Section 8.10.5 9a specifies that a property descriptor cannot both have accessors and specify the writability of the property. The previous error message was misleading because it referred to writable rather than specifying the writability (which includes writable: false). BUG=v8:2536 LOG=N Review URL: Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#31273}
473 lines
12 KiB
473 lines
12 KiB
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --stack-size=100 --harmony --harmony-reflect --harmony-regexps
// Flags: --harmony-simd --strong-mode
function test(f, expected, type) {
try {
} catch (e) {
assertInstanceof(e, type);
assertEquals(expected, e.message);
assertUnreachable("Exception expected");
// === Error ===
// kCyclicProto
test(function() {
var o = {};
o.__proto__ = o;
}, "Cyclic __proto__ value", Error);
// === TypeError ===
// kApplyNonFunction
test(function() {
|, []);
}, "Function.prototype.apply was called on 1, which is a number " +
"and not a function", TypeError);
// kArrayFunctionsOnFrozen
test(function() {
var a = [1, 2];
a.splice(1, 1, [1]);
}, "Cannot modify frozen array elements", TypeError);
// kArrayFunctionsOnSealed
test(function() {
var a = [1];
}, "Cannot add/remove sealed array elements", TypeError);
// kCalledNonCallable
test(function() {
}, "1 is not a function", TypeError);
// kCalledOnNonObject
test(function() {
Object.defineProperty(1, "x", {});
}, "Object.defineProperty called on non-object", TypeError);
// kCalledOnNullOrUndefined
test(function() {
}, "Array.prototype.shift called on null or undefined", TypeError);
// kCannotPreventExtExternalArray
test(function() {
Object.preventExtensions(new Uint16Array(1));
}, "Cannot prevent extension of an object with external array elements", TypeError);
// kConstAssign
test(function() {
"use strict";
const a = 1;
a = 2;
}, "Assignment to constant variable.", TypeError);
// kCannotConvertToPrimitive
test(function() {
var o = { toString: function() { return this } };
}, "Cannot convert object to primitive value", TypeError);
// kCircularStructure
test(function() {
var o = {};
o.o = o;
}, "Converting circular structure to JSON", TypeError);
// kConstructorNotFunction
test(function() {
}, "Constructor Uint16Array requires 'new'", TypeError);
// kDataViewNotArrayBuffer
test(function() {
new DataView(1);
}, "First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer", TypeError);
// kDateType
test(function() {
|{}, 1);
}, "this is not a Date object.", TypeError);
// kDefineDisallowed
test(function() {
"use strict";
var o = {};
Object.defineProperty(o, "x", { value: 1 });
}, "Cannot define property:x, object is not extensible.", TypeError);
// kFirstArgumentNotRegExp
test(function() {
}, "First argument to String.prototype.startsWith " +
"must not be a regular expression", TypeError);
// kFlagsGetterNonObject
test(function() {
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(RegExp.prototype, "flags");
}, "RegExp.prototype.flags getter called on non-object 1", TypeError);
// kFunctionBind
test(function() {
}, "Bind must be called on a function", TypeError);
// kGeneratorRunning
test(function() {
var iter;
function* generator() { yield; }
var iter = generator();
}, "Generator is already running", TypeError);
// kIncompatibleMethodReceiver
test(function() {
}, "Method RegExp.prototype.compile called on incompatible receiver " +
"[object RegExp]", TypeError);
// kInstanceofFunctionExpected
test(function() {
1 instanceof 1;
}, "Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got 1", TypeError);
// kInstanceofNonobjectProto
test(function() {
function f() {}
var o = new f();
f.prototype = 1;
o instanceof f;
}, "Function has non-object prototype '1' in instanceof check", TypeError);
// kInvalidInOperatorUse
test(function() {
1 in 1;
}, "Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '1' in 1", TypeError);
// kIteratorResultNotAnObject
test(function() {
var obj = {};
obj[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return { next: function() { return 1 }}};
}, "Iterator result 1 is not an object", TypeError);
