// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include "v8.h" #include "bootstrapper.h" #include "log.h" #include "macro-assembler.h" #include "serialize.h" #include "string-stream.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING // // Sliding state window. Updates counters to keep track of the last // window of kBufferSize states. This is useful to track where we // spent our time. // class SlidingStateWindow { public: SlidingStateWindow(); ~SlidingStateWindow(); void AddState(StateTag state); private: static const int kBufferSize = 256; int current_index_; bool is_full_; byte buffer_[kBufferSize]; void IncrementStateCounter(StateTag state) { Counters::state_counters[state].Increment(); } void DecrementStateCounter(StateTag state) { Counters::state_counters[state].Decrement(); } }; // // The Profiler samples pc and sp values for the main thread. // Each sample is appended to a circular buffer. // An independent thread removes data and writes it to the log. // This design minimizes the time spent in the sampler. // class Profiler: public Thread { public: Profiler(); void Engage(); void Disengage(); // Inserts collected profiling data into buffer. void Insert(TickSample* sample) { if (paused_) return; if (Succ(head_) == tail_) { overflow_ = true; } else { buffer_[head_] = *sample; head_ = Succ(head_); buffer_semaphore_->Signal(); // Tell we have an element. } } // Waits for a signal and removes profiling data. bool Remove(TickSample* sample) { buffer_semaphore_->Wait(); // Wait for an element. *sample = buffer_[tail_]; bool result = overflow_; tail_ = Succ(tail_); overflow_ = false; return result; } void Run(); // Pause and Resume TickSample data collection. static bool paused() { return paused_; } static void pause() { paused_ = true; } static void resume() { paused_ = false; } private: // Returns the next index in the cyclic buffer. int Succ(int index) { return (index + 1) % kBufferSize; } // Cyclic buffer for communicating profiling samples // between the signal handler and the worker thread. static const int kBufferSize = 128; TickSample buffer_[kBufferSize]; // Buffer storage. int head_; // Index to the buffer head. int tail_; // Index to the buffer tail. bool overflow_; // Tell whether a buffer overflow has occurred. Semaphore* buffer_semaphore_; // Sempahore used for buffer synchronization. // Tells whether worker thread should continue running. bool running_; // Tells whether we are currently recording tick samples. static bool paused_; }; bool Profiler::paused_ = false; // // StackTracer implementation // void StackTracer::Trace(TickSample* sample) { if (sample->state == GC) { sample->frames_count = 0; return; } const Address js_entry_sp = Top::js_entry_sp(Top::GetCurrentThread()); if (js_entry_sp == 0) { // Not executing JS now. sample->frames_count = 0; return; } SafeStackTraceFrameIterator it( reinterpret_cast
(sample->fp), reinterpret_cast
(sample->sp), reinterpret_cast
(sample->sp), js_entry_sp); int i = 0; while (!it.done() && i < TickSample::kMaxFramesCount) { sample->stack[i++] = it.frame()->pc(); it.Advance(); } sample->frames_count = i; } // // Ticker used to provide ticks to the profiler and the sliding state // window. // class Ticker: public Sampler { public: explicit Ticker(int interval): Sampler(interval, FLAG_prof), window_(NULL), profiler_(NULL) {} ~Ticker() { if (IsActive()) Stop(); } void SampleStack(TickSample* sample) { StackTracer::Trace(sample); } void Tick(TickSample* sample) { if (profiler_) profiler_->Insert(sample); if (window_) window_->AddState(sample->state); } void SetWindow(SlidingStateWindow* window) { window_ = window; if (!IsActive()) Start(); } void ClearWindow() { window_ = NULL; if (!profiler_ && IsActive()) Stop(); } void SetProfiler(Profiler* profiler) { profiler_ = profiler; if (!FLAG_prof_lazy && !IsActive()) Start(); } void ClearProfiler() { profiler_ = NULL; if (!window_ && IsActive()) Stop(); } private: SlidingStateWindow* window_; Profiler* profiler_; }; // // SlidingStateWindow