// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --expose-wasm --allow-natives-syntax load("test/mjsunit/wasm/wasm-module-builder.js"); function builder() { return new WasmModuleBuilder; } function assertCompileError(bytes, msg) { assertThrows( () => new WebAssembly.Module(bytes), WebAssembly.CompileError, 'WebAssembly.Module(): ' + msg); assertThrowsAsync( WebAssembly.compile(bytes), WebAssembly.CompileError, 'WebAssembly.compile(): ' + msg); } function assertInstantiateError(error, bytes, imports = {}, msg) { assertThrows( () => new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(bytes), imports), error, 'WebAssembly.Instance(): ' + msg); assertThrowsAsync( WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, imports), error, 'WebAssembly.instantiate(): ' + msg); } // default imports to {} so we get LinkError by default, thus allowing us to // distinguish the TypeError we want to catch function assertTypeError(bytes, imports = {}, msg) { assertInstantiateError(TypeError, bytes, imports, msg); } function assertLinkError(bytes, imports, msg) { assertInstantiateError(WebAssembly.LinkError, bytes, imports, msg); } function assertConversionError(bytes, imports, msg) { let instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(bytes), imports); assertThrows(() => instance.exports.run(), TypeError, msg); } (function TestDecodingError() { print(arguments.callee.name); assertCompileError(bytes(), 'BufferSource argument is empty'); assertCompileError(bytes('X'), 'expected 4 bytes, fell off end @+0'); assertCompileError( bytes('\0x00asm'), 'expected magic word 00 61 73 6d, found 00 78 30 30 @+0'); })(); (function TestValidationError() { print(arguments.callee.name); let f_error = msg => 'Compiling function #0:"f" failed: ' + msg; assertCompileError( builder().addFunction('f', kSig_i_v).end().toBuffer(), f_error('function body must end with "end" opcode @+24')); assertCompileError( builder().addFunction('f', kSig_i_v).addBody([kExprReturn]) .end().toBuffer(), f_error('expected 1 elements on the stack for return, found 0 @+24')); assertCompileError(builder().addFunction('f', kSig_v_v).addBody([ kExprLocalGet, 0 ]).end().toBuffer(), f_error('invalid local index: 0 @+24')); assertCompileError( builder().addStart(0).toBuffer(), 'start function index 0 out of bounds (0 entries) @+10'); })(); function import_error(index, module, func, msg) { let full_msg = 'Import #' + index + ' module=\"' + module + '\"'; if (func !== undefined) full_msg += ' function=\"' + func + '\"'; return full_msg + ' error: ' + msg; } (function TestTypeError() { print(arguments.callee.name); let b = builder(); b.addImport('foo', 'bar', kSig_v_v); let msg = import_error(0, 'foo', undefined, 'module is not an object or function'); assertTypeError(b.toBuffer(), {}, msg); b = builder(); b.addImportedGlobal('foo', 'bar', kWasmI32); assertTypeError(b.toBuffer(), {}, msg); b = builder(); b.addImportedMemory('foo', 'bar'); assertTypeError(b.toBuffer(), {}, msg); })(); (function TestLinkingError() { print(arguments.callee.name); let b; let msg; b = builder(); msg = import_error(0, 'foo', 'bar', 'function import requires a callable'); b.addImport('foo', 'bar', kSig_v_v); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {foo: {}}, msg); b = builder(); b.addImport('foo', 'bar', kSig_v_v); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {foo: {bar: 9}}, msg); b = builder(); msg = import_error( 0, 'foo', 'bar', 'global import must be a number or WebAssembly.Global object'); b.addImportedGlobal('foo', 'bar', kWasmI32); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {foo: {}}, msg); b = builder(); b.addImportedGlobal('foo', 'bar', kWasmI32); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {foo: {bar: ''}}, msg); b = builder(); b.addImportedGlobal('foo', 'bar', kWasmI32); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {foo: {bar: () => 9}}, msg); b = builder(); msg = import_error( 0, 'foo', 'bar', 'memory import must be a WebAssembly.Memory object'); b.addImportedMemory('foo', 'bar'); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {foo: {}}, msg); b = builder(); b.addImportedMemory('foo', 'bar', 1); assertLinkError( b.toBuffer(), {foo: {bar: () => new WebAssembly.Memory({initial: 0})}}, msg); })(); (function TestTrapUnreachable() { print(arguments.callee.name); let instance = builder().addFunction('run', kSig_v_v) .addBody([kExprUnreachable]).exportFunc().end().instantiate(); assertTraps(kTrapUnreachable, instance.exports.run); })(); (function TestTrapDivByZero() { print(arguments.callee.name); let instance = builder().addFunction('run', kSig_v_v).addBody( [kExprI32Const, 1, kExprI32Const, 0, kExprI32DivS, kExprDrop]) .exportFunc().end().instantiate(); assertTraps(kTrapDivByZero, instance.exports.run); })(); (function TestUnreachableInStart() { print(arguments.callee.name); let b = builder().addFunction("start", kSig_v_v).addBody( [kExprUnreachable]).end().addStart(0); assertTraps(kTrapUnreachable, () => b.instantiate()); })(); (function InternalDebugTrace() { print(arguments.callee.name); var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); var sig = builder.addType(kSig_i_dd); builder.addImport("mod", "func", sig); builder.addFunction("main", sig) .addBody([kExprLocalGet, 0, kExprLocalGet, 1, kExprCallFunction, 0]) .exportAs("main"); var main = builder.instantiate({ mod: { func: ()=>{%DebugTrace();} } }).exports.main; main(); })(); (function TestMultipleCorruptFunctions() { print(arguments.callee.name); // Generate a module with multiple corrupt functions. The error message must // be deterministic. var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); var sig = builder.addType(kSig_v_v); for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { builder.addFunction('f' + i, sig).addBody([kExprEnd]); } assertCompileError( builder.toBuffer(), 'Compiling function #0:"f0" failed: ' + 'trailing code after function end @+33'); })();