// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import {FocusEvent, SelectionEvent} from '../events.mjs'; import {DOM, typeToColor, V8CustomElement} from '../helper.mjs'; DOM.defineCustomElement('./map-panel/map-transitions', (templateText) => class MapTransitions extends V8CustomElement { _map; _selectedMapLogEntries; _displayedMapsInTree; constructor() { super(templateText); this.transitionView.addEventListener( 'mousemove', (e) => this.handleTransitionViewChange(e)); this.currentNode = this.transitionView; this.currentMap = undefined; } get transitionView() { return this.$('#transitionView'); } get tooltip() { return this.$('#tooltip'); } get tooltipContents() { return this.$('#tooltipContents'); } set map(value) { this._map = value; this.showMap(); } handleTransitionViewChange(e) { this.tooltip.style.left = e.pageX + 'px'; this.tooltip.style.top = e.pageY + 'px'; const map = e.target.map; if (map) { this.tooltipContents.innerText = map.description; } } _selectMap(map) { this.dispatchEvent(new SelectionEvent([map])); } showMap() { if (this.currentMap === this._map) return; this.currentMap = this._map; this.selectedMapLogEntries = [this._map]; this.update(); } _update() { this.transitionView.style.display = 'none'; DOM.removeAllChildren(this.transitionView); this._displayedMapsInTree = new Set(); // Limit view to 200 maps for performance reasons. this.selectedMapLogEntries.slice(0, 200).forEach( (map) => this.addMapAndParentTransitions(map)); this._displayedMapsInTree = undefined; this.transitionView.style.display = ''; } set selectedMapLogEntries(list) { this._selectedMapLogEntries = list; this.update(); } get selectedMapLogEntries() { return this._selectedMapLogEntries; } addMapAndParentTransitions(map) { if (map === void 0) return; if (this._displayedMapsInTree.has(map)) return; this._displayedMapsInTree.add(map); this.currentNode = this.transitionView; let parents = map.getParents(); if (parents.length > 0) { this.addTransitionTo(parents.pop()); parents.reverse().forEach((each) => this.addTransitionTo(each)); } let mapNode = this.addSubtransitions(map); // Mark and show the selected map. mapNode.classList.add('selected'); if (this.selectedMap == map) { setTimeout( () => mapNode.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest', inline: 'nearest', }), 1); } } addSubtransitions(map) { let mapNode = this.addTransitionTo(map); // Draw outgoing linear transition line. let current = map; while (current.children.length == 1) { current = current.children[0].to; this.addTransitionTo(current); } return mapNode; } addTransitionEdge(map) { let classes = ['transitionEdge']; let edge = DOM.div(classes); edge.style.backgroundColor = typeToColor(map.edge); let labelNode = DOM.div('transitionLabel'); labelNode.innerText = map.edge.toString(); edge.appendChild(labelNode); return edge; } addTransitionTo(map) { // transition[ transitions[ transition[...], transition[...], ...]]; this._displayedMapsInTree?.add(map); let transition = DOM.div('transition'); if (map.isDeprecated()) transition.classList.add('deprecated'); if (map.edge) { transition.appendChild(this.addTransitionEdge(map)); } let mapNode = this.addMapNode(map); transition.appendChild(mapNode); let subtree = DOM.div('transitions'); transition.appendChild(subtree); this.currentNode.appendChild(transition); this.currentNode = subtree; return mapNode; } addMapNode(map) { let node = DOM.div('map'); if (map.edge) node.style.backgroundColor = typeToColor(map.edge); node.map = map; node.addEventListener('click', () => this._selectMap(map)); if (map.children.length > 1) { node.innerText = map.children.length; let showSubtree = DOM.div('showSubtransitions'); showSubtree.addEventListener('click', (e) => this.toggleSubtree(e, node)); node.appendChild(showSubtree); } else if (map.children.length == 0) { node.innerHTML = '●'; } this.currentNode.appendChild(node); return node; } toggleSubtree(event, node) { let map = node.map; event.target.classList.toggle('opened'); let transitionsNode = node.parentElement.querySelector('.transitions'); let subtransitionNodes = transitionsNode.children; if (subtransitionNodes.length <= 1) { // Add subtransitions excepth the one that's already shown. let visibleTransitionMap = subtransitionNodes.length == 1 ? transitionsNode.querySelector('.map').map : void 0; map.children.forEach((edge) => { if (edge.to != visibleTransitionMap) { this.currentNode = transitionsNode; this.addSubtransitions(edge.to); } }); } else { // remove all but the first (currently selected) subtransition for (let i = subtransitionNodes.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { transitionsNode.removeChild(subtransitionNodes[i]); } } } });