// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --wasm-interpret-all --allow-natives-syntax --expose-gc load('test/mjsunit/wasm/wasm-constants.js'); load('test/mjsunit/wasm/wasm-module-builder.js'); // The stack trace contains file path, only keep "interpreter.js". let stripPath = s => s.replace(/[^ (]*interpreter\.js/g, 'interpreter.js'); function checkStack(stack, expected_lines) { print('stack: ' + stack); var lines = stack.split('\n'); assertEquals(expected_lines.length, lines.length); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { let test = typeof expected_lines[i] == 'string' ? assertEquals : assertMatches; test(expected_lines[i], lines[i], 'line ' + i); } } (function testCallImported() { print(arguments.callee.name); var stack; let func = () => stack = new Error('test imported stack').stack; var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addImport('mod', 'func', kSig_v_v); builder.addFunction('main', kSig_v_v) .addBody([kExprCallFunction, 0]) .exportFunc(); var instance = builder.instantiate({mod: {func: func}}); // Test that this does not mess up internal state by executing it three times. for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { var interpreted_before = %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance); instance.exports.main(); assertEquals(interpreted_before + 1, %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance)); checkStack(stripPath(stack), [ 'Error: test imported stack', // - /^ at func \(interpreter.js:\d+:28\)$/, // - ' at main (wasm-function[1]:1)', // - /^ at testCallImported \(interpreter.js:\d+:22\)$/, // - /^ at interpreter.js:\d+:3$/ ]); } })(); (function testCallImportedWithParameters() { print(arguments.callee.name); var stack; var passed_args = []; let func1 = (i, j) => (passed_args.push(i, j), 2 * i + j); let func2 = (f) => (passed_args.push(f), 8 * f); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addImport('mod', 'func1', makeSig([kWasmI32, kWasmI32], [kWasmF32])); builder.addImport('mod', 'func2', makeSig([kWasmF64], [kWasmI32])); builder.addFunction('main', makeSig([kWasmI32, kWasmF64], [kWasmF32])) .addBody([ // call #0 with arg 0 and arg 0 + 1 kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprI32Const, 1, kExprI32Add, kExprCallFunction, 0, // call #1 with arg 1 kExprGetLocal, 1, kExprCallFunction, 1, // convert returned value to f32 kExprF32UConvertI32, // add the two values kExprF32Add ]) .exportFunc(); var instance = builder.instantiate({mod: {func1: func1, func2: func2}}); var interpreted_before = %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance); var args = [11, 0.3]; var ret = instance.exports.main(...args); assertEquals(interpreted_before + 1, %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance)); var passed_test_args = [...passed_args]; var expected = func1(args[0], args[0] + 1) + func2(args[1]) | 0; assertEquals(expected, ret); assertArrayEquals([args[0], args[0] + 1, args[1]], passed_test_args); })(); (function testTrap() { print(arguments.callee.name); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); var foo_idx = builder.addFunction('foo', kSig_v_v) .addBody([kExprNop, kExprNop, kExprUnreachable]) .index; builder.addFunction('main', kSig_v_v) .addBody([kExprNop, kExprCallFunction, foo_idx]) .exportFunc(); var instance = builder.instantiate(); // Test that this does not mess up internal state by executing it three times. for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { var interpreted_before = %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance); var stack; try { instance.exports.main(); assertUnreachable(); } catch (e) { stack = e.stack; } assertEquals(interpreted_before + 2, %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance)); checkStack(stripPath(stack), [ 'RuntimeError: unreachable', // - ' at foo (wasm-function[0]:3)', // - ' at main (wasm-function[1]:2)', // - /^ at testTrap \(interpreter.js:\d+:24\)$/, // - /^ at interpreter.js:\d+:3$/ ]); } })(); (function testThrowFromImport() { print(arguments.callee.name); function func() { throw new Error('thrown from imported function'); } var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addImport("mod", "func", kSig_v_v); builder.addFunction('main', kSig_v_v) .addBody([kExprCallFunction, 0]) .exportFunc(); var instance = builder.instantiate({mod: {func: func}}); // Test that this does not mess up internal state by executing it three times. for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { var interpreted_before = %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance); var stack; try { instance.exports.main(); assertUnreachable(); } catch (e) { stack = e.stack; } assertEquals(interpreted_before + 