// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --expose-wasm 'use strict'; load("test/mjsunit/wasm/wasm-constants.js"); load("test/mjsunit/wasm/wasm-module-builder.js"); function module(bytes) { let buffer = bytes; if (typeof buffer === 'string') { buffer = new ArrayBuffer(bytes.length); let view = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i) { view[i] = bytes.charCodeAt(i); } } return new WebAssembly.Module(buffer); } function instance(bytes, imports = {}) { return new WebAssembly.Instance(module(bytes), imports); } // instantiate should succeed but run should fail. function instantiateAndFailAtRuntime(bytes, imports = {}) { var instance = undefined; try { instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module(bytes), imports); } catch(e) { // If we fail at startup. if (e instanceof WebAssembly.RuntimeError) { throw e; } // Swallow other instantiation errors because we expect instantiation // to succeed but runtime to fail. return; } instance.exports.run(); } function builder() { return new WasmModuleBuilder; } function assertCompileError(bytes) { assertThrows(() => module(bytes), WebAssembly.CompileError); } // default imports to {} so we get LinkError by default, thus allowing us to // distinguish the TypeError we want to catch function assertTypeError(bytes, imports = {}) { assertThrows(() => instance(bytes, imports), TypeError); } function assertLinkError(bytes, imports) { assertThrows(() => instance(bytes, imports), WebAssembly.LinkError); } function assertRuntimeError(bytes, imports) { assertThrows(() => instantiateAndFailAtRuntime(bytes, imports), WebAssembly.RuntimeError); } function assertConversionError(bytes, imports) { assertThrows(() => instantiateAndFailAtRuntime(bytes, imports), TypeError); } (function TestDecodingError() { assertCompileError(""); assertCompileError("X"); assertCompileError("\0x00asm"); })(); (function TestValidationError() { assertCompileError(builder().addFunction("f", kSig_i_v).end().toBuffer()); assertCompileError(builder().addFunction("f", kSig_i_v).addBody([ kExprReturn ]).end().toBuffer()); assertCompileError(builder().addFunction("f", kSig_v_v).addBody([ kExprGetLocal, 0 ]).end().toBuffer()); assertCompileError(builder().addStart(0).toBuffer()); })(); (function TestLinkingError() { let b; b = builder(); b.addImport("foo", "bar", kSig_v_v); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {}); b = builder(); b.addImport("foo", "bar", kSig_v_v); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {foo: {}}); b = builder(); b.addImport("foo", "bar", kSig_v_v); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {foo: {bar: 9}}); b = builder(); b.addImportedGlobal("foo", "bar", kWasmI32); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {}); b = builder(); b.addImportedGlobal("foo", "bar", kWasmI32); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {foo: {}}); b = builder(); b.addImportedGlobal("foo", "bar", kWasmI32); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {foo: {bar: ""}}); b = builder(); b.addImportedGlobal("foo", "bar", kWasmI32); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {foo: {bar: () => 9}}); b = builder(); b.addImportedMemory("foo", "bar"); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {}); b = builder(); b.addImportedMemory("foo", "bar"); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {foo: {}}); b = builder(); b.addImportedMemory("foo", "bar", 1); assertLinkError(b.toBuffer(), {foo: {bar: () => new WebAssembly.Memory({initial: 0})}}); b = builder(); b.addFunction("startup", kSig_v_v).addBody([ kExprUnreachable, ]).end().addStart(0); assertRuntimeError(b.toBuffer()); })(); (function TestTrapError() { assertRuntimeError(builder().addFunction("run", kSig_v_v).addBody([ kExprUnreachable ]).exportFunc().end().toBuffer()); assertRuntimeError(builder().addFunction("run", kSig_v_v).addBody([ kExprI32Const, 1, kExprI32Const, 0, kExprI32DivS, kExprDrop ]).exportFunc().end().toBuffer()); assertRuntimeError(builder().addFunction("run", kSig_v_v).addBody([ ]).exportFunc().end(). addFunction("start", kSig_v_v).addBody([ kExprUnreachable ]).end().addStart(1).toBuffer()); })(); (function TestConversionError() { let b = builder(); b.addImport("foo", "bar", kSig_v_l); assertConversionError(b.addFunction("run", kSig_v_v).addBody([ kExprI64Const, 0, kExprCallFunction, 0 ]).exportFunc().end().toBuffer(), {foo:{bar: (l)=>{}}}); b = builder() assertConversionError(builder().addFunction("run", kSig_l_v).addBody([ kExprI64Const, 0 ]).exportFunc().end().toBuffer()); })();