// Copyright 2010 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #ifndef V8_PROFILE_GENERATOR_H_ #define V8_PROFILE_GENERATOR_H_ #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING #include "hashmap.h" #include "../include/v8-profiler.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { class TokenEnumerator { public: TokenEnumerator(); ~TokenEnumerator(); int GetTokenId(Object* token); static const int kNoSecurityToken = -1; static const int kInheritsSecurityToken = -2; private: static void TokenRemovedCallback(v8::Persistent handle, void* parameter); void TokenRemoved(Object** token_location); List token_locations_; List token_removed_; friend class TokenEnumeratorTester; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TokenEnumerator); }; // Provides a storage of strings allocated in C++ heap, to hold them // forever, even if they disappear from JS heap or external storage. class StringsStorage { public: StringsStorage(); ~StringsStorage(); const char* GetName(String* name); private: INLINE(static bool StringsMatch(void* key1, void* key2)) { return strcmp(reinterpret_cast(key1), reinterpret_cast(key2)) == 0; } // Mapping of strings by String::Hash to const char* strings. HashMap names_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StringsStorage); }; class CodeEntry { public: explicit INLINE(CodeEntry(int security_token_id)); // CodeEntry doesn't own name strings, just references them. INLINE(CodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag, const char* name_prefix, const char* name, const char* resource_name, int line_number, int security_token_id)); INLINE(bool is_js_function() const) { return is_js_function_tag(tag_); } INLINE(const char* name_prefix() const) { return name_prefix_; } INLINE(bool has_name_prefix() const) { return name_prefix_[0] != '\0'; } INLINE(const char* name() const) { return name_; } INLINE(const char* resource_name() const) { return resource_name_; } INLINE(int line_number() const) { return line_number_; } INLINE(unsigned call_uid() const) { return call_uid_; } INLINE(int security_token_id() const) { return security_token_id_; } INLINE(static bool is_js_function_tag(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag)); void CopyData(const CodeEntry& source); static const char* kEmptyNamePrefix; private: unsigned call_uid_; Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag_; const char* name_prefix_; const char* name_; const char* resource_name_; int line_number_; int security_token_id_; static unsigned next_call_uid_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CodeEntry); }; class ProfileTree; class ProfileNode { public: INLINE(ProfileNode(ProfileTree* tree, CodeEntry* entry)); ProfileNode* FindChild(CodeEntry* entry); ProfileNode* FindOrAddChild(CodeEntry* entry); INLINE(void IncrementSelfTicks()) { ++self_ticks_; } INLINE(void IncreaseSelfTicks(unsigned amount)) { self_ticks_ += amount; } INLINE(void IncreaseTotalTicks(unsigned amount)) { total_ticks_ += amount; } INLINE(CodeEntry* entry() const) { return entry_; } INLINE(unsigned self_ticks() const) { return self_ticks_; } INLINE(unsigned total_ticks() const) { return total_ticks_; } INLINE(const List* children() const) { return &children_list_; } double GetSelfMillis() const; double GetTotalMillis() const; void Print(int indent); private: INLINE(static bool CodeEntriesMatch(void* entry1, void* entry2)) { return entry1 == entry2; } INLINE(static uint32_t CodeEntryHash(CodeEntry* entry)) { return static_cast(reinterpret_cast(entry)); } ProfileTree* tree_; CodeEntry* entry_; unsigned total_ticks_; unsigned self_ticks_; // Mapping from CodeEntry* to ProfileNode* HashMap children_; List children_list_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ProfileNode); }; class ProfileTree { public: ProfileTree(); ~ProfileTree(); void AddPathFromEnd(const Vector& path); void AddPathFromStart(const Vector& path); void CalculateTotalTicks(); void FilteredClone(ProfileTree* src, int security_token_id); double TicksToMillis(unsigned ticks) const { return ticks * ms_to_ticks_scale_; } ProfileNode* root() const { return root_; } void SetTickRatePerMs(double ticks_per_ms); void ShortPrint(); void Print() { root_->Print(0); } private: template void TraverseDepthFirst(Callback* callback); CodeEntry root_entry_; ProfileNode* root_; double