// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "encoding.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "encoding_test_helper.h" using testing::ElementsAreArray; namespace v8_inspector_protocol_encoding { class TestPlatform : public json::Platform { bool StrToD(const char* str, double* result) const override { // This is not thread-safe // (see https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/locale/setlocale) // but good enough for a unittest. const char* saved_locale = std::setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, nullptr); char* end; *result = std::strtod(str, &end); std::setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, saved_locale); if (errno == ERANGE) { // errno must be reset, e.g. see the example here: // https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/byte/strtof errno = 0; return false; } return end == str + strlen(str); } std::unique_ptr DToStr(double value) const override { std::stringstream ss; ss.imbue(std::locale("C")); ss << value; std::string str = ss.str(); std::unique_ptr result(new char[str.size() + 1]); memcpy(result.get(), str.c_str(), str.size() + 1); return result; } }; const json::Platform& GetTestPlatform() { static TestPlatform* platform = new TestPlatform; return *platform; } // ============================================================================= // span - sequence of bytes // ============================================================================= template class SpanTest : public ::testing::Test {}; using TestTypes = ::testing::Types; TYPED_TEST_SUITE(SpanTest, TestTypes); TYPED_TEST(SpanTest, Empty) { span empty; EXPECT_TRUE(empty.empty()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, empty.size()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, empty.size_bytes()); EXPECT_EQ(empty.begin(), empty.end()); } TYPED_TEST(SpanTest, SingleItem) { TypeParam single_item = 42; span singular(&single_item, 1); EXPECT_FALSE(singular.empty()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, singular.size()); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(TypeParam), singular.size_bytes()); EXPECT_EQ(singular.begin() + 1, singular.end()); EXPECT_EQ(42, singular[0]); } TYPED_TEST(SpanTest, FiveItems) { std::vector test_input = {31, 32, 33, 34, 35}; span five_items(test_input.data(), 5); EXPECT_FALSE(five_items.empty()); EXPECT_EQ(5u, five_items.size()); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(TypeParam) * 5, five_items.size_bytes()); EXPECT_EQ(five_items.begin() + 5, five_items.end()); EXPECT_EQ(31, five_items[0]); EXPECT_EQ(32, five_items[1]); EXPECT_EQ(33, five_items[2]); EXPECT_EQ(34, five_items[3]); EXPECT_EQ(35, five_items[4]); span three_items = five_items.subspan(2); EXPECT_EQ(3u, three_items.size()); EXPECT_EQ(33, three_items[0]); EXPECT_EQ(34, three_items[1]); EXPECT_EQ(35, three_items[2]); span two_items = five_items.subspan(2, 2); EXPECT_EQ(2u, two_items.size()); EXPECT_EQ(33, two_items[0]); EXPECT_EQ(34, two_items[1]); } TEST(SpanFromTest, FromConstCharAndLiteral) { // Testing this is useful because strlen(nullptr) is undefined. EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, SpanFrom(nullptr).data()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, SpanFrom(nullptr).size()); const char* kEmpty = ""; EXPECT_EQ(kEmpty, reinterpret_cast(SpanFrom(kEmpty).data())); EXPECT_EQ(0u, SpanFrom(kEmpty).size()); const char* kFoo = "foo"; EXPECT_EQ(kFoo, reinterpret_cast(SpanFrom(kFoo).data())); EXPECT_EQ(3u, SpanFrom(kFoo).size()); EXPECT_EQ(3u, SpanFrom("foo").size()); } TEST(SpanComparisons, ByteWiseLexicographicalOrder) { // Compare the empty span. EXPECT_FALSE(SpanLessThan(span(), span())); EXPECT_TRUE(SpanEquals(span(), span())); // Compare message with itself. std::string msg = "Hello, world"; EXPECT_FALSE(SpanLessThan(SpanFrom(msg), SpanFrom(msg))); EXPECT_TRUE(SpanEquals(SpanFrom(msg), SpanFrom(msg))); // Compare message and copy. EXPECT_FALSE(SpanLessThan(SpanFrom(msg), SpanFrom(std::string(msg)))); EXPECT_TRUE(SpanEquals(SpanFrom(msg), SpanFrom(std::string(msg)))); // Compare two messages. |lesser_msg| < |msg| because of the first // byte ('A' < 'H'). std::string lesser_msg = "A lesser message."; EXPECT_TRUE(SpanLessThan(SpanFrom(lesser_msg), SpanFrom(msg))); EXPECT_FALSE(SpanLessThan(SpanFrom(msg), SpanFrom(lesser_msg))); EXPECT_FALSE(SpanEquals(SpanFrom(msg), SpanFrom(lesser_msg))); } // ============================================================================= // Status and Error codes // ============================================================================= TEST(StatusTest, StatusToASCIIString) { Status ok_status; EXPECT_EQ("OK", ok_status.ToASCIIString()); Status json_error(Error::JSON_PARSER_COLON_EXPECTED, 42); EXPECT_EQ("JSON: colon expected at position 42", json_error.ToASCIIString()); Status cbor_error(Error::CBOR_TRAILING_JUNK, 21); EXPECT_EQ("CBOR: trailing junk at position 21", cbor_error.ToASCIIString()); } namespace cbor { // ============================================================================= // Detecting CBOR content // ============================================================================= TEST(IsCBORMessage, SomeSmokeTests) { std::vector empty; EXPECT_FALSE(IsCBORMessage(SpanFrom(empty))); std::vector hello = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'o', ' ', 't', 'h', 'e', 'r', 'e', '!'}; EXPECT_FALSE(IsCBORMessage(SpanFrom(hello))); std::vector example = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 0}; EXPECT_TRUE(IsCBORMessage(SpanFrom(example))); std::vector one = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}; EXPECT_TRUE(IsCBORMessage(SpanFrom(one))); } // ============================================================================= // Encoding individual CBOR items // cbor::CBORTokenizer - for parsing individual CBOR items // ============================================================================= // // EncodeInt32 / CBORTokenTag::INT32 // TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, Roundtrips23) { // This roundtrips the int32_t value 23 through the pair of EncodeInt32 / // CBORTokenizer; this is interesting since 23 is encoded as a single byte. std::vector encoded; EncodeInt32(23, &encoded); // first three bits: major type = 0; remaining five bits: additional info = // value 23. EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(std::array{{23}})); // Reverse direction: decode with CBORTokenizer. CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::INT32, tokenizer.TokenTag()); EXPECT_EQ(23, tokenizer.GetInt32()); tokenizer.Next(); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); } TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, RoundtripsUint8) { // This roundtrips the int32_t value 42 through the pair of EncodeInt32 / // CBORTokenizer. This is different from Roundtrip23 because 42 is encoded // in an extra byte after the initial one. std::vector encoded; EncodeInt32(42, &encoded); // first three bits: major type = 0; // remaining five bits: additional info = 24, indicating payload is uint8. EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(std::array{{24, 42}})); // Reverse direction: decode with CBORTokenizer. CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::INT32, tokenizer.TokenTag()); EXPECT_EQ(42, tokenizer.GetInt32()); tokenizer.Next(); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); } TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, RoundtripsUint16) { // 500 is encoded as a uint16 after the initial byte. std::vector encoded; EncodeInt32(500, &encoded); // 1 for initial byte, 2 for uint16. EXPECT_EQ(3u, encoded.size()); // first three bits: major type = 0; // remaining five bits: additional info = 25, indicating payload is uint16. EXPECT_EQ(25, encoded[0]); EXPECT_EQ(0x01, encoded[1]); EXPECT_EQ(0xf4, encoded[2]); // Reverse direction: decode with CBORTokenizer. CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::INT32, tokenizer.TokenTag()); EXPECT_EQ(500, tokenizer.GetInt32()); tokenizer.Next(); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); } TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, RoundtripsInt32Max) { // std::numeric_limits is encoded as a uint32 after the initial byte. std::vector encoded; EncodeInt32(std::numeric_limits::max(), &encoded); // 1 for initial byte, 4 for the uint32. // first three bits: major type = 0; // remaining five bits: additional info = 26, indicating payload is uint32. EXPECT_THAT( encoded, ElementsAreArray(std::array{{26, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}})); // Reverse direction: decode with