1, %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance)); checkStack(stripPath(stack), [ 'Error: thrown from imported function', // - /^ at func \(interpreter.js:\d+:11\)$/, // - ' at main (wasm-function[1]:1)', // - /^ at testThrowFromImport \(interpreter.js:\d+:24\)$/, // - /^ at interpreter.js:\d+:3$/ ]); } })(); (function testGlobals() { print(arguments.callee.name); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addGlobal(kWasmI32, true); // 0 builder.addGlobal(kWasmI64, true); // 1 builder.addGlobal(kWasmF32, true); // 2 builder.addGlobal(kWasmF64, true); // 3 builder.addFunction('get_i32', kSig_i_v) .addBody([kExprGetGlobal, 0]) .exportFunc(); builder.addFunction('get_i64', kSig_d_v) .addBody([kExprGetGlobal, 1, kExprF64SConvertI64]) .exportFunc(); builder.addFunction('get_f32', kSig_d_v) .addBody([kExprGetGlobal, 2, kExprF64ConvertF32]) .exportFunc(); builder.addFunction('get_f64', kSig_d_v) .addBody([kExprGetGlobal, 3]) .exportFunc(); builder.addFunction('set_i32', kSig_v_i) .addBody([kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprSetGlobal, 0]) .exportFunc(); builder.addFunction('set_i64', kSig_v_d) .addBody([kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprI64SConvertF64, kExprSetGlobal, 1]) .exportFunc(); builder.addFunction('set_f32', kSig_v_d) .addBody([kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprF32ConvertF64, kExprSetGlobal, 2]) .exportFunc(); builder.addFunction('set_f64', kSig_v_d) .addBody([kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprSetGlobal, 3]) .exportFunc(); var instance = builder.instantiate(); // Initially, all should be zero. assertEquals(0, instance.exports.get_i32()); assertEquals(0, instance.exports.get_i64()); assertEquals(0, instance.exports.get_f32()); assertEquals(0, instance.exports.get_f64()); // Assign values to all variables. var values = [4711, 1<<40 + 1 << 33, 0.3, 12.34567]; instance.exports.set_i32(values[0]); instance.exports.set_i64(values[1]); instance.exports.set_f32(values[2]); instance.exports.set_f64(values[3]); // Now check the values. assertEquals(values[0], instance.exports.get_i32()); assertEquals(values[1], instance.exports.get_i64()); assertEqualsDelta(values[2], instance.exports.get_f32(), 2**-23); assertEquals(values[3], instance.exports.get_f64()); })(); (function testReentrantInterpreter() { print(arguments.callee.name); var stacks; var instance; function func(i) { stacks.push(new Error('reentrant interpreter test #' + i).stack); if (i < 2) instance.exports.main(i + 1); } var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addImport('mod', 'func', kSig_v_i); builder.addFunction('main', kSig_v_i) .addBody([kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprCallFunction, 0]) .exportFunc(); instance = builder.instantiate({mod: {func: func}}); // Test that this does not mess up internal state by executing it three times. for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { var interpreted_before = %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance); stacks = []; instance.exports.main(0); assertEquals(interpreted_before + 3, %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance)); assertEquals(3, stacks.length); for (var e = 0; e < stacks.length; ++e) { expected = ['Error: reentrant interpreter test #' + e]; expected.push(/^ at func \(interpreter.js:\d+:17\)$/); expected.push(' at main (wasm-function[1]:3)'); for (var k = e; k > 0; --k) { expected.push(/^ at func \(interpreter.js:\d+:33\)$/); expected.push(' at main (wasm-function[1]:3)'); } expected.push( /^ at testReentrantInterpreter \(interpreter.js:\d+:22\)$/); expected.push(/ at interpreter.js:\d+:3$/); checkStack(stripPath(stacks[e]), expected); } } })(); (function testIndirectImports() { print(arguments.callee.name); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); var sig_i_ii = builder.addType(kSig_i_ii); var sig_i_i = builder.addType(kSig_i_i); var mul = builder.addImport('q', 'mul', sig_i_ii); var add = builder.addFunction('add', sig_i_ii).addBody([ kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprGetLocal, 1, kExprI32Add ]); var mismatch = builder.addFunction('sig_mismatch', sig_i_i).addBody([kExprGetLocal, 0]); var main = builder.addFunction('main', kSig_i_iii) .addBody([ // Call indirect #0 with args <#1, #2>. kExprGetLocal, 1, kExprGetLocal, 2, kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprCallIndirect, sig_i_ii, kTableZero ]) .exportFunc(); builder.appendToTable([mul, add.index, mismatch.index, main.index]); var instance = builder.instantiate({q: {mul: (a, b) => a * b}}); // Call mul. assertEquals(-6, instance.exports.main(0, -2, 3)); // Call add. assertEquals(99, instance.exports.main(1, 22, 77)); // main and sig_mismatch have another signature. assertTraps(kTrapFuncSigMismatch, () => instance.exports.main(2, 