implementation. // SlidingStateWindow::SlidingStateWindow(): current_index_(0), is_full_(false) { for (int i = 0; i < kBufferSize; i++) { buffer_[i] = static_cast(OTHER); } Logger::ticker_->SetWindow(this); } SlidingStateWindow::~SlidingStateWindow() { Logger::ticker_->ClearWindow(); } void SlidingStateWindow::AddState(StateTag state) { if (is_full_) { DecrementStateCounter(static_cast(buffer_[current_index_])); } else if (current_index_ == kBufferSize - 1) { is_full_ = true; } buffer_[current_index_] = static_cast(state); IncrementStateCounter(state); ASSERT(IsPowerOf2(kBufferSize)); current_index_ = (current_index_ + 1) & (kBufferSize - 1); } // // Profiler implementation. // Profiler::Profiler() { buffer_semaphore_ = OS::CreateSemaphore(0); head_ = 0; tail_ = 0; overflow_ = false; running_ = false; } void Profiler::Engage() { OS::LogSharedLibraryAddresses(); // Start thread processing the profiler buffer. running_ = true; Start(); // Register to get ticks. Logger::ticker_->SetProfiler(this); Logger::ProfilerBeginEvent(); Logger::LogAliases(); } void Profiler::Disengage() { // Stop receiving ticks. Logger::ticker_->ClearProfiler(); // Terminate the worker thread by setting running_ to false, // inserting a fake element in the queue and then wait for // the thread to terminate. running_ = false; TickSample sample; // Reset 'paused_' flag, otherwise semaphore may not be signalled. resume(); Insert(&sample); Join(); LOG(UncheckedStringEvent("profiler", "end")); } void Profiler::Run() { TickSample sample; bool overflow = Logger::profiler_->Remove(&sample); while (running_) { LOG(TickEvent(&sample, overflow)); overflow = Logger::profiler_->Remove(&sample); } } // // Logger class implementation. // Ticker* Logger::ticker_ = NULL; Profiler* Logger::profiler_ = NULL; VMState* Logger::current_state_ = NULL; VMState Logger::bottom_state_(EXTERNAL); SlidingStateWindow* Logger::sliding_state_window_ = NULL; const char** Logger::log_events_ = NULL; CompressionHelper* Logger::compression_helper_ = NULL; bool Logger::is_logging_ = false; #define DECLARE_LONG_EVENT(ignore1, long_name, ignore2) long_name, const char* kLongLogEventsNames[Logger::NUMBER_OF_LOG_EVENTS] = { LOG_EVENTS_AND_TAGS_LIST(DECLARE_LONG_EVENT) }; #undef DECLARE_LONG_EVENT #define DECLARE_SHORT_EVENT(ignore1, ignore2, short_name) short_name, const char* kCompressedLogEventsNames[Logger::NUMBER_OF_LOG_EVENTS] = { LOG_EVENTS_AND_TAGS_LIST(DECLARE_SHORT_EVENT) }; #undef DECLARE_SHORT_EVENT void Logger::ProfilerBeginEvent() { if (!Log::IsEnabled()) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("profiler,\"begin\",%d\n", kSamplingIntervalMs); if (FLAG_compress_log) { msg.Append("profiler,\"compression\",%d\n", kCompressionWindowSize); } msg.WriteToLogFile(); } void Logger::LogAliases() { if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_compress_log) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_LOG_EVENTS; ++i) { msg.Append("alias,%s,%s\n", kCompressedLogEventsNames[i], kLongLogEventsNames[i]); } msg.WriteToLogFile(); } #endif // ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING void Logger::Preamble(const char* content) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_code) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.WriteCStringToLogFile(content); #endif } void Logger::StringEvent(const char* name, const char* value) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (FLAG_log) UncheckedStringEvent(name, value); #endif } #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING void Logger::UncheckedStringEvent(const char* name, const char* value) { if (!Log::IsEnabled()) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("%s,\"%s\"\n", name, value); msg.WriteToLogFile(); } #endif void Logger::IntEvent(const char* name, int value) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("%s,%d\n", name, value); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::HandleEvent(const char* name, Object** location) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_handles) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("%s,0x%" V8PRIxPTR "\n", name, location); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING // ApiEvent is private so all the calls come from the Logger class. It is the // caller's responsibility to ensure that log is enabled and that // FLAG_log_api is true. void Logger::ApiEvent(const char* format, ...) { ASSERT(Log::IsEnabled() && FLAG_log_api); LogMessageBuilder msg; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); msg.AppendVA(format, ap); va_end(ap); msg.WriteToLogFile(); } #endif void Logger::ApiNamedSecurityCheck(Object* key) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_api) return; if (key->IsString()) { SmartPointer str = String::cast(key)->ToCString(DISALLOW_NULLS, ROBUST_STRING_TRAVERSAL); ApiEvent("api,check-security,\"%s\"\n", *str); } else if (key->IsUndefined()) { ApiEvent("api,check-security,undefined\n"); } else { ApiEvent("api,check-security,['no-name']\n"); } #endif } void Logger::SharedLibraryEvent(const char* library_path, uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_prof) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("shared-library,\"%s\",0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ",0x%08" V8PRIxPTR "\n", library_path, start, end); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::SharedLibraryEvent(const wchar_t* library_path, uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_prof) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("shared-library,\"%ls\",0x%08" V8PRIxPTR ",0x%08" V8PRIxPTR "\n", library_path, start, end); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING void Logger::LogRegExpSource(Handle regexp) { // Prints "/" + re.source + "/" + // (re.global?"g":"") + (re.ignorecase?"i":"") + (re.multiline?"m":"") LogMessageBuilder msg; Handle source = GetProperty(regexp, "source"); if (!source->IsString()) { msg.Append("no source"); return; } switch (regexp->TypeTag()) { case JSRegExp::ATOM: msg.Append('a'); break; default: break; } msg.Append('/'); msg.AppendDetailed(*Handle::cast(source), false); msg.Append('/'); // global flag Handle global = GetProperty(regexp, "global"); if (global->IsTrue()) { msg.Append('g'); } // ignorecase flag Handle ignorecase = GetProperty(regexp, "ignoreCase"); if (ignorecase->IsTrue()) { msg.Append('i'); } // multiline flag Handle multiline = GetProperty(regexp, "multiline"); if (multiline->IsTrue()) { msg.Append('m'); } msg.WriteToLogFile(); } #endif // ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING void Logger::RegExpCompileEvent(Handle regexp, bool in_cache) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_regexp) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("regexp-compile,"); LogRegExpSource(regexp); msg.Append(in_cache ? ",hit\n" : ",miss\n"); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::LogRuntime(Vector format, JSArray* args) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_runtime) return; HandleScope scope; LogMessageBuilder msg; for (int i = 0; i < format.length(); i++) { char c = format[i]; if (c == '%' && i <= format.length() - 2) { i++; ASSERT('0' <= format[i] && format[i] <= '9'); Object* obj = args->GetElement(format[i] - '0'); i++; switch (format[i]) { case 's': msg.AppendDetailed(String::cast(obj), false); break; case 'S': msg.AppendDetailed(String::cast(obj), true); break; case 'r': Logger::LogRegExpSource(Handle(JSRegExp::cast(obj))); break; case 'x': msg.Append("0x%x", Smi::cast(obj)->value()); break; case 'i': msg.Append("%i", Smi::cast(obj)->value()); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else { msg.Append(c); } } msg.Append('\n'); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::ApiIndexedSecurityCheck(uint32_t index) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_api) return; ApiEvent("api,check-security,%u\n", index); #endif } void Logger::ApiNamedPropertyAccess(const char* tag, JSObject* holder, Object* name) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING ASSERT(name->IsString()); if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_api) return; String* class_name_obj = holder->class_name(); SmartPointer class_name = class_name_obj->ToCString(DISALLOW_NULLS, ROBUST_STRING_TRAVERSAL); SmartPointer property_name = String::cast(name)->ToCString(DISALLOW_NULLS, ROBUST_STRING_TRAVERSAL); Logger::ApiEvent("api,%s,\"%s\",\"%s\"\n", tag, *class_name, *property_name); #endif } void Logger::ApiIndexedPropertyAccess(const char* tag, JSObject* holder, uint32_t index) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_api) return; String* class_name_obj = holder->class_name(); SmartPointer class_name = class_name_obj->ToCString(DISALLOW_NULLS, ROBUST_STRING_TRAVERSAL); Logger::ApiEvent("api,%s,\"%s\",%u\n", tag, *class_name, index); #endif } void Logger::ApiObjectAccess(const char* tag, JSObject* object) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_api) return; String* class_name_obj = object->class_name(); SmartPointer class_name = class_name_obj->ToCString(DISALLOW_NULLS, ROBUST_STRING_TRAVERSAL); Logger::ApiEvent("api,%s,\"%s\"\n", tag, *class_name); #endif } void Logger::ApiEntryCall(const char* name) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_api) return; Logger::ApiEvent("api,%s\n", name); #endif } void Logger::NewEvent(const char* name, void* object, size_t size) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("new,%s,0x%" V8PRIxPTR ",%u\n", name, object, static_cast(size)); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::DeleteEvent(const char* name, void* object) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("delete,%s,0x%" V8PRIxPTR "\n", name, object); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING // A class that contains all common code dealing with record compression. class CompressionHelper { public: explicit CompressionHelper(int window_size) : compressor_(window_size), repeat_count_(0) { } // Handles storing message in compressor, retrieving the previous one and // prefixing it with repeat count, if needed. // Returns true if message needs to be written to log. bool HandleMessage(LogMessageBuilder* msg) { if (!msg->StoreInCompressor(&compressor_)) { // Current message repeats the previous one, don't write it. ++repeat_count_; return false; } if (repeat_count_ == 0) { return msg->RetrieveCompressedPrevious(&compressor_); } OS::SNPrintF(prefix_, "%s,%d,", Logger::log_events_[Logger::REPEAT_META_EVENT], repeat_count_ + 1); repeat_count_ = 0; return msg->RetrieveCompressedPrevious(&compressor_, prefix_.start()); } private: LogRecordCompressor compressor_; int repeat_count_; EmbeddedVector prefix_; }; #endif // ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING void Logger::CodeCreateEvent(LogEventsAndTags tag, Code* code, const char* comment) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_code) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("%s,%s,", log_events_[CODE_CREATION_EVENT], log_events_[tag]); msg.AppendAddress(code->address()); msg.Append(",%d,\"", code->ExecutableSize()); for (const char* p = comment; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (*p == '"') { msg.Append('\\'); } msg.Append(*p); } msg.Append('"'); if (FLAG_compress_log) { ASSERT(compression_helper_ != NULL); if (!compression_helper_->HandleMessage(&msg)) return; } msg.Append('\n'); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::CodeCreateEvent(LogEventsAndTags tag, Code* code, String* name) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_code) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; SmartPointer str = name->ToCString(DISALLOW_NULLS, ROBUST_STRING_TRAVERSAL); msg.Append("%s,%s,", log_events_[CODE_CREATION_EVENT], log_events_[tag]); msg.AppendAddress(code->address()); msg.Append(",%d,\"%s\"", code->ExecutableSize(), *str); if (FLAG_compress_log) { ASSERT(compression_helper_ != NULL); if (!compression_helper_->HandleMessage(&msg)) return; } msg.Append('\n'); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::CodeCreateEvent(LogEventsAndTags