#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import bisect import collections import ctypes import disasm import mmap import optparse import os import re import subprocess import sys import time USAGE="""usage: %prog [OPTION]... Analyses V8 and perf logs to produce profiles. Perf logs can be collected using a command like: $ perf record -R -e cycles -c 10000 -f -i ./d8 bench.js --ll-prof # -R: collect all data # -e cycles: use cpu-cycles event (run "perf list" for details) # -c 10000: write a sample after each 10000 events # -f: force output file overwrite # -i: limit profiling to our process and the kernel # --ll-prof shell flag enables the right V8 logs This will produce a binary trace file (perf.data) that %prog can analyse. IMPORTANT: The kernel has an internal maximum for events per second, it is 100K by default. That's not enough for "-c 10000". Set it to some higher value: $ echo 10000000 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_max_sample_rate You can also make the warning about kernel address maps go away: $ echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict We have a convenience script that handles all of the above for you: $ tools/run-llprof.sh ./d8 bench.js Examples: # Print flat profile with annotated disassembly for the 10 top # symbols. Use default log names and include the snapshot log. $ %prog --snapshot --disasm-top=10 # Print flat profile with annotated disassembly for all used symbols. # Use default log names and include kernel symbols into analysis. $ %prog --disasm-all --kernel # Print flat profile. Use custom log names. $ %prog --log=foo.log --snapshot-log=snap-foo.log --trace=foo.data --snapshot """ JS_ORIGIN = "js" JS_SNAPSHOT_ORIGIN = "js-snapshot" class Code(object): """Code object.""" _id = 0 UNKNOWN = 0 V8INTERNAL = 1 FULL_CODEGEN = 2 OPTIMIZED = 3 def __init__(self, name, start_address, end_address, origin, origin_offset): self.id = Code._id Code._id += 1 self.name = name self.other_names = None self.start_address = start_address self.end_address = end_address self.origin = origin self.origin_offset = origin_offset self.self_ticks = 0 self.self_ticks_map = None self.callee_ticks = None if name.startswith("LazyCompile:*"): self.codetype = Code.OPTIMIZED elif name.startswith("LazyCompile:"): self.codetype = Code.FULL_CODEGEN elif name.startswith("v8::internal::"): self.codetype = Code.V8INTERNAL else: self.codetype = Code.UNKNOWN def AddName(self, name): assert self.name != name if self.other_names is None: self.other_names = [name] return if not name in self.other_names: self.other_names.append(name) def FullName(self): if self.other_names is None: return self.name self.other_names.sort() return "%s (aka %s)" % (self.name, ", ".join(self.other_names)) def IsUsed(self): return self.self_ticks > 0 or self.callee_ticks is not None def Tick(self, pc): self.self_ticks += 1 if self.self_ticks_map is None: self.self_ticks_map = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0) offset = pc - self.start_address self.self_ticks_map[offset] += 1 def CalleeTick(self, callee): if self.callee_ticks is None: self.callee_ticks = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0) self.callee_ticks[callee] += 1 def PrintAnnotated(self, arch, options): if self.self_ticks_map is None: ticks_map = [] else: ticks_map = self.self_ticks_map.items() # Convert the ticks map to offsets and counts arrays so that later # we can do binary search in the offsets array. ticks_map.sort(key=lambda t: t[0]) ticks_offsets = [t[0] for t in ticks_map] ticks_counts = [t[1] for t in ticks_map] # Get a list of disassembled lines and their addresses. lines = self._GetDisasmLines(arch, options) if