// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. let descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype, "formatRangeToParts"); assertTrue(descriptor.writable); assertFalse(descriptor.enumerable); assertTrue(descriptor.configurable); const date1 = new Date("2019-1-3"); const date2 = new Date("2019-1-5"); const date3 = new Date("2019-3-4"); const date4 = new Date("2020-3-4"); let dtf = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(); assertThrows(() => dtf.formatRangeToParts(), RangeError); assertThrows(() => dtf.formatRangeToParts(date1), RangeError); assertThrows(() => dtf.formatRangeToParts(undefined, date2), RangeError); assertThrows(() => dtf.formatRangeToParts(date1, undefined), RangeError); assertThrows(() => dtf.formatRangeToParts("2019-1-3", date2), RangeError); assertThrows(() => dtf.formatRangeToParts(date1, "2019-5-4"), RangeError); assertThrows(() => dtf.formatRangeToParts(date2, date1), RangeError); assertDoesNotThrow(() =>dtf.formatRangeToParts(date1, date2)); function partsToString(parts) { return parts.map(x => x.value).join(""); } const validSources = ["startRange", "endRange", "shared"]; const validTypes = ["literal", "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "weekday", "dayPeriod", "timeZoneName", "era"]; function assertParts(parts) { const str = partsToString(parts); parts.forEach(function(part) { // Check the range of part.source assertTrue(validSources.includes(part.source), "Invalid source '" + part.source + "' in '" + str + "' for '" + part.value + "'"); // Check the range of part.type assertTrue(validTypes.includes(part.type), "Invalid type '" + part.type + "' in '" + str + "' for '" + part.value + "'"); // Check the part.value is a string assertEquals("string", typeof part.value, "Invalid value for '" + str + "'"); }); } function verifyFormatRangeToParts(a, b, dtf) { var parts = dtf.formatRangeToParts(a, b); // Check each parts fulfill basic property of the parts. assertParts(parts); // ensure the 'value' in the parts is the same as the output of // the formatRange. assertEquals(dtf.formatRange(a, b), partsToString(parts)); } verifyFormatRangeToParts(date1, date2, dtf); verifyFormatRangeToParts(date1, date3, dtf); verifyFormatRangeToParts(date1, date4, dtf); verifyFormatRangeToParts(date2, date3, dtf); verifyFormatRangeToParts(date2, date4, dtf); verifyFormatRangeToParts(date3, date4, dtf); dtf = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(["en"], {year: "numeric", month: "short", day: "numeric"}); verifyFormatRangeToParts(date1, date2, dtf); verifyFormatRangeToParts(date1, date3, dtf); verifyFormatRangeToParts(date1, date4, dtf); verifyFormatRangeToParts(date2, date3, dtf); verifyFormatRangeToParts(date2, date4, dtf); verifyFormatRangeToParts(date3, date4, dtf); // Test the sequence of ToNumber and TimeClip var secondDateAccessed = false; assertThrows( () => dtf.formatRangeToParts( new Date(864000000*10000000 + 1), // a date will cause TimeClip return NaN { get [Symbol.toPrimitive]() { secondDateAccessed = true; return {}} }), TypeError); assertTrue(secondDateAccessed);