CBORTokenizer. CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::INT32, tokenizer.TokenTag()); EXPECT_EQ(std::numeric_limits::max(), tokenizer.GetInt32()); tokenizer.Next(); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); } TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, RoundtripsInt32Min) { // std::numeric_limits is encoded as a uint32 (4 unsigned bytes) // after the initial byte, which effectively carries the sign by // designating the token as NEGATIVE. std::vector encoded; EncodeInt32(std::numeric_limits::min(), &encoded); // 1 for initial byte, 4 for the uint32. // first three bits: major type = 1; // remaining five bits: additional info = 26, indicating payload is uint32. EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(std::array{ {1 << 5 | 26, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}})); // Reverse direction: decode with CBORTokenizer. CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::INT32, tokenizer.TokenTag()); EXPECT_EQ(std::numeric_limits::min(), tokenizer.GetInt32()); // It's nice to see how the min int32 value reads in hex: // That is, -1 minus the unsigned payload (0x7fffffff, see above). int32_t expected = -1 - 0x7fffffff; EXPECT_EQ(expected, tokenizer.GetInt32()); tokenizer.Next(); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); } TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, CantRoundtripUint32) { // 0xdeadbeef is a value which does not fit below // std::numerical_limits::max(), so we can't encode // it with EncodeInt32. However, CBOR does support this, so we // encode it here manually with the internal routine, just to observe // that it's considered an invalid int32 by CBORTokenizer. std::vector encoded; internals::WriteTokenStart(MajorType::UNSIGNED, 0xdeadbeef, &encoded); // 1 for initial byte, 4 for the uint32. // first three bits: major type = 0; // remaining five bits: additional info = 26, indicating payload is uint32. EXPECT_THAT( encoded, ElementsAreArray(std::array{{26, 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef}})); // Now try to decode; we treat this as an invalid INT32. CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); // 0xdeadbeef is > std::numerical_limits::max(). EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::ERROR_VALUE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_INT32, tokenizer.Status().error); } TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, DecodeErrorCases) { struct TestCase { std::vector data; std::string msg; }; std::vector tests{{ TestCase{ {24}, "additional info = 24 would require 1 byte of payload (but it's 0)"}, TestCase{{27, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc}, "additional info = 27 would require 8 bytes of payload (but " "it's 3)"}, TestCase{{29}, "additional info = 29 isn't recognized"}, TestCase{{1 << 5 | 27, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}, "Max UINT64 payload is outside the allowed range"}, TestCase{{1 << 5 | 26, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}, "Max UINT32 payload is outside the allowed range"}, TestCase{{1 << 5 | 26, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, "UINT32 payload w/ high bit set is outside the allowed range"}, }}; for (const TestCase& test : tests) { SCOPED_TRACE(test.msg); CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(test.data)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::ERROR_VALUE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_INT32, tokenizer.Status().error); } } TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, RoundtripsMinus24) { // This roundtrips the int32_t value -24 through the pair of EncodeInt32 / // CBORTokenizer; this is interesting since -24 is encoded as // a single byte as NEGATIVE, and it tests the specific encoding // (note how for unsigned the single byte covers values up to 23). // Additional examples are covered in RoundtripsAdditionalExamples. std::vector encoded; EncodeInt32(-24, &encoded); // first three bits: major type = 1; remaining five bits: additional info = // value 23. EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(std::array{{1 << 5 | 23}})); // Reverse direction: decode with CBORTokenizer. CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::INT32, tokenizer.TokenTag()); EXPECT_EQ(-24, tokenizer.GetInt32()); tokenizer.Next(); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); } TEST(EncodeDecodeInt32Test, RoundtripsAdditionalNegativeExamples) { std::vector examples = {-1, -10, -24, -25, -300, -30000, -300 * 1000, -1000 * 1000, -1000 * 1000 * 1000, std::numeric_limits::min()}; for (int32_t example : examples) { SCOPED_TRACE(std::string("example ") + std::to_string(example)); std::vector encoded; EncodeInt32(example, &encoded); CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::INT32, tokenizer.TokenTag()); EXPECT_EQ(example, tokenizer.GetInt32()); tokenizer.Next(); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); } } // // EncodeString16 / CBORTokenTag::STRING16 // TEST(EncodeDecodeString16Test, RoundtripsEmpty) { // This roundtrips the empty utf16 string through the pair of EncodeString16 / // CBORTokenizer. std::vector encoded; EncodeString16(span(), &encoded); EXPECT_EQ(1u, encoded.size()); // first three bits: major type = 2; remaining five bits: additional info = // size 0. EXPECT_EQ(2 << 5, encoded[0]); // Reverse direction: decode with CBORTokenizer. CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING16, tokenizer.TokenTag()); span decoded_string16_wirerep = tokenizer.GetString16WireRep(); EXPECT_TRUE(decoded_string16_wirerep.empty()); tokenizer.Next(); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); } // On the wire, we STRING16 is encoded as little endian (least // significant byte first). The host may or may not be little endian, // so this routine follows the advice in // https://commandcenter.blogspot.com/2012/04/byte-order-fallacy.html. std::vector String16WireRepToHost(span in) { // must be even number of bytes. CHECK_EQ(in.size() & 1, 0u); std::vector host_out; for (size_t ii = 0; ii < in.size(); ii += 2) host_out.push_back(in[ii + 1] << 8 | in[ii]); return host_out; } TEST(EncodeDecodeString16Test, RoundtripsHelloWorld) { // This roundtrips the hello world message which is given here in utf16 // characters. 0xd83c, 0xdf0e: UTF16 encoding for the "Earth Globe Americas" // character, 🌎. std::array msg{ {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 0xd83c, 0xdf0e, '.'}}; std::vector encoded; EncodeString16(span(msg.data(), msg.size()), &encoded); // This will be encoded as BYTE_STRING of length 20, so the 20 is encoded in // the additional info part of the initial byte. Payload is two bytes for each // UTF16 character. uint8_t initial_byte = /*major type=*/2 << 5 | /*additional info=*/20; std::array encoded_expected = { {initial_byte, 'H', 0, 'e', 0, 'l', 0, 'l', 0, 'o', 0, ',', 0, ' ', 0, 0x3c, 0xd8, 0x0e, 0xdf, '.', 0}}; EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(encoded_expected)); // Now decode to complete the roundtrip. CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING16, tokenizer.TokenTag()); std::vector decoded = String16WireRepToHost(tokenizer.GetString16WireRep()); EXPECT_THAT(decoded, ElementsAreArray(msg)); tokenizer.Next(); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); // For bonus points, we look at the decoded message in UTF8 as well so we can // easily see it on the terminal screen. std::string utf8_decoded = UTF16ToUTF8(SpanFrom(decoded)); EXPECT_EQ("Hello, 🌎.", utf8_decoded); } TEST(EncodeDecodeString16Test, Roundtrips500) { // We roundtrip a message that has 250 16 bit values. Each of these are just // set to their index. 250 is interesting because the cbor spec uses a // BYTE_STRING of length 500 for one of their examples of how to encode the // start of it (section 2.1) so it's easy for us to look at the first three // bytes closely. std::vector two_fifty; for (uint16_t ii = 0; ii < 250; ++ii) two_fifty.push_back(ii); std::vector encoded; EncodeString16(span(two_fifty.data(), two_fifty.size()), &encoded); EXPECT_EQ(3u + 250u * 2, encoded.size()); // Now check the first three bytes: // Major type: 2 (BYTE_STRING) // Additional information: 25, indicating size is represented by 2 bytes. // Bytes 1 and 2 encode 500 (0x01f4). EXPECT_EQ(2 << 5 | 25, encoded[0]); EXPECT_EQ(0x01, encoded[1]); EXPECT_EQ(0xf4, encoded[2]); // Now decode to complete the roundtrip. CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING16, tokenizer.TokenTag()); std::vector decoded = String16WireRepToHost(tokenizer.GetString16WireRep()); EXPECT_THAT(decoded, ElementsAreArray(two_fifty)); tokenizer.Next(); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); } TEST(EncodeDecodeString16Test, ErrorCases) { struct TestCase { std::vector data; std::string msg; }; std::vector tests{ {TestCase{{2 << 5 | 1, 'a'}, "length must be divisible by 2 (but it's 1)"}, TestCase{{2 << 5 | 29}, "additional info = 29 isn't recognized"}, TestCase{{2 << 5 | 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, "length (9) points just past the end of the test case"}, TestCase{{2 << 5 | 27, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 'a', 'b', 'c'}, "large length pointing past the end of the test case"}}}; for (const TestCase& test : tests) { SCOPED_TRACE(test.msg); CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(test.data)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::ERROR_VALUE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_STRING16, tokenizer.Status().error); } } // // EncodeString8 / CBORTokenTag::STRING8 // TEST(EncodeDecodeString8Test, RoundtripsHelloWorld) { // This roundtrips the hello world message which is given here in utf8 // characters. 