# # Autogenerated by generate-bytecode-expectations. # --- wrap: yes --- snippet: " for (var p of [0, 1, 2]) {} " frame size: 15 parameter count: 1 bytecode array length: 245 bytecodes: [ /* 30 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(5), B(Mov), R(context), R(11), B(Mov), R(context), R(12), /* 48 S> */ B(CreateArrayLiteral), U8(0), U8(0), U8(37), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(13), U8(1), U8(1), B(Star), R(14), B(CallProperty0), R(14), R(13), U8(3), B(JumpIfJSReceiver), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid), R(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(2), /* 48 E> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(2), U8(2), U8(5), B(Star), R(3), /* 43 S> */ B(CallProperty0), R(3), R(2), U8(7), B(Star), R(4), /* 43 E> */ B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(4), U8(1), B(ToBooleanLogicalNot), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(4), U8(1), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(4), U8(3), U8(9), B(JumpIfToBooleanTrue), U8(25), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(4), U8(4), U8(11), B(Star), R(6), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(Star), R(5), B(Mov), R(6), R(0), /* 34 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(Mov), R(0), R(1), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(5), B(JumpLoop), U8(44), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(33), B(Star), R(13), B(CreateCatchContext), R(13), U8(5), B(PushContext), R(13), B(Star), R(12), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(TestEqualStrict), R(5), U8(13), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(6), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(5), B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(14), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kReThrow), R(14), U8(1), B(PopContext), R(13), B(LdaSmi), I8(-1), B(Star), R(10), B(Star), R(9), B(Jump), U8(7), B(Star), R(10), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(9), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Star), R(11), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrict), R(5), U8(14), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(90), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(2), U8(6), U8(15), B(Star), R(7), B(TestUndetectable), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(79), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(TestEqualStrict), R(5), U8(17), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(47), B(Ldar), R(7), B(TestTypeOf), U8(6), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(18), B(Wide), B(LdaSmi), I16(147), B(Star), R(12), B(LdaConstant), U8(7), B(Star), R(13), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kNewTypeError), R(12), U8(2), B(Throw), B(Mov), R(context), R(12), B(Mov), R(7), R(13), B(Mov), R(2), R(14), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(13), U8(2), B(Jump), U8(6), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(12), B(Jump), U8(27), B(Mov), R(7), R(12), B(Mov), R(2), R(13), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(12), U8(2), B(Star), R(8), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(8), U8(1), B(JumpIfToBooleanFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(8), U8(1), B(Ldar), R(11), B(SetPendingMessage), B(LdaZero), B(TestReferenceEqual), R(9), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(5), B(Ldar), R(10), B(ReThrow), B(LdaUndefined), /* 62 S> */ B(Return), ] constant pool: [ TUPLE2_TYPE, SYMBOL_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["next"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["done"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["value"], SCOPE_INFO_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["return"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [""], ] handlers: [ [7, 121, 129], [10, 88, 90], [189, 199, 201], ] --- snippet: " var x = 'potatoes'; for (var p of x) { return p; } " frame size: 16 parameter count: 1 bytecode array length: 255 bytecodes: [ /* 30 E> */ B(StackCheck), /* 42 S> */ B(LdaConstant), U8(0), B(Star), R(0), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(6), B(Mov), R(context), R(12), B(Mov), R(context), R(13), /* 68 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(0), U8(1), U8(0), B(Star), R(15), B(CallProperty0), R(15), R(0), U8(2), B(Mov), R(0), R(14), B(JumpIfJSReceiver), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid), R(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(3), /* 68 E> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(3), U8(2), U8(4), B(Star), R(4), /* 63 S> */ B(CallProperty0), R(4), R(3), U8(6), B(Star), R(5), /* 63 E> */ B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(5), U8(1), B(ToBooleanLogicalNot), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(5), U8(1), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(5), U8(3), U8(8), B(JumpIfToBooleanTrue), U8(27), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(5), U8(4), U8(10), B(Star), R(7), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(Star), R(6), B(Mov), R(7), R(1), /* 54 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(Mov), R(1), R(2), /* 73 S> */ B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(10), B(Mov), R(7), R(11), B(Jump), U8(49), B(Jump), U8(33), B(Star), R(14), B(CreateCatchContext), R(14), U8(5), B(PushContext), R(14), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(TestEqualStrict), R(6), U8(12), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(6), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(6), B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(15), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kReThrow), R(15), U8(1), B(PopContext), R(14), B(LdaSmi), I8(-1), B(Star), R(11), B(Star), R(10), B(Jump), U8(8), B(Star), R(11), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(10), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Star), R(12), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrict), R(6), U8(13), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(90), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(3), U8(6), U8(14), B(Star), R(8), B(TestUndetectable), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(79), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(TestEqualStrict), R(6), U8(16), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(47), B(Ldar), R(8), B(TestTypeOf), U8(6), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(18), B(Wide), B(LdaSmi), I16(147), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaConstant), U8(7), B(Star), R(14), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kNewTypeError), R(13), U8(2), B(Throw), B(Mov), R(context), R(13), B(Mov), R(8), R(14), B(Mov), R(3), R(15), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(14), U8(2), B(Jump), U8(6), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(13), B(Jump), U8(27), B(Mov), R(8), R(13), B(Mov), R(3), R(14), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(13), U8(2), B(Star), R(9), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(9), U8(1), B(JumpIfToBooleanFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(9), U8(1), B(Ldar), R(12), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(10), B(SwitchOnSmiNoFeedback), U8(8), U8(2), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(8), B(Ldar), R(11), /* 85 S> */ B(Return), B(Ldar), R(11), B(ReThrow), B(LdaUndefined), /* 85 S> */ B(Return), ] constant pool: [ ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["potatoes"], SYMBOL_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["next"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["done"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["value"], SCOPE_INFO_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["return"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [""], Smi [6], Smi [9], ] handlers: [ [11, 124, 132], [14, 91, 93], [193, 203, 205], ] --- snippet: " for (var x of [10, 20, 30]) { if (x == 10) continue; if (x == 20) break; } " frame size: 15 parameter count: 1 bytecode array length: 263 bytecodes: [ /* 30 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(5), B(Mov), R(context), R(11), B(Mov), R(context), R(12), /* 48 S> */ B(CreateArrayLiteral), U8(0), U8(0), U8(37), B(Star), R(13), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(13), U8(1), U8(1), B(Star), R(14), B(CallProperty0), R(14), R(13), U8(3), B(JumpIfJSReceiver), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid), R(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(2), /* 48 E> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(2), U8(2), U8(5), B(Star), R(3), /* 43 S> */ B(CallProperty0), R(3), R(2), U8(7), B(Star), R(4), /* 43 E> */ B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(4), U8(1), B(ToBooleanLogicalNot), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(4), U8(1), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(4), U8(3), U8(9), B(JumpIfToBooleanTrue), U8(43), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(4), U8(4), U8(11), B(Star), R(6), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(Star), R(5), B(Mov), R(6), R(0), /* 34 E> */ B(StackCheck), B(Mov), R(0), R(1), /* 66 S> */ B(LdaSmi), I8(10), /* 72 E> */ B(TestEqual), R(1), U8(13), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), /* 79 S> */ B(Jump), U8(14), /* 91 S> */ B(LdaSmi), I8(20), /* 97 E> */ B(TestEqual), R(1), U8(14), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), /* 104 S> */ B(Jump), U8(8), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(5), B(JumpLoop), U8(62), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(33), B(Star), R(13), B(CreateCatchContext), R(13), U8(5), B(PushContext), R(13), B(Star), R(12), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(TestEqualStrict), R(5), U8(15), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(6), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(5), B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(14), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kReThrow), R(14), U8(1), B(PopContext), R(13), B(LdaSmi), I8(-1), B(Star), R(10), B(Star), R(9), B(Jump), U8(7), B(Star), R(10), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(9), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Star), R(11), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrict), R(5), U8(16), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(90), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(2), U8(6), U8(17), B(Star), R(7), B(TestUndetectable), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(79), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(TestEqualStrict), R(5), U8(19), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(47), B(Ldar), R(7), B(TestTypeOf), U8(6), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