12, 33)); assertTraps(kTrapFuncSigMismatch, () => instance.exports.main(3, 12, 33)); // Function index 4 does not exist. assertTraps(kTrapFuncInvalid, () => instance.exports.main(4, 12, 33)); })(); (function testIllegalImports() { print(arguments.callee.name); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); var sig_l_v = builder.addType(kSig_l_v); var imp = builder.addImport('q', 'imp', sig_l_v); var direct = builder.addFunction('direct', kSig_l_v) .addBody([kExprCallFunction, imp]) .exportFunc(); var indirect = builder.addFunction('indirect', kSig_l_v).addBody([ kExprI32Const, 0, kExprCallIndirect, sig_l_v, kTableZero ]); var main = builder.addFunction('main', kSig_v_i) .addBody([ // Call indirect #0 with arg #0, drop result. kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprCallIndirect, sig_l_v, kTableZero, kExprDrop ]) .exportFunc(); builder.appendToTable([imp, direct.index, indirect.index]); var instance = builder.instantiate({q: {imp: () => 1}}); // Calling imported functions with i64 in signature should fail. try { // Via direct call. instance.exports.main(1); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof TypeError)) throw e; checkStack(stripPath(e.stack), [ 'TypeError: ' + kTrapMsgs[kTrapTypeError], // - ' at direct (wasm-function[1]:1)', // - ' at main (wasm-function[3]:3)', // - /^ at testIllegalImports \(interpreter.js:\d+:22\)$/, // - /^ at interpreter.js:\d+:3$/ ]); } try { // Via indirect call. instance.exports.main(2); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof TypeError)) throw e; checkStack(stripPath(e.stack), [ 'TypeError: ' + kTrapMsgs[kTrapTypeError], // - ' at indirect (wasm-function[2]:3)', // - ' at main (wasm-function[3]:3)', // - /^ at testIllegalImports \(interpreter.js:\d+:22\)$/, // - /^ at interpreter.js:\d+:3$/ ]); } })(); (function testImportExportedFunction() { // See https://crbug.com/860392. print(arguments.callee.name); let instance0 = (() => { let builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addFunction('f11', kSig_i_v).addBody(wasmI32Const(11)).exportFunc(); builder.addFunction('f17', kSig_i_v).addBody(wasmI32Const(17)).exportFunc(); return builder.instantiate(); })(); let builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); let sig_i_v = builder.addType(kSig_i_v); let f11_imp = builder.addImport('q', 'f11', sig_i_v); let f17_imp = builder.addImport('q', 'f17', sig_i_v); let add = builder.addFunction('add', sig_i_v).addBody([ kExprCallFunction, f11_imp, // call f11 kExprCallFunction, f17_imp, // call f17 kExprI32Add // i32.add ]).exportFunc(); let instance = builder.instantiate( {q: {f11: instance0.exports.f11, f17: instance0.exports.f17}}); assertEquals(28, instance.exports.add()); })(); (function testInfiniteRecursion() { print(arguments.callee.name); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); var direct = builder.addFunction('main', kSig_v_v) .addBody([kExprNop, kExprCallFunction, 0]) .exportFunc(); var instance = builder.instantiate(); try { instance.exports.main(); assertUnreachable("should throw"); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof RangeError)) throw e; checkStack(stripPath(e.stack), [ 'RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded', ' at main (wasm-function[0]:0)' ].concat(Array(9).fill(' at main (wasm-function[0]:2)'))); } })(); (function testUnwindSingleActivation() { print(arguments.callee.name); // Create two activations and unwind just the top one. var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); function MyError(i) { this.i = i; } // We call wasm -> func 1 -> wasm -> func2. // func2 throws, func 1 catches. function func1() { try { return instance.exports.foo(); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof MyError)) throw e; return e.i + 2; } } function func2() { throw new MyError(11); } var imp1 = builder.addImport('mod', 'func1', kSig_i_v); var imp2 = builder.addImport('mod', 'func2', kSig_v_v); builder.addFunction('main', kSig_i_v) .addBody([kExprCallFunction, imp1, kExprI32Const, 2, kExprI32Mul]) .exportFunc(); builder.addFunction('foo', kSig_v_v) .addBody([kExprCallFunction, imp2]) .exportFunc(); var instance = builder.instantiate({mod: {func1: func1, func2: func2}}); var interpreted_before = %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance); assertEquals(2 * (11 + 2), instance.exports.main()); assertEquals(interpreted_before + 2, %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance)); })(); (function testInterpreterGC() { print(arguments.callee.name); function run(f) { // wrap the creation in a closure so that the only thing returned is // the module (i.e. the underlying array buffer of wasm wire bytes dies). var module = (() => { var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); var imp = builder.addImport('mod', 'the_name_of_my_import', kSig_i_i); builder.addFunction('main', kSig_i_i) .addBody([kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprCallFunction, imp]) .exportAs('main'); print('module'); return new WebAssembly.Module(builder.toBuffer()); })(); gc(); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { print(' instance ' + i); var instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, {'mod': {the_name_of_my_import: f}}); var g = instance.exports.main; assertEquals('function', typeof g); for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) { assertEquals(f(j), g(j)); } } } for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { run(x => (x + 19)); run(x => (x - 18)); } })(); (function testImportThrowsOnToNumber() { print(arguments.callee.name); const builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); const imp_idx = builder.addImport('mod', 'func', kSig_i_v); builder.addFunction('main', kSig_i_v) .addBody([kExprCallFunction, imp_idx]) .exportFunc(); var num_callback_calls = 0; const callback = () => { ++num_callback_calls; return Symbol() }; var instance = builder.instantiate({mod: {func: callback}}); // Test that this does not mess up internal state by executing it three times. for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { var interpreted_before = %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance); assertThrows( () => instance.exports.main(), TypeError, 'Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number'); assertEquals(interpreted_before + 1, %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance)); assertEquals(i + 1, num_callback_calls); } })(); (function testCallWithMoreReturnsThenParams() { print(arguments.callee.name); const builder1 = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder1.addFunction('exp', kSig_l_v) .addBody([kExprI64Const, 23]) .exportFunc(); const exp = builder1.instantiate().exports.exp; const builder2 = new WasmModuleBuilder(); const imp_idx = builder2.addImport('imp', 'func', kSig_l_v); builder2.addFunction('main', kSig_i_v) .addBody([kExprCallFunction, imp_idx, kExprI32ConvertI64]) .exportFunc(); const instance = builder2.instantiate({imp: {func: exp}}); assertEquals(23, instance.exports.main()); })(); (function testTableCall() { print(arguments.callee.name); const builder1 = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder1.addFunction('func', kSig_v_v).addBody([]).exportFunc(); const instance1 = builder1.instantiate(); const table = new WebAssembly.Table({element: 'anyfunc', initial: 2}); const builder2 = new WasmModuleBuilder() builder2.addImportedTable('m', 'table'); const sig = builder2.addType(kSig_v_v); builder2.addFunction('call_func', kSig_v_v) .addBody([kExprI32Const, 0, kExprCallIndirect, sig, kTableZero]) .exportFunc(); const instance2 = builder2.instantiate({m: {table: table}}); table.set(0, instance1.exports.func); instance2.exports.call_func(); })(); (function testTableCall2() { // See crbug.com/787910. print(arguments.callee.name); const builder1 = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder1.addFunction('exp', kSig_i_i) .addBody([kExprI32Const, 0]) .exportFunc(); const instance1 = builder1.instantiate(); const builder2 = new WasmModuleBuilder(); const sig1 = builder2.addType(kSig_i_v); const sig2 = builder2.addType(kSig_i_i); builder2.addFunction('call2', kSig_i_v) .addBody([ kExprI32Const, 0, kExprI32Const, 0, kExprCallIndirect, sig2, kTableZero ]) .exportAs('call2'); builder2.addImportedTable('imp', 'table'); const tab = new WebAssembly.Table({ element: 'anyfunc', initial: 3, }); const instance2 = builder2.instantiate({imp: {table: tab}}); tab.set(0, instance1.exports.exp); instance2.exports.call2(); })(); (function testTableCall3() { // See crbug.com/814562. print(arguments.callee.name); const builder0 = new WasmModuleBuilder(); const sig_index = builder0.addType(kSig_i_v); builder0.addFunction('main', kSig_i_i) .addBody([ kExprGetLocal, 0, // -- kExprCallIndirect, sig_index, kTableZero ]) // -- .exportAs('main'); builder0.setFunctionTableBounds(3, 3); builder0.addExportOfKind('table', kExternalTable); const module0 = new WebAssembly.Module(builder0.toBuffer()); const instance0 = new WebAssembly.Instance(module0); const builder1 = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder1.addFunction('main', kSig_i_v).addBody([kExprUnreachable]); builder1.addImportedTable('z', 'table'); builder1.addFunctionTableInit(0, false, [0], true); const module1 = new WebAssembly.Module(builder1.toBuffer()); const instance1 = new WebAssembly.Instance(module1, {z: {table: instance0.exports.table}}); assertThrows( () => instance0.exports.main(0), WebAssembly.RuntimeError, 'unreachable'); })();