🌎 is a four byte utf8 character. std::string utf8_msg = "Hello, 🌎."; std::vector msg(utf8_msg.begin(), utf8_msg.end()); std::vector encoded; EncodeString8(SpanFrom(utf8_msg), &encoded); // This will be encoded as STRING of length 12, so the 12 is encoded in // the additional info part of the initial byte. Payload is one byte per // utf8 byte. uint8_t initial_byte = /*major type=*/3 << 5 | /*additional info=*/12; std::array encoded_expected = {{initial_byte, 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 0xF0, 0x9f, 0x8c, 0x8e, '.'}}; EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(encoded_expected)); // Now decode to complete the roundtrip. CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING8, tokenizer.TokenTag()); std::vector decoded(tokenizer.GetString8().begin(), tokenizer.GetString8().end()); EXPECT_THAT(decoded, ElementsAreArray(msg)); tokenizer.Next(); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); } TEST(EncodeDecodeString8Test, ErrorCases) { struct TestCase { std::vector data; std::string msg; }; std::vector tests{ {TestCase{{3 << 5 | 29}, "additional info = 29 isn't recognized"}, TestCase{{3 << 5 | 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, "length (9) points just past the end of the test case"}, TestCase{{3 << 5 | 27, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 'a', 'b', 'c'}, "large length pointing past the end of the test case"}}}; for (const TestCase& test : tests) { SCOPED_TRACE(test.msg); CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(test.data)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::ERROR_VALUE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_STRING8, tokenizer.Status().error); } } TEST(EncodeFromLatin1Test, ConvertsToUTF8IfNeeded) { std::vector> examples = { {"Hello, world.", "Hello, world."}, {"Above: \xDC" "ber", "Above: Über"}, {"\xA5 500 are about \xA3 3.50; a y with umlaut is \xFF", "Β₯ 500 are about Β£ 3.50; a y with umlaut is ΓΏ"}}; for (const auto& example : examples) { const std::string& latin1 = example.first; const std::string& expected_utf8 = example.second; std::vector encoded; EncodeFromLatin1(SpanFrom(latin1), &encoded); CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING8, tokenizer.TokenTag()); std::vector decoded(tokenizer.GetString8().begin(), tokenizer.GetString8().end()); std::string decoded_str(decoded.begin(), decoded.end()); EXPECT_THAT(decoded_str, testing::Eq(expected_utf8)); } } TEST(EncodeFromUTF16Test, ConvertsToUTF8IfEasy) { std::vector ascii = {'e', 'a', 's', 'y'}; std::vector encoded; EncodeFromUTF16(span(ascii.data(), ascii.size()), &encoded); CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING8, tokenizer.TokenTag()); std::vector decoded(tokenizer.GetString8().begin(), tokenizer.GetString8().end()); std::string decoded_str(decoded.begin(), decoded.end()); EXPECT_THAT(decoded_str, testing::Eq("easy")); } TEST(EncodeFromUTF16Test, EncodesAsString16IfNeeded) { // Since this message contains non-ASCII characters, the routine is // forced to encode as UTF16. We see this below by checking that the // token tag is STRING16. std::vector msg = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 0xd83c, 0xdf0e, '.'}; std::vector encoded; EncodeFromUTF16(span(msg.data(), msg.size()), &encoded); CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::STRING16, tokenizer.TokenTag()); std::vector decoded = String16WireRepToHost(tokenizer.GetString16WireRep()); std::string utf8_decoded = UTF16ToUTF8(SpanFrom(decoded)); EXPECT_EQ("Hello, 🌎.", utf8_decoded); } // // EncodeBinary / CBORTokenTag::BINARY // TEST(EncodeDecodeBinaryTest, RoundtripsHelloWorld) { std::vector binary = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '.'}; std::vector encoded; EncodeBinary(span(binary.data(), binary.size()), &encoded); // So, on the wire we see that the binary blob travels unmodified. EXPECT_THAT( encoded, ElementsAreArray(std::array{ {(6 << 5 | 22), // tag 22 indicating base64 interpretation in JSON (2 << 5 | 13), // BYTE_STRING (type 2) of length 13 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '.'}})); std::vector decoded; CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::BINARY, tokenizer.TokenTag()); EXPECT_EQ(0, static_cast(tokenizer.Status().error)); decoded = std::vector(tokenizer.GetBinary().begin(), tokenizer.GetBinary().end()); EXPECT_THAT(decoded, ElementsAreArray(binary)); tokenizer.Next(); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); } TEST(EncodeDecodeBinaryTest, ErrorCases) { struct TestCase { std::vector data; std::string msg; }; std::vector tests{{TestCase{ {6 << 5 | 22, // tag 22 indicating base64 interpretation in JSON 2 << 5 | 27, // BYTE_STRING (type 2), followed by 8 bytes length 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, "large length pointing past the end of the test case"}}}; for (const TestCase& test : tests) { SCOPED_TRACE(test.msg); CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(test.data)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::ERROR_VALUE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_BINARY, tokenizer.Status().error); } } // // EncodeDouble / CBORTokenTag::DOUBLE // TEST(EncodeDecodeDoubleTest, RoundtripsWikipediaExample) { // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floating-point_format // provides the example of a hex representation 3FD5 5555 5555 5555, which // approximates 1/3. const double kOriginalValue = 1.0 / 3; std::vector encoded; EncodeDouble(kOriginalValue, &encoded); // first three bits: major type = 7; remaining five bits: additional info = // value 27. This is followed by 8 bytes of payload (which match Wikipedia). EXPECT_THAT( encoded, ElementsAreArray(std::array{ {7 << 5 | 27, 0x3f, 0xd5, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55}})); // Reverse direction: decode and compare with original value. CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DOUBLE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); EXPECT_THAT(tokenizer.GetDouble(), testing::DoubleEq(kOriginalValue)); tokenizer.Next(); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); } TEST(EncodeDecodeDoubleTest, RoundtripsAdditionalExamples) { std::vector examples = {0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 3.1415, std::numeric_limits::min(), std::numeric_limits::max(), std::numeric_limits::infinity(), std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()}; for (double example : examples) { SCOPED_TRACE(std::string("example ") + std::to_string(example)); std::vector encoded; EncodeDouble(example, &encoded); CBORTokenizer tokenizer(SpanFrom(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DOUBLE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); if (std::isnan(example)) EXPECT_TRUE(std::isnan(tokenizer.GetDouble())); else EXPECT_THAT(tokenizer.GetDouble(), testing::DoubleEq(example)); tokenizer.Next(); EXPECT_EQ(CBORTokenTag::DONE, tokenizer.TokenTag()); } } // ============================================================================= // cbor::NewCBOREncoder - for encoding from a streaming parser // ============================================================================= void EncodeUTF8ForTest(const std::string& key, std::vector* out) { EncodeString8(SpanFrom(key), out); } TEST(JSONToCBOREncoderTest, SevenBitStrings) { // When a string can be represented as 7 bit ASCII, the encoder will use the // STRING (major Type 3) type, so the actual characters end up as bytes on the // wire. std::vector encoded; Status status; std::unique_ptr encoder = NewCBOREncoder(&encoded, &status); std::vector utf16 = {'f', 'o', 'o'}; encoder->HandleString16(span(utf16.data(), utf16.size())); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); // Here we assert that indeed, seven bit strings are represented as // bytes on the wire, "foo" is just "foo". EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(std::array{ {/*major type 3*/ 3 << 5 | /*length*/ 3, 'f', 'o', 'o'}})); } TEST(JsonCborRoundtrip, EncodingDecoding) { // Hits all the cases except binary and error in StreamingParserHandler, first // parsing a JSON message into CBOR, then parsing it back from CBOR into JSON. std::string json = "{" "\"string\":\"Hello, \\ud83c\\udf0e.\"," "\"double\":3.1415," "\"int\":1," "\"negative int\":-1," "\"bool\":true," "\"null\":null," "\"array\":[1,2,3]" "}"; std::vector encoded; Status status; std::unique_ptr encoder = NewCBOREncoder(&encoded, &status); span ascii_in = SpanFrom(json); json::ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), ascii_in, encoder.get()); std::vector expected = { 0xd8, // envelope 0x5a, // byte string with 32 bit length 0, 0, 0, 94, // length is 94 bytes }; expected.push_back(0xbf); // indef length map start EncodeString8(SpanFrom("string"), &expected); // This is followed by the encoded string for "Hello, 🌎." // So, it's the same bytes that we tested above in // EncodeDecodeString16Test.RoundtripsHelloWorld. expected.push_back(/*major type=*/2 << 5 | /*additional info=*/20); for (uint8_t ch : std::array{ {'H', 0, 'e', 0, 'l', 0, 'l', 0, 'o', 0, ',', 0, ' ', 0, 0x3c, 0xd8, 0x0e, 0xdf, '.', 0}}) expected.push_back(ch); EncodeString8(SpanFrom("double"), &expected); EncodeDouble(3.1415, &expected); EncodeString8(SpanFrom("int"), &expected); EncodeInt32(1, &expected); EncodeString8(SpanFrom("negative int"), &expected); EncodeInt32(-1, &expected); EncodeString8(SpanFrom("bool"), &expected); expected.push_back(7 << 5 | 21); // RFC 7049 Section 2.3, Table 2: true EncodeString8(SpanFrom("null"), &expected); expected.push_back(7 << 5 | 22); // RFC 7049 Section 2.3, Table 2: null EncodeString8(SpanFrom("array"), &expected); expected.push_back(0xd8); // envelope expected.push_back(0x5a); // byte string with 32 bit length // the length is 5 bytes (that's up to end indef length array below). for (uint8_t ch : std::array{{0, 0, 0, 5}}) expected.push_back(ch); expected.push_back(0x9f); // RFC 7049 Section 2.2.1, indef length array start expected.push_back(1); // Three UNSIGNED values (easy since Major Type 0) expected.push_back(2); expected.push_back(3); expected.push_back(0xff); // End indef length array expected.push_back(0xff); // End indef length map EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()); EXPECT_THAT(encoded, ElementsAreArray(expected)); // And now we roundtrip, decoding the message we just encoded. std::string decoded; std::unique_ptr json_encoder = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &decoded, &status); ParseCBOR(span(encoded.data(), encoded.size()), json_encoder.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(json, decoded); } TEST(JsonCborRoundtrip, MoreRoundtripExamples) { std::vector examples = { // Tests that after closing a nested objects, additional key/value pairs // are considered. "{\"foo\":{\"bar\":1},\"baz\":2}", "{\"foo\":[1,2,3],\"baz\":2}"}; for (const std::string& json : examples) { SCOPED_TRACE(std::string("example: ") + json); std::vector encoded; Status status; std::unique_ptr encoder = NewCBOREncoder(&encoded, &status); span ascii_in = SpanFrom(json); ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), ascii_in, encoder.get()); std::string decoded; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &decoded, &status); ParseCBOR(span(encoded.data(), encoded.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(json, decoded); } } TEST(JSONToCBOREncoderTest, HelloWorldBinary_WithTripToJson) { // The StreamingParserHandler::HandleBinary is a special case: The JSON parser // will never call this method, because JSON does not natively support the // binary type. So, we can't fully roundtrip. However, the other direction // works: binary will be rendered in JSON, as a base64 string. So, we make // calls to the encoder directly here, to construct a message, and one of // these calls is ::HandleBinary, to which we pass a "binary" string // containing "Hello, world.". std::vector encoded; Status status; std::unique_ptr encoder = NewCBOREncoder(&encoded, &status); encoder->HandleMapBegin(); // Emit a key. std::vector key = {'f', 'o', 'o'}; encoder->HandleString16(SpanFrom(key)); // Emit the binary payload, an arbitrary array of bytes that happens to // be the ascii message "Hello, world.". encoder->HandleBinary(SpanFrom(std::vector{ 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '.'})); encoder->HandleMapEnd(); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); // Now drive the json writer via the CBOR decoder. std::string decoded; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &decoded, &status); ParseCBOR(SpanFrom(encoded), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(Status::npos(), status.pos); // "Hello, world." in base64 is "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkLg==". EXPECT_EQ("{\"foo\":\"SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkLg==\"}", decoded); } // ============================================================================= // cbor::ParseCBOR - for receiving streaming parser events for CBOR messages // ============================================================================= TEST(ParseCBORTest, ParseEmptyCBORMessage) { // An envelope starting with 0xd8, 0x5a, with the byte length // of 2, containing a map that's empty (0xbf for map // start, and 0xff for map end). std::vector in = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0xbf, 0xff}; std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(in.data(), in.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ("{}", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, ParseCBORHelloWorld) { const uint8_t kPayloadLen = 27; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen}; bytes.push_back(0xbf); // start indef length map. EncodeString8(SpanFrom("msg"), &bytes); // key: msg // Now write the value, the familiar "Hello, 🌎." where the globe is expressed // as two utf16 chars. bytes.push_back(/*major type=*/2 << 5 | /*additional info=*/20); for (uint8_t ch : std::array{ {'H', 0, 'e', 0, 'l', 0, 'l', 0, 'o', 0, ',', 0, ' ', 0, 0x3c, 0xd8, 0x0e, 0xdf, '.', 0}}) bytes.push_back(ch); bytes.push_back(0xff); // stop byte EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ("{\"msg\":\"Hello, \\ud83c\\udf0e.\"}", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, UTF8IsSupportedInKeys) { const uint8_t kPayloadLen = 11; std::vector bytes = {cbor::InitialByteForEnvelope(), cbor::InitialByteFor32BitLengthByteString(), 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen}; bytes.push_back(cbor::EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart()); // Two UTF16 chars. EncodeString8(SpanFrom("🌎"), &bytes); // Can be encoded as a single UTF16 char. EncodeString8(SpanFrom("☾"), &bytes); bytes.push_back(cbor::EncodeStop()); EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ("{\"\\ud83c\\udf0e\":\"\\u263e\"}", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, NoInputError) { std::vector in = {}; std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(in.data(), in.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_NO_INPUT, status.error); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, InvalidStartByteError) { // Here we test that some actual json, which usually starts with {, // is not considered CBOR. CBOR messages must start with 0x5a, the // envelope start byte. std::string json = "{\"msg\": \"Hello, world.