# # Autogenerated by generate-bytecode-expectations. # --- wrap: no test function name: f --- snippet: " function f(arr) { for (let x of arr) { let y = x; } } f([1, 2, 3]); " frame size: 16 parameter count: 2 bytecode array length: 262 bytecodes: [ /* 10 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(6), B(Mov), R(context), R(12), B(Mov), R(context), R(13), /* 34 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(arg0), U8(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(15), B(CallProperty0), R(15), R(arg0), U8(2), B(Mov), R(arg0), R(14), B(JumpIfJSReceiver), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid), R(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(4), /* 29 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(4), U8(1), U8(6), B(Star), R(14), B(CallProperty0), R(14), R(4), U8(4), B(Star), R(5), /* 29 E> */ B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(5), U8(1), B(ToBooleanLogicalNot), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(5), U8(1), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(5), U8(2), U8(8), B(JumpIfToBooleanTrue), U8(28), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(5), U8(3), U8(10), B(Star), R(7), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(Star), R(6), B(Mov), R(7), R(3), /* 20 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(Mov), R(3), R(1), /* 49 S> */ B(Mov), R(1), R(0), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(6), B(JumpLoop), U8(53), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(36), B(Star), R(14), B(Ldar), R(closure), /* 49 E> */ B(CreateCatchContext), R(14), U8(4), U8(5), B(PushContext), R(14), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(TestEqualStrict), R(6), U8(12), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(6), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(6), B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(15), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kReThrow), R(15), U8(1), B(PopContext), R(14), B(LdaSmi), I8(-1), B(Star), R(11), B(Star), R(10), B(Jump), U8(7), B(Star), R(11), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(10), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Star), R(12), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrict), R(6), U8(13), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(104), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(4), U8(6), U8(14), B(Star), R(8), B(TestUndetectable), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(93), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(TestEqualStrict), R(6), U8(17), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(61), B(Ldar), R(8), B(TestTypeOf), U8(5), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(18), B(Wide), B(LdaSmi), I16(137), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaConstant), U8(7), B(Star), R(14), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kNewTypeError), R(13), U8(2), B(Throw), B(Mov), R(context), R(13), B(Mov), R(8), R(14), B(Mov), R(4), R(15), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(14), U8(2), B(Jump), U8(20), B(Star), R(14), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateCatchContext), R(14), U8(4), U8(8), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(13), B(PushContext), R(14), B(PopContext), R(14), B(Jump), U8(27), B(Mov), R(8), R(13), B(Mov), R(4), R(14), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(13), U8(2), B(Star), R(9), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(9), U8(1), B(JumpIfToBooleanFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(9), U8(1), B(Ldar), R(12), B(SetPendingMessage), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrictNoFeedback), R(10), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(5), B(Ldar), R(11), B(ReThrow), B(LdaUndefined), /* 54 S> */ B(Return), ] constant pool: [ SYMBOL_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["next"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["done"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["value"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [".catch"], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["return"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [""], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, ] handlers: [ [7, 124, 132], [10, 88, 90], [192, 202, 204], ] --- snippet: " function f(arr) { for (let x of arr) { eval('1'); } } f([1, 2, 3]); " frame size: 23 parameter count: 2 bytecode array length: 345 bytecodes: [ B(CreateFunctionContext), U8(4), B(PushContext), R(8), B(Ldar), R(this), B(StaCurrentContextSlot), U8(5), B(Ldar), R(arg0), B(StaCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(CreateMappedArguments), B(StaCurrentContextSlot), U8(7), B(Ldar), R(7), B(StaCurrentContextSlot), U8(6), /* 10 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateBlockContext), U8(0), B(PushContext), R(9), B(LdaTheHole), B(StaCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(3), B(Mov), R(context), R(12), B(Mov), R(context), R(13), /* 34 S> */ B(LdaContextSlot), R(9), U8(4), U8(0), B(Star), R(14), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(14), U8(1), U8(0), B(Star), R(15), B(CallProperty0), R(15), R(14), U8(2), B(JumpIfJSReceiver), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid), R(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(1), /* 29 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(1), U8(2), U8(6), B(Star), R(14), B(CallProperty0), R(14), R(1), U8(4), B(Star), R(2), /* 29 E> */ B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(2), U8(1), B(ToBooleanLogicalNot), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(2), U8(1), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(2), U8(3), U8(8), B(JumpIfToBooleanTrue), U8(78), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(2), U8(4), U8(10), B(Star), R(4), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(Star), R(3), B(Mov), R(4), R(0), /* 20 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateBlockContext), U8(5), B(PushContext), R(14), B(LdaTheHole), B(StaCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Ldar), R(4), B(StaCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), /* 41 S> */ B(LdaLookupGlobalSlot), U8(6), U8(14), U8(1), B(Star), R(15), B(LdaConstant), U8(7), B(Star), R(16), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(20), B(LdaSmi), I8(37), B(Star), R(21), B(LdaSmi), I8(41), B(Star), R(22), B(Mov), R(15), R(17), B(Mov), R(16), R(18), B(Mov), R(closure), R(19), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kResolvePossiblyDirectEval), R(17), U8(6), B(Star), R(15), /* 41 E> */ B(CallUndefinedReceiver1), R(15), R(16), U8(12), B(PopContext), R(14), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(3), B(JumpLoop), U8(103), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(36), B(Star), R(14), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateCatchContext), R(14), U8(8), U8(9), B(PushContext), R(14), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(TestEqualStrict), R(3), U8(16), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(6), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(3), B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(15), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kReThrow), R(15), U8(1), B(PopContext), R(14), B(LdaSmi), I8(-1), B(Star), R(11), B(Star), R(10), B(Jump), U8(7), B(Star), R(11), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(10), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Star), R(12), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrict), R(3), U8(17), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(104), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(1), U8(10), U8(18), B(Star), R(5), B(TestUndetectable), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(93), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(TestEqualStrict), R(3), U8(21), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(61), B(Ldar), R(5), B(TestTypeOf), U8(5), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(18), B(Wide), B(LdaSmi), I16(137), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaConstant), U8(11), B(Star), R(14), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kNewTypeError), R(13), U8(2), B(Throw), B(Mov), R(context), R(13), B(Mov), R(5), R(14), B(Mov), R(1), R(15), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(14), U8(2), B(Jump), U8(20), B(Star), R(14), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateCatchContext), R(14), U8(8), U8(12), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(13), B(PushContext), R(14), B(PopContext), R(14), B(Jump), U8(27), B(Mov), R(5), R(13), B(Mov), R(1), R(14), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(13), U8(2), B(Star), R(6), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(6), U8(1), B(JumpIfToBooleanFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(6), U8(1), B(Ldar), R(12), B(SetPendingMessage), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrictNoFeedback), R(10), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(5), B(Ldar), R(11), B(ReThrow), B(PopContext), R(9), B(LdaUndefined), /* 54 S> */ B(Return), ] constant pool: [ FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, SYMBOL_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["next"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["done"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["value"], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["eval"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["1"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [".catch"], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["return"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [""], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, ] handlers: [ [35, 205, 213], [38, 169, 171], [273, 283, 285], ] --- snippet: " function f(arr) { for (let x of arr) { (function() { return x; })(); } } f([1, 2, 3]); " frame size: 14 parameter count: 2 bytecode array length: 280 bytecodes: [ /* 10 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(4), B(Mov), R(context), R(10), B(Mov), R(context), R(11), /* 34 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(arg0), U8(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(13), B(CallProperty0), R(13), R(arg0), U8(2), B(Mov), R(arg0), R(12), B(JumpIfJSReceiver), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid), R(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(2), /* 29 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(2), U8(1), U8(6), B(Star), R(12), B(CallProperty0), R(12), R(2), U8(4), B(Star), R(3), /* 29 E> */ B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(3), U8(1), B(ToBooleanLogicalNot), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(3), U8(1), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(3), U8(2), U8(8), B(JumpIfToBooleanTrue), U8(46), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(3), U8(3), U8(10), B(Star), R(5), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(Star), R(4), B(Mov), R(5), R(1), /* 