len(lines) == 0: return # Print annotated lines. address = lines[0][0] total_count = 0 for i in xrange(len(lines)): start_offset = lines[i][0] - address if i == len(lines) - 1: end_offset = self.end_address - self.start_address else: end_offset = lines[i + 1][0] - address # Ticks (reported pc values) are not always precise, i.e. not # necessarily point at instruction starts. So we have to search # for ticks that touch the current instruction line. j = bisect.bisect_left(ticks_offsets, end_offset) count = 0 for offset, cnt in reversed(zip(ticks_offsets[:j], ticks_counts[:j])): if offset < start_offset: break count += cnt total_count += count percent = 100.0 * count / self.self_ticks offset = lines[i][0] if percent >= 0.01: # 5 spaces for tick count # 1 space following # 1 for '|' # 1 space following # 6 for the percentage number, incl. the '.' # 1 for the '%' sign # => 15 print "%5d | %6.2f%% %x(%d): %s" % (count, percent, offset, offset, lines[i][1]) else: print "%s %x(%d): %s" % (" " * 15, offset, offset, lines[i][1]) print assert total_count == self.self_ticks, \ "Lost ticks (%d != %d) in %s" % (total_count, self.self_ticks, self) def __str__(self): return "%s [0x%x, 0x%x) size: %d origin: %s" % ( self.name, self.start_address, self.end_address, self.end_address - self.start_address, self.origin) def _GetDisasmLines(self, arch, options): if self.origin == JS_ORIGIN or self.origin == JS_SNAPSHOT_ORIGIN: inplace = False filename = options.log + ".ll" else: inplace = True filename = self.origin return disasm.GetDisasmLines(filename, self.origin_offset, self.end_address - self.start_address, arch, inplace) class CodePage(object): """Group of adjacent code objects.""" SHIFT = 20 # 1M pages SIZE = (1 << SHIFT) MASK = ~(SIZE - 1) @staticmethod def PageAddress(address): return address & CodePage.MASK @staticmethod def PageId(address): return address >> CodePage.SHIFT @staticmethod def PageAddressFromId(id): return id << CodePage.SHIFT def __init__(self, address): self.address = address self.code_objects = [] def Add(self, code): self.code_objects.append(code) def Remove(self, code): self.code_objects.remove(code) def Find(self, pc): code_objects = self.code_objects for i, code in enumerate(code_objects): if code.start_address <= pc < code.end_address: code_objects[0], code_objects[i] = code, code_objects[0] return code return None def __iter__(self): return self.code_objects.__iter__() class CodeMap(object): """Code object map.""" def __init__(self): self.pages = {} self.min_address = 1 << 64 self.max_address = -1 def Add(self, code, max_pages=-1): page_id = CodePage.PageId(code.start_address) limit_id = CodePage.PageId(code.end_address + CodePage.SIZE - 1) pages = 0 while page_id < limit_id: if max_pages >= 0 and pages > max_pages: print >>sys.stderr, \ "Warning: page limit (%d) reached for %s [%s]" % ( max_pages, code.name, code.origin) break if page_id in self.pages: page = self.pages[page_id] else: page = CodePage(CodePage.PageAddressFromId(page_id)) self.pages[page_id] = page page.Add(code) page_id += 1 pages += 1 self.min_address = min(self.min_address, code.start_address) self.max_address = max(self.max_address, code.end_address) def Remove(self, code): page_id = CodePage.PageId(code.start_address) limit_id = CodePage.PageId(code.end_address + CodePage.SIZE - 1) removed = False while page_id < limit_id: if page_id not in self.pages: page_id += 1 continue page = self.pages[page_id] page.Remove(code) removed = True page_id += 1 return removed def AllCode(self): for page in self.pages.itervalues(): for code in page: if CodePage.PageAddress(code.start_address) == page.address: yield code def UsedCode(self): for code in self.AllCode(): if