(18), B(Wide), B(LdaSmi), I16(147), B(Star), R(12), B(LdaConstant), U8(7), B(Star), R(13), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kNewTypeError), R(12), U8(2), B(Throw), B(Mov), R(context), R(12), B(Mov), R(7), R(13), B(Mov), R(2), R(14), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(13), U8(2), B(Jump), U8(6), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(12), B(Jump), U8(27), B(Mov), R(7), R(12), B(Mov), R(2), R(13), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(12), U8(2), B(Star), R(8), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(8), U8(1), B(JumpIfToBooleanFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(8), U8(1), B(Ldar), R(11), B(SetPendingMessage), B(LdaZero), B(TestReferenceEqual), R(9), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(5), B(Ldar), R(10), B(ReThrow), B(LdaUndefined), /* 113 S> */ B(Return), ] constant pool: [ TUPLE2_TYPE, SYMBOL_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["next"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["done"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["value"], SCOPE_INFO_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["return"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [""], ] handlers: [ [7, 139, 147], [10, 106, 108], [207, 217, 219], ] --- snippet: " var x = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }; for (x['a'] of [1,2,3]) { return x['a']; } " frame size: 14 parameter count: 1 bytecode array length: 265 bytecodes: [ /* 30 E> */ B(StackCheck), /* 42 S> */ B(CreateObjectLiteral), U8(0), U8(0), U8(41), R(8), B(Mov), R(8), R(0), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(4), B(Mov), R(context), R(10), B(Mov), R(context), R(11), /* 77 S> */ B(CreateArrayLiteral), U8(1), U8(1), U8(37), B(Star), R(12), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(12), U8(2), U8(2), B(Star), R(13), B(CallProperty0), R(13), R(12), U8(4), B(JumpIfJSReceiver), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid), R(0), U8(0), B(Star), R(1), /* 77 E> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(1), U8(3), U8(6), B(Star), R(2), /* 68 S> */ B(CallProperty0), R(2), R(1), U8(8), B(Star), R(3), /* 68 E> */ B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(3), U8(1), B(ToBooleanLogicalNot), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(3), U8(1), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(3), U8(4), U8(10), B(JumpIfToBooleanTrue), U8(30), /* 67 E> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(3), U8(5), U8(12), B(Star), R(5), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(Star), R(4), B(Ldar), R(5), B(StaNamedProperty), R(0), U8(6), U8(14), /* 62 E> */ B(StackCheck), /* 96 S> */ B(LdaNamedProperty), R(0), U8(6), U8(16), B(Star), R(9), B(LdaZero), B(Star), R(8), B(Jump), U8(49), B(Jump), U8(33), B(Star), R(12), B(CreateCatchContext), R(12), U8(7), B(PushContext), R(12), B(Star), R(11), B(LdaSmi), I8(2), B(TestEqualStrict), R(4), U8(18), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(6), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(4), B(LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot), U8(4), B(Star), R(13), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kReThrow), R(13), U8(1), B(PopContext), R(12), B(LdaSmi), I8(-1), B(Star), R(9), B(Star), R(8), B(Jump), U8(8), B(Star), R(9), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(Star), R(8), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Star), R(10), B(LdaZero), B(TestEqualStrict), R(4), U8(19), B(JumpIfTrue), U8(90), B(LdaNamedProperty), R(1), U8(8), U8(20), B(Star), R(6), B(TestUndetectable), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(79), B(LdaSmi), I8(1), B(TestEqualStrict), R(4), U8(22), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(47), B(Ldar), R(6), B(TestTypeOf), U8(6), B(JumpIfFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(18), B(Wide), B(LdaSmi), I16(147), B(Star), R(11), B(LdaConstant), U8(9), B(Star), R(12), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kNewTypeError), R(11), U8(2), B(Throw), B(Mov), R(context), R(11), B(Mov), R(6), R(12), B(Mov), R(1), R(13), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(12), U8(2), B(Jump), U8(6), B(LdaTheHole), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(11), B(Jump), U8(27), B(Mov), R(6), R(11), B(Mov), R(1), R(12), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_Call), R(11), U8(2), B(Star), R(7), B(InvokeIntrinsic), U8(Runtime::k_IsJSReceiver), R(7), U8(1), B(JumpIfToBooleanFalse), U8(4), B(Jump), U8(7), B(CallRuntime), U16(Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject), R(7), U8(1), B(Ldar), R(10), B(SetPendingMessage), B(Ldar), R(8), B(SwitchOnSmiNoFeedback), U8(10), U8(2), I8(0), B(Jump), U8(8), B(Ldar), R(9), /* 105 S> */ B(Return), B(Ldar), R(9), B(ReThrow), B(LdaUndefined), /* 105 S> */ B(Return), ] constant pool: [ BOILERPLATE_DESCRIPTION_TYPE, TUPLE2_TYPE, SYMBOL_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["next"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["done"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["value"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["a"], SCOPE_INFO_TYPE, ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE ["return"], ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE [""], Smi [6], Smi [9], ] handlers: [ [15, 134, 142], [18, 101, 103], [203, 213, 215], ]