function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(1); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(1.5); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(-1); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(-1.5); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(null); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify("string"); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(new Number(0)); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(new Number(1)); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(new Number(1.5)); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(new Number(-1)); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(new Number(-1.5)); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(new String("a string object")); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(new Boolean(true)); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var value = new Number(1); value.valueOf = function() { return 2; }; return jsonObject.stringify(value); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i].expected function (jsonObject){ var value = new Boolean(true); value.valueOf = function() { return 2; }; return jsonObject.stringify(value); } FAIL tests[i](nativeJSON) should be 2. Was true. function (jsonObject){ var value = new String("fail"); value.toString = function() { return "converted string"; }; return jsonObject.stringify(value); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i].expected function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(true); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(false); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(new Date(0)); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) threw exception TypeError: toISOString is not a function. function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON, toISOString: function(){ return "custom toISOString"; }}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON, toISOString: function(){ return {}; }}); } FAIL tests[i](nativeJSON) should throw an exception. Was {}. function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({toJSON: Date.prototype.toJSON, toISOString: function(){ throw "An exception"; }}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) threw exception An exception. function (jsonObject){ var d = new Date(0); d.toISOString = null; return jsonObject.stringify(d); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) threw exception TypeError: toISOString is not a function. function (jsonObject){ var d = new Date(0); d.toJSON = undefined; return jsonObject.stringify(d); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({get Foo() { return "bar"; }}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({get Foo() {"wibble"; return "bar"; }}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var count = 0; jsonObject.stringify({get Foo() { count++; return "bar"; }}); return count; } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var count = 0; return jsonObject.stringify({get Foo() { count++; delete; return "bar"; }, bar: "wibble"}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var count = 0; return jsonObject.stringify({a:"1", b:"2", c:"3", 5:4, 4:5, 2:6, 1:7}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var allString = true; jsonObject.stringify({a:"1", b:"2", c:"3", 5:4, 4:5, 2:6, 1:7}, function(k,v){allString = allString && (typeof k == "string"); return v}); return allString; } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var allString = true; jsonObject.stringify([1,2,3,4,5], function(k,v){allString = allString && (typeof k == "string"); return v}); return allString; } FAIL tests[i](nativeJSON) should be false. Was true. function (jsonObject){ var allString = true; var array = []; return jsonObject.stringify({a:"1", b:"2", c:"3", 5:4, 4:5, 2:6, 1:7}, array); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var allString = true; var array = ["a"]; return jsonObject.stringify({get a(){return 1;array[1]="b";array[2]="c"}, b:"2", c:"3"}, array); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var allString = true; var array = [{toString:function(){array[0]='a'; array[1]='c'; array[2]='b'; return 'a'}}]; return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, array); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var allString = true; var array = [{toString:function(){array[0]='a'; array[1]='c'; array[2]='b'; return 'a'}}]; return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, array); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var allString = true; var array = [1, new Number(2), NaN, Infinity, -Infinity, new String("str")]; return jsonObject.stringify({"1":"1","2":"2","NaN":"NaN","Infinity":"Infinity","-Infinity":"-Infinity","str":"str"}, array); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i].expected function (jsonObject){ var allString = true; var array = ["1","2","3"]; return jsonObject.stringify({1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'}, array); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var allString = true; var array = ["1","2","3"]; return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArray, array); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArray, null, " "); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArray, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArray, null, "ab"); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArray, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, " "); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, "ab"); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, 10); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, 11); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i].expected function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, " "); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i].expected function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, null, " "); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i].expected function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArray, null, " "); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArray, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArray, null, "ab"); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArray, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObject, null, " "); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObject, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObject, null, "ab"); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObject, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var allString = true; var array = ["1","2","3"]; return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArrayWithProto, array); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArrayWithProto, null, " "); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArrayWithProto, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArrayWithProto, null, "ab"); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleArrayWithProto, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, " "); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, "ab"); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, 10); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, 11); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i].expected function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, " "); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i].expected function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObjectWithProto, null, " "); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i].expected function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArrayWithProto, null, " "); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArrayWithProto, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArrayWithProto, null, "ab"); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexArrayWithProto, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObjectWithProto, null, " "); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObjectWithProto, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObjectWithProto, null, "ab"); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(complexObjectWithProto, null, 4); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(objectWithSideEffectGetter); } FAIL tests[i](nativeJSON) should be {"foo":1}. Was {}. function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(objectWithSideEffectGetterAndProto); } FAIL tests[i](nativeJSON) should be {"foo":1}. Was {}. function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(arrayWithSideEffectGetter); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(arrayWithSideEffectGetterAndProto); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ replaceTracker = ""; jsonObject.stringify([1,2,3,,,,4,5,6], replaceFunc); return replaceTracker; } FAIL tests[i](nativeJSON) should be (string)[1,2,3,null,null,null,4,5,6];0(number)1;1(number)2;2(number)3;3(number)undefined;4(number)undefined;5(number)undefined;6(number)4;7(number)5;8(number)6;. Was (string)[1,2,3,null,null,null,4,5,6];0(string)1;1(string)2;2(string)3;3(string)undefined;4(string)undefined;5(string)undefined;6(string)4;7(string)5;8(string)6;. function (jsonObject){ replaceTracker = ""; jsonObject.stringify({a:"a", b:"b", c:"c", 3: "d", 2: "e", 1: "f"}, replaceFunc); return replaceTracker; } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i].expected function (jsonObject){ var count = 0; var array = [{toString:function(){count++; array[0]='a'; array[1]='c'; array[2]='b'; return 'a'}}]; jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, array); return count; } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var allString = true; var array = [{toString:function(){array[0]='a'; array[1]='c'; array[2]='b'; return 'a'}}, 'b', 'c']; return jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, array); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var count = 0; var array = [{toString:function(){count++; array[0]='a'; array[1]='c'; array[2]='b'; return 'a'}}, 'b', 'c']; jsonObject.stringify(simpleObject, array); return count; } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({a:"1", get b() { this.a="foo"; return "getter"; }, c:"3"}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({a:"1", get b() { this.c="foo"; return "getter"; }, c:"3"}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var setterCalled = false; jsonObject.stringify({a:"1", set b(s) { setterCalled = true; return "setter"; }, c:"3"}); return setterCalled; } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({a:"1", get b(){ return "getter"; }, set b(s) { return "setter"; }, c:"3"}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(new Array(10)); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify([undefined,,null,0,false]); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({p1:undefined,p2:null,p3:0,p4:false}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ cycleTracker = ""; return jsonObject.stringify(cyclicObject); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) threw exception TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON. function (jsonObject){ cycleTracker = ""; try { jsonObject.stringify(cyclicObject); } catch(e) { cycleTracker += " -> exception" } return cycleTracker; } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i].expected function (jsonObject){ cycleTracker = ""; return jsonObject.stringify(cyclicArray); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) threw exception TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON. function (jsonObject){ cycleTracker = ""; try { jsonObject.stringify(cyclicArray); } catch { cycleTracker += " -> exception" } return cycleTracker; } FAIL tests[i](nativeJSON) should be 0(number):[object Object]first, -> exception. Was 0(string):[object Object]first, -> exception. function (jsonObject){ getterCalls = 0; return jsonObject.stringify(magicObject) + " :: getter calls = " + getterCalls; } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(undefined); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(null); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({toJSON:function(){ return undefined; }}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({toJSON:function(){ return null; }}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify([{toJSON:function(){ return undefined; }}]); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify([{toJSON:function(){ return null; }}]); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({a:{toJSON:function(){ return undefined; }}}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({a:{toJSON:function(){ return null; }}}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({a:{toJSON:function(){ return function(){}; }}}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify({a:function(){}}); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var deepObject = {}; for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) deepObject = {next:deepObject}; return jsonObject.stringify(deepObject); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var deepArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < 1024; i++) deepArray = [deepArray]; return jsonObject.stringify(deepArray); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var depth = 0; function toDeepVirtualJSONObject() { if (++depth >= 1000) return {}; var r = {}; r.toJSON = toDeepVirtualJSONObject; return {recurse: r}; } return jsonObject.stringify(toDeepVirtualJSONObject()); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) function (jsonObject){ var depth = 0; function toDeepVirtualJSONArray() { if (++depth >= 1024) return []; var r = []; r.toJSON = toDeepJSONArray; return [r]; } return jsonObject.stringify(toDeepVirtualJSONArray()); } function (jsonObject){ return jsonObject.stringify(fullCharsetString); } PASS tests[i](nativeJSON) is tests[i](JSON) PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE