CTRL+L | Open load file dialog. |
CTRL+R | Reload turbolizer (Chrome shortcut) |
r | Relayout graph |
n | Show graph with selected nodes for next phase |
b | Show graph with selected nodes for previous phase |
h | Show hovered node's history |
a | Select all nodes |
/ | Select search box |
i | Reveal node's input nodes |
o | Reveal node's output nodes |
s | Hide selected nodes |
u | Hide unselected nodes |
i | Select all selected block's nodes |
p | Collapse selected blocks |
s | Uncollapse selected blocks |
c | Copy hovered node's info |
y | Collapse unused blocks (blocks that don't have direct inputs and outputs of a hovered node) |
u | Collapse unused blocks (blocks that don't have direct inputs and outputs of selected nodes) |
UP | Select all input nodes |
DOWN | Select all output nodes |
1-9 | Select input node 1-9 |
CTRL+1-9 | Toggle input edge 1-9 |
c | Select control output node |
e | Select effect output node |
p | Select node's origin node |
ENTER | Select nodes according to regular expression. Invisible nodes are included depending on the state of the checkbox "only visible". |
CTRL+ENTER | Select nodes according to regular expression, always including invisible nodes regardless of checkbox. |
IfTrue | Select nodes which have 'IfTrue' in title or description. |
^42: | Select exactly the node with id 42. |
Origin: #42 | Select nodes which were created while node with id 42 was reduced. This is inaccurate if the node was changed in-place. |