tag, Code* code, String* name, String* source, int line) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_code) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; SmartPointer str = name->ToCString(DISALLOW_NULLS, ROBUST_STRING_TRAVERSAL); SmartPointer sourcestr = source->ToCString(DISALLOW_NULLS, ROBUST_STRING_TRAVERSAL); msg.Append("%s,%s,", log_events_[CODE_CREATION_EVENT], log_events_[tag]); msg.AppendAddress(code->address()); msg.Append(",%d,\"%s %s:%d\"", code->ExecutableSize(), *str, *sourcestr, line); if (FLAG_compress_log) { ASSERT(compression_helper_ != NULL); if (!compression_helper_->HandleMessage(&msg)) return; } msg.Append('\n'); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::CodeCreateEvent(LogEventsAndTags tag, Code* code, int args_count) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_code) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("%s,%s,", log_events_[CODE_CREATION_EVENT], log_events_[tag]); msg.AppendAddress(code->address()); msg.Append(",%d,\"args_count: %d\"", code->ExecutableSize(), args_count); if (FLAG_compress_log) { ASSERT(compression_helper_ != NULL); if (!compression_helper_->HandleMessage(&msg)) return; } msg.Append('\n'); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::RegExpCodeCreateEvent(Code* code, String* source) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_code) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("%s,%s,", log_events_[CODE_CREATION_EVENT], log_events_[REG_EXP_TAG]); msg.AppendAddress(code->address()); msg.Append(",%d,\"", code->ExecutableSize()); msg.AppendDetailed(source, false); msg.Append('\"'); if (FLAG_compress_log) { ASSERT(compression_helper_ != NULL); if (!compression_helper_->HandleMessage(&msg)) return; } msg.Append('\n'); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::CodeMoveEvent(Address from, Address to) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING static Address prev_to_ = NULL; if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_code) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("%s,", log_events_[CODE_MOVE_EVENT]); msg.AppendAddress(from); msg.Append(','); msg.AppendAddress(to, prev_to_); prev_to_ = to; if (FLAG_compress_log) { ASSERT(compression_helper_ != NULL); if (!compression_helper_->HandleMessage(&msg)) return; } msg.Append('\n'); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::CodeDeleteEvent(Address from) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_code) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("%s,", log_events_[CODE_DELETE_EVENT]); msg.AppendAddress(from); if (FLAG_compress_log) { ASSERT(compression_helper_ != NULL); if (!compression_helper_->HandleMessage(&msg)) return; } msg.Append('\n'); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::ResourceEvent(const char* name, const char* tag) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("%s,%s,", name, tag); uint32_t sec, usec; if (OS::GetUserTime(&sec, &usec) != -1) { msg.Append("%d,%d,", sec, usec); } msg.Append("%.0f", OS::TimeCurrentMillis()); msg.Append('\n'); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::SuspectReadEvent(String* name, Object* obj) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_suspect) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; String* class_name = obj->IsJSObject() ? JSObject::cast(obj)->class_name() : Heap::empty_string(); msg.Append("suspect-read,"); msg.Append(class_name); msg.Append(','); msg.Append('"'); msg.Append(name); msg.Append('"'); msg.Append('\n'); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::HeapSampleBeginEvent(const char* space, const char* kind) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_gc) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("heap-sample-begin,\"%s\",\"%s\"\n", space, kind); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::HeapSampleEndEvent(const char* space, const char* kind) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_gc) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("heap-sample-end,\"%s\",\"%s\"\n", space, kind); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::HeapSampleItemEvent(const