#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import argparse import sys import tempfile import urllib2 from common_includes import * TRUNKBRANCH = "TRUNKBRANCH" CHROMIUM = "CHROMIUM" DEPS_FILE = "DEPS_FILE" CONFIG = { BRANCHNAME: "prepare-push", TRUNKBRANCH: "trunk-push", PERSISTFILE_BASENAME: "/tmp/v8-push-to-trunk-tempfile", TEMP_BRANCH: "prepare-push-temporary-branch-created-by-script", DOT_GIT_LOCATION: ".git", VERSION_FILE: "src/version.cc", CHANGELOG_FILE: "ChangeLog", CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE: "/tmp/v8-push-to-trunk-tempfile-changelog-entry", PATCH_FILE: "/tmp/v8-push-to-trunk-tempfile-patch-file", COMMITMSG_FILE: "/tmp/v8-push-to-trunk-tempfile-commitmsg", DEPS_FILE: "DEPS", } PUSH_MESSAGE_SUFFIX = " (based on bleeding_edge revision r%d)" PUSH_MESSAGE_RE = re.compile(r".* \(based on bleeding_edge revision r(\d+)\)$") class Preparation(Step): MESSAGE = "Preparation." def RunStep(self): self.InitialEnvironmentChecks() self.CommonPrepare() self.PrepareBranch() self.DeleteBranch(self.Config(TRUNKBRANCH)) class FreshBranch(Step): MESSAGE = "Create a fresh branch." def RunStep(self): self.GitCreateBranch(self.Config(BRANCHNAME), "svn/bleeding_edge") class DetectLastPush(Step): MESSAGE = "Detect commit ID of last push to trunk." def RunStep(self): last_push = self._options.last_push or self.FindLastTrunkPush() while True: # Print assumed commit, circumventing git's pager. print self.GitLog(n=1, git_hash=last_push) if self.Confirm("Is the commit printed above the last push to trunk?"): break last_push = self.FindLastTrunkPush(parent_hash=last_push) if self._options.last_bleeding_edge: # Read the bleeding edge revision of the last push from a command-line # option. last_push_bleeding_edge = self._options.last_bleeding_edge else: # Retrieve the bleeding edge revision of the last push from the text in # the push commit message. last_push_title = self.GitLog(n=1, format="%s", git_hash=last_push) last_push_be_svn = PUSH_MESSAGE_RE.match(last_push_title).group(1) if not last_push_be_svn: # pragma: no cover self.Die("Could not retrieve bleeding edge revision for trunk push %s" % last_push) last_push_bleeding_edge = self.GitSVNFindGitHash(last_push_be_svn) if not last_push_bleeding_edge: # pragma: no cover self.Die("Could not retrieve bleeding edge git hash for trunk push %s" % last_push) # TODO(machenbach): last_push_trunk points to the svn revision on trunk. # It is not used yet but we'll need it for retrieving the current version. self["last_push_trunk"] = last_push # TODO(machenbach): This currently points to the prepare push revision that # will be deprecated soon. After the deprecation it will point to the last # bleeding_edge revision that went into the last push. self["last_push_bleeding_edge"] = last_push_bleeding_edge class IncrementVersion(Step): MESSAGE = "Increment version number." def RunStep(self): # Retrieve current version from last trunk push. self.GitCheckoutFile(self.Config(VERSION_FILE), self["last_push_trunk"]) self.ReadAndPersistVersion() if self.Confirm(("Automatically increment BUILD_NUMBER? (Saying 'n' will " "fire up your EDITOR on %s so you can make arbitrary " "changes. When you're done, save the file and exit your " "EDITOR.)" % self.Config(VERSION_FILE))): text = FileToText(self.Config(VERSION_FILE)) text = MSub(r"(?<=#define BUILD_NUMBER)(?P\s+)\d*$", r"\g%s" % str(int(self["build"]) + 1), text) TextToFile(text, self.Config(VERSION_FILE)) else: self.Editor(self.Config(VERSION_FILE)) # Variables prefixed with 'new_' contain the new version numbers for the # ongoing trunk push. self.ReadAndPersistVersion("new_") self["version"] = "%s.%s.%s" % (self["new_major"], self["new_minor"], self["new_build"]) # TODO(machenbach): The following will be deprecated. Increment version # numbers for version.cc on bleeding_edge (new build level on trunk + 1). text = FileToText(self.Config(VERSION_FILE)) text = MSub(r"(?