// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --no-enable-one-shot-optimization Debug = debug.Debug; // StaCurrentContextSlot success(10, `(function(){ const x = 10; function f1() {return x;} return x; })()`); // StaNamedProperty var a = {name: 'foo'}; function set_name(a) { a.name = 'bar'; return a.name; } fail(`set_name(a)`); success('bar', `set_name({name: 'foo'})`); // StaNamedOwnProperty var name_value = 'value'; function create_object_literal() { var obj = {name: name_value}; return obj.name; }; success('value', `create_object_literal()`); // StaKeyedProperty var arrayValue = 1; function create_array_literal() { return [arrayValue]; } var b = { 1: 2 }; success([arrayValue], `create_array_literal()`) fail(`b[1] ^= 2`); // StaInArrayLiteral function return_array_use_spread(a) { return [...a]; } success([1], `return_array_use_spread([1])`); // CallAccessorSetter var array = [1,2,3]; fail(`array.length = 2`); success(2, `[1,2,3].length = 2`); // StaDataPropertyInLiteral function return_literal_with_data_property(a) { return {[a] : 1}; } success({foo: 1}, `return_literal_with_data_property('foo')`); // Set builtins with temporary objects var set = new Set([1,2]); fail(`set.add(3).size`); success(1, `new Set().add(1).size`); success(0, `(() => { const s = new Set([1]); s.delete(1); return s.size; })()`); fail(`set.delete(1)`); success(0, `(() => { const s = new Set([1]); s.clear(); return s.size; })()`); fail(`set.clear()`); // new set success(3, `(() => { let s = 0; for (const a of new Set([1,2])) s += a; return s; })()`); // existing set success(3, `(() => { let s = 0; for (const a of set) s += a; return s; })()`); // existing iterator var setIterator = set.entries(); fail(`(() => { let s = 0; for (const a of setIterator) s += a; return s; })()`); // Array builtins with temporary objects success([1,1,1], '[1,2,3].fill(1)'); fail(`array.fill(1)`); success([1], `(() => { const a = []; a.push(1); return a; })()`); fail(`array.push(1)`); success([1], `(() => { const a = [1,2]; a.pop(); return a; })()`); fail(`array.pop()`); success([3,2,1], `[1,2,3].reverse()`); fail(`array.reverse()`); success([1,2,3], `[2,1,3].sort()`); fail(`array.sort()`); success([2,3], `[1,2,3].splice(1,2)`); fail(`array.splice(1,2)`); success([1,2], `(() => { const a = [2]; a.unshift(1); return a; })()`); fail(`array.unshift(1)`); success(1, `[1,2].shift()`); fail(`array.shift()`); // new array success(6, `(() => { let s = 0; for (const a of [1,2,3]) s += a; return s; })()`); // existing array success(6, `(() => { let s = 0; for (const a of array) s += a; return s; })()`); // existing iterator var arrayIterator = array.entries(); fail(`(() => { let s = 0; for (const a of arrayIterator) s += a; return s; })()`); success(6, `array.reduce((a,b) => a + b, 0)`); // Map builtins with temporary objects var map = new Map([[1,2]]); fail(`map.set(3, 4).size`); success(1, `new Map().set(1, 2).size`); success(0, `(() => { const m = new Map([[1, 2]]); m.delete(1); return m.size; })()`); fail(`map.delete(1)`); success(0, `(() => { const m = new Map([[1, 2]]); m.clear(); return m.size; })()`); fail(`map.clear()`); // new set success(2, `(() => { let s = 0; for (const [a, b] of new Map([[1,2]])) s += b; return s; })()`); // existing set success(2, `(() => { let s = 0; for (const [a,b] of map) s += b; return s; })()`); // existing iterator var mapIterator = map.entries(); fail(`(() => { let s = 0; for (const [a,b] of mapIterator) s += a; return s; })()`); // Regexps var regExp = /a/; success(true, `/a/.test('a')`); fail(`/a/.test({toString: () => {map.clear(); return 'a';}})`) fail(`regExp.test('a')`); function success(expectation, source) { const result = Debug.evaluateGlobal(source, true).value(); if (expectation !== undefined) assertEquals(expectation, result); } function fail(source) { assertThrows(() => Debug.evaluateGlobal(source, true), EvalError); }