char* type, int number, int bytes) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log_gc) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("heap-sample-item,%s,%d,%d\n", type, number, bytes); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::DebugTag(const char* call_site_tag) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log) return; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("debug-tag,%s\n", call_site_tag); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } void Logger::DebugEvent(const char* event_type, Vector parameter) { #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_log) return; StringBuilder s(parameter.length() + 1); for (int i = 0; i < parameter.length(); ++i) { s.AddCharacter(static_cast(parameter[i])); } char* parameter_string = s.Finalize(); LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("debug-queue-event,%s,%15.3f,%s\n", event_type, OS::TimeCurrentMillis(), parameter_string); DeleteArray(parameter_string); msg.WriteToLogFile(); #endif } #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING void Logger::TickEvent(TickSample* sample, bool overflow) { if (!Log::IsEnabled() || !FLAG_prof) return; static Address prev_sp = NULL; LogMessageBuilder msg; msg.Append("%s,", log_events_[TICK_EVENT]); Address prev_addr = reinterpret_cast
(sample->pc); msg.AppendAddress(prev_addr); msg.Append(','); msg.AppendAddress(reinterpret_cast
(sample->sp), prev_sp); prev_sp = reinterpret_cast
(sample->sp); msg.Append(",%d", static_cast(sample->state)); if (overflow) { msg.Append(",overflow"); } for (int i = 0; i < sample->frames_count; ++i) { msg.Append(','); msg.AppendAddress(sample->stack[i], prev_addr); prev_addr = sample->stack[i]; } if (FLAG_compress_log) { ASSERT(compression_helper_ != NULL); if (!compression_helper_->HandleMessage(&msg)) return; } msg.Append('\n'); msg.WriteToLogFile(); } bool Logger::IsProfilerPaused() { return profiler_->paused(); } void Logger::PauseProfiler() { if (profiler_->paused()) { return; } profiler_->pause(); if (FLAG_prof_lazy) { if (!FLAG_sliding_state_window) ticker_->Stop(); FLAG_log_code = false; // Must be the same message as Log::kDynamicBufferSeal. LOG(UncheckedStringEvent("profiler", "pause")); } is_logging_ = false; } void Logger::ResumeProfiler() { if (!profiler_->paused() || !Log::IsEnabled()) { return; } is_logging_ = true; if (FLAG_prof_lazy) { LOG(UncheckedStringEvent("profiler", "resume")); FLAG_log_code = true; LogCompiledFunctions(); if (!FLAG_sliding_state_window) ticker_->Start(); } profiler_->resume(); } // This function can be called when Log's mutex is acquired, // either from main or Profiler's thread. void Logger::StopLoggingAndProfiling() { Log::stop(); PauseProfiler(); } bool Logger::IsProfilerSamplerActive() { return ticker_->IsActive(); } int Logger::GetLogLines(int from_pos, char* dest_buf, int max_size) { return Log::GetLogLines(from_pos, dest_buf, max_size); } void Logger::LogCompiledFunctions() { HandleScope scope; Handle* sfis = NULL; int compiled_funcs_count = 0; { AssertNoAllocation no_alloc; HeapIterator iterator; while (iterator.has_next()) { HeapObject* obj = iterator.next(); ASSERT(obj != NULL); if (obj->IsSharedFunctionInfo() && SharedFunctionInfo::cast(obj)->is_compiled()) { ++compiled_funcs_count; } } sfis = NewArray< Handle >(compiled_funcs_count); iterator.reset(); int i = 0; while (iterator.has_next()) { HeapObject* obj = iterator.next(); ASSERT(obj != NULL); if (obj->IsSharedFunctionInfo() && SharedFunctionInfo::cast(obj)->is_compiled()) { sfis[i++] = Handle(SharedFunctionInfo::cast(obj)); } } } // During iteration, there can be heap allocation due to // GetScriptLineNumber call. for (int i = 0; i < compiled_funcs_count; ++i) { Handle shared = sfis[i]; Handle name(String::cast(shared->name())); Handle func_name(name->length() > 0 ? *name : shared->inferred_name()); if (shared->script()->IsScript()) { Handle