code.IsUsed(): yield code def Print(self): for code in self.AllCode(): print code def Find(self, pc): if pc < self.min_address or pc >= self.max_address: return None page_id = CodePage.PageId(pc) if page_id not in self.pages: return None return self.pages[page_id].Find(pc) class CodeInfo(object): """Generic info about generated code objects.""" def __init__(self, arch, header_size): self.arch = arch self.header_size = header_size class SnapshotLogReader(object): """V8 snapshot log reader.""" _SNAPSHOT_CODE_NAME_RE = re.compile( r"snapshot-code-name,(\d+),\"(.*)\"") def __init__(self, log_name): self.log_name = log_name def ReadNameMap(self): log = open(self.log_name, "r") try: snapshot_pos_to_name = {} for line in log: match = SnapshotLogReader._SNAPSHOT_CODE_NAME_RE.match(line) if match: pos = int(match.group(1)) name = match.group(2) snapshot_pos_to_name[pos] = name finally: log.close() return snapshot_pos_to_name class LogReader(object): """V8 low-level (binary) log reader.""" _ARCH_TO_POINTER_TYPE_MAP = { "ia32": ctypes.c_uint32, "arm": ctypes.c_uint32, "mips": ctypes.c_uint32, "x64": ctypes.c_uint64, "arm64": ctypes.c_uint64 } _CODE_CREATE_TAG = "C" _CODE_MOVE_TAG = "M" _CODE_DELETE_TAG = "D" _SNAPSHOT_POSITION_TAG = "P" _CODE_MOVING_GC_TAG = "G" def __init__(self, log_name, code_map, snapshot_pos_to_name): self.log_file = open(log_name, "r") self.log = mmap.mmap(self.log_file.fileno(), 0, mmap.MAP_PRIVATE) self.log_pos = 0 self.code_map = code_map self.snapshot_pos_to_name = snapshot_pos_to_name self.address_to_snapshot_name = {} self.arch = self.log[:self.log.find("\0")] self.log_pos += len(self.arch) + 1 assert self.arch in LogReader._ARCH_TO_POINTER_TYPE_MAP, \ "Unsupported architecture %s" % self.arch pointer_type = LogReader._ARCH_TO_POINTER_TYPE_MAP[self.arch] self.code_create_struct = LogReader._DefineStruct([ ("name_size", ctypes.c_int32), ("code_address", pointer_type), ("code_size", ctypes.c_int32)]) self.code_move_struct = LogReader._DefineStruct([ ("from_address", pointer_type), ("to_address", pointer_type)]) self.code_delete_struct = LogReader._DefineStruct([ ("address", pointer_type)]) self.snapshot_position_struct = LogReader._DefineStruct([ ("address", pointer_type), ("position", ctypes.c_int32)]) def ReadUpToGC(self): while self.log_pos < self.log.size(): tag = self.log[self.log_pos] self.log_pos += 1 if tag == LogReader._CODE_MOVING_GC_TAG: self.address_to_snapshot_name.clear() return if tag == LogReader._CODE_CREATE_TAG: event = self.code_create_struct.from_buffer(self.log, self.log_pos) self.log_pos += ctypes.sizeof(event) start_address = event.code_address end_address = start_address + event.code_size if start_address in self.address_to_snapshot_name: name = self.address_to_snapshot_name[start_address] origin = JS_SNAPSHOT_ORIGIN else: name = self.log[self.log_pos:self.log_pos + event.name_size] origin = JS_ORIGIN self.log_pos += event.name_size origin_offset = self.log_pos self.log_pos += event.code_size code = Code(name, start_address, end_address, origin, origin_offset) conficting_code = self.code_map.Find(start_address) if conficting_code: if not (conficting_code.start_address == code.start_address and conficting_code.end_address == code.end_address): self.code_map.Remove(conficting_code) else: LogReader._HandleCodeConflict(conficting_code, code) # TODO(vitalyr): this warning is too noisy because of our # attempts to reconstruct code log from the snapshot. # print >>sys.stderr, \ # "Warning: Skipping duplicate code log entry %s" % code continue self.code_map.Add(code) continue if tag == LogReader._CODE_MOVE_TAG: event = self.code_move_struct.from_buffer(self.log, self.log_pos) self.log_pos += ctypes.sizeof(event) old_start_address = event.from_address new_start_address = event.to_address if old_start_address == new_start_address: # Skip useless code move entries. continue code = self.code_map.Find(old_start_address) if not code: print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: Not found %x" % old_start_address continue assert code.start_address == old_start_address, \ "Inexact move address %x for %s" % (old_start_address, code) self.code_map.Remove(code) size = code.end_address - code.start_address code.start_address = new_start_address code.end_address = new_start_address + size self.code_map.Add(code) continue if tag == LogReader._CODE_DELETE_TAG: event = self.code_delete_struct.from_buffer(self.log, self.log_pos) self.log_pos += ctypes.sizeof(event) old_start_address = event.address code = self.code_map.Find(old_start_address) if not code: print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: Not found %x" % old_start_address continue assert code.start_address == old_start_address, \ "Inexact delete address %x for %s" % (old_start_address, code) self.code_map.Remove(code) continue if tag == LogReader._SNAPSHOT_POSITION_TAG: event = self.snapshot_position_struct.from_buffer(self.log, self.log_pos) self.log_pos += ctypes.sizeof(event) start_address = event.address snapshot_pos = event.position if snapshot_pos in self.snapshot_pos_to_name: self.address_to_snapshot_name[start_address] = \ self.snapshot_pos_to_name[snapshot_pos] continue assert False, "Unknown tag %s" % tag def Dispose(self): self.log.close() self.log_file.close() @staticmethod def _DefineStruct(fields): class Struct(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = fields return Struct @staticmethod def _HandleCodeConflict(old_code, new_code): assert (old_code.start_address == new_code.start_address and old_code.end_address == new_code.end_address), \ "Conficting code log entries %s and %s" % (old_code, new_code) if old_code.name == new_code.name: return # Code object may be shared by a few functions. Collect the full # set of names. old_code.AddName(new_code.name) class Descriptor(object): """Descriptor of a structure in the binary trace log.""" CTYPE_MAP = { "u16": ctypes.c_uint16, "u32": ctypes.c_uint32, "u64": ctypes.c_uint64 } def __init__(self, fields): class TraceItem(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = Descriptor.CtypesFields(fields) def __str__(self): return ", ".join("%s: %s" % (field, self.__getattribute__(field)) for field, _ in TraceItem._fields_) self.ctype = TraceItem def Read(self, trace, offset): return self.ctype.from_buffer(trace, offset) @staticmethod def CtypesFields(fields): return [(field, Descriptor.CTYPE_MAP[format]) for (field, format) in fields] # Please see http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=tree;f=tools/perf # for the gory details. # Reference: struct perf_file_header in kernel/tools/perf/util/header.h TRACE_HEADER_DESC = Descriptor([ ("magic", "u64"), ("size", "u64"), ("attr_size", "u64"), ("attrs_offset", "u64"), ("attrs_size", "u64"), ("data_offset", "u64"), ("data_size", "u64"), ("event_types_offset", "u64"), ("event_types_size", "u64") ]) # Reference: /usr/include/linux/perf_event.h PERF_EVENT_ATTR_DESC = Descriptor([ ("type", "u32"), ("size", "u32"), ("config", "u64"), ("sample_period_or_freq", "u64"), ("sample_type", "u64"), ("read_format", "u64"), ("flags", "u64"), ("wakeup_events_or_watermark", "u32"), ("bp_type", "u32"), ("bp_addr", "u64"), ("bp_len", "u64") ]) # Reference: /usr/include/linux/perf_event.h PERF_EVENT_HEADER_DESC = Descriptor([ ("type", "u32"), ("misc", "u16"), ("size", "u16") ]) # Reference: kernel/tools/perf/util/event.h PERF_MMAP_EVENT_BODY_DESC = Descriptor([ ("pid", "u32"), ("tid", "u32"), ("addr", "u64"), ("len", "u64"), ("pgoff", "u64") ]) # Reference: kernel/tools/perf/util/event.h PERF_MMAP2_EVENT_BODY_DESC = Descriptor([ ("pid", "u32"), ("tid", "u32"), ("addr", "u64"), ("len", "u64"), ("pgoff", "u64"), ("maj", "u32"), ("min", "u32"), ("ino", "u64"), ("ino_generation", "u64"), ("prot", "u32"), ("flags","u32") ]) # perf_event_attr.sample_type bits control the set of # perf_sample_event fields. PERF_SAMPLE_IP = 1 << 0 PERF_SAMPLE_TID = 1 << 1 PERF_SAMPLE_TIME = 1 << 2 PERF_SAMPLE_ADDR = 1 << 3 PERF_SAMPLE_READ = 1 << 4 PERF_SAMPLE_CALLCHAIN = 1 << 5 PERF_SAMPLE_ID = 1 << 6 PERF_SAMPLE_CPU = 1 << 7 PERF_SAMPLE_PERIOD = 1 << 8 PERF_SAMPLE_STREAM_ID = 1 << 9 PERF_SAMPLE_RAW = 1 << 10 # Reference: /usr/include/perf_event.h, the comment for PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE. PERF_SAMPLE_EVENT_BODY_FIELDS = [ ("ip", "u64", PERF_SAMPLE_IP), ("pid", "u32", PERF_SAMPLE_TID), ("tid", "u32", PERF_SAMPLE_TID), ("time", "u64", PERF_SAMPLE_TIME), ("addr", "u64", PERF_SAMPLE_ADDR), ("id", "u64", PERF_SAMPLE_ID), ("stream_id", "u64", PERF_SAMPLE_STREAM_ID), ("cpu", "u32", PERF_SAMPLE_CPU), ("res", "u32", PERF_SAMPLE_CPU), ("period", "u64", PERF_SAMPLE_PERIOD), # Don't want to handle read format that comes after the period and # before the callchain and has variable size. ("nr", "u64", PERF_SAMPLE_CALLCHAIN) # Raw data follows the callchain and is ignored. ] PERF_SAMPLE_EVENT_IP_FORMAT = "u64" PERF_RECORD_MMAP = 1 PERF_RECORD_MMAP2 = 10 PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE = 9 class TraceReader(object): """Perf (linux-2.6/tools/perf) trace file reader.""" _TRACE_HEADER_MAGIC = 4993446653023372624 def __init__(self, trace_name): self.trace_file = open(trace_name, "r") self.trace = mmap.mmap(self.trace_file.fileno(), 0, mmap.MAP_PRIVATE) self.trace_header = TRACE_HEADER_DESC.Read(self.trace, 0) if self.trace_header.magic != TraceReader._TRACE_HEADER_MAGIC: print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: unsupported trace header magic" self.offset = self.trace_header.data_offset self.limit = self.trace_header.data_offset + self.trace_header.data_size assert self.limit <= self.trace.size(), \ "Trace data limit exceeds trace file size" self.header_size = ctypes.sizeof(PERF_EVENT_HEADER_DESC.ctype) assert self.trace_header.attrs_size != 0, \ "No perf event attributes found in the trace" perf_event_attr = PERF_EVENT_ATTR_DESC.Read(self.trace, self.trace_header.attrs_offset) self.sample_event_body_desc = self._SampleEventBodyDesc( perf_event_attr.sample_type) self.callchain_supported = \ (perf_event_attr.sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_CALLCHAIN) != 0 if self.callchain_supported: self.ip_struct = Descriptor.CTYPE_MAP[PERF_SAMPLE_EVENT_IP_FORMAT] self.ip_size = ctypes.sizeof(self.ip_struct) def ReadEventHeader(self): if self.offset >= self.limit: return None, 0 offset = self.offset header = PERF_EVENT_HEADER_DESC.Read(self.trace, self.offset) self.offset += header.size return header, offset def ReadMmap(self, header, offset): mmap_info = PERF_MMAP_EVENT_BODY_DESC.Read(self.trace, offset + self.header_size) # Read null-terminated filename. filename = self.trace[offset + self.header_size + ctypes.sizeof(mmap_info): offset + header.size] mmap_info.filename = HOST_ROOT + filename[:filename.find(chr(0))] return mmap_info def ReadMmap2(self, header, offset): mmap_info = PERF_MMAP2_EVENT_BODY_DESC.Read(self.trace, offset + self.header_size) # Read null-terminated filename. filename = self.trace[offset + self.header_size + ctypes.sizeof(mmap_info): offset + header.size] mmap_info.filename = HOST_ROOT + filename[:filename.find(chr(0))] return mmap_info def ReadSample(self, header, offset): sample = self.sample_event_body_desc.Read(self.trace, offset + self.header_size) if not self.callchain_supported: return sample sample.ips = [] offset += self.header_size + ctypes.sizeof(sample) for _ in xrange(sample.nr): sample.ips.append( self.ip_struct.from_buffer(self.trace, offset).value) offset += self.ip_size return sample def Dispose(self): self.trace.close() self.trace_file.close() def _SampleEventBodyDesc(self, sample_type): assert (sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_READ) == 0, \ "Can't hande read format in samples" fields = [(field, format) for (field, format, bit) in PERF_SAMPLE_EVENT_BODY_FIELDS if (bit & sample_type) != 0] return Descriptor(fields) OBJDUMP_SECTION_HEADER_RE = re.compile( r"^\s*\d+\s(\.\S+)\s+[a-f0-9]") OBJDUMP_SYMBOL_LINE_RE = re.compile( r"^([a-f0-9]+)\s(.{7})\s(\S+)\s+([a-f0-9]+)\s+(?:\.hidden\s+)?(.*)$") OBJDUMP_DYNAMIC_SYMBOLS_START_RE = re.compile( r"^DYNAMIC SYMBOL TABLE") OBJDUMP_SKIP_RE = re.compile( r"^.*ld\.so\.cache$") KERNEL_ALLSYMS_FILE = "/proc/kallsyms" PERF_KERNEL_ALLSYMS_RE = re.compile( r".*kallsyms.*") KERNEL_ALLSYMS_LINE_RE = re.compile( r"^([a-f0-9]+)\s(?:t|T)\s(\S+)$") class LibraryRepo(object): def __init__(self): self.infos = [] self.names = set() self.ticks = {} def HasDynamicSymbols(self, filename): if filename.endswith(".ko"): return False process = subprocess.Popen( "%s -h %s" % (OBJDUMP_BIN, filename), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) pipe = process.stdout try: for line in pipe: match = OBJDUMP_SECTION_HEADER_RE.match(line) if match and match.group(1) == 'dynsym': return True finally: pipe.close() assert process.wait() == 0, "Failed to objdump -h %s" % filename return False def Load(self, mmap_info, code_map, options): # Skip kernel mmaps when requested using the fact that their tid # is 0. if mmap_info.tid == 0 and not options.kernel: return True if OBJDUMP_SKIP_RE.match(mmap_info.filename): return True if PERF_KERNEL_ALLSYMS_RE.match(mmap_info.filename): return self._LoadKernelSymbols(code_map) self.infos.append(mmap_info) mmap_info.ticks = 0 mmap_info.unique_name = self._UniqueMmapName(mmap_info) if not os.path.exists(mmap_info.filename): return True # Request section headers (-h), symbols (-t), and dynamic symbols # (-T) from objdump. # Unfortunately, section headers span two lines, so we have to # keep the just seen section name (from the first line in each # section header) in the after_section variable. if self.HasDynamicSymbols(mmap_info.filename): dynamic_symbols = "-T" else: dynamic_symbols = "" process = subprocess.Popen( "%s -h -t %s -C %s" % (OBJDUMP_BIN, dynamic_symbols, mmap_info.filename), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) pipe = process.stdout after_section = None code_sections = set() reloc_sections = set() dynamic = False try: for line in pipe: if after_section: if line.find("CODE") != -1: code_sections.add(after_section) if line.find("RELOC") != -1: reloc_sections.add(after_section) after_section = None continue match = OBJDUMP_SECTION_HEADER_RE.match(line) if match: after_section = match.group(1) continue if OBJDUMP_DYNAMIC_SYMBOLS_START_RE.match(line): dynamic = True continue match = OBJDUMP_SYMBOL_LINE_RE.match(line) if match: start_address = int(match.group(1), 16) origin_offset = start_address flags = match.group(2) section = match.group(3) if section in code_sections: if dynamic or section in reloc_sections: start_address += mmap_info.addr size = int(match.group(4), 16) name = match.group(5) origin = mmap_info.filename code_map.Add(Code(name, start_address, start_address + size, origin, origin_offset)) finally: pipe.close() assert process.wait() == 0, "Failed to objdump %s" % mmap_info.filename def Tick(self, pc): for i, mmap_info in enumerate(self.infos): if mmap_info.addr <= pc < (mmap_info.addr + mmap_info.len): mmap_info.ticks += 1 self.infos[0], self.infos[i] = mmap_info, self.infos[0] return True return False def _UniqueMmapName(self, mmap_info): name = mmap_info.filename index = 1 while name in self.names: name = "%s-%d" % (mmap_info.filename, index) index += 1 self.names.add(name) return name def _LoadKernelSymbols(self, code_map): if not os.path.exists(KERNEL_ALLSYMS_FILE): print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: %s not found" % KERNEL_ALLSYMS_FILE return False kallsyms = open(KERNEL_ALLSYMS_FILE, "r") code = None for line in kallsyms: match = KERNEL_ALLSYMS_LINE_RE.match(line) if match: start_address = int(match.group(1), 16) end_address = start_address name = match.group(2) if code: code.end_address = start_address code_map.Add(code, 16) code = Code(name, start_address, end_address, "kernel", 0) return True def PrintReport(code_map, library_repo, arch, ticks, options): print "Ticks per symbol:" used_code = [code for code in code_map.UsedCode()] used_code.sort(key=lambda x: x.self_ticks, reverse=True) for i, code in enumerate(used_code): code_ticks = code.self_ticks print "%10d %5.1f%% %s [%s]" % (code_ticks, 100. * code_ticks / ticks, code.FullName(), code.origin) if options.disasm_all or i < options.disasm_top: code.PrintAnnotated(arch, options) print print "Ticks per library:" mmap_infos = [m for m in library_repo.infos if m.ticks > 0] mmap_infos.sort(key=lambda m: m.ticks, reverse=True) for mmap_info in mmap_infos: mmap_ticks = mmap_info.ticks print "%10d %5.1f%% %s" % (mmap_ticks, 100. * mmap_ticks / ticks, mmap_info.unique_name) def PrintDot(code_map, options): print "digraph G {" for code in code_map.UsedCode(): if code.self_ticks < 10: continue print "n%d [shape=box,label=\"%s\"];" % (code.id, code.name) if code.callee_ticks: for callee, ticks in code.callee_ticks.iteritems(): print "n%d -> n%d [label=\"%d\"];" % (code.id, callee.id, ticks) print "}" if __name__ == "__main__": parser = optparse.OptionParser(USAGE) parser.add_option("--snapshot-log", default="obj/release/snapshot.log", help="V8 snapshot log file name [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--log", default="v8.log", help="V8 log file name [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--snapshot", default=False, action="store_true", help="process V8 snapshot log [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--trace", default="perf.data", help="perf trace file name [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--kernel", default=False, action="store_true", help="process kernel entries [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--disasm-top", default=0, type="int", help=("number of top symbols to disassemble and annotate " "[default: %default]")) parser.add_option("--disasm-all", default=False, action="store_true", help=("disassemble and annotate all used symbols " "[default: %default]")) parser.add_option("--dot", default=False, action="store_true", help="produce dot output (WIP) [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--quiet", "-q", default=False, action="store_true", help="no auxiliary messages [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--gc-fake-mmap", default="/tmp/__v8_gc__", help="gc fake mmap file [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--objdump", default="/usr/bin/objdump", help="objdump tool to use [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--host-root", default="", help="Path to the host root [default: %default]") options, args = parser.parse_args() if not options.quiet: if options.snapshot: print "V8 logs: %s, %s, %s.ll" % (options.snapshot_log, options.log, options.log) else: print "V8 log: %s, %s.ll (no snapshot)" % (options.log, options.log) print "Perf trace file: %s" % options.trace V8_GC_FAKE_MMAP = options.gc_fake_mmap HOST_ROOT = options.host_root if os.path.exists(options.objdump): disasm.OBJDUMP_BIN = options.objdump OBJDUMP_BIN = options.objdump else: print "Cannot find %s, falling back to default objdump" % options.objdump # Stats. events = 0 ticks = 0 missed_ticks = 0 really_missed_ticks = 0 optimized_ticks = 0 generated_ticks = 0 v8_internal_ticks = 0 mmap_time = 0 sample_time = 0 # Process the snapshot log to fill the snapshot name map. snapshot_name_map = {} if options.snapshot: snapshot_log_reader = SnapshotLogReader(log_name=options.snapshot_log) snapshot_name_map = snapshot_log_reader.ReadNameMap() # Initialize the log reader. code_map = CodeMap() log_reader = LogReader(log_name=options.log + ".ll", code_map=code_map, snapshot_pos_to_name=snapshot_name_map) if not options.quiet: print "Generated code architecture: %s" % log_reader.arch print sys.stdout.flush() # Process the code and trace logs. library_repo = LibraryRepo() log_reader.ReadUpToGC() trace_reader = TraceReader(options.trace) while True: header, offset = trace_reader.ReadEventHeader() if not header: break events += 1 if header.type == PERF_RECORD_MMAP: start = time.time() mmap_info = trace_reader.ReadMmap(header, offset) if mmap_info.filename == HOST_ROOT + V8_GC_FAKE_MMAP: log_reader.ReadUpToGC() else: library_repo.Load(mmap_info, code_map, options) mmap_time += time.time() - start elif header.type == PERF_RECORD_MMAP2: start = time.time() mmap_info = trace_reader.ReadMmap2(header, offset) if mmap_info.filename == HOST_ROOT + V8_GC_FAKE_MMAP: log_reader.ReadUpToGC() else: library_repo.Load(mmap_info, code_map, options) mmap_time += time.time() - start elif header.type == PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE: ticks += 1 start = time.time() sample = trace_reader.ReadSample(header, offset) code = code_map.Find(sample.ip) if code: code.Tick(sample.ip) if code.codetype == Code.OPTIMIZED: optimized_ticks += 1 elif code.codetype == Code.FULL_CODEGEN: generated_ticks += 1 elif code.codetype == Code.V8INTERNAL: v8_internal_ticks += 1 else: missed_ticks += 1 if not library_repo.Tick(sample.ip) and not code: really_missed_ticks += 1 if trace_reader.callchain_supported: for ip in sample.ips: caller_code = code_map.Find(ip) if caller_code: if code: caller_code.CalleeTick(code) code = caller_code sample_time += time.time() - start if options.dot: PrintDot(code_map, options) else: PrintReport(code_map, library_repo, log_reader.arch, ticks, options) if not options.quiet: def PrintTicks(number, total, description): print("%10d %5.1f%% ticks in %s" % (number, 100.0*number/total, description)) print print "Stats:" print "%10d total trace events" % events print "%10d total ticks" % ticks print "%10d ticks not in symbols" % missed_ticks unaccounted = "unaccounted ticks" if really_missed_ticks > 0: unaccounted += " (probably in the kernel, try --kernel)" PrintTicks(really_missed_ticks, ticks, unaccounted) PrintTicks(optimized_ticks, ticks, "ticks in optimized code") PrintTicks(generated_ticks, ticks, "ticks in other lazily compiled code") PrintTicks(v8_internal_ticks, ticks, "ticks in v8::internal::*") print "%10d total symbols" % len([c for c in code_map.AllCode()]) print "%10d used symbols" % len([c for c in code_map.UsedCode()]) print "%9.2fs library processing time" % mmap_time print "%9.2fs tick processing time" % sample_time log_reader.Dispose() trace_reader.Dispose()