { node = GetChild(context, node, names[i]); } return reinterpret_cast(node); } struct NameLinePair { const char* name; int line_number; }; static const v8::CpuProfileNode* FindChild(const v8::CpuProfileNode* node, NameLinePair pair) { for (int i = 0, count = node->GetChildrenCount(); i < count; ++i) { const v8::CpuProfileNode* child = node->GetChild(i); // The name and line number must match, or if the requested line number was // -1, then match any function of the same name. if (strcmp(child->GetFunctionNameStr(), pair.name) == 0 && (child->GetLineNumber() == pair.line_number || pair.line_number == -1)) { return child; } } return nullptr; } static const v8::CpuProfileNode* GetChild(const v8::CpuProfileNode* node, NameLinePair pair) { const v8::CpuProfileNode* result = FindChild(node, pair); if (!result) FATAL("Failed to GetChild: %s:%d", pair.name, pair.line_number); return result; } static void CheckBranch(const v8::CpuProfileNode* node, NameLinePair path[], int length) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { NameLinePair pair = path[i]; node = GetChild(node, pair); } } static const char* cpu_profiler_test_source = "%NeverOptimizeFunction(loop);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(delay);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(bar);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(baz);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(foo);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(start);\n" "function loop(timeout) {\n" " this.mmm = 0;\n" " var start = Date.now();\n" " do {\n" " var n = 1000;\n" " while(n > 1) {\n" " n--;\n" " this.mmm += n * n * n;\n" " }\n" " } while (Date.now() - start < timeout);\n" "}\n" "function delay() { loop(10); }\n" "function bar() { delay(); }\n" "function baz() { delay(); }\n" "function foo() {\n" " delay();\n" " bar();\n" " delay();\n" " baz();\n" "}\n" "function start(duration) {\n" " var start = Date.now();\n" " do {\n" " foo();\n" " } while (Date.now() - start < duration);\n" "}\n"; // Check that the profile tree for the script above will look like the // following: // // [Top down]: // 1062 0 (root) [-1] // 1054 0 start [-1] // 1054 1 foo [-1] // 265 0 baz [-1] // 265 1 delay [-1] // 264 264 loop [-1] // 525 3 delay [-1] // 522 522 loop [-1] // 263 0 bar [-1] // 263 1 delay [-1] // 262 262 loop [-1] // 2 2 (program) [-1] // 6 6 (garbage collector) [-1] TEST(CollectCpuProfile) { // Skip test if concurrent sparkplug is enabled. The test becomes flaky, // since it requires a precise trace. if (i::FLAG_concurrent_sparkplug) return; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate()); CompileRun(cpu_profiler_test_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); int32_t profiling_interval_ms = 200; v8::Local args[] = { v8::Integer::New(env->GetIsolate(), profiling_interval_ms)}; ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), 1000); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, "start"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* foo_node = GetChild(env.local(), start_node, "foo"); const char* bar_branch[] = {"bar", "delay", "loop"}; CheckSimpleBranch(env.local(), foo_node, bar_branch, arraysize(bar_branch)); const char* baz_branch[] = {"baz", "delay", "loop"}; CheckSimpleBranch(env.local(), foo_node, baz_branch, arraysize(baz_branch)); const char* delay_branch[] = {"delay", "loop"}; CheckSimpleBranch(env.local(), foo_node, delay_branch, arraysize(delay_branch)); profile->Delete(); } TEST(CollectCpuProfileCallerLineNumbers) { // Skip test if concurrent sparkplug is enabled. The test becomes flaky, // since it requires a precise trace. if (i::FLAG_concurrent_sparkplug) return; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate()); CompileRun(cpu_profiler_test_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); int32_t profiling_interval_ms = 200; v8::Local args[] = { v8::Integer::New(env->GetIsolate(), profiling_interval_ms)}; ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), 1000, 0, v8::CpuProfilingMode::kCallerLineNumbers, 0); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), 1000, 0, v8::CpuProfilingMode::kCallerLineNumbers, 0); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(root, {"start", 27}); const v8::CpuProfileNode* foo_node = GetChild(start_node, {"foo", 30}); NameLinePair bar_branch[] = {{"bar", 23}, {"delay", 19}, {"loop", 18}}; CheckBranch(foo_node, bar_branch, arraysize(bar_branch)); NameLinePair baz_branch[] = {{"baz", 25}, {"delay", 20}, {"loop", 18}}; CheckBranch(foo_node, baz_branch, arraysize(baz_branch)); NameLinePair delay_at22_branch[] = {{"delay", 22}, {"loop", 18}}; CheckBranch(foo_node, delay_at22_branch, arraysize(delay_at22_branch)); NameLinePair delay_at24_branch[] = {{"delay", 24}, {"loop", 18}}; CheckBranch(foo_node, delay_at24_branch, arraysize(delay_at24_branch)); profile->Delete(); } static const char* hot_deopt_no_frame_entry_test_source = "%NeverOptimizeFunction(foo);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(start);\n" "function foo(a, b) {\n" " return a + b;\n" "}\n" "function start(timeout) {\n" " var start = Date.now();\n" " do {\n" " for (var i = 1; i < 1000; ++i) foo(1, i);\n" " var duration = Date.now() - start;\n" " } while (duration < timeout);\n" " return duration;\n" "}\n"; // Check that the profile tree for the script above will look like the // following: // // [Top down]: // 1062 0 (root) [-1] // 1054 0 start [-1] // 1054 1 foo [-1] // 2 2 (program) [-1] // 6 6 (garbage collector) [-1] // // The test checks no FP ranges are present in a deoptimized function. // If 'foo' has no ranges the samples falling into the prologue will miss the // 'start' function on the stack, so 'foo' will be attached to the (root). TEST(HotDeoptNoFrameEntry) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate()); CompileRun(hot_deopt_no_frame_entry_test_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); int32_t profiling_interval_ms = 200; v8::Local args[] = { v8::Integer::New(env->GetIsolate(), profiling_interval_ms)}; ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), 1000); function->Call(env.local(), env->Global(), arraysize(args), args) .ToLocalChecked(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, "start"); GetChild(env.local(), start_node, "foo"); profile->Delete(); } TEST(CollectCpuProfileSamples) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate()); CompileRun(cpu_profiler_test_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); int32_t profiling_interval_ms = 200; v8::Local args[] = { v8::Integer::New(env->GetIsolate(), profiling_interval_ms)}; ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), 1000, 0); CHECK_LE(200, profile->GetSamplesCount()); uint64_t end_time = profile->GetEndTime(); uint64_t current_time = profile->GetStartTime(); CHECK_LE(current_time, end_time); for (int i = 0; i < profile->GetSamplesCount(); i++) { CHECK(profile->GetSample(i)); uint64_t timestamp = profile->GetSampleTimestamp(i); CHECK_LE(current_time, timestamp); CHECK_LE(timestamp, end_time); current_time = timestamp; } profile->Delete(); } static const char* cpu_profiler_test_source2 = "%NeverOptimizeFunction(loop);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(delay);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(start);\n" "function loop() {}\n" "function delay() { loop(); }\n" "function start(duration) {\n" " var start = Date.now();\n" " do {\n" " for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) delay();\n" " } while (Date.now() - start < duration);\n" "}"; // Check that the profile tree doesn't contain unexpected traces: // - 'loop' can be called only by 'delay' // - 'delay' may be called only by 'start' // The profile will look like the following: // // [Top down]: // 135 0 (root) [-1] #1 // 121 72 start [-1] #3 // 49 33 delay [-1] #4 // 16 16 loop [-1] #5 // 14 14 (program) [-1] #2 TEST(SampleWhenFrameIsNotSetup) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate()); CompileRun(cpu_profiler_test_source2); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); int32_t duration_ms = 100; v8::Local args[] = { v8::Integer::New(env->GetIsolate(), duration_ms)}; ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), 1000); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, "start"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* delay_node = GetChild(env.local(), start_node, "delay"); GetChild(env.local(), delay_node, "loop"); profile->Delete(); } static const char* native_accessor_test_source = "function start(count) {\n" " for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n" " var o = instance.foo;\n" " instance.foo = o + 1;\n" " }\n" "}\n"; class TestApiCallbacks { public: explicit TestApiCallbacks(int min_duration_ms) : min_duration_ms_(min_duration_ms), is_warming_up_(false) {} static void Getter(v8::Local name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo& info) { TestApiCallbacks* data = FromInfo(info); data->Wait(); } static void Setter(v8::Local name, v8::Local value, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo& info) { TestApiCallbacks* data = FromInfo(info); data->Wait(); } static void Callback(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& info) { TestApiCallbacks* data = FromInfo(info); data->Wait(); } void set_warming_up(bool value) { is_warming_up_ = value; } private: void Wait() { if (is_warming_up_) return; v8::Platform* platform = v8::internal::V8::GetCurrentPlatform(); double start = platform->CurrentClockTimeMillis(); double duration = 0; while (duration < min_duration_ms_) { v8::base::OS::Sleep(v8::base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1)); duration = platform->CurrentClockTimeMillis() - start; } } template static TestApiCallbacks* FromInfo(const T& info) { void* data = v8::External::Cast(*info.Data())->Value(); return reinterpret_cast(data); } int min_duration_ms_; bool is_warming_up_; }; // Test that native accessors are properly reported in the CPU profile. // This test checks the case when the long-running accessors are called // only once and the optimizer doesn't have chance to change the invocation // code. TEST(NativeAccessorUninitializedIC) { LocalContext env; v8::Isolate* isolate = env->GetIsolate(); v8::HandleScope scope(isolate); v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate); v8::Local instance_template = func_template->InstanceTemplate(); TestApiCallbacks accessors(100); v8::Local data = v8::External::New(isolate, &accessors); instance_template->SetAccessor(v8_str("foo"), &TestApiCallbacks::Getter, &TestApiCallbacks::Setter, data); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); v8::Local instance = func->NewInstance(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); env->Global()->Set(env.local(), v8_str("instance"), instance).FromJust(); CompileRun(native_accessor_test_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); int32_t repeat_count = 1; v8::Local args[] = {v8::Integer::New(isolate, repeat_count)}; v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), 0, 100); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, "start"); GetChild(env.local(), start_node, "get foo"); GetChild(env.local(), start_node, "set foo"); profile->Delete(); } // Test that native accessors are properly reported in the CPU profile. // This test makes sure that the accessors are called enough times to become // hot and to trigger optimizations. TEST(NativeAccessorMonomorphicIC) { LocalContext env; v8::Isolate* isolate = env->GetIsolate(); v8::HandleScope scope(isolate); v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate); v8::Local instance_template = func_template->InstanceTemplate(); TestApiCallbacks accessors(1); v8::Local data = v8::External::New(isolate, &accessors); instance_template->SetAccessor(v8_str("foo"), &TestApiCallbacks::Getter, &TestApiCallbacks::Setter, data); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); v8::Local instance = func->NewInstance(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); env->Global()->Set(env.local(), v8_str("instance"), instance).FromJust(); CompileRun(native_accessor_test_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); { // Make sure accessors ICs are in monomorphic state before starting // profiling. accessors.set_warming_up(true); int32_t warm_up_iterations = 3; v8::Local args[] = { v8::Integer::New(isolate, warm_up_iterations)}; function->Call(env.local(), env->Global(), arraysize(args), args) .ToLocalChecked(); accessors.set_warming_up(false); } int32_t repeat_count = 100; v8::Local args[] = {v8::Integer::New(isolate, repeat_count)}; ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), 0, 100); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, "start"); GetChild(env.local(), start_node, "get foo"); GetChild(env.local(), start_node, "set foo"); profile->Delete(); } static const char* native_method_test_source = "function start(count) {\n" " for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n" " instance.fooMethod();\n" " }\n" "}\n"; TEST(NativeMethodUninitializedIC) { LocalContext env; v8::Isolate* isolate = env->GetIsolate(); v8::HandleScope scope(isolate); TestApiCallbacks callbacks(100); v8::Local data = v8::External::New(isolate, &callbacks); v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate); func_template->SetClassName(v8_str("Test_InstanceConstructor")); v8::Local proto_template = func_template->PrototypeTemplate(); v8::Local signature = v8::Signature::New(isolate, func_template); proto_template->Set( isolate, "fooMethod", v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, &TestApiCallbacks::Callback, data, signature, 0)); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); v8::Local instance = func->NewInstance(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); env->Global()->Set(env.local(), v8_str("instance"), instance).FromJust(); CompileRun(native_method_test_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); int32_t repeat_count = 1; v8::Local args[] = {v8::Integer::New(isolate, repeat_count)}; v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), 0, 100); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, "start"); GetChild(env.local(), start_node, "fooMethod"); profile->Delete(); } TEST(NativeMethodMonomorphicIC) { LocalContext env; v8::Isolate* isolate = env->GetIsolate(); v8::HandleScope scope(isolate); TestApiCallbacks callbacks(1); v8::Local data = v8::External::New(isolate, &callbacks); v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate); func_template->SetClassName(v8_str("Test_InstanceCostructor")); v8::Local proto_template = func_template->PrototypeTemplate(); v8::Local signature = v8::Signature::New(isolate, func_template); proto_template->Set( isolate, "fooMethod", v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, &TestApiCallbacks::Callback, data, signature, 0)); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); v8::Local instance = func->NewInstance(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); env->Global()->Set(env.local(), v8_str("instance"), instance).FromJust(); CompileRun(native_method_test_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); { // Make sure method ICs are in monomorphic state before starting // profiling. callbacks.set_warming_up(true); int32_t warm_up_iterations = 3; v8::Local args[] = { v8::Integer::New(isolate, warm_up_iterations)}; function->Call(env.local(), env->Global(), arraysize(args), args) .ToLocalChecked(); callbacks.set_warming_up(false); } ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); int32_t repeat_count = 100; v8::Local args[] = {v8::Integer::New(isolate, repeat_count)}; v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), 