\"}"; std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(SpanFrom(json), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_START_BYTE, status.error); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, UnexpectedEofExpectedValueError) { constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 5; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope 0xbf}; // map start // A key; so value would be next. EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes); EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_UNEXPECTED_EOF_EXPECTED_VALUE, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(bytes.size(), status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, UnexpectedEofInArrayError) { constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 8; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope 0xbf}; // The byte for starting a map. // A key; so value would be next. EncodeString8(SpanFrom("array"), &bytes); bytes.push_back(0x9f); // byte for indefinite length array start. EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_UNEXPECTED_EOF_IN_ARRAY, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(bytes.size(), status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, UnexpectedEofInMapError) { constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 1; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope 0xbf}; // The byte for starting a map. EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_UNEXPECTED_EOF_IN_MAP, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(7u, status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, TopLevelCantBeEmptyEnvelope) { // Normally, an array would be allowed inside an envelope, but // the top-level envelope is required to contain a map. std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // envelope std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_MAP_START_EXPECTED, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(bytes.size(), status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, MapStartExpectedAtTopLevel) { // Normally, an array would be allowed inside an envelope, but // the top-level envelope is required to contain a map. constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 1; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope EncodeIndefiniteLengthArrayStart()}; EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_MAP_START_EXPECTED, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(6u, status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, OnlyMapsAndArraysSupportedInsideEnvelopes) { // The top level is a map with key "foo", and the value // is an envelope that contains just a number (1). We don't // allow numbers to be contained in an envelope though, only // maps and arrays. constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 1; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart()}; EncodeString8(SpanFrom("foo"), &bytes); for (uint8_t byte : {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, /*payload_len*/ 1}) bytes.emplace_back(byte); size_t error_pos = bytes.size(); bytes.push_back(1); // Envelope contents / payload = number 1. bytes.emplace_back(EncodeStop()); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_MAP_OR_ARRAY_EXPECTED_IN_ENVELOPE, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(error_pos, status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, InvalidMapKeyError) { constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 2; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope 0xbf, // map start 7 << 5 | 22}; // null (not a valid map key) EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_MAP_KEY, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(7u, status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } std::vector MakeNestedCBOR(int depth) { std::vector bytes; std::vector envelopes; for (int ii = 0; ii < depth; ++ii) { envelopes.emplace_back(); envelopes.back().EncodeStart(&bytes); bytes.push_back(0xbf); // indef length map start EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes); } EncodeString8(SpanFrom("innermost_value"), &bytes); for (int ii = 0; ii < depth; ++ii) { bytes.push_back(0xff); // stop byte, finishes map. envelopes.back().EncodeStop(&bytes); envelopes.pop_back(); } return bytes; } TEST(ParseCBORTest, StackLimitExceededError) { { // Depth 3: no stack limit exceeded error and is easy to inspect. std::vector bytes = MakeNestedCBOR(3); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(Status::npos(), status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("{\"key\":{\"key\":{\"key\":\"innermost_value\"}}}", out); } { // Depth 300: no stack limit exceeded. std::vector bytes = MakeNestedCBOR(300); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(Status::npos(), status.pos); } // We just want to know the length of one opening map so we can compute // where the error is encountered. So we look at a small example and find // the second envelope start. std::vector small_example = MakeNestedCBOR(3); size_t opening_segment_size = 1; // Start after the first envelope start. while (opening_segment_size < small_example.size() && small_example[opening_segment_size] != 0xd8) opening_segment_size++; { // Depth 301: limit exceeded. std::vector bytes = MakeNestedCBOR(301); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_STACK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(opening_segment_size * 301, status.pos); } { // Depth 320: still limit exceeded, and at the same pos as for 1001 std::vector bytes = MakeNestedCBOR(320); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_STACK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(opening_segment_size * 301, status.pos); } } TEST(ParseCBORTest, UnsupportedValueError) { constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 6; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope 0xbf}; // map start EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes); size_t error_pos = bytes.size(); bytes.push_back(6 << 5 | 5); // tags aren't supported yet. EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_UNSUPPORTED_VALUE, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(error_pos, status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, InvalidString16Error) { constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 11; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope 0xbf}; // map start EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes); size_t error_pos = bytes.size(); // a BYTE_STRING of length 5 as value; since we interpret these as string16, // it's going to be invalid as each character would need two bytes, but // 5 isn't divisible by 2. bytes.push_back(2 << 5 | 5); for (int ii = 0; ii < 5; ++ii) bytes.push_back(' '); EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_STRING16, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(error_pos, status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, InvalidString8Error) { constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 6; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope 0xbf}; // map start EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes); size_t error_pos = bytes.size(); // a STRING of length 5 as value, but we're at the end of the bytes array // so it can't be decoded successfully. bytes.push_back(3 << 5 | 5); EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_STRING8, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(error_pos, status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, InvalidBinaryError) { constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 9; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope 0xbf}; // map start EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes); size_t error_pos = bytes.size(); bytes.push_back(6 << 5 | 22); // base64 hint for JSON; indicates binary bytes.push_back(2 << 5 | 10); // BYTE_STRING (major type 2) of length 10 // Just two garbage bytes, not enough for the binary. bytes.push_back(0x31); bytes.push_back(0x23); EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_BINARY, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(error_pos, status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, InvalidDoubleError) { constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 8; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope 0xbf}; // map start EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes); size_t error_pos = bytes.size(); bytes.push_back(7 << 5 | 27); // initial byte for double // Just two garbage bytes, not enough to represent an actual double. bytes.push_back(0x31); bytes.push_back(0x23); EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_DOUBLE, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(error_pos, status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, InvalidSignedError) { constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 14; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope 0xbf}; // map start EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes); size_t error_pos = bytes.size(); // uint64_t max is a perfectly fine value to encode as CBOR unsigned, // but we don't support this since we only cover the int32_t range. internals::WriteTokenStart(MajorType::UNSIGNED, std::numeric_limits::max(), &bytes); EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_INT32, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(error_pos, status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, TrailingJunk) { constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 12; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope 0xbf}; // map start EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes); EncodeString8(SpanFrom("value"), &bytes); bytes.push_back(0xff); // Up to here, it's a perfectly fine msg. ASSERT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - 6); size_t error_pos = bytes.size(); // Now write some trailing junk after the message. EncodeString8(SpanFrom("trailing junk"), &bytes); internals::WriteTokenStart(MajorType::UNSIGNED, std::numeric_limits::max(), &bytes); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_TRAILING_JUNK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(error_pos, status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } TEST(ParseCBORTest, EnvelopeContentsLengthMismatch) { constexpr uint8_t kPartialPayloadLen = 5; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPartialPayloadLen, // envelope 0xbf}; // map start EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes); // kPartialPayloadLen would need to indicate the length of the entire map, // all the way past the 0xff map stop character. Instead, it only covers // a portion of the map. EXPECT_EQ(bytes.size() - 6, kPartialPayloadLen); EncodeString8(SpanFrom("value"), &bytes); bytes.push_back(0xff); // map stop std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(span(bytes.data(), bytes.size()), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_ENVELOPE_CONTENTS_LENGTH_MISMATCH, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(bytes.size(), status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } // ============================================================================= // cbor::AppendString8EntryToMap - for limited in-place editing of messages // ============================================================================= template class AppendString8EntryToMapTest : public ::testing::Test {}; using ContainerTestTypes = ::testing::Types, std::string>; TYPED_TEST_SUITE(AppendString8EntryToMapTest, ContainerTestTypes); TYPED_TEST(AppendString8EntryToMapTest, AppendsEntrySuccessfully) { constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLen = 12; std::vector bytes = {0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, kPayloadLen, // envelope 0xbf}; // map start size_t pos_before_payload = bytes.size() - 1; EncodeString8(SpanFrom("key"), &bytes); EncodeString8(SpanFrom("value"), &bytes); bytes.push_back(0xff); // A perfectly fine cbor message. EXPECT_EQ(kPayloadLen, bytes.size() - pos_before_payload); TypeParam msg(bytes.begin(), bytes.end()); Status status = AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("foo"), SpanFrom("bar"), &msg); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(Status::npos(), status.pos); std::string out; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(SpanFrom(msg), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ("{\"key\":\"value\",\"foo\":\"bar\"}", out); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(Status::npos(), status.pos); } TYPED_TEST(AppendString8EntryToMapTest, AppendThreeEntries) { std::vector encoded = { 0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 2, EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart(), EncodeStop()}; EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key"), SpanFrom("value"), &encoded) .error); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key1"), SpanFrom("value1"), &encoded) .error); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key2"), SpanFrom("value2"), &encoded) .error); TypeParam msg(encoded.begin(), encoded.end()); std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr json_writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); ParseCBOR(SpanFrom(msg), json_writer.get()); EXPECT_EQ("{\"key\":\"value\",\"key1\":\"value1\",\"key2\":\"value2\"}", out); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(Status::npos(), status.pos); } TYPED_TEST(AppendString8EntryToMapTest, MapStartExpected_Error) { std::vector bytes = { 0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 1, EncodeIndefiniteLengthArrayStart()}; TypeParam msg(bytes.begin(), bytes.end()); Status status = AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key"), SpanFrom("value"), &msg); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_MAP_START_EXPECTED, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(6u, status.pos); } TYPED_TEST(AppendString8EntryToMapTest, MapStopExpected_Error) { std::vector bytes = { 0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 2, EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart(), 42}; TypeParam msg(bytes.begin(), bytes.end()); Status status = AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key"), SpanFrom("value"), &msg); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_MAP_STOP_EXPECTED, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(7u, status.pos); } TYPED_TEST(AppendString8EntryToMapTest, InvalidEnvelope_Error) { { // Second byte is wrong. std::vector bytes = { 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 2, EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart(), EncodeStop(), 0}; TypeParam msg(bytes.begin(), bytes.end()); Status status = AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key"), SpanFrom("value"), &msg); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_ENVELOPE, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(0u, status.pos); } { // Second byte is wrong. std::vector bytes = { 0xd8, 0x7a, 0, 0, 0, 2, EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart(), EncodeStop()}; TypeParam msg(bytes.begin(), bytes.end()); Status status = AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key"), SpanFrom("value"), &msg); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_ENVELOPE, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(0u, status.pos); } { // Invalid envelope size example. std::vector bytes = { 0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 3, EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart(), EncodeStop(), }; TypeParam msg(bytes.begin(), bytes.end()); Status status = AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key"), SpanFrom("value"), &msg); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_ENVELOPE, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(0u, status.pos); } { // Invalid envelope size example. std::vector bytes = { 0xd8, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 1, EncodeIndefiniteLengthMapStart(), EncodeStop(), }; TypeParam msg(bytes.begin(), bytes.end()); Status status = AppendString8EntryToCBORMap(SpanFrom("key"), SpanFrom("value"), &msg); EXPECT_EQ(Error::CBOR_INVALID_ENVELOPE, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(0u, status.pos); } } } // namespace cbor namespace json { // ============================================================================= // json::NewJSONEncoder - for encoding streaming parser events as JSON // ============================================================================= void WriteUTF8AsUTF16(StreamingParserHandler* writer, const std::string& utf8) { writer->HandleString16(SpanFrom(UTF8ToUTF16(SpanFrom(utf8)))); } TEST(JsonEncoder, OverlongEncodings) { std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); // We encode 0x7f, which is the DEL ascii character, as a 4 byte UTF8 // sequence. This is called an overlong encoding, because only 1 byte // is needed to represent 0x7f as UTF8. std::vector chars = { 0xf0, // Starts 4 byte utf8 sequence 0x80, // continuation byte 0x81, // continuation byte w/ payload bit 7 set to 1. 0xbf, // continuation byte w/ payload bits 0-6 set to 11111. }; writer->HandleString8(SpanFrom(chars)); EXPECT_EQ("\"\"", out); // Empty string means that 0x7f was rejected (good). } TEST(JsonEncoder, IncompleteUtf8Sequence) { std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); writer->HandleArrayBegin(); // This emits [, which starts an array. { // 🌎 takes four bytes to encode in UTF-8. We test with the first three; // This means we're trying to emit a string that consists solely of an // incomplete UTF-8 sequence. So the string in the JSON output is empty. std::string world_utf8 = "🌎"; ASSERT_EQ(4u, world_utf8.size()); std::vector chars(world_utf8.begin(), world_utf8.begin() + 3); writer->HandleString8(SpanFrom(chars)); EXPECT_EQ("[\"\"", out); // Incomplete sequence rejected: empty string. } { // This time, the incomplete sequence is at the end of the string. std::string msg = "Hello, \xF0\x9F\x8C"; std::vector chars(msg.begin(), msg.end()); writer->HandleString8(SpanFrom(chars)); EXPECT_EQ("[\"\",\"Hello, \"", out); // Incomplete sequence dropped at end. } } TEST(JsonStdStringWriterTest, HelloWorld) { std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); writer->HandleMapBegin(); WriteUTF8AsUTF16(writer.get(), "msg1"); WriteUTF8AsUTF16(writer.get(), "Hello, 🌎."); std::string key = "msg1-as-utf8"; std::string value = "Hello, 🌎."; writer->HandleString8(SpanFrom(key)); writer->HandleString8(SpanFrom(value)); WriteUTF8AsUTF16(writer.get(), "msg2"); WriteUTF8AsUTF16(writer.get(), "\\\b\r\n\t\f\""); WriteUTF8AsUTF16(writer.get(), "nested"); writer->HandleMapBegin(); WriteUTF8AsUTF16(writer.get(), "double"); writer->HandleDouble(3.1415); WriteUTF8AsUTF16(writer.get(), "int"); writer->HandleInt32(-42); WriteUTF8AsUTF16(writer.get(), "bool"); writer->HandleBool(false); WriteUTF8AsUTF16(writer.get(), "null"); writer->HandleNull(); writer->HandleMapEnd(); WriteUTF8AsUTF16(writer.get(), "array"); writer->HandleArrayBegin(); writer->HandleInt32(1); writer->HandleInt32(2); writer->HandleInt32(3); writer->HandleArrayEnd(); writer->HandleMapEnd(); EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()); EXPECT_EQ( "{\"msg1\":\"Hello, \\ud83c\\udf0e.