ms_to_ticks_scale_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ProfileTree); }; class CpuProfile { public: CpuProfile(const char* title, unsigned uid) : title_(title), uid_(uid) { } // Add pc -> ... -> main() call path to the profile. void AddPath(const Vector& path); void CalculateTotalTicks(); void SetActualSamplingRate(double actual_sampling_rate); CpuProfile* FilteredClone(int security_token_id); INLINE(const char* title() const) { return title_; } INLINE(unsigned uid() const) { return uid_; } INLINE(const ProfileTree* top_down() const) { return &top_down_; } INLINE(const ProfileTree* bottom_up() const) { return &bottom_up_; } void UpdateTicksScale(); void ShortPrint(); void Print(); private: const char* title_; unsigned uid_; ProfileTree top_down_; ProfileTree bottom_up_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CpuProfile); }; class CodeMap { public: CodeMap() { } INLINE(void AddCode(Address addr, CodeEntry* entry, unsigned size)); INLINE(void MoveCode(Address from, Address to)); INLINE(void DeleteCode(Address addr)); void AddAlias(Address start, CodeEntry* entry, Address code_start); CodeEntry* FindEntry(Address addr); void Print(); private: struct CodeEntryInfo { CodeEntryInfo(CodeEntry* an_entry, unsigned a_size) : entry(an_entry), size(a_size) { } CodeEntry* entry; unsigned size; }; struct CodeTreeConfig { typedef Address Key; typedef CodeEntryInfo Value; static const Key kNoKey; static const Value kNoValue; static int Compare(const Key& a, const Key& b) { return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0); } }; typedef SplayTree CodeTree; class CodeTreePrinter { public: void Call(const Address& key, const CodeEntryInfo& value); }; CodeTree tree_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CodeMap); }; class CpuProfilesCollection { public: CpuProfilesCollection(); ~CpuProfilesCollection(); bool StartProfiling(const char* title, unsigned uid); bool StartProfiling(String* title, unsigned uid); CpuProfile* StopProfiling(int security_token_id, const char* title, double actual_sampling_rate); CpuProfile* StopProfiling(int security_token_id, String* title, double actual_sampling_rate); List* Profiles(int security_token_id); const char* GetName(String* name) { return function_and_resource_names_.GetName(name); } CpuProfile* GetProfile(int security_token_id, unsigned uid); inline bool is_last_profile(); CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag, String* name, String* resource_name, int line_number); CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag, const char* name); CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag, const char* name_prefix, String* name); CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag, int args_count); CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(int security_token_id); // Called from profile generator thread. void AddPathToCurrentProfiles(const Vector& path); private: INLINE(const char* GetFunctionName(String* name)); INLINE(const char* GetFunctionName(const char* name)); const char* GetName(int args_count); List* GetProfilesList(int security_token_id); int TokenToIndex(int security_token_id); INLINE(static bool UidsMatch(void* key1, void* key2)) { return key1 == key2; } StringsStorage function_and_resource_names_; // Mapping from args_count (int) to char* strings. List args_count_names_; List code_entries_; List* > profiles_by_token_; // Mapping from profiles' uids to indexes in the second nested list // of profiles_by_token_. HashMap profiles_uids_; // Accessed by VM thread and profile generator thread. List current_profiles_; Semaphore* current_profiles_semaphore_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CpuProfilesCollection); }; class SampleRateCalculator { public: SampleRateCalculator() : result_(Logger::kSamplingIntervalMs * kResultScale), ticks_per_ms_(Logger::kSamplingIntervalMs), measurements_count_(0), wall_time_query_countdown_(1) { } double ticks_per_ms() { return result_ / static_cast(kResultScale); } void Tick(); void UpdateMeasurements(double current_time); // Instead of querying current wall time each tick, // we use this constant to control query intervals. static const unsigned kWallTimeQueryIntervalMs = 100; private: // As the result needs to be accessed from a different thread, we // use