0, 200); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); GetChild(env.local(), root, "start"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, "start"); GetChild(env.local(), start_node, "fooMethod"); profile->Delete(); } static const char* bound_function_test_source = "function foo() {\n" " startProfiling('my_profile');\n" "}\n" "function start() {\n" " var callback = foo.bind(this);\n" " callback();\n" "}"; TEST(BoundFunctionCall) { v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); CompileRun(bound_function_test_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env, "start"); ProfilerHelper helper(env); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, nullptr, 0); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env, root, "start"); GetChild(env, start_node, "foo"); profile->Delete(); } // This tests checks distribution of the samples through the source lines. static void TickLines(bool optimize) { #ifndef V8_LITE_MODE FLAG_turbofan = optimize; #ifdef V8_ENABLE_MAGLEV // TODO(v8:7700): Also test maglev here. FLAG_maglev = false; #endif // V8_ENABLE_MAGLEV #endif // V8_LITE_MODE CcTest::InitializeVM(); LocalContext env; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); base::EmbeddedVector script; base::EmbeddedVector prepare_opt; base::EmbeddedVector optimize_call; const char* func_name = "func"; if (optimize) { base::SNPrintF(prepare_opt, "%%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(%s);\n", func_name); base::SNPrintF(optimize_call, "%%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(%s);\n", func_name); } else { prepare_opt[0] = '\0'; optimize_call[0] = '\0'; } base::SNPrintF(script, "function %s() {\n" " var n = 0;\n" " var m = 100*100;\n" " while (m > 1) {\n" " m--;\n" " n += m * m * m;\n" " }\n" "}\n" "%s" "%s();\n" "%s" "%s();\n", func_name, prepare_opt.begin(), func_name, optimize_call.begin(), func_name); CompileRun(script.begin()); i::Handle func = i::Handle::cast( v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*GetFunction(env.local(), func_name))); CHECK(!func->shared().is_null()); CHECK(!func->shared().abstract_code(isolate).is_null()); CHECK(!optimize || func->HasAttachedOptimizedCode() || !CcTest::i_isolate()->use_optimizer()); i::Handle code(func->abstract_code(isolate), isolate); CHECK(!code->is_null()); i::Address code_address = code->InstructionStart(isolate); CHECK_NE(code_address, kNullAddress); CodeEntryStorage storage; CpuProfilesCollection* profiles = new CpuProfilesCollection(isolate); ProfilerCodeObserver* code_observer = new ProfilerCodeObserver(isolate, storage); Symbolizer* symbolizer = new Symbolizer(code_observer->code_map()); ProfilerEventsProcessor* processor = new SamplingEventsProcessor( CcTest::i_isolate(), symbolizer, code_observer, profiles, v8::base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(100), true); CpuProfiler profiler(isolate, kDebugNaming, kLazyLogging, profiles, symbolizer, processor, code_observer); ProfilerId id = profiles->StartProfiling().id; // TODO(delphick): Stop using the CpuProfiler internals here: This forces // LogCompiledFunctions so that source positions are collected everywhere. // This would normally happen automatically with CpuProfiler::StartProfiling // but doesn't because it's constructed with a symbolizer and a processor. isolate->v8_file_logger()->LogCompiledFunctions(); CHECK(processor->Start()); ProfilerListener profiler_listener(isolate, processor, *code_observer->code_entries(), *code_observer->weak_code_registry()); // Enqueue code creation events. i::Handle str = factory->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(func_name); int line = 1; int column = 1; profiler_listener.CodeCreateEvent(i::LogEventListener::CodeTag::kFunction, code, handle(func->shared(), isolate), str, line, column); // Enqueue a tick event to enable code events processing. EnqueueTickSampleEvent(processor, code_address); processor->StopSynchronously(); CpuProfile* profile = profiles->StopProfiling(id); CHECK(profile); // Check the state of the symbolizer. CodeEntry* func_entry = symbolizer->code_map()->FindEntry(code_address); CHECK(func_entry); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp(func_name, func_entry->name())); const i::SourcePositionTable* line_info = func_entry->line_info(); CHECK(line_info); CHECK_NE(v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo, line_info->GetSourceLineNumber(100)); // Check the hit source lines using V8 Public APIs. const i::ProfileTree* tree = profile->top_down(); ProfileNode* root = tree->root(); CHECK(root); ProfileNode* func_node = root->FindChild(func_entry); CHECK(func_node); // Add 10 faked ticks to source line #5. int hit_line = 5; int hit_count = 10; for (int i = 0; i < hit_count; i++) func_node->IncrementLineTicks(hit_line); unsigned int line_count = func_node->GetHitLineCount(); CHECK_EQ(2u, line_count); // Expect two hit source lines - #1 and #5. base::ScopedVector entries(line_count); CHECK(func_node->GetLineTicks(&entries[0], line_count)); int value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < entries.length(); i++) if (entries[i].line == hit_line) { value = entries[i].hit_count; break; } CHECK_EQ(hit_count, value); } TEST(TickLinesBaseline) { TickLines(false); } TEST(TickLinesOptimized) { TickLines(true); } static const char* call_function_test_source = "%NeverOptimizeFunction(bar);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(start);\n" "function bar(n) {\n" " var s = 0;\n" " for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) s += i * i * i;\n" " return s;\n" "}\n" "function start(duration) {\n" " var start = Date.now();\n" " do {\n" " for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i)\n" " bar.call(this, 1000);\n" " } while (Date.now() - start < duration);\n" "}"; // Test that if we sampled thread when it was inside FunctionCall builtin then // its caller frame will be '(unresolved function)' as we have no reliable way // to resolve it. // // [Top down]: // 96 0 (root) [-1] #1 // 1 1 (garbage collector) [-1] #4 // 5 0 (unresolved function) [-1] #5 // 5 5 call [-1] #6 // 71 70 start [-1] #3 // 1 1 bar [-1] #7 // 19 19 (program) [-1] #2 TEST(FunctionCallSample) { // Skip test if concurrent sparkplug is enabled. The test becomes flaky, // since it requires a precise trace. if (i::FLAG_concurrent_sparkplug) return; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate()); // Collect garbage that might have be generated while installing // extensions. CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(); CompileRun(call_function_test_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); int32_t duration_ms = 100; v8::Local args[] = { v8::Integer::New(env->GetIsolate(), duration_ms)}; v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), 1000); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, "start"); GetChild(env.local(), start_node, "bar"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* unresolved_node = FindChild(env.local(), root, i::CodeEntry::kUnresolvedFunctionName); CHECK(!unresolved_node || GetChild(env.local(), unresolved_node, "call")); profile->Delete(); } static const char* function_apply_test_source = "%NeverOptimizeFunction(bar);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(test);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(start);\n" "function bar(n) {\n" " var s = 0;\n" " for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) s += i * i * i;\n" " return s;\n" "}\n" "function test() {\n" " bar.apply(this, [1000]);\n" "}\n" "function start(duration) {\n" " var start = Date.now();\n" " do {\n" " for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) test();\n" " } while (Date.now() - start < duration);\n" "}"; // [Top down]: // 94 0 (root) [-1] #0 1 // 2 2 (garbage collector) [-1] #0 7 // 82 49 start [-1] #16 3 // 1 0 (unresolved function) [-1] #0 8 // 1 1 apply [-1] #0 9 // 32 21 test [-1] #16 4 // 2 2 bar [-1] #16 6 // 10 10 (program) [-1] #0 2 TEST(FunctionApplySample) { // Skip test if concurrent sparkplug is enabled. The test becomes flaky, // since it requires a precise trace. if (i::FLAG_concurrent_sparkplug) return; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate()); CompileRun(function_apply_test_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); int32_t duration_ms = 100; v8::Local args[] = { v8::Integer::New(env->GetIsolate(), duration_ms)}; v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), 1000); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, "start"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* test_node = GetChild(env.local(), start_node, "test"); GetChild(env.local(), test_node, "bar"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* unresolved_node = FindChild(env.local(), start_node, CodeEntry::kUnresolvedFunctionName); CHECK(!unresolved_node || GetChild(env.local(), unresolved_node, "apply")); profile->Delete(); } static const char* cpu_profiler_deep_stack_test_source = "function foo(n) {\n" " if (n)\n" " foo(n - 1);\n" " else\n" " collectSample();\n" "}\n" "function start() {\n" " startProfiling('my_profile');\n" " foo(250);\n" "}\n"; // Check a deep stack // // [Top down]: // 0 (root) 0 #1 // 2 (program) 0 #2 // 0 start 21 #3 no reason // 0 foo 21 #4 no reason // 0 foo 21 #5 no reason // .... // 0 foo 21 #254 no reason TEST(CpuProfileDeepStack) { v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); ProfilerHelper helper(env); CompileRun(cpu_profiler_deep_stack_test_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env, "start"); v8::Local profile_name = v8_str("my_profile"); function->Call(env, env->Global(), 0, nullptr).ToLocalChecked(); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.profiler()->StopProfiling(profile_name); CHECK(profile); // Dump collected profile to have a better diagnostic in case of failure. reinterpret_cast(profile)->Print(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* node = GetChild(env, root, "start"); for (int i = 0; i <= 250; ++i) { node = GetChild(env, node, "foo"); } CHECK(!FindChild(env, node, "foo")); profile->Delete(); } static const char* js_native_js_test_source = "%NeverOptimizeFunction(foo);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(bar);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(start);\n" "function foo(n) {\n" " var s = 0;\n" " for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) s += i * i * i;\n" " return s;\n" "}\n" "function bar() {\n" " foo(1000);\n" "}\n" "function start() {\n" " CallJsFunction(bar);\n" "}"; static void CallJsFunction(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& info) { v8::Local function = info[0].As(); v8::Local argv[] = {info[1]}; function ->Call(info.GetIsolate()->GetCurrentContext(), info.This(), arraysize(argv), argv) .ToLocalChecked(); } // [Top down]: // 58 0 (root) #0 1 // 2 2 (program) #0 2 // 56 1 start #16 3 // 55 0 CallJsFunction #0 4 // 55 1 bar #16 5 // 54 54 foo #16 6 TEST(JsNativeJsSample) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(env->GetIsolate(), CallJsFunction); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(env).ToLocalChecked(); func->SetName(v8_str("CallJsFunction")); env->Global()->Set(env, v8_str("CallJsFunction"), func).FromJust(); CompileRun(js_native_js_test_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env, "start"); ProfilerHelper helper(env); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, nullptr, 0, 1000); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env, root, "start"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* native_node = GetChild(env, start_node, "CallJsFunction"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* bar_node = GetChild(env, native_node, "bar"); GetChild(env, bar_node, "foo"); profile->Delete(); } static const char* js_native_js_runtime_js_test_source = "%NeverOptimizeFunction(foo);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(bar);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(start);\n" "function foo(n) {\n" " var s = 0;\n" " for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) s += i * i * i;\n" " return s;\n" "}\n" "var bound = foo.bind(this);\n" "function bar() {\n" " bound(1000);\n" "}\n" "function start() {\n" " CallJsFunction(bar);\n" "}"; // [Top down]: // 57 0 (root) #0 1 // 55 1 start #16 3 // 54 0 CallJsFunction #0 4 // 54 3 bar #16 5 // 51 51 foo #16 6 // 2 2 (program) #0 2 TEST(JsNativeJsRuntimeJsSample) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(env->GetIsolate(), CallJsFunction); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(env).ToLocalChecked(); func->SetName(v8_str("CallJsFunction")); env->Global()->Set(env, v8_str("CallJsFunction"), func).FromJust(); CompileRun(js_native_js_runtime_js_test_source); ProfilerHelper helper(env); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env, "start"); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, nullptr, 0, 1000); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env, root, "start"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* native_node = GetChild(env, start_node, "CallJsFunction"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* bar_node = GetChild(env, native_node, "bar"); GetChild(env, bar_node, "foo"); profile->Delete(); } static void CallJsFunction2(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& info) { v8::base::OS::Print("In CallJsFunction2\n"); CallJsFunction(info); } static const char* js_native1_js_native2_js_test_source = "%NeverOptimizeFunction(foo);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(bar);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(start);\n" "function foo() {\n" " var s = 0;\n" " for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) s += i * i * i;\n" " return s;\n" "}\n" "function bar() {\n" " CallJsFunction2(foo);\n" "}\n" "function start() {\n" " CallJsFunction1(bar);\n" "}"; // [Top down]: // 57 0 (root) #0 1 // 55 1 start #16 3 // 54 0 CallJsFunction1 #0 4 // 54 0 bar #16 5 // 54 0 CallJsFunction2 #0 6 // 54 54 foo #16 7 // 2 2 (program) #0 2 TEST(JsNative1JsNative2JsSample) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); v8::Local func1 = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(env->GetIsolate(), CallJsFunction) ->GetFunction(env) .ToLocalChecked(); func1->SetName(v8_str("CallJsFunction1")); env->Global()->Set(env, v8_str("CallJsFunction1"), func1).FromJust(); v8::Local func2 = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(env->GetIsolate(), CallJsFunction2) ->GetFunction(env) .ToLocalChecked(); func2->SetName(v8_str("CallJsFunction2")); env->Global()->Set(env, v8_str("CallJsFunction2"), func2).FromJust(); CompileRun(js_native1_js_native2_js_test_source); ProfilerHelper helper(env); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env, "start"); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, nullptr, 0, 1000); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env, root, "start"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* native_node1 = GetChild(env, start_node, "CallJsFunction1"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* bar_node = GetChild(env, native_node1, "bar"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* native_node2 = GetChild(env, bar_node, "CallJsFunction2"); GetChild(env, native_node2, "foo"); profile->Delete(); } static const char* js_force_collect_sample_source = "function start() {\n" " CallCollectSample();\n" "}"; static void CallCollectSample(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& info) { v8::CpuProfiler::CollectSample(info.GetIsolate()); } TEST(CollectSampleAPI) { v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(env->GetIsolate(), CallCollectSample); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(env).ToLocalChecked(); func->SetName(v8_str("CallCollectSample")); env->Global()->Set(env, v8_str("CallCollectSample"), func).FromJust(); CompileRun(js_force_collect_sample_source); ProfilerHelper helper(env); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env, "start"); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, nullptr, 0, 0); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env, root, "start"); CHECK_LE(1, start_node->GetChildrenCount()); GetChild(env, start_node, "CallCollectSample"); profile->Delete(); } static const char* js_native_js_runtime_multiple_test_source = "%NeverOptimizeFunction(foo);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(bar);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(start);\n" "function foo() {\n" " return Math.sin(Math.random());\n" "}\n" "var bound = foo.bind(this);\n" "function bar() {\n" " return bound();\n" "}\n" "function start() {\n" " startProfiling('my_profile');\n" " var startTime = Date.now();\n" " do {\n" " CallJsFunction(bar);\n" " } while (Date.now() - startTime < 200);\n" "}"; // The test check multiple entrances/exits between JS and native code. // // [Top down]: // (root) #0 1 // start #16 3 // CallJsFunction #0 4 // bar #16 5 // foo #16 6 // (program) #0 2 TEST(JsNativeJsRuntimeJsSampleMultiple) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(env->GetIsolate(), CallJsFunction); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(env).ToLocalChecked(); func->SetName(v8_str("CallJsFunction")); env->Global()->Set(env, v8_str("CallJsFunction"), func).FromJust(); CompileRun(js_native_js_runtime_multiple_test_source); ProfilerHelper helper(env); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env, "start"); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, nullptr, 0, 500, 500); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env, root, "start"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* native_node = GetChild(env, start_node, "CallJsFunction"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* bar_node = GetChild(env, native_node, "bar"); GetChild(env, bar_node, "foo"); profile->Delete(); } static const char* inlining_test_source = "var finish = false;\n" "function action(n) {\n" " var s = 0;\n" " for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) s += i*i*i;\n" " if (finish)\n" " startProfiling('my_profile');\n" " return s;\n" "}\n" "function level3() { return action(100); }\n" "function level2() { return level3() * 2; }\n" "function level1() { return level2(); }\n" "function start() {\n" " var n = 100;\n" " while (--n)\n" " level1();\n" " finish = true;\n" " level1();\n" "}" "%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(level1);\n" "%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(level2);\n" "%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(level3);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(action);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(start);\n" "level1();\n" "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(level1);\n" "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(level2);\n" "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(level3);\n"; // The test check multiple entrances/exits between JS and native code. // // [Top down]: // (root) #0 1 // start #16 3 // level1 #0 4 // level2 #16 5 // level3 #16 6 // action #16 7 // (program) #0 2 TEST(Inlining) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); ProfilerHelper helper(env); CompileRun(inlining_test_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env, "start"); v8::Local profile_name = v8_str("my_profile"); function->Call(env, env->Global(), 0, nullptr).ToLocalChecked(); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.profiler()->StopProfiling(profile_name); CHECK(profile); // Dump collected profile to have a better diagnostic in case of failure. reinterpret_cast(profile)->Print(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env, root, "start"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* level1_node = GetChild(env, start_node, "level1"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* level2_node = GetChild(env, level1_node, "level2"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* level3_node = GetChild(env, level2_node, "level3"); GetChild(env, level3_node, "action"); profile->Delete(); } static const char* inlining_test_source2 = R"( function action(n) { var s = 0; for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) s += i*i*i; return s; } function level4() { action(100); return action(100); } function level3() { const a = level4(); const b = level4(); return a + b * 1.1; } function level2() { return level3() * 2; } function level1() { action(1); action(200); action(1); return level2(); } function start(n) { while (--n) level1(); }; %NeverOptimizeFunction(action); %NeverOptimizeFunction(start); %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(level1); %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(level2); %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(level3); %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(level4); level1(); level1(); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(level1); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(level2); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(level3); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(level4); level1(); )"; // [Top down]: // 0 (root):0 0 #1 // 13 start:34 6 #3 // bailed out due to 'Optimization is always disabled' // 19 level1:36 6 #4 // 16 action:29 6 #14 // bailed out due to 'Optimization is always disabled' // 2748 action:30 6 #10 // bailed out due to 'Optimization is always disabled' // 18 action:31 6 #15 // bailed out due to 'Optimization is always disabled' // 0 level2:32 6 #5 // 0 level3:26 6 #6 // 12 level4:22 6 #11 // 1315 action:17 6 #13 // bailed out due to 'Optimization is always disabled' // 1324 action:18 6 #12 // bailed out due to 'Optimization is always disabled' // 16 level4:21 6 #7 // 1268 action:17 6 #9 // bailed out due to 'Optimization is always disabled' // 1322 action:18 6 #8 // bailed out due to 'Optimization is always disabled' // 2 (program):0 0 #2 TEST(Inlining2) { // Skip test if concurrent sparkplug is enabled. The test becomes flaky, // since it requires a precise trace. if (FLAG_concurrent_sparkplug) return; FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate(); LocalContext env; v8::CpuProfiler::UseDetailedSourcePositionsForProfiling(isolate); v8::HandleScope scope(isolate); ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); CompileRun(inlining_test_source2); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); v8::Local args[] = {v8::Integer::New(env->GetIsolate(), 20)}; static const unsigned min_samples = 4000; static const unsigned min_ext_samples = 0; v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), min_samples, min_ext_samples, v8::CpuProfilingMode::kCallerLineNumbers); CHECK(profile); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, "start"); NameLinePair l421_a17[] = {{"level1", 27}, {"level2", 23}, {"level3", 17}, {"level4", 12}, {"action", 8}}; CheckBranch(start_node, l421_a17, arraysize(l421_a17)); NameLinePair l422_a17[] = {{"level1", 27}, {"level2", 23}, {"level3", 17}, {"level4", 13}, {"action", 8}}; CheckBranch(start_node, l422_a17, arraysize(l422_a17)); NameLinePair l421_a18[] = {{"level1", 27}, {"level2", 23}, {"level3", 17}, {"level4", 12}, {"action", 9}}; CheckBranch(start_node, l421_a18, arraysize(l421_a18)); NameLinePair l422_a18[] = {{"level1", 27}, {"level2", 23}, {"level3", 17}, {"level4", 13}, {"action", 9}}; CheckBranch(start_node, l422_a18, arraysize(l422_a18)); NameLinePair action_direct[] = {{"level1", 27}, {"action", 21}}; CheckBranch(start_node, action_direct, arraysize(action_direct)); profile->Delete(); } static const char* cross_script_source_a = R"( %NeverOptimizeFunction(action); function action(n) { var s = 0; for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) s += i*i*i; return s; } function level1() { const a = action(1); const b = action(200); const c = action(1); return a + b + c; } )"; static const char* cross_script_source_b = R"( %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(start); %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(level1); start(1); start(1); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(start); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(level1); start(1); function start(n) { while (--n) level1(); }; )"; TEST(CrossScriptInliningCallerLineNumbers) { // Skip test if concurrent sparkplug is enabled. The test becomes flaky, // since it requires a precise trace. if (i::FLAG_concurrent_sparkplug) return; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate(); LocalContext env; v8::CpuProfiler::UseDetailedSourcePositionsForProfiling(isolate); v8::HandleScope scope(isolate); ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); v8::Local script_a = CompileWithOrigin(cross_script_source_a, "script_a", false); v8::Local script_b = CompileWithOrigin(cross_script_source_b, "script_b", false); script_a->Run(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); script_b->Run(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); v8::Local args[] = {v8::Integer::New(env->GetIsolate(), 10)}; static const unsigned min_samples = 1000; static const unsigned min_ext_samples = 0; v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), min_samples, min_ext_samples, v8::CpuProfilingMode::kCallerLineNumbers); CHECK(profile); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, "start"); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("script_b", start_node->GetScriptResourceNameStr())); NameLinePair l19_a10[] = {{"level1", 11}, {"action", 15}}; CheckBranch(start_node, l19_a10, arraysize(l19_a10)); const v8::CpuProfileNode* level1_node = GetChild(env.local(), start_node, "level1"); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("script_a", level1_node->GetScriptResourceNameStr())); const v8::CpuProfileNode* action_node = GetChild(env.local(), level1_node, "action"); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("script_a", action_node->GetScriptResourceNameStr())); profile->Delete(); } static const char* cross_script_source_c = R"( function level3() { const a = action(1); const b = action(100); const c = action(1); return a + b + c; } %NeverOptimizeFunction(action); function action(n) { var s = 0; for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) s += i*i*i; return s; } )"; static const char* cross_script_source_d = R"( function level2() { const p = level3(); const q = level3(); return p + q; } )"; static const char* cross_script_source_e = R"( function level1() { return level2() + 1000; } )"; static const char* cross_script_source_f = R"( %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(start); %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(level1); %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(level2); %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(level3); start(1); start(1); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(start); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(level1); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(level2); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(level3); start(1); function start(n) { while (--n) level1(); }; )"; TEST(CrossScriptInliningCallerLineNumbers2) { // Skip test if concurrent sparkplug is enabled. The test becomes flaky, // since it requires a precise trace. if (i::FLAG_concurrent_sparkplug) return; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); v8::Local script_c = CompileWithOrigin(cross_script_source_c, "script_c", false); v8::Local script_d = CompileWithOrigin(cross_script_source_d, "script_d", false); v8::Local script_e = CompileWithOrigin(cross_script_source_e, "script_e", false); v8::Local script_f = CompileWithOrigin(cross_script_source_f, "script_f", false); script_c->Run(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); script_d->Run(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); script_e->Run(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); script_f->Run(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); v8::Local args[] = {v8::Integer::New(env->GetIsolate(), 10)}; static const unsigned min_samples = 1000; static const unsigned min_ext_samples = 0; v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), min_samples, min_ext_samples, v8::CpuProfilingMode::kCallerLineNumbers); CHECK(profile); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, "start"); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("script_f", start_node->GetScriptResourceNameStr())); const v8::CpuProfileNode* level1_node = GetChild(env.local(), start_node, "level1"); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("script_e", level1_node->GetScriptResourceNameStr())); const v8::CpuProfileNode* level2_node = GetChild(env.local(), level1_node, "level2"); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("script_d", level2_node->GetScriptResourceNameStr())); const v8::CpuProfileNode* level3_node = GetChild(env.local(), level2_node, "level3"); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("script_c", level3_node->GetScriptResourceNameStr())); const v8::CpuProfileNode* action_node = GetChild(env.local(), level3_node, "action"); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp("script_c", action_node->GetScriptResourceNameStr())); profile->Delete(); } // [Top down]: // 0 (root) #0 1 // 2 (program) #0 2 // 3 (idle) #0 3 TEST(IdleTime) { LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate()); v8::CpuProfiler* cpu_profiler = v8::CpuProfiler::New(env->GetIsolate()); v8::Local profile_name = v8_str("my_profile"); cpu_profiler->StartProfiling(profile_name); i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::ProfilerEventsProcessor* processor = reinterpret_cast(cpu_profiler)->processor(); processor->AddCurrentStack(true); isolate->SetIdle(true); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { processor->AddCurrentStack(true); } isolate->SetIdle(false); processor->AddCurrentStack(true); v8::CpuProfile* profile = cpu_profiler->StopProfiling(profile_name); CHECK(profile); // Dump collected profile to have a better diagnostic in case of failure. reinterpret_cast(profile)->Print(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* program_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, CodeEntry::kProgramEntryName); CHECK_EQ(0, program_node->GetChildrenCount()); CHECK_GE(program_node->GetHitCount(), 2u); const v8::CpuProfileNode* idle_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, CodeEntry::kIdleEntryName); CHECK_EQ(0, idle_node->GetChildrenCount()); CHECK_GE(idle_node->GetHitCount(), 3u); profile->Delete(); cpu_profiler->Dispose(); } static void CheckFunctionDetails(v8::Isolate* isolate, const v8::CpuProfileNode* node, const char* name, const char* script_name, bool is_shared_cross_origin, int script_id, int line, int column, const v8::CpuProfileNode* parent) { v8::Local context = isolate->GetCurrentContext(); CHECK(v8_str(name)->Equals(context, node->GetFunctionName()).FromJust()); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp(name, node->GetFunctionNameStr())); CHECK(v8_str(script_name) ->Equals(context, node->GetScriptResourceName()) .FromJust()); CHECK_EQ(0, strcmp(script_name, node->GetScriptResourceNameStr())); CHECK_EQ(script_id, node->GetScriptId()); CHECK_EQ(line, node->GetLineNumber()); CHECK_EQ(column, node->GetColumnNumber()); CHECK_EQ(parent, node->GetParent()); CHECK_EQ(v8::CpuProfileNode::kScript, node->GetSourceType()); } TEST(FunctionDetails) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); ProfilerHelper helper(env); v8::Local script_a = CompileWithOrigin( "%NeverOptimizeFunction(foo);\n" "%NeverOptimizeFunction(bar);\n" " function foo\n() { bar(); }\n" " function bar() { startProfiling(); }\n", "script_a", false); script_a->Run(env).ToLocalChecked(); v8::Local script_b = CompileWithOrigin( "%NeverOptimizeFunction(baz);" "\n\n function baz() { foo(); }\n" "\n\nbaz();\n" "stopProfiling();\n", "script_b", true); script_b->Run(env).ToLocalChecked(); const v8::CpuProfile* profile = i::ProfilerExtension::last_profile; reinterpret_cast(profile)->Print(); // The tree should look like this: // 0 (root):0 3 0 #1 // 0 :0 0 5 #2 script_b:0 // 0 baz:3 0 5 #3 script_b:3 // bailed out due to 'Optimization is always disabled' // 0 foo:4 0 4 #4 script_a:4 // bailed out due to 'Optimization is always disabled' // 0 bar:5 0 4 #5 script_a:5 // bailed out due to 'Optimization is always disabled' // 0 startProfiling:0 2 0 #6 const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); CHECK_EQ(root->GetParent(), nullptr); const v8::CpuProfileNode* script = GetChild(env, root, ""); CheckFunctionDetails(env->GetIsolate(), script, "", "script_b", true, script_b->GetUnboundScript()->GetId(), v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo, CpuProfileNode::kNoColumnNumberInfo, root); const v8::CpuProfileNode* baz = GetChild(env, script, "baz"); CheckFunctionDetails(env->GetIsolate(), baz, "baz", "script_b", true, script_b->GetUnboundScript()->GetId(), 3, 16, script); const v8::CpuProfileNode* foo = GetChild(env, baz, "foo"); CheckFunctionDetails(env->GetIsolate(), foo, "foo", "script_a", false, script_a->GetUnboundScript()->GetId(), 4, 1, baz); const v8::CpuProfileNode* bar = GetChild(env, foo, "bar"); CheckFunctionDetails(env->GetIsolate(), bar, "bar", "script_a", false, script_a->GetUnboundScript()->GetId(), 5, 14, foo); } TEST(FunctionDetailsInlining) { if (!CcTest::i_isolate()->use_optimizer() || i::FLAG_always_turbofan) return; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); ProfilerHelper helper(env); // alpha is in a_script, beta in b_script. beta is // inlined in alpha, but it should be attributed to b_script. v8::Local script_b = CompileWithOrigin( "function beta(k) {\n" " let sum = 2;\n" " for(let i = 0; i < k; i ++) {\n" " sum += i;\n" " sum = sum + 'a';\n" " }\n" " return sum;\n" "}\n" "\n", "script_b", true); v8::Local script_a = CompileWithOrigin( "function alpha(p) {\n" " let res = beta(p);\n" " res = res + res;\n" " return res;\n" "}\n" "let p = 2;\n" "\n" "\n" "// Warm up before profiling or the inlining doesn't happen.\n" "%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(alpha);\n" "p = alpha(p);\n" "p = alpha(p);\n" "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(alpha);\n" "p = alpha(p);\n" "\n" "\n" "startProfiling();\n" "for(let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {\n" " p = alpha(p);\n" "}\n" "stopProfiling();\n" "\n" "\n", "script_a", false); script_b->Run(env).ToLocalChecked(); script_a->Run(env).ToLocalChecked(); const v8::CpuProfile* profile = i::ProfilerExtension::last_profile; reinterpret_cast(profile)->Print(); // The tree should look like this: // 0 (root) 0 #1 // 5 (program) 0 #6 // 2 14 #2 script_a:0 // ;;; deopted at script_id: 14 position: 299 with reason 'Insufficient // type feedback for call'. // 1 alpha 14 #4 script_a:1 // 9 beta 13 #5 script_b:0 // 0 startProfiling 0 #3 const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); CHECK_EQ(root->GetParent(), nullptr); const v8::CpuProfileNode* script = GetChild(env, root, ""); CheckFunctionDetails(env->GetIsolate(), script, "", "script_a", false, script_a->GetUnboundScript()->GetId(), v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo, v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoColumnNumberInfo, root); const v8::CpuProfileNode* alpha = FindChild(env, script, "alpha"); // Return early if profiling didn't sample alpha. if (!alpha) return; CheckFunctionDetails(env->GetIsolate(), alpha, "alpha", "script_a", false, script_a->GetUnboundScript()->GetId(), 1, 15, script); const v8::CpuProfileNode* beta = FindChild(env, alpha, "beta"); if (!beta) return; CheckFunctionDetails(env->GetIsolate(), beta, "beta", "script_b", true, script_b->GetUnboundScript()->GetId(), 1, 14, alpha); } static const char* pre_profiling_osr_script = R"( const kMinIterationDurationMs = 1; function whenPass(pass, optDuration) { if (pass == 5) startProfiling(); } function hot(optDuration, deoptDuration) { %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(hot); for (let pass = 0; pass <= optDuration + deoptDuration; pass++) { const startTime = Date.now(); // Let a few passes go by to ensure we have enough feeback info if (pass == 3) %OptimizeOsr(); // Force deoptimization. %DeoptimizeNow and %DeoptimizeFunction don't // doptimize OSRs. if (pass == optDuration) whenPass = () => {}; whenPass(pass, optDuration); while (Date.now() - startTime < kMinIterationDurationMs) { for (let j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { x = Math.random() * j; } } } } function notHot(optDuration, deoptDuration) { hot(optDuration, deoptDuration); stopProfiling() } )"; // Testing profiling of OSR code that was OSR optimized before profiling // started. Currently the behavior is not quite right so we're currently // testing a deopt event being sent to the sampling thread for a function // it knows nothing about. This deopt does mean we start getting samples // for hot so we expect some samples, just fewer than for notHot. // // We should get something like: // 0 (root):0 3 0 #1 // 12 (garbage collector):0 3 0 #5 // 5 notHot:22 0 4 #2 // 85 hot:5 0 4 #6 // 0 whenPass:2 0 4 #3 // 0 startProfiling:0 2 0 #4 // // But currently get something like: // 0 (root):0 3 0 #1 // 12 (garbage collector):0 3 0 #5 // 57 notHot:22 0 4 #2 // 33 hot:5 0 4 #6 // 0 whenPass:2 0 4 #3 // 0 startProfiling:0 2 0 #4 TEST(StartProfilingAfterOsr) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); ProfilerHelper helper(env); helper.profiler()->SetSamplingInterval(100); CompileRun(pre_profiling_osr_script); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env, "notHot"); int32_t profiling_optimized_ms = 120; int32_t profiling_deoptimized_ms = 40; v8::Local args[] = { v8::Integer::New(env->GetIsolate(), profiling_optimized_ms), v8::Integer::New(env->GetIsolate(), profiling_deoptimized_ms)}; function->Call(env, env->Global(), arraysize(args), args).ToLocalChecked(); const v8::CpuProfile* profile = i::ProfilerExtension::last_profile; CHECK(profile); reinterpret_cast(profile)->Print(); const CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* notHotNode = GetChild(env, root, "notHot"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* hotNode = GetChild(env, notHotNode, "hot"); USE(hotNode); // If/when OSR sampling is fixed the following CHECK_GT could/should be // uncommented and the node = node line deleted. // CHECK_GT(hotNode->GetHitCount(), notHotNode->GetHitCount()); } TEST(DontStopOnFinishedProfileDelete) { v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); v8::CpuProfiler* profiler = v8::CpuProfiler::New(env->GetIsolate()); i::CpuProfiler* iprofiler = reinterpret_cast(profiler); CHECK_EQ(0, iprofiler->GetProfilesCount()); v8::Local outer = v8_str("outer"); profiler->StartProfiling(outer); CHECK_EQ(0, iprofiler->GetProfilesCount()); v8::Local inner = v8_str("inner"); profiler->StartProfiling(inner); CHECK_EQ(0, iprofiler->GetProfilesCount()); v8::CpuProfile* inner_profile = profiler->StopProfiling(inner); CHECK(inner_profile); CHECK_EQ(1, iprofiler->GetProfilesCount()); inner_profile->Delete(); inner_profile = nullptr; CHECK_EQ(0, iprofiler->GetProfilesCount()); v8::CpuProfile* outer_profile = profiler->StopProfiling(outer); CHECK(outer_profile); CHECK_EQ(1, iprofiler->GetProfilesCount()); outer_profile->Delete(); outer_profile = nullptr; CHECK_EQ(0, iprofiler->GetProfilesCount()); profiler->Dispose(); } const char* GetBranchDeoptReason(v8::Local context, i::CpuProfile* iprofile, const char* branch[], int length) { v8::CpuProfile* profile = reinterpret_cast(iprofile); const ProfileNode* iopt_function = nullptr; iopt_function = GetSimpleBranch(context, profile, branch, length); if (iopt_function->deopt_infos().size() == 0) { iopt_function = iopt_function->parent(); } CHECK_LE(1U, iopt_function->deopt_infos().size()); return iopt_function->deopt_infos()[0].deopt_reason; } // deopt at top function TEST(CollectDeoptEvents) { if (!CcTest::i_isolate()->use_optimizer() || i::FLAG_always_turbofan) return; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); ProfilerHelper helper(env); i::CpuProfiler* iprofiler = reinterpret_cast(helper.profiler()); const char opt_source[] = "function opt_function%d(value, depth) {\n" " if (depth) return opt_function%d(value, depth - 1);\n" "\n" " return 10 / value;\n" "}\n" "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { base::EmbeddedVector buffer; base::SNPrintF(buffer, opt_source, i, i); v8::Script::Compile(env, v8_str(buffer.begin())) .ToLocalChecked() ->Run(env) .ToLocalChecked(); } const char* source = "startProfiling();\n" "\n" "%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(opt_function0);\n" "\n" "opt_function0(1, 1);\n" "\n" "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(opt_function0)\n" "\n" "opt_function0(1, 1);\n" "\n" "opt_function0(undefined, 1);\n" "\n" "%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(opt_function1);\n" "\n" "opt_function1(1, 1);\n" "\n" "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(opt_function1)\n" "\n" "opt_function1(1, 1);\n" "\n" "opt_function1(NaN, 1);\n" "\n" "%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(opt_function2);\n" "\n" "opt_function2(1, 1);\n" "\n" "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(opt_function2)\n" "\n" "opt_function2(1, 1);\n" "\n" "opt_function2(0, 1);\n" "\n" "stopProfiling();\n" "\n"; v8::Script::Compile(env, v8_str(source)) .ToLocalChecked() ->Run(env) .ToLocalChecked(); i::CpuProfile* iprofile = iprofiler->GetProfile(0); iprofile->Print(); /* The expected profile. Note that the deopt reasons can hang off either of the two nodes for each function, depending on the exact timing at runtime. [Top down]: 0 (root) 0 #1 23 32 #2 1 opt_function2 31 #7 1 opt_function2 31 #8 ;;; deopted at script_id: 31 position: 106 with reason 'division by zero'. 2 opt_function0 29 #3 4 opt_function0 29 #4 ;;; deopted at script_id: 29 position: 108 with reason 'not a heap number'. 0 opt_function1 30 #5 1 opt_function1 30 #6 ;;; deopted at script_id: 30 position: 108 with reason 'lost precision or NaN'. */ { const char* branch[] = {"", "opt_function0", "opt_function0"}; const char* deopt_reason = GetBranchDeoptReason(env, iprofile, branch, arraysize(branch)); if (deopt_reason != reason(i::DeoptimizeReason::kNotAHeapNumber) && deopt_reason != reason(i::DeoptimizeReason::kNotASmi)) { FATAL("%s", deopt_reason); } } { const char* branch[] = {"", "opt_function1", "opt_function1"}; const char* deopt_reason = GetBranchDeoptReason(env, iprofile, branch, arraysize(branch)); if (deopt_reason != reason(i::DeoptimizeReason::kNaN) && deopt_reason != reason(i::DeoptimizeReason::kLostPrecisionOrNaN) && deopt_reason != reason(i::DeoptimizeReason::kNotASmi)) { FATAL("%s", deopt_reason); } } { const char* branch[] = {"", "opt_function2", "opt_function2"}; CHECK_EQ(reason(i::DeoptimizeReason::kDivisionByZero), GetBranchDeoptReason(env, iprofile, branch, arraysize(branch))); } iprofiler->DeleteProfile(iprofile); } TEST(SourceLocation) { i::FLAG_always_turbofan = true; LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); const char* source = "function CompareStatementWithThis() {\n" " if (this === 1) {}\n" "}\n" "CompareStatementWithThis();\n"; v8::Script::Compile(env.local(), v8_str(source)) .ToLocalChecked() ->Run(env.local()) .ToLocalChecked(); } static const char* inlined_source = "function opt_function(left, right) { var k = left*right; return k + 1; " "}\n"; // 0.........1.........2.........3.........4....*....5.........6......*..7 // deopt at the first level inlined function TEST(DeoptAtFirstLevelInlinedSource) { if (!CcTest::i_isolate()->use_optimizer() || i::FLAG_always_turbofan) return; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); ProfilerHelper helper(env); i::CpuProfiler* iprofiler = reinterpret_cast(helper.profiler()); // 0.........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6.........7 const char* source = "function test(left, right) { return opt_function(left, right); }\n" "\n" "startProfiling();\n" "\n" "%EnsureFeedbackVectorForFunction(opt_function);\n" "%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(test);\n" "\n" "test(10, 10);\n" "\n" "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(test)\n" "\n" "test(10, 10);\n" "\n" "test(undefined, 1e9);\n" "\n" "stopProfiling();\n" "\n"; v8::Local inlined_script = v8_compile(inlined_source); inlined_script->Run(env).ToLocalChecked(); int inlined_script_id = inlined_script->GetUnboundScript()->GetId(); v8::Local script = v8_compile(source); script->Run(env).ToLocalChecked(); int script_id = script->GetUnboundScript()->GetId(); i::CpuProfile* iprofile = iprofiler->GetProfile(0); iprofile->Print(); /* The expected profile output [Top down]: 0 (root) 0 #1 10 30 #2 1 test 30 #3 ;;; deopted at script_id: 29 position: 45 with reason 'not a heap number'. ;;; Inline point: script_id 30 position: 36. 4 opt_function 29 #4 */ v8::CpuProfile* profile = reinterpret_cast(iprofile); const char* branch[] = {"", "test"}; const ProfileNode* itest_node = GetSimpleBranch(env, profile, branch, arraysize(branch)); const std::vector& deopt_infos = itest_node->deopt_infos(); CHECK_EQ(1U, deopt_infos.size()); const v8::CpuProfileDeoptInfo& info = deopt_infos[0]; CHECK(reason(i::DeoptimizeReason::kNotASmi) == info.deopt_reason || reason(i::DeoptimizeReason::kNotAHeapNumber) == info.deopt_reason); CHECK_EQ(2U, info.stack.size()); CHECK_EQ(inlined_script_id, info.stack[0].script_id); CHECK_LE(dist(offset(inlined_source, "*right"), info.stack[0].position), 1); CHECK_EQ(script_id, info.stack[1].script_id); CHECK_EQ(offset(source, "opt_function(left,"), info.stack[1].position); iprofiler->DeleteProfile(iprofile); } // deopt at the second level inlined function TEST(DeoptAtSecondLevelInlinedSource) { if (!CcTest::i_isolate()->use_optimizer() || i::FLAG_always_turbofan) return; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); ProfilerHelper helper(env); i::CpuProfiler* iprofiler = reinterpret_cast(helper.profiler()); // 0.........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6.........7 const char* source = "function test2(left, right) { return opt_function(left, right); }\n" "function test1(left, right) { return test2(left, right); } \n" "\n" "startProfiling();\n" "\n" "%EnsureFeedbackVectorForFunction(opt_function);\n" "%EnsureFeedbackVectorForFunction(test2);\n" "%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(test1);\n" "\n" "test1(10, 10);\n" "\n" "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(test1)\n" "\n" "test1(10, 10);\n" "\n" "test1(undefined, 1e9);\n" "\n" "stopProfiling();\n" "\n"; v8::Local inlined_script = v8_compile(inlined_source); inlined_script->Run(env).ToLocalChecked(); int inlined_script_id = inlined_script->GetUnboundScript()->GetId(); v8::Local script = v8_compile(source); script->Run(env).ToLocalChecked(); int script_id = script->GetUnboundScript()->GetId(); i::CpuProfile* iprofile = iprofiler->GetProfile(0); iprofile->Print(); /* The expected profile output [Top down]: 0 (root) 0 #1 11 30 #2 1 test1 30 #3 ;;; deopted at script_id: 29 position: 45 with reason 'not a heap number'. ;;; Inline point: script_id 30 position: 37. ;;; Inline point: script_id 30 position: 103. 