\"," "\"msg1-as-utf8\":\"Hello, \\ud83c\\udf0e.\"," "\"msg2\":\"\\\\\\b\\r\\n\\t\\f\\\"\"," "\"nested\":{\"double\":3.1415,\"int\":-42," "\"bool\":false,\"null\":null},\"array\":[1,2,3]}", out); } TEST(JsonStdStringWriterTest, RepresentingNonFiniteValuesAsNull) { // JSON can't represent +Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN. // So in practice it's mapped to null. std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); writer->HandleMapBegin(); writer->HandleString8(SpanFrom("Infinity")); writer->HandleDouble(std::numeric_limits::infinity()); writer->HandleString8(SpanFrom("-Infinity")); writer->HandleDouble(-std::numeric_limits::infinity()); writer->HandleString8(SpanFrom("NaN")); writer->HandleDouble(std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()); writer->HandleMapEnd(); EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()); EXPECT_EQ("{\"Infinity\":null,\"-Infinity\":null,\"NaN\":null}", out); } TEST(JsonStdStringWriterTest, BinaryEncodedAsJsonString) { // The encoder emits binary submitted to StreamingParserHandler::HandleBinary // as base64. The following three examples are taken from // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64. { std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); writer->HandleBinary(SpanFrom(std::vector({'M', 'a', 'n'}))); EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()); EXPECT_EQ("\"TWFu\"", out); } { std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); writer->HandleBinary(SpanFrom(std::vector({'M', 'a'}))); EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()); EXPECT_EQ("\"TWE=\"", out); } { std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); writer->HandleBinary(SpanFrom(std::vector({'M'}))); EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()); EXPECT_EQ("\"TQ==\"", out); } { // "Hello, world.", verified with base64decode.org. std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); writer->HandleBinary(SpanFrom(std::vector( {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '.'}))); EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()); EXPECT_EQ("\"SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkLg==\"", out); } } TEST(JsonStdStringWriterTest, HandlesErrors) { // When an error is sent via HandleError, it saves it in the provided // status and clears the output. std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr writer = NewJSONEncoder(&GetTestPlatform(), &out, &status); writer->HandleMapBegin(); WriteUTF8AsUTF16(writer.get(), "msg1"); writer->HandleError(Status{Error::JSON_PARSER_VALUE_EXPECTED, 42}); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_VALUE_EXPECTED, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(42u, status.pos); EXPECT_EQ("", out); } // We'd use Gmock but unfortunately it only handles copyable return types. class MockPlatform : public Platform { public: // Not implemented. bool StrToD(const char* str, double* result) const override { return false; } // A map with pre-registered responses for DToSTr. std::map dtostr_responses_; std::unique_ptr DToStr(double value) const override { auto it = dtostr_responses_.find(value); CHECK(it != dtostr_responses_.end()); const std::string& str = it->second; std::unique_ptr response(new char[str.size() + 1]); memcpy(response.get(), str.c_str(), str.size() + 1); return response; } }; TEST(JsonStdStringWriterTest, DoubleToString) { // This "broken" platform responds without the leading 0 before the // decimal dot, so it'd be invalid JSON. MockPlatform platform; platform.dtostr_responses_[.1] = ".1"; platform.dtostr_responses_[-.7] = "-.7"; std::string out; Status status; std::unique_ptr writer = NewJSONEncoder(&platform, &out, &status); writer->HandleArrayBegin(); writer->HandleDouble(.1); writer->HandleDouble(-.7); writer->HandleArrayEnd(); EXPECT_EQ("[0.1,-0.7]", out); } // ============================================================================= // json::ParseJSON - for receiving streaming parser events for JSON // ============================================================================= class Log : public StreamingParserHandler { public: void HandleMapBegin() override { log_ << "map begin\n"; } void HandleMapEnd() override { log_ << "map end\n"; } void HandleArrayBegin() override { log_ << "array begin\n"; } void HandleArrayEnd() override { log_ << "array end\n"; } void HandleString8(span chars) override { log_ << "string8: " << std::string(chars.begin(), chars.end()) << "\n"; } void HandleString16(span chars) override { log_ << "string16: " << UTF16ToUTF8(chars) << "\n"; } void HandleBinary(span bytes) override { // JSON doesn't have native support for arbitrary bytes, so our parser will // never call this. CHECK(false); } void HandleDouble(double value) override { log_ << "double: " << value << "\n"; } void HandleInt32(int32_t value) override { log_ << "int: " << value << "\n"; } void HandleBool(bool value) override { log_ << "bool: " << value << "\n"; } void HandleNull() override { log_ << "null\n"; } void HandleError(Status status) override { status_ = status; } std::string str() const { return status_.ok() ? log_.str() : ""; } Status status() const { return status_; } private: std::ostringstream log_; Status status_; }; class JsonParserTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: Log log_; }; TEST_F(JsonParserTest, SimpleDictionary) { std::string json = "{\"foo\": 42}"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_TRUE(log_.status().ok()); EXPECT_EQ( "map begin\n" "string16: foo\n" "int: 42\n" "map end\n", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, UsAsciiDelCornerCase) { // DEL (0x7f) is a 7 bit US-ASCII character, and while it is a control // character according to Unicode, it's not considered a control // character in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159#section-7, so // it can be placed directly into the JSON string, without JSON escaping. std::string json = "{\"foo\": \"a\x7f\"}"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_TRUE(log_.status().ok()); EXPECT_EQ( "map begin\n" "string16: foo\n" "string16: a\x7f\n" "map end\n", log_.str()); // We've seen an implementation of UTF16ToUTF8 which would replace the DEL // character with ' ', so this simple roundtrip tests the routines in // encoding_test_helper.h, to make test failures of the above easier to // diagnose. std::vector utf16 = UTF8ToUTF16(SpanFrom(json)); EXPECT_EQ(json, UTF16ToUTF8(SpanFrom(utf16))); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, Whitespace) { std::string json = "\n {\n\"msg\"\n: \v\"Hello, world.\"\t\r}\t"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_TRUE(log_.status().ok()); EXPECT_EQ( "map begin\n" "string16: msg\n" "string16: Hello, world.\n" "map end\n", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, NestedDictionary) { std::string json = "{\"foo\": {\"bar\": {\"baz\": 1}, \"bar2\": 2}}"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_TRUE(log_.status().ok()); EXPECT_EQ( "map begin\n" "string16: foo\n" "map begin\n" "string16: bar\n" "map begin\n" "string16: baz\n" "int: 1\n" "map end\n" "string16: bar2\n" "int: 2\n" "map end\n" "map end\n", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, Doubles) { std::string json = "{\"foo\": 3.1415, \"bar\": 31415e-4}"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_TRUE(log_.status().ok()); EXPECT_EQ( "map begin\n" "string16: foo\n" "double: 3.1415\n" "string16: bar\n" "double: 3.1415\n" "map end\n", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, Unicode) { // Globe character. 0xF0 0x9F 0x8C 0x8E in utf8, 0xD83C 0xDF0E in utf16. std::string json = "{\"msg\": \"Hello, \\uD83C\\uDF0E.\"}"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_TRUE(log_.status().ok()); EXPECT_EQ( "map begin\n" "string16: msg\n" "string16: Hello, 🌎.