type that guarantees atomic writes to memory. There should // be <= 1000 ticks per second, thus storing a value of a 10 ** 5 // order should provide enough precision while keeping away from a // potential overflow. static const int kResultScale = 100000; AtomicWord result_; // All other fields are accessed only from the sampler thread. double ticks_per_ms_; unsigned measurements_count_; unsigned wall_time_query_countdown_; double last_wall_time_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SampleRateCalculator); }; class ProfileGenerator { public: explicit ProfileGenerator(CpuProfilesCollection* profiles); INLINE(CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag, String* name, String* resource_name, int line_number)) { return profiles_->NewCodeEntry(tag, name, resource_name, line_number); } INLINE(CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag, const char* name)) { return profiles_->NewCodeEntry(tag, name); } INLINE(CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag, const char* name_prefix, String* name)) { return profiles_->NewCodeEntry(tag, name_prefix, name); } INLINE(CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag, int args_count)) { return profiles_->NewCodeEntry(tag, args_count); } INLINE(CodeEntry* NewCodeEntry(int security_token_id)) { return profiles_->NewCodeEntry(security_token_id); } void RecordTickSample(const TickSample& sample); INLINE(CodeMap* code_map()) { return &code_map_; } INLINE(void Tick()) { sample_rate_calc_.Tick(); } INLINE(double actual_sampling_rate()) { return sample_rate_calc_.ticks_per_ms(); } static const char* kAnonymousFunctionName; static const char* kProgramEntryName; static const char* kGarbageCollectorEntryName; private: INLINE(CodeEntry* EntryForVMState(StateTag tag)); CpuProfilesCollection* profiles_; CodeMap code_map_; CodeEntry* program_entry_; CodeEntry* gc_entry_; SampleRateCalculator sample_rate_calc_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ProfileGenerator); }; class HeapSnapshot; class HeapEntry; class HeapGraphEdge { public: enum Type { CONTEXT_VARIABLE = v8::HeapGraphEdge::CONTEXT_VARIABLE, ELEMENT = v8::HeapGraphEdge::ELEMENT, PROPERTY = v8::HeapGraphEdge::PROPERTY, INTERNAL = v8::HeapGraphEdge::INTERNAL }; HeapGraphEdge(Type type, const char* name, HeapEntry* from, HeapEntry* to); HeapGraphEdge(int index, HeapEntry* from, HeapEntry* to); Type type() const { return type_; } int index() const { ASSERT(type_ == ELEMENT); return index_; } const char* name() const { ASSERT(type_ == CONTEXT_VARIABLE || type_ == PROPERTY || type_ == INTERNAL); return name_; } HeapEntry* from() const { return from_; } HeapEntry* to() const { return to_; } private: Type type_; union { int index_; const char* name_; }; HeapEntry* from_; HeapEntry* to_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapGraphEdge); }; class HeapGraphPath; class CachedHeapGraphPath; class HeapEntry { public: enum Type { INTERNAL = v8::HeapGraphNode::INTERNAL, ARRAY = v8::HeapGraphNode::ARRAY, STRING = v8::HeapGraphNode::STRING, OBJECT = v8::HeapGraphNode::OBJECT, CODE = v8::HeapGraphNode::CODE, CLOSURE = v8::HeapGraphNode::CLOSURE }; explicit HeapEntry(HeapSnapshot* snapshot) : snapshot_(snapshot), visited_(false), type_(INTERNAL), name_(""), id_(0), next_auto_index_(0), self_size_(0), security_token_id_(TokenEnumerator::kNoSecurityToken), children_(1), retainers_(0), retaining_paths_(0), total_size_(kUnknownSize), non_shared_total_size_(kUnknownSize), painted_(kUnpainted) { } HeapEntry(HeapSnapshot* snapshot, Type type, const char* name, uint64_t id, int self_size, int security_token_id) : snapshot_(snapshot), visited_(false), type_(type), name_(name), id_(id), next_auto_index_(1), self_size_(self_size), security_token_id_(security_token_id), children_(4), retainers_(4), retaining_paths_(4), total_size_(kUnknownSize), non_shared_total_size_(kUnknownSize), painted_(kUnpainted) { } ~HeapEntry(); bool visited() const { return visited_; } Type type() const { return type_; } const char* name() const { return name_; } uint64_t id() const { return id_; } int self_size() const { return self_size_; } int security_token_id() const { return security_token_id_; } bool painted_reachable() { return painted_ == kPaintReachable; } bool not_painted_reachable_from_others() { return painted_ != kPaintReachableFromOthers; } const List* children() const { return &children_; } const List* retainers() const { return &retainers_; } const List* GetRetainingPaths(); template void ApplyAndPaintAllReachable(Visitor* visitor); void ClearPaint() { painted_ = kUnpainted; } void CutEdges(); void MarkAsVisited() { visited_ = true; } void PaintAllReachable(); void PaintReachable() { ASSERT(painted_ == kUnpainted); painted_ = kPaintReachable; } void PaintReachableFromOthers() { painted_ = kPaintReachableFromOthers; } void SetClosureReference(const char* name, HeapEntry* entry); void SetElementReference(int index, HeapEntry* entry); void SetInternalReference(const char* name, HeapEntry* entry); void SetPropertyReference(const char* name, HeapEntry* entry); void SetAutoIndexReference(HeapEntry* entry); void SetUnidirAutoIndexReference(HeapEntry* entry); int TotalSize(); int NonSharedTotalSize(); void Print(int max_depth, int indent); private: void AddEdge(HeapGraphEdge* edge); int CalculateTotalSize(); int CalculateNonSharedTotalSize(); void FindRetainingPaths(HeapEntry* node, CachedHeapGraphPath* prev_path); void RemoveChild(HeapGraphEdge* edge); void RemoveRetainer(HeapGraphEdge* edge); const char* TypeAsString(); HeapSnapshot* snapshot_; bool visited_; Type type_; const char* name_; uint64_t id_; int next_auto_index_; int self_size_; int security_token_id_; List children_; List retainers_; List retaining_paths_; int total_size_; int non_shared_total_size_; int painted_; static const int kUnknownSize = -1; static const int kUnpainted = 0; static const int kPaintReachable = 1; static const int kPaintReachableFromOthers = 2; DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(HeapEntry); }; class HeapGraphPath { public: HeapGraphPath() : path_(8) { } explicit HeapGraphPath(const List& path); void Add(HeapGraphEdge* edge) { path_.Add(edge); } void Set(int index, HeapGraphEdge* edge) { path_[index] = edge; } const List* path() const { return &path_; } void Print(); private: List path_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapGraphPath); }; class HeapEntriesMap { public: HeapEntriesMap(); ~HeapEntriesMap(); void Alias(HeapObject* object, HeapEntry* entry); void Apply(void (HeapEntry::*Func)(void)); template void Apply(Visitor* visitor); HeapEntry* Map(HeapObject* object); void Pair(HeapObject* object, HeapEntry* entry); uint32_t capacity() { return entries_.capacity(); } private: INLINE(uint32_t Hash(HeapObject* object)) { return static_cast(reinterpret_cast(object)); } INLINE(static bool HeapObjectsMatch(void* key1, void* key2)) { return key1 == key2; } INLINE(bool IsAlias(void* ptr)) { return reinterpret_cast(ptr) & kAliasTag; } static const intptr_t kAliasTag = 1; HashMap entries_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapEntriesMap); }; class HeapSnapshotsCollection; class HeapSnapshotsDiff; // HeapSnapshot represents a single heap snapshot. It is stored in // HeapSnapshotsCollection, which is also a factory for // HeapSnapshots. All HeapSnapshots share strings copied from JS heap // to be able to return them even if they were collected. // HeapSnapshotGenerator fills in a HeapSnapshot. class HeapSnapshot { public: HeapSnapshot(HeapSnapshotsCollection* collection, const char* title, unsigned uid); ~HeapSnapshot(); void ClearPaint(); void CutObjectsFromForeignSecurityContexts(); HeapEntry* GetEntry(Object* object); void SetClosureReference( HeapEntry* parent, String* reference_name, Object* child); void SetElementReference(HeapEntry* parent, int index, Object* child); void SetInternalReference( HeapEntry* parent, const char* reference_name, Object* child); void SetPropertyReference( HeapEntry* parent, String* reference_name, Object* child); INLINE(const char* title() const) { return title_; } INLINE(unsigned uid() const) { return uid_; } const HeapEntry* const_root() const { return &root_; } HeapEntry* root() { return &root_; } template void IterateEntries(Visitor* visitor) { entries_.Apply(visitor); } List* GetSortedEntriesList(); HeapSnapshotsDiff* CompareWith(HeapSnapshot* snapshot); void Print(int max_depth); private: HeapEntry* AddEntry(HeapObject* object, HeapEntry::Type type) { return AddEntry(object, type, ""); } HeapEntry* AddEntry( HeapObject* object, HeapEntry::Type type, const char* name); void