1 test2 30 #4 3 opt_function 29 #5 */ v8::CpuProfile* profile = reinterpret_cast(iprofile); const char* branch[] = {"", "test1"}; const ProfileNode* itest_node = GetSimpleBranch(env, profile, branch, arraysize(branch)); const std::vector& deopt_infos = itest_node->deopt_infos(); CHECK_EQ(1U, deopt_infos.size()); const v8::CpuProfileDeoptInfo info = deopt_infos[0]; CHECK(reason(i::DeoptimizeReason::kNotASmi) == info.deopt_reason || reason(i::DeoptimizeReason::kNotAHeapNumber) == info.deopt_reason); CHECK_EQ(3U, info.stack.size()); CHECK_EQ(inlined_script_id, info.stack[0].script_id); CHECK_LE(dist(offset(inlined_source, "*right"), info.stack[0].position), 1); CHECK_EQ(script_id, info.stack[1].script_id); CHECK_EQ(offset(source, "opt_function(left,"), info.stack[1].position); CHECK_EQ(offset(source, "test2(left, right);"), info.stack[2].position); iprofiler->DeleteProfile(iprofile); } // deopt in untracked function TEST(DeoptUntrackedFunction) { if (!CcTest::i_isolate()->use_optimizer() || i::FLAG_always_turbofan) return; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); ProfilerHelper helper(env); i::CpuProfiler* iprofiler = reinterpret_cast(helper.profiler()); // 0.........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6.........7 const char* source = "function test(left, right) { return opt_function(left, right); }\n" "\n" "%EnsureFeedbackVectorForFunction(opt_function);" "%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(test);\n" "\n" "test(10, 10);\n" "\n" "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(test)\n" "\n" "test(10, 10);\n" "\n" "startProfiling();\n" // profiler started after compilation. "\n" "test(undefined, 10);\n" "\n" "stopProfiling();\n" "\n"; v8::Local inlined_script = v8_compile(inlined_source); inlined_script->Run(env).ToLocalChecked(); v8::Local script = v8_compile(source); script->Run(env).ToLocalChecked(); i::CpuProfile* iprofile = iprofiler->GetProfile(0); iprofile->Print(); v8::CpuProfile* profile = reinterpret_cast(iprofile); const char* branch[] = {"", "test"}; const ProfileNode* itest_node = GetSimpleBranch(env, profile, branch, arraysize(branch)); CHECK_EQ(0U, itest_node->deopt_infos().size()); iprofiler->DeleteProfile(iprofile); } using v8::platform::tracing::TraceBuffer; using v8::platform::tracing::TraceConfig; using v8::platform::tracing::TraceObject; namespace { #ifdef V8_USE_PERFETTO class CpuProfilerListener : public platform::tracing::TraceEventListener { public: void ProcessPacket(const ::perfetto::protos::TracePacket& packet) { auto& seq_state = sequence_state_[packet.trusted_packet_sequence_id()]; if (packet.incremental_state_cleared()) seq_state = SequenceState{}; if (!packet.has_track_event()) return; // Update incremental state. if (packet.has_interned_data()) { const auto& interned_data = packet.interned_data(); for (const auto& it : interned_data.event_names()) { CHECK_EQ(seq_state.event_names_.find(it.iid()), seq_state.event_names_.end()); seq_state.event_names_[it.iid()] = it.name(); } } const auto& track_event = packet.track_event(); auto name = seq_state.event_names_[track_event.name_iid()]; if (name != "Profile" && name != "ProfileChunk") return; CHECK_EQ(1, track_event.debug_annotations_size()); CHECK(track_event.debug_annotations()[0].has_legacy_json_value()); CHECK(!profile_id_ || track_event.legacy_event().unscoped_id() == profile_id_); profile_id_ = track_event.legacy_event().unscoped_id(); result_json_ += result_json_.empty() ? "[" : ",\n"; result_json_ += track_event.debug_annotations()[0].legacy_json_value(); } const std::string& result_json() { result_json_ += "]"; return result_json_; } void Reset() { result_json_.clear(); profile_id_ = 0; sequence_state_.clear(); } private: std::string result_json_; uint64_t profile_id_ = 0; struct SequenceState { std::map event_names_; }; std::map sequence_state_; }; #else class CpuProfileEventChecker : public v8::platform::tracing::TraceWriter { public: void AppendTraceEvent(TraceObject* trace_event) override { if (trace_event->name() != std::string("Profile") && trace_event->name() != std::string("ProfileChunk")) return; CHECK(!profile_id_ || trace_event->id() == profile_id_); CHECK_EQ(1, trace_event->num_args()); CHECK_EQ(TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_CONVERTABLE, trace_event->arg_types()[0]); profile_id_ = trace_event->id(); v8::ConvertableToTraceFormat* arg = trace_event->arg_convertables()[0].get(); result_json_ += result_json_.empty() ? "[" : ",\n"; arg->AppendAsTraceFormat(&result_json_); } void Flush() override { result_json_ += "]"; } const std::string& result_json() const { return result_json_; } void Reset() { result_json_.clear(); profile_id_ = 0; } private: std::string result_json_; uint64_t profile_id_ = 0; }; #endif // !V8_USE_PERFETTO } // namespace TEST(TracingCpuProfiler) { v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); auto* tracing_controller = static_cast( i::V8::GetCurrentPlatform()->GetTracingController()); #ifdef V8_USE_PERFETTO std::ostringstream perfetto_output; tracing_controller->InitializeForPerfetto(&perfetto_output); CpuProfilerListener listener; tracing_controller->SetTraceEventListenerForTesting(&listener); #else CpuProfileEventChecker* event_checker = new CpuProfileEventChecker(); TraceBuffer* ring_buffer = TraceBuffer::CreateTraceBufferRingBuffer(1, event_checker); tracing_controller->Initialize(ring_buffer); #endif bool result = false; for (int run_duration = 50; !result; run_duration += 50) { TraceConfig* trace_config = new TraceConfig(); trace_config->AddIncludedCategory( TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("v8.cpu_profiler")); std::string test_code = R"( function foo() { let s = 0; const endTime = Date.now() + )" + std::to_string(run_duration) + R"( while (Date.now() < endTime) s += Math.cos(s); return s; } foo();)"; tracing_controller->StartTracing(trace_config); CompileRun(test_code.c_str()); #ifdef V8_USE_PERFETTO TrackEvent::Flush(); #endif tracing_controller->StopTracing(); #ifdef V8_USE_PERFETTO std::string profile_json = listener.result_json(); listener.Reset(); #else std::string profile_json = event_checker->result_json(); event_checker->Reset(); #endif CHECK_LT(0u, profile_json.length()); printf("Profile JSON: %s\n", profile_json.c_str()); std::string profile_checker_code = R"( function checkProfile(json) { const profile_header = json[0]; if (typeof profile_header['startTime'] !== 'number') return false; return json.some(event => (event.lines || []).some(line => line)) && json.filter(e => e.cpuProfile && e.cpuProfile.nodes) .some(e => e.cpuProfile.nodes .some(n => n.callFrame.codeType == "JS")); } checkProfile()" + profile_json + ")"; result = CompileRunChecked(CcTest::isolate(), profile_checker_code.c_str()) ->IsTrue(); } #ifndef V8_USE_PERFETTO static_cast( i::V8::GetCurrentPlatform()->GetTracingController()) ->Initialize(nullptr); #endif // !V8_USE_PERFETTO } TEST(Issue763073) { class AllowNativesSyntax { public: AllowNativesSyntax() : allow_natives_syntax_(i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax), trace_deopt_(i::FLAG_trace_deopt) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; i::FLAG_trace_deopt = true; } ~AllowNativesSyntax() { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = allow_natives_syntax_; i::FLAG_trace_deopt = trace_deopt_; } private: bool allow_natives_syntax_; bool trace_deopt_; }; AllowNativesSyntax allow_natives_syntax_scope; LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate()); CompileRun( "function f() { return function g(x) { }; }" // Create first closure, optimize it, and deoptimize it. "var g = f();" "%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(g);\n" "g(1);" "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(g);" "g(1);" "%DeoptimizeFunction(g);" // Create second closure, and optimize it. This will create another // optimized code object and put in the (shared) type feedback vector. "var h = f();" "%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(h);\n" "h(1);" "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(h);" "h(1);"); // Start profiling. v8::CpuProfiler* cpu_profiler = v8::CpuProfiler::New(env->GetIsolate()); v8::Local profile_name = v8_str("test"); // Here we test that the heap iteration upon profiling start is not // confused by having a deoptimized code object for a closure while // having a different optimized code object in the type feedback vector. cpu_profiler->StartProfiling(profile_name); v8::CpuProfile* p = cpu_profiler->StopProfiling(profile_name); p->Delete(); cpu_profiler->Dispose(); } static const char* js_collect_sample_api_source = "%NeverOptimizeFunction(start);\n" "function start() {\n" " CallStaticCollectSample();\n" "}"; static void CallStaticCollectSample( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& info) { v8::CpuProfiler::CollectSample(info.GetIsolate()); } TEST(StaticCollectSampleAPI) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate()); v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(env->GetIsolate(), CallStaticCollectSample); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); func->SetName(v8_str("CallStaticCollectSample")); env->Global() ->Set(env.local(), v8_str("CallStaticCollectSample"), func) .FromJust(); CompileRun(js_collect_sample_api_source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, nullptr, 0, 100); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, "start"); GetChild(env.local(), start_node, "CallStaticCollectSample"); profile->Delete(); } TEST(CodeEntriesMemoryLeak) { v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); std::string source = "function start() {}\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { source += "function foo" + std::to_string(i) + "() { return " + std::to_string(i) + "; }\n" "foo" + std::to_string(i) + "();\n"; } CompileRun(source.c_str()); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env, "start"); ProfilerHelper helper(env); for (int j = 0; j < 100; ++j) { v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, nullptr, 0); profile->Delete(); } i::CpuProfiler* profiler = reinterpret_cast(helper.profiler()); CHECK(!profiler->profiler_listener_for_test()); } TEST(NativeFrameStackTrace) { // A test for issue https://crbug.com/768540 // When a sample lands in a native function which has not EXIT frame // stack frame iterator used to bail out and produce an empty stack trace. // The source code below makes v8 call the // v8::internal::StringTable::TryStringToIndexOrLookupExisting native function // without producing an EXIT frame. v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); const char* source = R"( function jsFunction() { var s = {}; for (var i = 0; i < 1e4; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < 100; j++) { s['item' + j] = 'alph'; } } })"; CompileRun(source); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env, "jsFunction"); ProfilerHelper helper(env); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, nullptr, 0, 100, 0); // Count the fraction of samples landing in 'jsFunction' (valid stack) // vs '(program)' (no stack captured). const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* js_function = FindChild(root, "jsFunction"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* program = FindChild(root, "(program)"); if (program) { unsigned js_function_samples = TotalHitCount(js_function); unsigned program_samples = TotalHitCount(program); double valid_samples_ratio = 1. * js_function_samples / (js_function_samples + program_samples); i::PrintF("Ratio: %f\n", valid_samples_ratio); // TODO(alph): Investigate other causes of dropped frames. The ratio // should be close to 99%. CHECK_GE(valid_samples_ratio, 0.3); } profile->Delete(); } TEST(SourcePositionTable) { i::SourcePositionTable info; // Newly created tables should return NoLineNumberInfo for any lookup. int no_info = v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo; CHECK_EQ(no_info, info.GetSourceLineNumber(std::numeric_limits::min())); CHECK_EQ(no_info, info.GetSourceLineNumber(0)); CHECK_EQ(SourcePosition::kNotInlined, info.GetInliningId(0)); CHECK_EQ(no_info, info.GetSourceLineNumber(1)); CHECK_EQ(no_info, info.GetSourceLineNumber(9)); CHECK_EQ(no_info, info.GetSourceLineNumber(10)); CHECK_EQ(no_info, info.GetSourceLineNumber(11)); CHECK_EQ(no_info, info.GetSourceLineNumber(19)); CHECK_EQ(no_info, info.GetSourceLineNumber(20)); CHECK_EQ(no_info, info.GetSourceLineNumber(21)); CHECK_EQ(no_info, info.GetSourceLineNumber(100)); CHECK_EQ(SourcePosition::kNotInlined, info.GetInliningId(100)); CHECK_EQ(no_info, info.GetSourceLineNumber(std::numeric_limits::max())); info.SetPosition(10, 1, SourcePosition::kNotInlined); info.SetPosition(20, 2, SourcePosition::kNotInlined); // The only valid return values are 1 or 2 - every pc maps to a line // number. CHECK_EQ(1, info.GetSourceLineNumber(std::numeric_limits::min())); CHECK_EQ(1, info.GetSourceLineNumber(0)); CHECK_EQ(1, info.GetSourceLineNumber(1)); CHECK_EQ(1, info.GetSourceLineNumber(9)); CHECK_EQ(1, info.GetSourceLineNumber(10)); CHECK_EQ(1, info.GetSourceLineNumber(11)); CHECK_EQ(1, info.GetSourceLineNumber(19)); CHECK_EQ(1, info.GetSourceLineNumber(20)); CHECK_EQ(2, info.GetSourceLineNumber(21)); CHECK_EQ(2, info.GetSourceLineNumber(100)); CHECK_EQ(2, info.GetSourceLineNumber(std::numeric_limits::max())); CHECK_EQ(SourcePosition::kNotInlined, info.GetInliningId(0)); CHECK_EQ(SourcePosition::kNotInlined, info.GetInliningId(100)); // Test SetPosition behavior. info.SetPosition(25, 3, 0); CHECK_EQ(2, info.GetSourceLineNumber(21)); CHECK_EQ(3, info.GetSourceLineNumber(100)); CHECK_EQ(3, info.GetSourceLineNumber(std::numeric_limits::max())); CHECK_EQ(SourcePosition::kNotInlined, info.GetInliningId(21)); CHECK_EQ(0, info.GetInliningId(100)); // Test that subsequent SetPosition calls with the same pc_offset are ignored. info.SetPosition(25, 4, SourcePosition::kNotInlined); CHECK_EQ(2, info.GetSourceLineNumber(21)); CHECK_EQ(3, info.GetSourceLineNumber(100)); CHECK_EQ(3, info.GetSourceLineNumber(std::numeric_limits::max())); CHECK_EQ(SourcePosition::kNotInlined, info.GetInliningId(21)); CHECK_EQ(0, info.GetInliningId(100)); } TEST(MultipleProfilers) { std::unique_ptr profiler1(new CpuProfiler(CcTest::i_isolate())); std::unique_ptr profiler2(new CpuProfiler(CcTest::i_isolate())); profiler1->StartProfiling("1"); profiler2->StartProfiling("2"); profiler1->StopProfiling("1"); profiler2->StopProfiling("2"); } // Tests that logged CodeCreateEvent calls do not crash a reused CpuProfiler. // crbug.com/929928 TEST(CrashReusedProfiler) { LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); std::unique_ptr profiler(new CpuProfiler(isolate)); profiler->StartProfiling("1"); profiler->StopProfiling("1"); profiler->StartProfiling("2"); CreateCode(isolate, &env); profiler->StopProfiling("2"); } // Tests that samples from different profilers on the same isolate do not leak // samples to each other. See crbug.com/v8/8835. TEST(MultipleProfilersSampleIndependently) { LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); // Create two profilers- one slow ticking one, and one fast ticking one. // Ensure that the slow ticking profiler does not receive samples from the // fast ticking one. std::unique_ptr slow_profiler( new