\n" "map end\n", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, Unicode_ParseUtf16) { // Globe character. utf8: 0xF0 0x9F 0x8C 0x8E; utf16: 0xD83C 0xDF0E. // Crescent moon character. utf8: 0xF0 0x9F 0x8C 0x99; utf16: 0xD83C 0xDF19. // We provide the moon with json escape, but the earth as utf16 input. // Either way they arrive as utf8 (after decoding in log_.str()). std::vector json = UTF8ToUTF16(SpanFrom("{\"space\": \"🌎 \\uD83C\\uDF19.\"}")); ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_TRUE(log_.status().ok()); EXPECT_EQ( "map begin\n" "string16: space\n" "string16: 🌎 πŸŒ™.\n" "map end\n", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, Unicode_ParseUtf8) { // Used below: // Π³Π»Π°ΡΠ½ΠΎΡΡ‚ΡŒ - example for 2 byte utf8, Russian word "glasnost" // 屋 - example for 3 byte utf8, Chinese word for "house" // 🌎 - example for 4 byte utf8: 0xF0 0x9F 0x8C 0x8E; utf16: 0xD83C 0xDF0E. // πŸŒ™ - example for escapes: utf8: 0xF0 0x9F 0x8C 0x99; utf16: 0xD83C 0xDF19. // We provide the moon with json escape, but the earth as utf8 input. // Either way they arrive as utf8 (after decoding in log_.str()). std::string json = "{" "\"escapes\": \"\\uD83C\\uDF19\"," "\"2 byte\":\"Π³Π»Π°ΡΠ½ΠΎΡΡ‚ΡŒ\"," "\"3 byte\":\"屋\"," "\"4 byte\":\"🌎\"" "}"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_TRUE(log_.status().ok()); EXPECT_EQ( "map begin\n" "string16: escapes\n" "string16: πŸŒ™\n" "string16: 2 byte\n" "string16: Π³Π»Π°ΡΠ½ΠΎΡΡ‚ΡŒ\n" "string16: 3 byte\n" "string16: 屋\n" "string16: 4 byte\n" "string16: 🌎\n" "map end\n", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, UnprocessedInputRemainsError) { // Trailing junk after the valid JSON. std::string json = "{\"foo\": 3.1415} junk"; size_t junk_idx = json.find("junk"); EXPECT_NE(junk_idx, std::string::npos); ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_UNPROCESSED_INPUT_REMAINS, log_.status().error); EXPECT_EQ(junk_idx, log_.status().pos); EXPECT_EQ("", log_.str()); } std::string MakeNestedJson(int depth) { std::string json; for (int ii = 0; ii < depth; ++ii) json += "{\"foo\":"; json += "42"; for (int ii = 0; ii < depth; ++ii) json += "}"; return json; } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, StackLimitExceededError_BelowLimit) { // kStackLimit is 300 (see json_parser.cc). First let's // try with a small nested example. std::string json_3 = MakeNestedJson(3); ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json_3), &log_); EXPECT_TRUE(log_.status().ok()); EXPECT_EQ( "map begin\n" "string16: foo\n" "map begin\n" "string16: foo\n" "map begin\n" "string16: foo\n" "int: 42\n" "map end\n" "map end\n" "map end\n", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, StackLimitExceededError_AtLimit) { // Now with kStackLimit (300). std::string json_limit = MakeNestedJson(300); ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), span(reinterpret_cast(json_limit.data()), json_limit.size()), &log_); EXPECT_TRUE(log_.status().ok()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, StackLimitExceededError_AboveLimit) { // Now with kStackLimit + 1 (301) - it exceeds in the innermost instance. std::string exceeded = MakeNestedJson(301); ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(exceeded), &log_); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_STACK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, log_.status().error); EXPECT_EQ(strlen("{\"foo\":") * 301, log_.status().pos); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, StackLimitExceededError_WayAboveLimit) { // Now way past the limit. Still, the point of exceeding is 301. std::string far_out = MakeNestedJson(320); ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(far_out), &log_); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_STACK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, log_.status().error); EXPECT_EQ(strlen("{\"foo\":") * 301, log_.status().pos); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, NoInputError) { std::string json = ""; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_NO_INPUT, log_.status().error); EXPECT_EQ(0u, log_.status().pos); EXPECT_EQ("", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, InvalidTokenError) { std::string json = "|"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_INVALID_TOKEN, log_.status().error); EXPECT_EQ(0u, log_.status().pos); EXPECT_EQ("", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, InvalidNumberError) { // Mantissa exceeds max (the constant used here is int64_t max). std::string json = "1E9223372036854775807"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_INVALID_NUMBER, log_.status().error); EXPECT_EQ(0u, log_.status().pos); EXPECT_EQ("", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, InvalidStringError) { // \x22 is an unsupported escape sequence std::string json = "\"foo\\x22\""; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_INVALID_STRING, log_.status().error); EXPECT_EQ(0u, log_.status().pos); EXPECT_EQ("", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, UnexpectedArrayEndError) { std::string json = "[1,2,]"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_UNEXPECTED_ARRAY_END, log_.status().error); EXPECT_EQ(5u, log_.status().pos); EXPECT_EQ("", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, CommaOrArrayEndExpectedError) { std::string json = "[1,2 2"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_COMMA_OR_ARRAY_END_EXPECTED, log_.status().error); EXPECT_EQ(5u, log_.status().pos); EXPECT_EQ("", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, StringLiteralExpectedError) { // There's an error because the key bar, a string, is not terminated. std::string json = "{\"foo\": 3.1415, \"bar: 31415e-4}"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_STRING_LITERAL_EXPECTED, log_.status().error); EXPECT_EQ(16u, log_.status().pos); EXPECT_EQ("", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, ColonExpectedError) { std::string json = "{\"foo\", 42}"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_COLON_EXPECTED, log_.status().error); EXPECT_EQ(6u, log_.status().pos); EXPECT_EQ("", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, UnexpectedMapEndError) { std::string json = "{\"foo\": 42, }"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_UNEXPECTED_MAP_END, log_.status().error); EXPECT_EQ(12u, log_.status().pos); EXPECT_EQ("", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, CommaOrMapEndExpectedError) { // The second separator should be a comma. std::string json = "{\"foo\": 3.1415: \"bar\": 0}"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_COMMA_OR_MAP_END_EXPECTED, log_.status().error); EXPECT_EQ(14u, log_.status().pos); EXPECT_EQ("", log_.str()); } TEST_F(JsonParserTest, ValueExpectedError) { std::string json = "}"; ParseJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &log_); EXPECT_EQ(Error::JSON_PARSER_VALUE_EXPECTED, log_.status().error); EXPECT_EQ(0u, log_.status().pos); EXPECT_EQ("", log_.str()); } template class ConvertJSONToCBORTest : public ::testing::Test {}; using ContainerTestTypes = ::testing::Types, std::string>; TYPED_TEST_SUITE(ConvertJSONToCBORTest, ContainerTestTypes); TYPED_TEST(ConvertJSONToCBORTest, RoundTripValidJson) { std::string json_in = "{\"msg\":\"Hello, world.\",\"lst\":[1,2,3]}"; TypeParam json(json_in.begin(), json_in.end()); TypeParam cbor; { Status status = ConvertJSONToCBOR(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(json), &cbor); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(Status::npos(), status.pos); } TypeParam roundtrip_json; { Status status = ConvertCBORToJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(cbor), &roundtrip_json); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(Status::npos(), status.pos); } EXPECT_EQ(json, roundtrip_json); } TYPED_TEST(ConvertJSONToCBORTest, RoundTripValidJson16) { std::vector json16 = { '{', '"', 'm', 's', 'g', '"', ':', '"', 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 0xd83c, 0xdf0e, '.', '"', ',', '"', 'l', 's', 't', '"', ':', '[', '1', ',', '2', ',', '3', ']', '}'}; TypeParam cbor; { Status status = ConvertJSONToCBOR( GetTestPlatform(), span(json16.data(), json16.size()), &cbor); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(Status::npos(), status.pos); } TypeParam roundtrip_json; { Status status = ConvertCBORToJSON(GetTestPlatform(), SpanFrom(cbor), &roundtrip_json); EXPECT_EQ(Error::OK, status.error); EXPECT_EQ(Status::npos(), status.pos); } std::string json = "{\"msg\":\"Hello, \\ud83c\\udf0e.\",\"lst\":[1,2,3]}"; TypeParam expected_json(json.begin(), json.end()); EXPECT_EQ(expected_json, roundtrip_json); } } // namespace json } // namespace v8_inspector_protocol_encoding