AddEntryAlias(HeapObject* object, HeapEntry* entry) { entries_.Alias(object, entry); } HeapEntry* FindEntry(HeapObject* object) { return entries_.Map(object); } int GetGlobalSecurityToken(); int GetObjectSecurityToken(HeapObject* obj); static int GetObjectSize(HeapObject* obj); static int CalculateNetworkSize(JSObject* obj); HeapSnapshotsCollection* collection_; const char* title_; unsigned uid_; HeapEntry root_; // Mapping from HeapObject* pointers to HeapEntry* pointers. HeapEntriesMap entries_; // Entries sorted by id. List* sorted_entries_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapSnapshot); }; class HeapObjectsMap { public: HeapObjectsMap(); ~HeapObjectsMap(); void SnapshotGenerationFinished(); uint64_t FindObject(Address addr); void MoveObject(Address from, Address to); private: struct EntryInfo { explicit EntryInfo(uint64_t id) : id(id), accessed(true) { } EntryInfo(uint64_t id, bool accessed) : id(id), accessed(accessed) { } uint64_t id; bool accessed; }; void AddEntry(Address addr, uint64_t id); uint64_t FindEntry(Address addr); void RemoveDeadEntries(); static bool AddressesMatch(void* key1, void* key2) { return key1 == key2; } static uint32_t AddressHash(Address addr) { return static_cast(reinterpret_cast(addr)); } bool initial_fill_mode_; uint64_t next_id_; HashMap entries_map_; List* entries_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapObjectsMap); }; class HeapSnapshotsDiff { public: HeapSnapshotsDiff(HeapSnapshot* snapshot1, HeapSnapshot* snapshot2) : snapshot1_(snapshot1), snapshot2_(snapshot2), additions_root_(new HeapEntry(snapshot2)), deletions_root_(new HeapEntry(snapshot1)) { } ~HeapSnapshotsDiff() { delete deletions_root_; delete additions_root_; } void AddAddedEntry(HeapEntry* entry) { additions_root_->SetUnidirAutoIndexReference(entry); } void AddDeletedEntry(HeapEntry* entry) { deletions_root_->SetUnidirAutoIndexReference(entry); } const HeapEntry* additions_root() const { return additions_root_; } const HeapEntry* deletions_root() const { return deletions_root_; } private: HeapSnapshot* snapshot1_; HeapSnapshot* snapshot2_; HeapEntry* additions_root_; HeapEntry* deletions_root_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapSnapshotsDiff); }; class HeapSnapshotsComparator { public: HeapSnapshotsComparator() { } ~HeapSnapshotsComparator(); HeapSnapshotsDiff* Compare(HeapSnapshot* snapshot1, HeapSnapshot* snapshot2); private: List diffs_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapSnapshotsComparator); }; class HeapSnapshotsCollection { public: HeapSnapshotsCollection(); ~HeapSnapshotsCollection(); bool is_tracking_objects() { return is_tracking_objects_; } HeapSnapshot* NewSnapshot(const char* name, unsigned uid); void SnapshotGenerationFinished() { ids_.SnapshotGenerationFinished(); } List* snapshots() { return &snapshots_; } HeapSnapshot* GetSnapshot(unsigned uid); const char* GetName(String* name) { return names_.GetName(name); } TokenEnumerator* token_enumerator() { return token_enumerator_; } uint64_t GetObjectId(Address addr) { return ids_.FindObject(addr); } void ObjectMoveEvent(Address from, Address to) { ids_.MoveObject(from, to); } HeapSnapshotsDiff* CompareSnapshots(HeapSnapshot* snapshot1, HeapSnapshot* snapshot2); private: INLINE(static bool HeapSnapshotsMatch(void* key1, void* key2)) { return key1 == key2; } bool is_tracking_objects_; // Whether tracking object moves is needed. List snapshots_; // Mapping from snapshots' uids to HeapSnapshot* pointers. HashMap snapshots_uids_; StringsStorage names_; TokenEnumerator* token_enumerator_; // Mapping from HeapObject addresses to objects' uids. HeapObjectsMap ids_; HeapSnapshotsComparator comparator_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapSnapshotsCollection); }; class HeapSnapshotGenerator { public: explicit HeapSnapshotGenerator(HeapSnapshot* snapshot); void GenerateSnapshot(); private: void ExtractReferences(HeapObject* obj); void ExtractClosureReferences(JSObject* js_obj, HeapEntry* entry); void ExtractPropertyReferences(JSObject* js_obj, HeapEntry* entry); void ExtractElementReferences(JSObject* js_obj, HeapEntry* entry); HeapSnapshot* snapshot_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HeapSnapshotGenerator); }; } } // namespace v8::internal #endif // ENABLE_LOGGING_AND_PROFILING #endif // V8_PROFILE_GENERATOR_H_