CpuProfiler(CcTest::i_isolate())); slow_profiler->set_sampling_interval(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1)); slow_profiler->StartProfiling("1", {kLeafNodeLineNumbers}); CompileRun(R"( function start() { let val = 1; for (let i = 0; i < 10e3; i++) { val = (val * 2) % 3; } return val; } )"); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, nullptr, 0, 100, 0); auto slow_profile = slow_profiler->StopProfiling("1"); CHECK_GT(profile->GetSamplesCount(), slow_profile->samples_count()); } void ProfileSomeCode(v8::Isolate* isolate) { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate); v8::HandleScope scope(isolate); LocalContext context(isolate); v8::CpuProfiler* profiler = v8::CpuProfiler::New(isolate); v8::Local profile_name = v8_str("1"); profiler->StartProfiling(profile_name); const char* source = R"( function foo() { var x = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 1e3; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 1e3; j++) { x = i * j; } } return x; } foo(); )"; CompileRun(source); profiler->StopProfiling(profile_name); profiler->Dispose(); } class IsolateThread : public v8::base::Thread { public: IsolateThread() : Thread(Options("IsolateThread")) {} void Run() override { v8::Isolate::CreateParams create_params; create_params.array_buffer_allocator = CcTest::array_buffer_allocator(); v8::Isolate* isolate = v8::Isolate::New(create_params); ProfileSomeCode(isolate); isolate->Dispose(); } }; // Checking for crashes and TSAN issues with multiple isolates profiling. TEST(MultipleIsolates) { IsolateThread thread1; IsolateThread thread2; CHECK(thread1.Start()); CHECK(thread2.Start()); thread1.Join(); thread2.Join(); } // Varying called function frame sizes increases the chance of something going // wrong if sampling an unlocked frame. We also prevent optimization to prevent // inlining so each function call has its own frame. const char* varying_frame_size_script = R"( %NeverOptimizeFunction(maybeYield0); %NeverOptimizeFunction(maybeYield1); %NeverOptimizeFunction(maybeYield2); %NeverOptimizeFunction(bar); %NeverOptimizeFunction(foo); function maybeYield0(n) { YieldIsolate(Math.random() > yieldLimit); } function maybeYield1(n) { YieldIsolate(Math.random() > yieldLimit); } function maybeYield2(n) { YieldIsolate(Math.random() > yieldLimit); } maybeYield = [maybeYield0 ,maybeYield1, maybeYield2]; function bar(threadNumber, a, b, c, d) { maybeYield[threadNumber](Math.random()); return a.length + b.length + c.length + d.length; } function foo(timeLimit, yieldProbability, threadNumber) { yieldLimit = 1 - yieldProbability; const startTime = Date.now(); for (let i = 0; i < 1e6; i++) { maybeYield[threadNumber](1); bar(threadNumber, "Hickory", "Dickory", "Doc", "Mouse"); YieldIsolate(Math.random() > 0.999); if ((Date.now() - startTime) > timeLimit) break; } } )"; class UnlockingThread : public v8::base::Thread { public: explicit UnlockingThread(v8::Local env, int32_t threadNumber) : Thread(Options("UnlockingThread")), env_(CcTest::isolate(), env), threadNumber_(threadNumber) {} void Run() override { v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate(); v8::Locker locker(isolate); v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate); v8::HandleScope scope(isolate); v8::Local env = v8::Local::New(isolate, env_); Profile(env, threadNumber_); } static void Profile(v8::Local env, int32_t threadNumber) { CHECK_LT(threadNumber, maxThreads_); v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate(); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); v8::CpuProfiler* profiler = v8::CpuProfiler::New(isolate); profiler->SetSamplingInterval(200); v8::Local profile_name = v8_str("1"); profiler->StartProfiling(profile_name); int32_t time_limit = 200; double yield_probability = 0.001; v8::Local args[] = {v8::Integer::New(isolate, time_limit), v8::Number::New(isolate, yield_probability), v8::Integer::New(isolate, threadNumber)}; v8::Local function = GetFunction(env, "foo"); function->Call(env, env->Global(), arraysize(args), args).ToLocalChecked(); const v8::CpuProfile* profile = profiler->StopProfiling(profile_name); const CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); for (int32_t number = 0; number < maxThreads_; number++) { std::string maybeYield = "maybeYield" + std::to_string(number); unsigned hit_count = TotalHitCount(root, maybeYield); if (hit_count) CHECK_EQ(number, threadNumber); } profiler->Dispose(); } private: v8::Persistent env_; int32_t threadNumber_; static const int32_t maxThreads_ = 3; }; // Checking for crashes with multiple thread/single Isolate profiling. TEST(MultipleThreadsSingleIsolate) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate(); v8::Locker locker(isolate); v8::HandleScope scope(isolate); v8::Local env = CcTest::NewContext({PROFILER_EXTENSION_ID}); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(env); CcTest::AddGlobalFunction( env, "YieldIsolate", [](const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& info) { v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate(); if (!info[0]->IsTrue()) return; v8::Unlocker unlocker(isolate); v8::base::OS::Sleep(v8::base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1)); }); CompileRun(varying_frame_size_script); UnlockingThread thread1(env, 1); UnlockingThread thread2(env, 2); CHECK(thread1.Start()); CHECK(thread2.Start()); // For good measure, profile on our own thread UnlockingThread::Profile(env, 0); { v8::Unlocker unlocker(isolate); thread1.Join(); thread2.Join(); } } // Tests that StopProfiling doesn't wait for the next sample tick in order to // stop, but rather exits early before a given wait threshold. TEST(FastStopProfiling) { static const base::TimeDelta kLongInterval = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(10); static const base::TimeDelta kWaitThreshold = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(5); std::unique_ptr profiler(new CpuProfiler(CcTest::i_isolate())); profiler->set_sampling_interval(kLongInterval); profiler->StartProfiling("", {kLeafNodeLineNumbers}); v8::Platform* platform = v8::internal::V8::GetCurrentPlatform(); double start = platform->CurrentClockTimeMillis(); profiler->StopProfiling(""); double duration = platform->CurrentClockTimeMillis() - start; CHECK_LT(duration, kWaitThreshold.InMillisecondsF()); } // Tests that when current_profiles->size() is greater than the max allowable // number of concurrent profiles (100), we don't allow a new Profile to be // profiled TEST(MaxSimultaneousProfiles) { LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); v8::CpuProfiler* profiler = v8::CpuProfiler::New(env->GetIsolate()); // Spin up first profiler. Verify that status is kStarted CpuProfilingStatus firstStatus = profiler->StartProfiling( v8_str("1us"), {v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, 1}); CHECK_EQ(firstStatus, CpuProfilingStatus::kStarted); // Spin up profiler with same title. Verify that status is kAlreadyStarted CpuProfilingStatus startedStatus = profiler->StartProfiling( v8_str("1us"), {v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, 1}); CHECK_EQ(startedStatus, CpuProfilingStatus::kAlreadyStarted); // Spin up 99 more profilers, maxing out CpuProfilersCollection. // Check they all return status of kStarted for (int i = 2; i <= CpuProfilesCollection::kMaxSimultaneousProfiles; i++) { CpuProfilingStatus status = profiler->StartProfiling(v8_str((std::to_string(i) + "us").c_str()), {v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, i}); CHECK_EQ(status, CpuProfilingStatus::kStarted); } // Spin up 101st profiler. Verify status is kErrorTooManyProfilers CpuProfilingStatus errorStatus = profiler->StartProfiling( v8_str("101us"), {v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, 2}); CHECK_EQ(errorStatus, CpuProfilingStatus::kErrorTooManyProfilers); // Clean up, otherwise will show a crash. for (int i = 1; i <= CpuProfilesCollection::kMaxSimultaneousProfiles + 1; i++) { profiler->StopProfiling(v8_str((std::to_string(i) + "us").c_str())); } } TEST(LowPrecisionSamplingStartStopInternal) { i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); CodeEntryStorage storage; CpuProfilesCollection profiles(isolate); ProfilerCodeObserver code_observer(isolate, storage); Symbolizer symbolizer(code_observer.code_map()); std::unique_ptr processor( new SamplingEventsProcessor( isolate, &symbolizer, &code_observer, &profiles, v8::base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(100), false)); CHECK(processor->Start()); processor->StopSynchronously(); } TEST(LowPrecisionSamplingStartStopPublic) { LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate()); v8::CpuProfiler* cpu_profiler = v8::CpuProfiler::New(env->GetIsolate()); cpu_profiler->SetUsePreciseSampling(false); v8::Local profile_name = v8_str(""); cpu_profiler->StartProfiling(profile_name, true); cpu_profiler->StopProfiling(profile_name); cpu_profiler->Dispose(); } const char* naming_test_source = R"( (function testAssignmentPropertyNamedFunction() { let object = {}; object.propNamed = function () { CallCollectSample(); }; object.propNamed(); })(); )"; TEST(StandardNaming) { LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(env->GetIsolate(), CallCollectSample); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); func->SetName(v8_str("CallCollectSample")); env->Global()->Set(env.local(), v8_str("CallCollectSample"), func).FromJust(); v8::CpuProfiler* profiler = v8::CpuProfiler::New(env->GetIsolate(), kStandardNaming); const auto profile_name = v8_str(""); profiler->StartProfiling(profile_name); CompileRun(naming_test_source); auto* profile = profiler->StopProfiling(profile_name); auto* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); auto* toplevel = FindChild(root, ""); DCHECK(toplevel); auto* prop_assignment_named_test = GetChild(env.local(), toplevel, "testAssignmentPropertyNamedFunction"); CHECK(FindChild(prop_assignment_named_test, "")); profiler->Dispose(); } TEST(DebugNaming) { LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(env->GetIsolate(), CallCollectSample); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); func->SetName(v8_str("CallCollectSample")); env->Global()->Set(env.local(), v8_str("CallCollectSample"), func).FromJust(); v8::CpuProfiler* profiler = v8::CpuProfiler::New(env->GetIsolate(), kDebugNaming); const auto profile_name = v8_str(""); profiler->StartProfiling(profile_name); CompileRun(naming_test_source); auto* profile = profiler->StopProfiling(profile_name); auto* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); auto* toplevel = FindChild(root, ""); DCHECK(toplevel); auto* prop_assignment_named_test = GetChild(env.local(), toplevel, "testAssignmentPropertyNamedFunction"); CHECK(FindChild(prop_assignment_named_test, "object.propNamed")); profiler->Dispose(); } TEST(SampleLimit) { LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); CompileRun(R"( function start() { let val = 1; for (let i = 0; i < 10e3; i++) { val = (val * 2) % 3; } return val; } )"); // Take 100 samples of `start`, but set the max samples to 50. v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, nullptr, 0, 100, 0, v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, 50); CHECK_EQ(profile->GetSamplesCount(), 50); } // Tests that a CpuProfile instance subsamples from a stream of tick samples // appropriately. TEST(ProflilerSubsampling) { LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); CodeEntryStorage storage; CpuProfilesCollection* profiles = new CpuProfilesCollection(isolate); ProfilerCodeObserver* code_observer = new ProfilerCodeObserver(isolate, storage); Symbolizer* symbolizer = new Symbolizer(code_observer->code_map()); ProfilerEventsProcessor* processor = new SamplingEventsProcessor(isolate, symbolizer, code_observer, profiles, v8::base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(1), /* use_precise_sampling */ true); CpuProfiler profiler(isolate, kDebugNaming, kLazyLogging, profiles, symbolizer, processor, code_observer); // Create a new CpuProfile that wants samples at 8us. CpuProfile profile(&profiler, 1, "", {v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, 8}); // Verify that the first sample is always included. CHECK(profile.CheckSubsample(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(10))); // 4 2us samples should result in one 8us sample. CHECK(!profile.CheckSubsample(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(2))); CHECK(!profile.CheckSubsample(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(2))); CHECK(!profile.CheckSubsample(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(2))); CHECK(profile.CheckSubsample(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(2))); // Profiles should expect the source sample interval to change, in which case // they should still take the first sample elapsed after their interval. CHECK(!profile.CheckSubsample(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(2))); CHECK(!profile.CheckSubsample(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(2))); CHECK(!profile.CheckSubsample(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(2))); CHECK(profile.CheckSubsample(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(4))); // Aligned samples (at 8us) are always included. CHECK(profile.CheckSubsample(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(8))); // Samples with a rate of 0 should always be included. CHECK(profile.CheckSubsample(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(0))); } // Tests that the base sampling rate of a CpuProfilesCollection is dynamically // chosen based on the GCD of its child profiles. TEST(DynamicResampling) { LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); CodeEntryStorage storage; CpuProfilesCollection* profiles = new CpuProfilesCollection(isolate); ProfilerCodeObserver* code_observer = new ProfilerCodeObserver(isolate, storage); Symbolizer* symbolizer = new Symbolizer(code_observer->code_map()); ProfilerEventsProcessor* processor = new SamplingEventsProcessor(isolate, symbolizer, code_observer, profiles, v8::base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(1), /* use_precise_sampling */ true); CpuProfiler profiler(isolate, kDebugNaming, kLazyLogging, profiles, symbolizer, processor, code_observer); // Set a 1us base sampling rate, dividing all possible intervals. profiler.set_sampling_interval(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(1)); // Verify that the sampling interval with no started profilers is unset. CHECK_EQ(profiles->GetCommonSamplingInterval(), base::TimeDelta()); // Add a 10us profiler, verify that the base sampling interval is as high as // possible (10us). ProfilerId id_10us = profiles ->StartProfiling("10us", {v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, 10}) .id; CHECK_EQ(profiles->GetCommonSamplingInterval(), base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(10)); // Add a 5us profiler, verify that the base sampling interval is as high as // possible given a 10us and 5us profiler (5us). ProfilerId id_5us = profiles ->StartProfiling("5us", {v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, 5}) .id; CHECK_EQ(profiles->GetCommonSamplingInterval(), base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(5)); // Add a 3us profiler, verify that the base sampling interval is 1us (due to // coprime intervals). ProfilerId id_3us = profiles ->StartProfiling("3us", {v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, 3}) .id; CHECK_EQ(profiles->GetCommonSamplingInterval(), base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(1)); // Remove the 5us profiler, verify that the sample interval stays at 