20 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateBlockContext), U8(4), B(PushContext), R(12), B(LdaTheHole), B(StaCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Ldar), R(5), B(StaCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), /* 41 S> */ B(CreateClosure), U8(5), U8(14), U8(2), B(Star), R(13), /* 67 E> */ B(CallUndefinedReceiver0), R(13), U8(12), B(PopContext), R(12), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(4), B(JumpLoop), U8(71), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(36), B(Star), R(12), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateCatchContext), R(12), U8(6), U8(7), B(PushContext), R(12), B(Star), R(11), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(TestEqualStrict), R(4), U8(15), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(6), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(4), B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(13), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kReThrow), R(13), U8(1), B(PopContext), R(12), B(LdaSmi), I8(-1), B(Star), R(9), B(Star), R(8), B(Jump), U8(7), B(Star), R(9), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(8), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Star), R(10), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrict), R(4), U8(16), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(104), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(2), U8(8), U8(17), B(Star), R(6), B(TestUndetectable), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(93), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(TestEqualStrict), R(4), U8(20), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(61), B(Ldar), R(6), B(TestTypeOf), U8(5), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(18), B(Wide), B(LdaSmi), I16(137), B(Star), R(11), B(LdaConstant), U8(9), B(Star), R(12), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kNewTypeError), R(11), U8(2), B(Throw), B(Mov), R(context), R(11), B(Mov), R(6), R(12), B(Mov), R(2), R(13), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(12), U8(2), B(Jump), U8(20), B(Star), R(12), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateCatchContext), R(12), U8(6), U8(10), B(Star), R(11), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(11), B(PushContext), R(12), B(PopContext), R(12), B(Jump), U8(27), B(Mov), R(6), R(11), B(Mov), R(2), R(12), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(11), U8(2), B(Star), R(7), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(7), U8(1), B(JumpIfToBooleanFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(7), U8(1), B(Ldar), R(10), B(SetPendingMessage), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrictNoFeedback), R(8), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(5), B(Ldar), R(9), B(ReThrow), B(LdaUndefined), /* 73 S> */ B(Return), ] constant pool: [ SYMBOL_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["next"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["done"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["value"], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, SHARED_FUNCTION_INFO_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [".catch"], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["return"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [""], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, ] handlers: [ [7, 142, 150], [10, 106, 108], [210, 220, 222], ] --- snippet: " function f(arr) { for (let { x, y } of arr) { let z = x + y; } } f([{ x: 0, y: 3 }, { x: 1, y: 9 }, { x: -12, y: 17 }]); " frame size: 19 parameter count: 2 bytecode array length: 300 bytecodes: [ /* 10 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(9), B(Mov), R(context), R(15), B(Mov), R(context), R(16), /* 41 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(arg0), U8(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(18), B(CallProperty0), R(18), R(arg0), U8(2), B(Mov), R(arg0), R(17), B(JumpIfJSReceiver), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid), R(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(7), /* 36 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(7), U8(1), U8(6), B(Star), R(17), B(CallProperty0), R(17), R(7), U8(4), B(Star), R(8), /* 36 E> */ B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(8), U8(1), B(ToBooleanLogicalNot), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(8), U8(1), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(8), U8(2), U8(8), B(JumpIfToBooleanTrue), U8(66), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(8), U8(3), U8(10), B(Star), R(10), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(Star), R(9), B(Mov), R(10), R(5), /* 20 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(Mov), R(5), R(6), B(Ldar), R(6), B(JumpIfUndefined), U8(6), B(Ldar), R(6), B(JumpIfNotNull), U8(16), B(LdaSmi), I8(66), B(Star), R(17), B(LdaConstant), U8(4), B(Star), R(18), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kNewTypeError), R(17), U8(2), /* 31 E> */ B(Throw), /* 31 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(6), U8(4), U8(14), B(Star), R(1), /* 34 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(6), U8(5), U8(16), B(Star), R(2), /* 56 S> */ B(Ldar), R(2), /* 58 E> */ B(Add), R(1), U8(18), B(Star), R(0), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(9), B(JumpLoop), U8(91), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(36), B(Star), R(17), B(Ldar), R(closure), /* 56 E> */ B(CreateCatchContext), R(17), U8(6), U8(7), B(PushContext), R(17), B(Star), R(16), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(TestEqualStrict), R(9), U8(19), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(6), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(9), B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(18), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kReThrow), R(18), U8(1), B(PopContext), R(17), B(LdaSmi), I8(-1), B(Star), R(14), B(Star), R(13), B(Jump), U8(7), B(Star), R(14), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Star), R(15), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrict), R(9), U8(20), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(104), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(7), U8(8), U8(21), B(Star), R(11), B(TestUndetectable), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(93), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(TestEqualStrict), R(9), U8(24), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(61), B(Ldar), R(11), B(TestTypeOf), U8(5), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(18), B(Wide), B(LdaSmi), I16(137), B(Star), R(16), B(LdaConstant), U8(9), B(Star), R(17), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kNewTypeError), R(16), U8(2), B(Throw), B(Mov), R(context), R(16), B(Mov), R(11), R(17), B(Mov), R(7), R(18), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(17), U8(2), B(Jump), U8(20), B(Star), R(17), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateCatchContext), R(17), U8(6), U8(10), B(Star), R(16), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(16), B(PushContext), R(17), B(PopContext), R(17), B(Jump), U8(27), B(Mov), R(11), R(16), B(Mov), R(7), R(17), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(16), U8(2), B(Star), R(12), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(12), U8(1), B(JumpIfToBooleanFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(12), U8(1), B(Ldar), R(15), B(SetPendingMessage), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrictNoFeedback), R(13), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(5), B(Ldar), R(14), B(ReThrow), B(LdaUndefined), /* 65 S> */ B(Return), ] constant pool: [ SYMBOL_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["next"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["done"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["value"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["x"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["y"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [".catch"], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["return"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [""], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, ] handlers: [ [7, 162, 170], [10, 126, 128], [230, 240, 242], ] --- snippet: " function* f(arr) { for (let x of arr) { let y = x; } } f([1, 2, 3]); " frame size: 19 parameter count: 2 bytecode array length: 341 bytecodes: [ B(Ldar), R(3), B(JumpIfUndefined), U8(18), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_GeneratorGetContext), R(3), U8(1), B(PushContext), R(12), B(RestoreGeneratorState), R(3), B(Star), R(11), B(SwitchOnSmiNoFeedback), U8(0), U8(1), I8(0), B(Abort), U8(45), B(LdaSmi), I8(-2), B(Star), R(11), B(CreateFunctionContext), U8(1), B(PushContext), R(12), B(Ldar), R(arg0), B(StaCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Mov), R(closure), R(13), B(Mov), R(this), R(14), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_CreateJSGeneratorObject), R(13), U8(2), B(Star), R(3), /* 11 E> */ B(StackCheck), /* 11 E> */ B(SuspendGenerator), R(3), R(0), U8(13), U8(0), /* 55 S> */ B(Return), B(RestoreGeneratorRegisters), R(3), R(0), U8(13), B(LdaSmi), I8(-2), B(Star), R(11), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_GeneratorGetInputOrDebugPos), R(3), U8(1), B(Star), R(13), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_GeneratorGetResumeMode), R(3), U8(1), B(SwitchOnSmiNoFeedback), U8(1), U8(2), I8(0), B(Ldar), R(13), /* 11 E> */ B(Throw), B(Ldar), R(13), /* 55 S> */ B(Return), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(7), B(Mov), R(context), R(15), B(Mov), R(context), R(16), /* 35 S> */ B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(17), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(17), U8(3), U8(0), B(Star), R(18), B(CallProperty0), R(18), R(17), U8(2), B(JumpIfJSReceiver), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid), R(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(5), /* 30 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(5), U8(4), U8(6), B(Star), R(17), B(CallProperty0), R(17), R(5), U8(4), B(Star), R(6), /* 30 E> */ B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(6), U8(1), B(ToBooleanLogicalNot), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(6), U8(1), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(6), U8(5), U8(8), B(JumpIfToBooleanTrue), U8(28), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(6), U8(6), U8(10), B(Star), R(8), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(Star), R(7), B(Mov), R(8), R(4), /* 21 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(Mov), R(4), R(1), /* 50 S> */ B(Mov), R(1), R(0), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(7), B(JumpLoop), U8(53), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(36), B(Star), R(17), B(Ldar), R(closure), /* 50 E> */ B(CreateCatchContext), R(17), U8(7), U8(8), B(PushContext), R(17), B(Star), R(16), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(TestEqualStrict), R(7), U8(12), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(6), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(7), B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(18), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kReThrow), R(18), U8(1), B(PopContext), R(17), B(LdaSmi), I8(-1), B(Star), R(14), B(Star), R(13), B(Jump), U8(7), B(Star), R(14), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Star), R(15), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrict), R(7), U8(13), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(104), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(5), U8(9), U8(14), B(Star), R(9), B(TestUndetectable), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(93), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(TestEqualStrict), R(7), U8(17), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(61), B(Ldar), R(9), B(TestTypeOf), U8(5), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(18), B(Wide), B(LdaSmi), I16(137), B(Star), R(16), B(LdaConstant), U8(10), B(Star), R(17), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kNewTypeError), R(16), U8(2), B(Throw), B(Mov), R(context), R(16), B(Mov), R(9), R(17), B(Mov), R(5), R(18), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(17), U8(2), B(Jump), U8(20), B(Star), R(17), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateCatchContext), R(17), U8(7), U8(11), B(Star), R(16), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(16), B(PushContext), R(17), B(PopContext), R(17), B(Jump), U8(27), B(Mov), R(9), R(16), B(Mov), R(5), R(17), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(16), U8(2), B(Star), R(10), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(10), U8(1), B(JumpIfToBooleanFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(10), U8(1), B(Ldar), R(15), B(SetPendingMessage), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrictNoFeedback), R(13), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(5), B(Ldar), R(14), B(ReThrow), B(LdaUndefined), /* 55 S> */ B(Return), ] constant pool: [ Smi [37], Smi [10], Smi [7], SYMBOL_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["next"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["done"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["value"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [".catch"], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["return"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [""], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, ] handlers: [ [85, 203, 211], [88, 167, 169], [271, 281, 283], ] --- snippet: " function* f(arr) { for (let x of arr) yield x; } f([1, 2, 3]); " frame size: 18 parameter count: 2 bytecode array length: 408 bytecodes: [ B(Ldar), R(2), B(JumpIfUndefined), U8(18), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_GeneratorGetContext), R(2), U8(1), B(PushContext), R(11), B(RestoreGeneratorState), R(2), B(Star), R(10), B(SwitchOnSmiNoFeedback), U8(0), U8(2), I8(0), B(Abort), U8(45), B(LdaSmi), I8(-2), B(Star), R(10), B(CreateFunctionContext), U8(1), B(PushContext), R(11), B(Ldar), R(arg0), B(StaCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Mov), R(closure), R(12), B(Mov), R(this), R(13), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_CreateJSGeneratorObject), R(12), U8(2), B(Star), R(2), /* 11 E> */ B(StackCheck), /* 11 E> */ B(SuspendGenerator), R(2), R(0), U8(12), U8(0), /* 49 S> */ B(Return), B(RestoreGeneratorRegisters), R(2), R(0), U8(12), B(LdaSmi), I8(-2), B(Star), R(10), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_GeneratorGetInputOrDebugPos), R(2), U8(1), B(Star), R(12), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_GeneratorGetResumeMode), R(2), U8(1), B(SwitchOnSmiNoFeedback), U8(2), U8(2), I8(0), B(Ldar), R(12), /* 11 E> */ B(Throw), B(Ldar), R(12), /* 49 S> */ B(Return), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(6), B(Mov), R(context), R(14), B(Mov), R(context), R(15), /* 35 S> */ B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(16), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(16), U8(4), U8(0), B(Star), R(17), B(CallProperty0), R(17), R(16), U8(2), B(JumpIfJSReceiver), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid), R(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(4), B(Ldar), R(10), B(SwitchOnSmiNoFeedback), U8(5), U8(1), I8(1), B(LdaSmi), I8(-2), /* 35 E> */ B(TestEqualStrictNoFeedback), R(10), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(4), B(Abort), U8(45), /* 30 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(4), U8(6), U8(6), B(Star), R(16), B(CallProperty0), R(16), R(4), U8(4), B(Star), R(5), /* 30 E> */ B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(5), U8(1), B(ToBooleanLogicalNot), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(5), U8(1), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(5), U8(7), U8(8), B(JumpIfToBooleanTrue), U8(74), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(5), U8(8), U8(10), B(Star), R(7), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(Star), R(6), B(Mov), R(7), R(3), /* 21 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(Mov), R(3), R(0), /* 40 S> */ B(LdaFalse), B(Star), R(17), B(Mov), R(0), R(16), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_CreateIterResultObject), R(16), U8(2), B(SuspendGenerator), R(2), R(0), U8(16), U8(1), /* 49 S> */ B(Return), B(RestoreGeneratorRegisters), R(2), R(0), U8(16), B(LdaSmi), I8(-2), B(Star), R(10), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_GeneratorGetInputOrDebugPos), R(2), U8(1), B(Star), R(16), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_GeneratorGetResumeMode), R(2), U8(1), B(SwitchOnSmiNoFeedback), U8(9), U8(2), I8(0), B(Ldar), R(16), /* 40 E> */ B(Throw), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(12), B(Mov), R(16), R(13), B(Jump), U8(58), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(6), B(JumpLoop), U8(113), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(36), B(Star), R(16), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateCatchContext), R(16), U8(11), U8(12), B(PushContext), R(16), B(Star), R(15), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(TestEqualStrict), R(6), U8(12), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(6), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(6), B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(17), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kReThrow), R(17), U8(1), B(PopContext), R(16), B(LdaSmi), I8(-1), B(Star), R(13), B(Star), R(12), B(Jump), U8(8), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(12), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Star), R(14), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrict), R(6), U8(13), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(104), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(4), U8(13), U8(14), B(Star), R(8), B(TestUndetectable), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(93), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(TestEqualStrict), R(6), U8(17), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(61), B(Ldar), R(8), B(TestTypeOf), U8(5), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(18), B(Wide), B(LdaSmi), I16(137), B(Star), R(15), B(LdaConstant), U8(14), B(Star), R(16), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kNewTypeError), R(15), U8(2), B(Throw), B(Mov), R(context), R(15), B(Mov), R(8), R(16), B(Mov), R(4), R(17), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(16), U8(2), B(Jump), U8(20), B(Star), R(16), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateCatchContext), R(16), U8(11), U8(15), B(Star), R(15), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(15), B(PushContext), R(16), B(PopContext), R(16), B(Jump), U8(27), B(Mov), R(8), R(15), B(Mov), R(4), R(16), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(15), U8(2), B(Star), R(9), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(9), U8(1), B(JumpIfToBooleanFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(9), U8(1), B(Ldar), R(14), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(12), B(SwitchOnSmiNoFeedback), U8(16), U8(2), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(8), B(Ldar), R(13), /* 49 S> */ B(Return), B(Ldar), R(13), B(ReThrow), B(LdaUndefined), /* 49 S> */ B(Return), ] constant pool: [ Smi [37], Smi [97], Smi [10], Smi [7], SYMBOL_TYPE, Smi [75], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["next"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["done"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["value"], Smi [15], Smi [7], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [".catch"], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["return"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [""], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, Smi [6], Smi [9], ] handlers: [ [85, 263, 271], [88, 227, 229], [332, 342, 344], ] --- snippet: " async function f(arr) { for (let x of arr) { let y = x; } } f([1, 2, 3]); " frame size: 23 parameter count: 2 bytecode array length: 386 bytecodes: [ B(CreateFunctionContext), U8(1), B(PushContext), R(12), B(Ldar), R(arg0), B(StaCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), /* 16 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(CallJSRuntime), U8(%async_function_promise_create), R(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(11), B(Mov), R(context), R(15), B(Mov), R(context), R(16), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(7), B(Mov), R(context), R(19), B(Mov), R(context), R(20), /* 40 S> */ B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(21), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(21), U8(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(22), B(CallProperty0), R(22), R(21), U8(2), B(JumpIfJSReceiver), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid), R(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(5), /* 35 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(5), U8(1), U8(6), B(Star), R(21), B(CallProperty0), R(21), R(5), U8(4), B(Star), R(6), /* 35 E> */ B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(6), U8(1), B(ToBooleanLogicalNot), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(6), U8(1), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(6), U8(2), U8(8), B(JumpIfToBooleanTrue), U8(28), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(6), U8(3), U8(10), B(Star), R(8), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(Star), R(7), B(Mov), R(8), R(4), /* 26 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(Mov), R(4), R(1), /* 55 S> */ B(Mov), R(1), R(0), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(7), B(JumpLoop), U8(53), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(40), B(Star), R(21), B(Ldar), R(closure), /* 55 E> */ B(CreateCatchContext), R(21), U8(4), U8(5), B(Star), R(20), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(20), B(PushContext), R(21), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(TestEqualStrict), R(7), U8(12), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(6), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(7), B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(22), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kReThrow), R(22), U8(1), B(PopContext), R(21), B(LdaSmi), I8(-1), B(Star), R(18), B(Star), R(17), B(Jump), U8(7), B(Star), R(18), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(17), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Star), R(19), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrict), R(7), U8(13), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(104), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(5), U8(6), U8(14), B(Star), R(9), B(TestUndetectable), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(93), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(TestEqualStrict), R(7), U8(17), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(61), B(Ldar), R(9), B(TestTypeOf), U8(5), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(18), B(Wide), B(LdaSmi), I16(137), B(Star), R(20), B(LdaConstant), U8(7), B(Star), R(21), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kNewTypeError), R(20), U8(2), B(Throw), B(Mov), R(context), R(20), B(Mov), R(9), R(21), B(Mov), R(5), R(22), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(21), U8(2), B(Jump), U8(20), B(Star), R(21), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateCatchContext), R(21), U8(4), U8(8), B(Star), R(20), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(20), B(PushContext), R(21), B(PopContext), R(21), B(Jump), U8(27), B(Mov), R(9), R(20), B(Mov), R(5), R(21), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(20), U8(2), B(Star), R(10), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(10), U8(1), B(JumpIfToBooleanFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(10), U8(1), B(Ldar), R(19), B(SetPendingMessage), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrictNoFeedback), R(17), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(5), B(Ldar), R(18), B(ReThrow), B(LdaUndefined), B(Star), R(18), B(Mov), R(11), R(17), B(CallJSRuntime), U8(%promise_resolve), R(17), U8(2), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(13), B(Mov), R(11), R(14), B(Jump), U8(58), B(Jump), U8(42), B(Star), R(17), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateCatchContext), R(17), U8(4), U8(9), B(Star), R(16), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(16), B(PushContext), R(17), B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(19), B(LdaFalse), B(Star), R(20), B(Mov), R(11), R(18), B(CallJSRuntime), U8(%promise_internal_reject), R(18), U8(3), B(PopContext), R(17), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(13), B(Mov), R(11), R(14), B(Jump), U8(16), B(LdaSmi), I8(-1), B(Star), R(14), B(Star), R(13), B(Jump), U8(8), B(Star), R(14), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Star), R(15), B(CallJSRuntime), U8(%async_function_promise_release), R(11), U8(1), B(Ldar), R(15), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(13), B(SwitchOnSmiNoFeedback), U8(10), U8(2), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(8), B(Ldar), R(14), /* 60 S> */ B(Return), B(Ldar), R(14), B(ReThrow), B(LdaUndefined), /* 60 S> */ B(Return), ] constant pool: [ SYMBOL_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["next"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["done"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["value"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [".catch"], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["return"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [""], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, Smi [6], Smi [9], ] handlers: [ [18, 345, 353], [21, 303, 305], [27, 149, 157], [30, 109, 111], [217, 227, 229], ] --- snippet: " async function f(arr) { for (let x of arr) await x; } f([1, 2, 3]); " frame size: 24 parameter count: 2 bytecode array length: 480 bytecodes: [ B(Ldar), R(2), B(JumpIfUndefined), U8(18), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_GeneratorGetContext), R(2), U8(1), B(PushContext), R(12), B(RestoreGeneratorState), R(2), B(Star), R(11), B(SwitchOnSmiNoFeedback), U8(0), U8(1), I8(0), B(Abort), U8(45), B(LdaSmi), I8(-2), B(Star), R(11), B(CreateFunctionContext), U8(1), B(PushContext), R(12), B(Ldar), R(arg0), B(StaCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Mov), R(closure), R(13), B(Mov), R(this), R(14), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_CreateJSGeneratorObject), R(13), U8(2), B(Star), R(2), /* 16 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(CallJSRuntime), U8(%async_function_promise_create), R(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(10), B(Mov), R(context), R(15), B(Mov), R(context), R(16), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(6), B(Mov), R(context), R(19), B(Mov), R(context), R(20), /* 40 S> */ B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(21), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(21), U8(1), U8(0), B(Star), R(22), B(CallProperty0), R(22), R(21), U8(2), B(JumpIfJSReceiver), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid), R(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(4), B(Ldar), R(11), B(SwitchOnSmiNoFeedback), U8(2), U8(1), I8(0), B(LdaSmi), I8(-2), /* 40 E> */ B(TestEqualStrictNoFeedback), R(11), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(4), B(Abort), U8(45), /* 35 