<=#define BUILD_NUMBER)(?P\s+)\d*$", r"\g%s" % str(int(self["new_build"]) + 1), text) TextToFile(text, self.Config(VERSION_FILE)) self.ReadAndPersistVersion("new_be_") class PrepareChangeLog(Step): MESSAGE = "Prepare raw ChangeLog entry." def Reload(self, body): """Attempts to reload the commit message from rietveld in order to allow late changes to the LOG flag. Note: This is brittle to future changes of the web page name or structure. """ match = re.search(r"^Review URL: https://codereview\.chromium\.org/(\d+)$", body, flags=re.M) if match: cl_url = ("https://codereview.chromium.org/%s/description" % match.group(1)) try: # Fetch from Rietveld but only retry once with one second delay since # there might be many revisions. body = self.ReadURL(cl_url, wait_plan=[1]) except urllib2.URLError: # pragma: no cover pass return body def RunStep(self): self["date"] = self.GetDate() output = "%s: Version %s\n\n" % (self["date"], self["version"]) TextToFile(output, self.Config(CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE)) commits = self.GitLog(format="%H", git_hash="%s..HEAD" % self["last_push_bleeding_edge"]) # Cache raw commit messages. commit_messages = [ [ self.GitLog(n=1, format="%s", git_hash=commit), self.Reload(self.GitLog(n=1, format="%B", git_hash=commit)), self.GitLog(n=1, format="%an", git_hash=commit), ] for commit in commits.splitlines() ] # Auto-format commit messages. body = MakeChangeLogBody(commit_messages, auto_format=True) AppendToFile(body, self.Config(CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE)) msg = (" Performance and stability improvements on all platforms." "\n#\n# The change log above is auto-generated. Please review if " "all relevant\n# commit messages from the list below are included." "\n# All lines starting with # will be stripped.\n#\n") AppendToFile(msg, self.Config(CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE)) # Include unformatted commit messages as a reference in a comment. comment_body = MakeComment(MakeChangeLogBody(commit_messages)) AppendToFile(comment_body, self.Config(CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE)) class EditChangeLog(Step): MESSAGE = "Edit ChangeLog entry." def RunStep(self): print ("Please press to have your EDITOR open the ChangeLog " "entry, then edit its contents to your liking. When you're done, " "save the file and exit your EDITOR. ") self.ReadLine(default="") self.Editor(self.Config(CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE)) # Strip comments and reformat with correct indentation. changelog_entry = FileToText(self.Config(CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE)).rstrip() changelog_entry = StripComments(changelog_entry) changelog_entry = "\n".join(map(Fill80, changelog_entry.splitlines())) changelog_entry = changelog_entry.lstrip() if changelog_entry == "": # pragma: no cover self.Die("Empty ChangeLog entry.") # Safe new change log for adding it later to the trunk patch. TextToFile(changelog_entry, self.Config(CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE)) class CommitLocal(Step): MESSAGE = "Commit to local branch." def RunStep(self): self["prep_commit_msg"] = ("Prepare push to trunk. " "Now working on version %s.%s.%s." % (self["new_be_major"], self["new_be_minor"], self["new_be_build"])) # Include optional TBR only in the git command. The persisted commit # message is used for finding the commit again later. if self._options.tbr_commit: message = "%s\n\nTBR=%s" % (self["prep_commit_msg"], self._options.reviewer) else: message = "%s" % self["prep_commit_msg"] self.GitCommit(message) class CommitRepository(Step): MESSAGE = "Commit to the repository." def RunStep(self): self.WaitForLGTM() self.GitPresubmit() self.GitDCommit() class StragglerCommits(Step): MESSAGE = ("Fetch straggler commits that sneaked in since this script was " "started.") def RunStep(self): self.GitSVNFetch() self.GitCheckout("svn/bleeding_edge") self["prepare_commit_hash"] = self.GitLog(n=1, format="%H", grep=self["prep_commit_msg"]) # TODO(machenbach): Retrieve the push hash from a command-line option or # use ToT. The "prepare_commit_hash" will be deprecated along with the # prepare push commit. self["push_hash"] = self.GitLog(n=1, format="%H", parent_hash=self["prepare_commit_hash"]) class SquashCommits(Step): MESSAGE = "Squash commits into one." def RunStep(self): # Instead of relying on "git rebase -i", we'll just create a diff, because # that's easier to automate. TextToFile(self.GitDiff("svn/trunk", self["push_hash"]), self.Config(PATCH_FILE)) # Convert the ChangeLog entry to commit message format. text = FileToText(self.Config(CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE)) # Remove date and trailing white space. text = re.sub(r"^%s: " % self["date"], "", text.rstrip()) # Retrieve svn revision for showing the used bleeding edge revision in the # commit message. self["svn_revision"] = self.GitSVNFindSVNRev(self["push_hash"]) suffix = PUSH_MESSAGE_SUFFIX % int(self["svn_revision"]) text = MSub(r"^(Version \d+\.