1us. profiles->StopProfiling(id_5us); CHECK_EQ(profiles->GetCommonSamplingInterval(), base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(1)); // Remove the 10us profiler, verify that the sample interval becomes 3us. profiles->StopProfiling(id_10us); CHECK_EQ(profiles->GetCommonSamplingInterval(), base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(3)); // Remove the 3us profiler, verify that the sample interval becomes unset. profiles->StopProfiling(id_3us); CHECK_EQ(profiles->GetCommonSamplingInterval(), base::TimeDelta()); } // Ensures that when a non-unit base sampling interval is set on the profiler, // that the sampling rate gets snapped to the nearest multiple prior to GCD // computation. TEST(DynamicResamplingWithBaseInterval) { LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); CodeEntryStorage storage; CpuProfilesCollection* profiles = new CpuProfilesCollection(isolate); ProfilerCodeObserver* code_observer = new ProfilerCodeObserver(isolate, storage); Symbolizer* symbolizer = new Symbolizer(code_observer->code_map()); ProfilerEventsProcessor* processor = new SamplingEventsProcessor(isolate, symbolizer, code_observer, profiles, v8::base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(1), /* use_precise_sampling */ true); CpuProfiler profiler(isolate, kDebugNaming, kLazyLogging, profiles, symbolizer, processor, code_observer); profiler.set_sampling_interval(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(7)); // Verify that the sampling interval with no started profilers is unset. CHECK_EQ(profiles->GetCommonSamplingInterval(), base::TimeDelta()); // Add a profiler with an unset sampling interval, verify that the common // sampling interval is equal to the base. ProfilerId unset_id = profiles ->StartProfiling("unset", {v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit}) .id; CHECK_EQ(profiles->GetCommonSamplingInterval(), base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(7)); profiles->StopProfiling(unset_id); // Adding a 8us sampling interval rounds to a 14us base interval. ProfilerId id_8us = profiles ->StartProfiling("8us", {v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, 8}) .id; CHECK_EQ(profiles->GetCommonSamplingInterval(), base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(14)); // Adding a 4us sampling interval should cause a lowering to a 7us interval. ProfilerId id_4us = profiles ->StartProfiling("4us", {v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, 4}) .id; CHECK_EQ(profiles->GetCommonSamplingInterval(), base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(7)); // Removing the 4us sampling interval should restore the 14us sampling // interval. profiles->StopProfiling(id_4us); CHECK_EQ(profiles->GetCommonSamplingInterval(), base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(14)); // Removing the 8us sampling interval should unset the common sampling // interval. profiles->StopProfiling(id_8us); CHECK_EQ(profiles->GetCommonSamplingInterval(), base::TimeDelta()); // A sampling interval of 0us should enforce all profiles to have a sampling // interval of 0us (the only multiple of 0). profiler.set_sampling_interval(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(0)); ProfilerId id_5us = profiles ->StartProfiling("5us", {v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, 5}) .id; CHECK_EQ(profiles->GetCommonSamplingInterval(), base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(0)); profiles->StopProfiling(id_5us); } // Tests that functions compiled after a started profiler is stopped are still // visible when the profiler is started again. (https://crbug.com/v8/9151) TEST(Bug9151StaleCodeEntries) { LocalContext env; v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate()); v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(env->GetIsolate(), CallCollectSample); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); func->SetName(v8_str("CallCollectSample")); env->Global()->Set(env.local(), v8_str("CallCollectSample"), func).FromJust(); v8::CpuProfiler* profiler = v8::CpuProfiler::New(env->GetIsolate(), kDebugNaming, kEagerLogging); v8::Local profile_name = v8_str(""); // Warm up the profiler to create the initial code map. profiler->StartProfiling(profile_name); profiler->StopProfiling(profile_name); // Log a function compilation (executed once to force a compilation). CompileRun(R"( function start() { CallCollectSample(); } start(); )"); // Restart the profiler, and execute both the JS function and callback. profiler->StartProfiling(profile_name, true); CompileRun("start();"); v8::CpuProfile* profile = profiler->StopProfiling(profile_name); auto* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); auto* toplevel = GetChild(env.local(), root, ""); auto* start = FindChild(env.local(), toplevel, "start"); CHECK(start); auto* callback = FindChild(env.local(), start, "CallCollectSample"); CHECK(callback); } // Tests that functions from other contexts aren't recorded when filtering for // another context. TEST(ContextIsolation) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; LocalContext execution_env; i::HandleScope scope(CcTest::i_isolate()); // Install CollectSample callback for more deterministic sampling. v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New( execution_env.local()->GetIsolate(), CallCollectSample); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(execution_env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); func->SetName(v8_str("CallCollectSample")); execution_env->Global() ->Set(execution_env.local(), v8_str("CallCollectSample"), func) .FromJust(); ProfilerHelper helper(execution_env.local()); CompileRun(R"( function optimized() { CallCollectSample(); } function unoptimized() { CallCollectSample(); } function start() { // Test optimized functions %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(optimized); optimized(); optimized(); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(optimized); optimized(); // Test unoptimized functions %NeverOptimizeFunction(unoptimized); unoptimized(); // Test callback CallCollectSample(); } )"); v8::Local function = GetFunction(execution_env.local(), "start"); v8::CpuProfile* same_context_profile = helper.Run( function, nullptr, 0, 0, 0, v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, execution_env.local()); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = same_context_profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = FindChild(root, "start"); CHECK(start_node); const v8::CpuProfileNode* optimized_node = FindChild(start_node, "optimized"); CHECK(optimized_node); const v8::CpuProfileNode* unoptimized_node = FindChild(start_node, "unoptimized"); CHECK(unoptimized_node); const v8::CpuProfileNode* callback_node = FindChild(start_node, "CallCollectSample"); CHECK(callback_node); { LocalContext filter_env; v8::CpuProfile* diff_context_profile = helper.Run( function, nullptr, 0, 0, 0, v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, filter_env.local()); const v8::CpuProfileNode* diff_root = diff_context_profile->GetTopDownRoot(); // Ensure that no children were recorded (including callbacks, builtins). CHECK(!FindChild(diff_root, "start")); CHECK_GT(diff_context_profile->GetSamplesCount(), 0); for (int i = 0; i < diff_context_profile->GetSamplesCount(); i++) { CHECK(diff_context_profile->GetSampleState(i) == StateTag::IDLE || // GC State do not have a context diff_context_profile->GetSampleState(i) == StateTag::GC || // first frame and native code reports as external diff_context_profile->GetSampleState(i) == StateTag::EXTERNAL); } } } void ValidateEmbedderState(v8::CpuProfile* profile, EmbedderStateTag expected_tag) { for (int i = 0; i < profile->GetSamplesCount(); i++) { if (profile->GetSampleState(i) == StateTag::GC) { // Samples captured during a GC do not have an EmbedderState CHECK_EQ(profile->GetSampleEmbedderState(i), EmbedderStateTag::EMPTY); } else { CHECK_EQ(profile->GetSampleEmbedderState(i), expected_tag); } } } // Tests that embedder states from other contexts aren't recorded TEST(EmbedderContextIsolation) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; LocalContext execution_env; i::HandleScope scope(CcTest::i_isolate()); v8::Isolate* isolate = execution_env.local()->GetIsolate(); // Install CollectSample callback for more deterministic sampling. v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, CallCollectSample); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(execution_env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); func->SetName(v8_str("CallCollectSample")); execution_env->Global() ->Set(execution_env.local(), v8_str("CallCollectSample"), func) .FromJust(); v8::Local diff_context = v8::Context::New(isolate); { CHECK_NULL(CcTest::i_isolate()->current_embedder_state()); // prepare other embedder state EmbedderStateScope scope(isolate, diff_context, EmbedderStateTag::OTHER); CHECK_EQ(CcTest::i_isolate()->current_embedder_state()->GetState(), EmbedderStateTag::OTHER); ProfilerHelper helper(execution_env.local()); CompileRun(R"( function optimized() { CallCollectSample(); } function unoptimized() { CallCollectSample(); } function start() { // Test optimized functions %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(optimized); optimized(); optimized(); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(optimized); optimized(); // Test unoptimized functions %NeverOptimizeFunction(unoptimized); unoptimized(); // Test callback CallCollectSample(); } )"); v8::Local function = GetFunction(execution_env.local(), "start"); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run( function, nullptr, 0, 0, 0, v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, execution_env.local()); ValidateEmbedderState(profile, EmbedderStateTag::EMPTY); } CHECK_NULL(CcTest::i_isolate()->current_embedder_state()); } // Tests that embedder states from same context are recorded TEST(EmbedderStatePropagate) { i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; LocalContext execution_env; i::HandleScope scope(CcTest::i_isolate()); v8::Isolate* isolate = execution_env.local()->GetIsolate(); // Install CollectSample callback for more deterministic sampling. v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, CallCollectSample); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(execution_env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); func->SetName(v8_str("CallCollectSample")); execution_env->Global() ->Set(execution_env.local(), v8_str("CallCollectSample"), func) .FromJust(); { // prepare embedder state EmbedderState embedderState(isolate, execution_env.local(), EmbedderStateTag::OTHER); CHECK_EQ(CcTest::i_isolate()->current_embedder_state(), &embedderState); ProfilerHelper helper(execution_env.local()); CompileRun(R"( function optimized() { CallCollectSample(); } function unoptimized() { CallCollectSample(); } function start() { // Test optimized functions %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(optimized); optimized(); optimized(); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(optimized); optimized(); // Test unoptimized functions %NeverOptimizeFunction(unoptimized); unoptimized(); // Test callback CallCollectSample(); } )"); v8::Local function = GetFunction(execution_env.local(), "start"); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run( function, nullptr, 0, 0, 0, v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, execution_env.local()); ValidateEmbedderState(profile, EmbedderStateTag::OTHER); } CHECK_NULL(CcTest::i_isolate()->current_embedder_state()); } // Tests that embedder states from same context are recorded // even after native context move TEST(EmbedderStatePropagateNativeContextMove) { // Reusing context addresses will cause this test to fail. if (i::FLAG_gc_global || i::FLAG_stress_compaction || i::FLAG_stress_incremental_marking || i::FLAG_enable_third_party_heap) { return; } i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; i::FLAG_manual_evacuation_candidates_selection = true; LocalContext execution_env; i::HandleScope scope(CcTest::i_isolate()); v8::Isolate* isolate = execution_env.local()->GetIsolate(); // Install CollectSample callback for more deterministic sampling. v8::Local func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, CallCollectSample); v8::Local func = func_template->GetFunction(execution_env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); func->SetName(v8_str("CallCollectSample")); execution_env->Global() ->Set(execution_env.local(), v8_str("CallCollectSample"), func) .FromJust(); { // prepare embedder state EmbedderState embedderState(isolate, execution_env.local(), EmbedderStateTag::OTHER); CHECK_EQ(CcTest::i_isolate()->current_embedder_state(), &embedderState); i::Address initial_address = CcTest::i_isolate()->current_embedder_state()->native_context_address(); // Install a function that triggers the native context to be moved. v8::Local move_func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New( execution_env.local()->GetIsolate(), [](const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& info) { i::Isolate* isolate = reinterpret_cast(info.GetIsolate()); i::heap::ForceEvacuationCandidate( i::Page::FromHeapObject(isolate->raw_native_context())); CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(); }); v8::Local move_func = move_func_template->GetFunction(execution_env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); move_func->SetName(v8_str("ForceNativeContextMove")); execution_env->Global() ->Set(execution_env.local(), v8_str("ForceNativeContextMove"), move_func) .FromJust(); ProfilerHelper helper(execution_env.local()); CompileRun(R"( function start() { ForceNativeContextMove(); CallCollectSample(); } )"); v8::Local function = GetFunction(execution_env.local(), "start"); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run( function, nullptr, 0, 0, 0, v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, execution_env.local()); ValidateEmbedderState(profile, EmbedderStateTag::OTHER); i::Address new_address = CcTest::i_isolate()->current_embedder_state()->native_context_address(); CHECK_NE(initial_address, new_address); } CHECK_NULL(CcTest::i_isolate()->current_embedder_state()); } // Tests that when a native context that's being filtered is moved, we continue // to track its execution. TEST(ContextFilterMovedNativeContext) { if (i::FLAG_enable_third_party_heap) return; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; i::FLAG_manual_evacuation_candidates_selection = true; LocalContext env; i::HandleScope scope(CcTest::i_isolate()); { // Install CollectSample callback for more deterministic sampling. v8::Local sample_func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(env.local()->GetIsolate(), CallCollectSample); v8::Local sample_func = sample_func_template->GetFunction(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); sample_func->SetName(v8_str("CallCollectSample")); env->Global() ->Set(env.local(), v8_str("CallCollectSample"), sample_func) .FromJust(); // Install a function that triggers the native context to be moved. v8::Local move_func_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New( env.local()->GetIsolate(), [](const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& info) { i::Isolate* isolate = reinterpret_cast(info.GetIsolate()); i::heap::ForceEvacuationCandidate( i::Page::FromHeapObject(isolate->raw_native_context())); CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(); }); v8::Local move_func = move_func_template->GetFunction(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); move_func->SetName(v8_str("ForceNativeContextMove")); env->Global() ->Set(env.local(), v8_str("ForceNativeContextMove"), move_func) .FromJust(); ProfilerHelper