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(4), U8(3), U8(6), B(Star), R(21), B(CallProperty0), R(21), R(4), U8(4), B(Star), R(5), /* 35 E> */ B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(5), U8(1), B(ToBooleanLogicalNot), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(5), U8(1), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(5), U8(4), U8(8), B(JumpIfToBooleanTrue), U8(72), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(5), U8(5), U8(10), B(Star), R(7), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(Star), R(6), B(Mov), R(7), R(3), /* 26 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(Mov), R(3), R(0), /* 45 S> */ B(Mov), R(2), R(21), B(Mov), R(0), R(22), B(Mov), R(10), R(23), B(CallJSRuntime), U8(%async_function_await_uncaught), R(21), U8(3), B(SuspendGenerator), R(2), R(0), U8(21), U8(0), /* 54 S> */ B(Return), B(RestoreGeneratorRegisters), R(2), R(0), U8(21), B(LdaSmi), I8(-2), B(Star), R(11), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_GeneratorGetInputOrDebugPos), R(2), U8(1), B(Star), R(21), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_GeneratorGetResumeMode), R(2), U8(1), B(Star), R(22), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrictNoFeedback), R(22), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(5), B(Ldar), R(21), B(ReThrow), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(6), B(JumpLoop), U8(111), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(40), B(Star), R(21), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateCatchContext), R(21), U8(6), U8(7), B(Star), R(20), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(20), B(PushContext), R(21), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(TestEqualStrict), R(6), U8(12), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(6), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(6), B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(22), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kReThrow), R(22), U8(1), B(PopContext), R(21), B(LdaSmi), I8(-1), B(Star), R(18), B(Star), R(17), B(Jump), U8(7), B(Star), R(18), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(17), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Star), R(19), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrict), R(6), U8(13), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(104), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(4), U8(8), U8(14), B(Star), R(8), B(TestUndetectable), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(93), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(TestEqualStrict), R(6), U8(17), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(61), B(Ldar), R(8), B(TestTypeOf), U8(5), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(18), B(Wide), B(LdaSmi), I16(137), B(Star), R(20), B(LdaConstant), U8(9), B(Star), R(21), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kNewTypeError), R(20), U8(2), B(Throw), B(Mov), R(context), R(20), B(Mov), R(8), R(21), B(Mov), R(4), R(22), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(21), U8(2), B(Jump), U8(20), B(Star), R(21), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateCatchContext), R(21), U8(6), U8(10), B(Star), R(20), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(20), B(PushContext), R(21), B(PopContext), R(21), B(Jump), U8(27), B(Mov), R(8), R(20), B(Mov), R(4), R(21), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(20), U8(2), B(Star), R(9), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(9), U8(1), B(JumpIfToBooleanFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(9), U8(1), B(Ldar), R(19), B(SetPendingMessage), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrictNoFeedback), R(17), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(5), B(Ldar), R(18), B(ReThrow), B(LdaUndefined), B(Star), R(18), B(Mov), R(10), R(17), B(CallJSRuntime), U8(%promise_resolve), R(17), U8(2), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(13), B(Mov), R(10), R(14), B(Jump), U8(58), B(Jump), U8(42), B(Star), R(17), B(Ldar), R(closure), B(CreateCatchContext), R(17), U8(6), U8(11), B(Star), R(16), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(16), B(PushContext), R(17), B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(19), B(LdaFalse), B(Star), R(20), B(Mov), R(10), R(18), B(CallJSRuntime), U8(%promise_internal_reject), R(18), U8(3), B(PopContext), R(17), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(13), B(Mov), R(10), R(14), B(Jump), U8(16), B(LdaSmi), I8(-1), B(Star), R(14), B(Star), R(13), B(Jump), U8(8), B(Star), R(14), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Star), R(15), B(CallJSRuntime), U8(%async_function_promise_release), R(10), U8(1), B(Ldar), R(15), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(13), B(SwitchOnSmiNoFeedback), U8(12), U8(2), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(8), B(Ldar), R(14), /* 54 S> */ B(Return), B(Ldar), R(14), B(ReThrow), B(LdaUndefined), /* 54 S> */ B(Return), ] constant pool: [ Smi [75], SYMBOL_TYPE, Smi [78], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["next"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["done"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["value"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [".catch"], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["return"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [""], FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, Smi [6], Smi [9], ] handlers: [ [54, 439, 447], [57, 397, 399], [63, 243, 251], [66, 203, 205], [311, 321, 323], ]