\d+\.\d+)$", "\\1%s" % suffix, text) # Remove indentation and merge paragraphs into single long lines, keeping # empty lines between them. def SplitMapJoin(split_text, fun, join_text): return lambda text: join_text.join(map(fun, text.split(split_text))) strip = lambda line: line.strip() text = SplitMapJoin("\n\n", SplitMapJoin("\n", strip, " "), "\n\n")(text) if not text: # pragma: no cover self.Die("Commit message editing failed.") TextToFile(text, self.Config(COMMITMSG_FILE)) class NewBranch(Step): MESSAGE = "Create a new branch from trunk." def RunStep(self): self.GitCreateBranch(self.Config(TRUNKBRANCH), "svn/trunk") class ApplyChanges(Step): MESSAGE = "Apply squashed changes." def RunStep(self): self.ApplyPatch(self.Config(PATCH_FILE)) Command("rm", "-f %s*" % self.Config(PATCH_FILE)) class AddChangeLog(Step): MESSAGE = "Add ChangeLog changes to trunk branch." def RunStep(self): # The change log has been modified by the patch. Reset it to the version # on trunk and apply the exact changes determined by this PrepareChangeLog # step above. self.GitCheckoutFile(self.Config(CHANGELOG_FILE), "svn/trunk") changelog_entry = FileToText(self.Config(CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE)) old_change_log = FileToText(self.Config(CHANGELOG_FILE)) new_change_log = "%s\n\n\n%s" % (changelog_entry, old_change_log) TextToFile(new_change_log, self.Config(CHANGELOG_FILE)) os.remove(self.Config(CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE)) class SetVersion(Step): MESSAGE = "Set correct version for trunk." def RunStep(self): # The version file has been modified by the patch. Reset it to the version # on trunk and apply the correct version. self.GitCheckoutFile(self.Config(VERSION_FILE), "svn/trunk") output = "" for line in FileToText(self.Config(VERSION_FILE)).splitlines(): if line.startswith("#define MAJOR_VERSION"): line = re.sub("\d+$", self["new_major"], line) elif line.startswith("#define MINOR_VERSION"): line = re.sub("\d+$", self["new_minor"], line) elif line.startswith("#define BUILD_NUMBER"): line = re.sub("\d+$", self["new_build"], line) elif line.startswith("#define PATCH_LEVEL"): line = re.sub("\d+$", "0", line) elif line.startswith("#define IS_CANDIDATE_VERSION"): line = re.sub("\d+$", "0", line) output += "%s\n" % line TextToFile(output, self.Config(VERSION_FILE)) class CommitTrunk(Step): MESSAGE = "Commit to local trunk branch." def RunStep(self): self.GitCommit(file_name = self.Config(COMMITMSG_FILE)) Command("rm", "-f %s*" % self.Config(COMMITMSG_FILE)) class SanityCheck(Step): MESSAGE = "Sanity check." def RunStep(self): if not self.Confirm("Please check if your local checkout is sane: Inspect " "%s, compile, run tests. Do you want to commit this new trunk " "revision to the repository?" % self.Config(VERSION_FILE)): self.Die("Execution canceled.") # pragma: no cover class CommitSVN(Step): MESSAGE = "Commit to SVN." def RunStep(self): result = self.GitSVNDCommit() if not result: # pragma: no cover self.Die("'git svn dcommit' failed.") result = filter(lambda x: re.search(r"^Committed r[0-9]+", x), result.splitlines()) if len(result) > 0: self["trunk_revision"] = re.sub(r"^Committed r([0-9]+)", r"\1",result[0]) # Sometimes grepping for the revision fails. No idea why. If you figure # out why it is flaky, please do fix it properly. if not self["trunk_revision"]: print("Sorry, grepping for the SVN revision failed. Please look for it " "in the last command's output above and provide it manually (just " "the number, without the leading \"r\").") self.DieNoManualMode("Can't prompt in forced mode.") while not self["trunk_revision"]: print "> ", self["trunk_revision"] = self.ReadLine() class TagRevision(Step): MESSAGE = "Tag the new revision." def RunStep(self): self.GitSVNTag(self["version"]) class CheckChromium(Step): MESSAGE = "Ask for chromium checkout." def Run(self): self["chrome_path"] = self._options.chromium if not self["chrome_path"]: self.DieNoManualMode("Please specify the path to a Chromium checkout in " "forced mode.") print ("Do you have a \"NewGit\" Chromium checkout and want " "this script to automate creation of the roll CL? If yes, enter the " "path to (and including) the \"src\" directory here, otherwise just " "press : "), self["chrome_path"] = self.ReadLine() class SwitchChromium(Step): MESSAGE = "Switch to Chromium checkout." REQUIRES = "chrome_path" def RunStep(self): self["v8_path"] = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self["chrome_path"]) self.InitialEnvironmentChecks() # Check for a clean workdir. if not self.GitIsWorkdirClean(): # pragma: no cover self.Die("Workspace is not clean. Please commit or undo your changes.") # Assert that the DEPS file is there. if not os.path.exists(self.Config(DEPS_FILE)): # pragma: no cover self.Die("DEPS file not present.") class UpdateChromiumCheckout(Step): MESSAGE = "Update the checkout and create a new branch." REQUIRES = "chrome_path" def RunStep(self): os.chdir(self["chrome_path"]) self.GitCheckout("master") self.GitPull() self.GitCreateBranch("v8-roll-%s" % self["trunk_revision"]) class UploadCL(Step): MESSAGE = "Create and upload CL." REQUIRES = "chrome_path" def RunStep(self): os.chdir(self["chrome_path"]) # Patch DEPS file. deps = FileToText(self.Config(DEPS_FILE)) deps = re.sub("(?<=\"v8_revision\": \")([0-9]+)(?=\")", self["trunk_revision"], deps) TextToFile(deps, self.Config(DEPS_FILE)) if self._options.reviewer: print "Using account %s for review." % self._options.reviewer rev = self._options.reviewer else: print "Please enter the email address of a reviewer for the roll CL: ", self.DieNoManualMode("A reviewer must be specified in forced mode.") rev = self.ReadLine() suffix = PUSH_MESSAGE_SUFFIX % int(self["svn_revision"]) self.GitCommit("Update V8 to version %s%s.\n\nTBR=%s" % (self["version"], suffix, rev)) self.GitUpload(author=self._options.author, force=self._options.force_upload) print "CL uploaded." class SwitchV8(Step): MESSAGE = "Returning to V8 checkout." REQUIRES = "chrome_path" def RunStep(self): os.chdir(self["v8_path"]) class CleanUp(Step): MESSAGE = "Done!" def RunStep(self): if self["chrome_path"]: print("Congratulations, you have successfully created the trunk " "revision %s and rolled it into Chromium. Please don't forget to " "update the v8rel spreadsheet:" % self["version"]) else: # pragma: no cover print("Congratulations, you have successfully created the trunk " "revision %s. Please don't forget to roll this new version into " "Chromium, and to update the v8rel spreadsheet:" % self["version"]) print "%s\ttrunk\t%s" % (self["version"], self["trunk_revision"]) self.CommonCleanup() if self.Config(TRUNKBRANCH) != self["current_branch"]: self.GitDeleteBranch(self.Config(TRUNKBRANCH)) class PushToTrunk(ScriptsBase): def _PrepareOptions(self, parser): group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument("-f", "--force", help="Don't prompt the user.", default=False, action="store_true") group.add_argument("-m", "--manual", help="Prompt the user at every important step.", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-b", "--last-bleeding-edge", help=("The git commit ID of the last bleeding edge " "revision that was pushed to trunk. This is " "used for the auto-generated ChangeLog entry.")) parser.add_argument("-c", "--chromium", help=("The path to your Chromium src/ " "directory to automate the V8 roll.")) parser.add_argument("-l", "--last-push", help="The git commit ID of the last push to trunk.") def _ProcessOptions(self, options): # pragma: no cover if not options.manual and not options.reviewer: print "A reviewer (-r) is required in (semi-)automatic mode." return False if not options.manual and not options.chromium: print "A chromium checkout (-c) is required in (semi-)automatic mode." return False if not options.manual and not options.author: print "Specify your chromium.org email with -a in (semi-)automatic mode." return False options.tbr_commit = not options.manual return True def _Steps(self): return [ Preparation, FreshBranch, DetectLastPush, IncrementVersion, PrepareChangeLog, EditChangeLog, CommitLocal, UploadStep, CommitRepository, StragglerCommits, SquashCommits, NewBranch, ApplyChanges, AddChangeLog, SetVersion, CommitTrunk, SanityCheck, CommitSVN, TagRevision, CheckChromium, SwitchChromium, UpdateChromiumCheckout, UploadCL, SwitchV8, CleanUp, ] if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover sys.exit(PushToTrunk(CONFIG).Run())