helper(env.local()); CompileRun(R"( function start() { ForceNativeContextMove(); CallCollectSample(); } )"); v8::Local function = GetFunction(env.local(), "start"); v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run( function, nullptr, 0, 0, 0, v8::CpuProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers, v8::CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit, env.local()); const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* start_node = FindChild(root, "start"); CHECK(start_node); // Verify that after moving the native context, CallCollectSample is still // recorded. const v8::CpuProfileNode* callback_node = FindChild(start_node, "CallCollectSample"); CHECK(callback_node); } } enum class EntryCountMode { kAll, kOnlyInlined }; // Count the number of unique source positions. int GetSourcePositionEntryCount(i::Isolate* isolate, const char* source, EntryCountMode mode = EntryCountMode::kAll) { std::unordered_set raw_position_set; i::Handle function = i::Handle::cast( v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*CompileRun(source))); if (function->ActiveTierIsIgnition()) return -1; i::Handle code(i::FromCodeT(function->code()), isolate); i::SourcePositionTableIterator iterator( ByteArray::cast(code->source_position_table())); while (!iterator.done()) { if (mode == EntryCountMode::kAll || iterator.source_position().isInlined()) { raw_position_set.insert(iterator.source_position().raw()); } iterator.Advance(); } return static_cast(raw_position_set.size()); } UNINITIALIZED_TEST(DetailedSourcePositionAPI) { i::FLAG_detailed_line_info = false; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::Isolate::CreateParams create_params; create_params.array_buffer_allocator = CcTest::array_buffer_allocator(); v8::Isolate* isolate = v8::Isolate::New(create_params); const char* source = "function fib(i) {" " if (i <= 1) return 1; " " return fib(i - 1) +" " fib(i - 2);" "}" "%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(fib);\n" "fib(5);" "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(fib);" "fib(5);" "fib"; { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate); v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); v8::Local context = v8::Context::New(isolate); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(context); i::Isolate* i_isolate = reinterpret_cast(isolate); CHECK(!i_isolate->NeedsDetailedOptimizedCodeLineInfo()); int non_detailed_positions = GetSourcePositionEntryCount(i_isolate, source); v8::CpuProfiler::UseDetailedSourcePositionsForProfiling(isolate); CHECK(i_isolate->NeedsDetailedOptimizedCodeLineInfo()); int detailed_positions = GetSourcePositionEntryCount(i_isolate, source); CHECK((non_detailed_positions == -1 && detailed_positions == -1) || non_detailed_positions < detailed_positions); } isolate->Dispose(); } UNINITIALIZED_TEST(DetailedSourcePositionAPI_Inlining) { i::FLAG_detailed_line_info = false; i::FLAG_turbo_inlining = true; i::FLAG_stress_inline = true; i::FLAG_always_turbofan = false; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; v8::Isolate::CreateParams create_params; create_params.array_buffer_allocator = CcTest::array_buffer_allocator(); v8::Isolate* isolate = v8::Isolate::New(create_params); const char* source = R"( function foo(x) { return bar(x) + 1; } function bar(x) { var y = 1; for (var i = 0; i < x; ++i) { y = y * x; } return x; } %EnsureFeedbackVectorForFunction(bar); %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(foo); foo(5); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(foo); foo(5); foo; )"; { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate); v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); v8::Local context = v8::Context::New(isolate); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(context); i::Isolate* i_isolate = reinterpret_cast(isolate); CHECK(!i_isolate->NeedsDetailedOptimizedCodeLineInfo()); int non_detailed_positions = GetSourcePositionEntryCount(i_isolate, source, EntryCountMode::kAll); int non_detailed_inlined_positions = GetSourcePositionEntryCount( i_isolate, source, EntryCountMode::kOnlyInlined); v8::CpuProfiler::UseDetailedSourcePositionsForProfiling(isolate); CHECK(i_isolate->NeedsDetailedOptimizedCodeLineInfo()); int detailed_positions = GetSourcePositionEntryCount(i_isolate, source, EntryCountMode::kAll); int detailed_inlined_positions = GetSourcePositionEntryCount( i_isolate, source, EntryCountMode::kOnlyInlined); if (non_detailed_positions == -1) { CHECK_EQ(non_detailed_positions, detailed_positions); } else { CHECK_LT(non_detailed_positions, detailed_positions); CHECK_LT(non_detailed_inlined_positions, detailed_inlined_positions); } } isolate->Dispose(); } namespace { struct FastApiReceiver { static void FastCallback(v8::Local receiver, int argument, v8::FastApiCallbackOptions& options) { // TODO(mslekova): The fallback is not used by the test. Replace this // with a CHECK. if (!IsValidUnwrapObject(*receiver)) { options.fallback = true; return; } FastApiReceiver* receiver_ptr = GetInternalField(*receiver); receiver_ptr->result_ |= ApiCheckerResult::kFastCalled; // Artificially slow down the callback with a predictable amount of time. // This ensures the test has a relatively stable run time on various // platforms and protects it from flakyness. v8::base::OS::Sleep(v8::base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(100)); } static void SlowCallback(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& info) { v8::Object* receiver_obj = v8::Object::Cast(*info.Holder()); if (!IsValidUnwrapObject(receiver_obj)) { info.GetIsolate()->ThrowError("Called with a non-object."); return; } FastApiReceiver* receiver = GetInternalField(receiver_obj); receiver->result_ |= ApiCheckerResult::kSlowCalled; } bool DidCallFast() const { return (result_ & ApiCheckerResult::kFastCalled); } bool DidCallSlow() const { return (result_ & ApiCheckerResult::kSlowCalled); } ApiCheckerResultFlags result_ = ApiCheckerResult::kNotCalled; }; } // namespace v8::Local CreateApiCode(LocalContext* env) { const char* foo_name = "foo"; const char* script = "function foo(arg) {" " for (let i = 0; i < arg; ++i) { receiver.api_func(i); }" "}" "%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(foo);" "foo(42); foo(42);" "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(foo);"; CompileRun(script); return GetFunction(env->local(), foo_name); } TEST(CanStartStopProfilerWithTitlesAndIds) { TestSetup test_setup; LocalContext env; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); CpuProfiler profiler(isolate, kDebugNaming, kLazyLogging); ProfilerId anonymous_id_1 = profiler.StartProfiling().id; ProfilerId title_id = profiler.StartProfiling("title").id; ProfilerId anonymous_id_2 = profiler.StartProfiling().id; CHECK_NE(anonymous_id_1, title_id); CHECK_NE(anonymous_id_1, anonymous_id_2); CHECK_NE(anonymous_id_2, title_id); CpuProfile* profile_with_title = profiler.StopProfiling("title"); CHECK(profile_with_title); CHECK_EQ(title_id, profile_with_title->id()); CpuProfile* profile_with_id = profiler.StopProfiling(anonymous_id_1); CHECK(profile_with_id); CHECK_EQ(anonymous_id_1, profile_with_id->id()); CpuProfile* profile_with_id_2 = profiler.StopProfiling(anonymous_id_2); CHECK(profile_with_id_2); CHECK_EQ(anonymous_id_2, profile_with_id_2->id()); } TEST(FastApiCPUProfiler) { #if !defined(V8_LITE_MODE) && !defined(USE_SIMULATOR) // None of the following configurations include JSCallReducer. if (i::FLAG_jitless) return; FLAG_SCOPE(turbofan); FLAG_SCOPE(turbo_fast_api_calls); FLAG_SCOPE(allow_natives_syntax); // Disable --always_turbofan, otherwise we haven't generated the necessary // feedback to go down the "best optimization" path for the fast call. FLAG_VALUE_SCOPE(always_turbofan, false); FLAG_VALUE_SCOPE(prof_browser_mode, false); CcTest::InitializeVM(); LocalContext env; v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate(); i::Isolate* i_isolate = reinterpret_cast(isolate); i_isolate->set_embedder_wrapper_type_index(kV8WrapperTypeIndex); i_isolate->set_embedder_wrapper_object_index(kV8WrapperObjectIndex); i::HandleScope scope(i_isolate); // Setup the fast call. FastApiReceiver receiver; v8::TryCatch try_catch(isolate); v8::CFunction c_func = v8::CFunction::Make(FastApiReceiver::FastCallback); Local receiver_templ = v8::FunctionTemplate::New( isolate, FastApiReceiver::SlowCallback, v8::Local(), v8::Local(), 1, v8::ConstructorBehavior::kThrow, v8::SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect, &c_func); v8::Local object_template = v8::ObjectTemplate::New(isolate); object_template->SetInternalFieldCount(kV8WrapperObjectIndex + 1); const char* api_func_str = "api_func"; object_template->Set(isolate, api_func_str, receiver_templ); v8::Local object = object_template->NewInstance(env.local()).ToLocalChecked(); object->SetAlignedPointerInInternalField(kV8WrapperObjectIndex, reinterpret_cast(&receiver)); int num_runs_arg = 100; env->Global()->Set(env.local(), v8_str("receiver"), object).Check(); // Prepare the code. v8::Local function = CreateApiCode(&env); // Setup and start CPU profiler. v8::Local args[] = { v8::Integer::New(env->GetIsolate(), num_runs_arg)}; ProfilerHelper helper(env.local(), kEagerLogging); // TODO(mslekova): We could tweak the following count to reduce test // runtime, while still keeping the test stable. unsigned external_samples = 1000; v8::CpuProfile* profile = helper.Run(function, args, arraysize(args), 0, external_samples); // Check if the fast and slow callbacks got executed. CHECK(receiver.DidCallFast()); CHECK(receiver.DidCallSlow()); CHECK(!try_catch.HasCaught()); // Check that generated profile has the expected structure. const v8::CpuProfileNode* root = profile->GetTopDownRoot(); const v8::CpuProfileNode* foo_node = GetChild(env.local(), root, "foo"); const v8::CpuProfileNode* api_func_node = GetChild(env.local(), foo_node, api_func_str); CHECK_NOT_NULL(api_func_node); CHECK_EQ(api_func_node->GetSourceType(), CpuProfileNode::kCallback); // Check that the CodeEntry is the expected one, i.e. the fast callback. CodeEntry* code_entry = reinterpret_cast(api_func_node)->entry(); CodeMap* code_map = reinterpret_cast(profile) ->cpu_profiler() ->code_map_for_test(); CodeEntry* expected_code_entry = code_map->FindEntry(reinterpret_cast
(c_func.GetAddress())); CHECK_EQ(code_entry, expected_code_entry); int foo_ticks = foo_node->GetHitCount(); int api_func_ticks = api_func_node->GetHitCount(); // Check that at least 80% of the samples in foo hit the fast callback. CHECK_LE(foo_ticks, api_func_ticks * 0.2); // The following constant in the CHECK is because above we expect at least // 1000 samples with EXTERNAL type (see external_samples). Since the only // thing that generates those kind of samples is the fast callback, then // we're supposed to have close to 1000 ticks in its node. Since the CPU // profiler is nondeterministic, we've allowed for some slack, otherwise // this could be 1000 instead of 800. CHECK_GE(api_func_ticks, 800); profile->Delete(); #endif } TEST(BytecodeFlushEventsEagerLogging) { #ifndef V8_LITE_MODE FLAG_turbofan = false; FLAG_always_turbofan = false; i::FLAG_optimize_for_size = false; #endif // V8_LITE_MODE #if ENABLE_SPARKPLUG FLAG_always_sparkplug = false; #endif // ENABLE_SPARKPLUG i::FLAG_flush_bytecode = true; i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true; TestSetup test_setup; ManualGCScope manual_gc_scope; CcTest::InitializeVM(); v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate(); Isolate* i_isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); Factory* factory = i_isolate->factory(); CpuProfiler profiler(i_isolate, kDebugNaming, kEagerLogging); CodeMap* code_map = profiler.code_map_for_test(); { v8::HandleScope scope(isolate); v8::Context::New(isolate)->Enter(); const char* source = "function foo() {" " var x = 42;" " var y = 42;" " var z = x + y;" "};" "foo()"; Handle foo_name = factory->InternalizeUtf8String("foo"); // This compile will add the code to the compilation cache. { v8::HandleScope inner_scope(isolate); CompileRun(source); } // Check function is compiled. Handle func_value = Object::GetProperty(i_isolate, i_isolate->global_object(), foo_name) .ToHandleChecked(); CHECK(func_value->IsJSFunction()); Handle function = Handle::cast(func_value); CHECK(function->shared().is_compiled()); i::BytecodeArray compiled_data = function->shared().GetBytecodeArray(i_isolate); i::Address bytecode_start = compiled_data.GetFirstBytecodeAddress(); CHECK(code_map->FindEntry(bytecode_start)); // The code will survive at least two GCs. CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(); CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(); CHECK(function->shared().is_compiled()); // Simulate several GCs that use full marking. const int kAgingThreshold = 6; for (int i = 0; i < kAgingThreshold; i++) { CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(); } // foo should no longer be in the compilation cache CHECK(!function->shared().is_compiled()); CHECK(!function->is_compiled()); CHECK(!code_map->FindEntry(bytecode_start)); } } // Ensure that unused code entries are removed after GC with eager logging. TEST(ClearUnusedWithEagerLogging) { ManualGCScope manual_gc; TestSetup test_setup; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); CodeEntryStorage storage; CpuProfilesCollection* profiles = new CpuProfilesCollection(isolate); ProfilerCodeObserver* code_observer = new ProfilerCodeObserver(isolate, storage); CpuProfiler profiler(isolate, kDebugNaming, kEagerLogging, profiles, nullptr, nullptr, code_observer); CodeMap* code_map = profiler.code_map_for_test(); size_t initial_size = code_map->size(); size_t profiler_size = profiler.GetEstimatedMemoryUsage(); { // Create and run a new script and function, generating 2 code objects. // Do this in a new context, so that some_func isn't retained by the // context's global object past this scope. i::HandleScope inner_scope(isolate); LocalContext env; CompileRun( "function some_func() {}" "some_func();"); CHECK_GT(code_map->size(), initial_size); CHECK_GT(profiler.GetEstimatedMemoryUsage(), profiler_size); CHECK_GT(profiler.GetAllProfilersMemorySize(isolate), profiler_size); } // Clear the compilation cache so that there are no more references to the // given two functions. isolate->compilation_cache()->Clear(); CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(); // Verify that the CodeMap's size is unchanged post-GC. CHECK_EQ(code_map->size(), initial_size); CHECK_EQ(profiler.GetEstimatedMemoryUsage(), profiler_size); CHECK_EQ(profiler.GetAllProfilersMemorySize(isolate), profiler_size); } // Ensure that ProfilerCodeObserver doesn't compute estimated size when race // condition potential TEST(SkipEstimatedSizeWhenActiveProfiling) { ManualGCScope manual_gc; TestSetup test_setup; i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); i::HandleScope scope(isolate); CodeEntryStorage storage; CpuProfilesCollection* profiles = new CpuProfilesCollection(isolate); CpuProfiler profiler(isolate, kDebugNaming, kEagerLogging, profiles, nullptr, nullptr, new ProfilerCodeObserver(isolate, storage)); CHECK_GT(profiler.GetAllProfilersMemorySize(isolate), 0); CHECK_GT(profiler.GetEstimatedMemoryUsage(), 0); profiler.StartProfiling(""); CHECK_EQ(profiler.GetAllProfilersMemorySize(isolate), 0); CHECK_EQ(profiler.GetEstimatedMemoryUsage(), 0); profiler.StopProfiling(""); CHECK_GT(profiler.GetAllProfilersMemorySize(isolate), 0); CHECK_GT(profiler.GetEstimatedMemoryUsage(), 0); } } // namespace test_cpu_profiler } // namespace internal } // namespace v8