// kIteratorValueNotAnObject
test(function() {
new Map([1]);
}, "Iterator value 1 is not an entry object", TypeError);
// kNotAPromise
test(function() {
}, "1 is not a promise", TypeError);
// kNotConstructor
test(function() {
new Symbol();
}, "Symbol is not a constructor", TypeError);
// kNotDateObject
test(function() {
}, "this is not a Date object.", TypeError);
// kNotGeneric
test(function() {
}, "String.prototype.toString is not generic", TypeError);
test(function() {
}, "String.prototype.valueOf is not generic", TypeError);
test(function() {
}, "Boolean.prototype.toString is not generic", TypeError);
test(function() {
}, "Boolean.prototype.valueOf is not generic", TypeError);
test(function() {
}, "Number.prototype.toString is not generic", TypeError);
test(function() {
}, "Number.prototype.valueOf is not generic", TypeError);
test(function() {
}, "Function.prototype.toString is not generic", TypeError);
// kNotTypedArray
test(function() {
}, "this is not a typed array.", TypeError);
// kObjectGetterExpectingFunction
test(function() {
({}).__defineGetter__("x", 0);
}, "Object.prototype.__defineGetter__: Expecting function", TypeError);
// kObjectGetterCallable
test(function() {
Object.defineProperty({}, "x", { get: 1 });
}, "Getter must be a function: 1", TypeError);
// kObjectNotExtensible
test(function() {
"use strict";
var o = {};
o.a = 1;
}, "Can't add property a, object is not extensible", TypeError);
// kObjectSetterExpectingFunction
test(function() {
({}).__defineSetter__("x", 0);
}, "Object.prototype.__defineSetter__: Expecting function", TypeError);
// kObjectSetterCallable
test(function() {
Object.defineProperty({}, "x", { set: 1 });
}, "Setter must be a function: 1", TypeError);
// kPropertyDescObject
test(function() {
Object.defineProperty({}, "x", 1);
}, "Property description must be an object: 1", TypeError);
// kPropertyNotFunction
test(function() {
Set.prototype.add = 0;
new Set(1);
}, "Property 'add' of object #<Set> is not a function", TypeError);
// kProtoObjectOrNull
test(function() {
Object.setPrototypeOf({}, 1);
}, "Object prototype may only be an Object or null: 1", TypeError);
// kRedefineDisallowed
test(function() {
"use strict";
var o = {};
Object.defineProperty(o, "x", { value: 1, configurable: false });
Object.defineProperty(o, "x", { value: 2 });
}, "Cannot redefine property: x", TypeError);
// kReduceNoInitial
test(function() {
[].reduce(function() {});
}, "Reduce of empty array with no initial value", TypeError);
// kResolverNotAFunction
test(function() {
new Promise(1);
}, "Promise resolver 1 is not a function", TypeError);
// kStrictDeleteProperty
test(function() {
"use strict";
var o = {};
Object.defineProperty(o, "p", { value: 1, writable: false });
delete o.p;
}, "Cannot delete property 'p' of #<Object>", TypeError);
// kStrictPoisonPill
test(function() {
"use strict";
}, "'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on " +
"strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them",
// kStrictReadOnlyProperty
test(function() {
"use strict";
(1).a = 1;
}, "Cannot create property 'a' on number '1'", TypeError);
// kStrongImplicitCast
test(function() {
"use strong";
"a" + 1;
}, "In strong mode, implicit conversions are deprecated", TypeError);
// kSymbolToString
test(function() {
"" + Symbol();
}, "Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string", TypeError);
// kSymbolToNumber
test(function() {
1 + Symbol();
}, "Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number", TypeError);
// kSimdToNumber
test(function() {
1 + SIMD.Float32x4(1, 2, 3, 4);
}, "Cannot convert a SIMD value to a number", TypeError);
// kUndefinedOrNullToObject
test(function() {
}, "Cannot convert undefined or null to object", TypeError);
// kValueAndAccessor
test(function() {
Object.defineProperty({}, "x", { get: function(){}, value: 1});
}, "Invalid property descriptor. Cannot both specify accessors " +
"and a value or writable attribute, #<Object>", TypeError);
// kWithExpression
test(function() {
with (null) {}
}, "null has no properties", TypeError);
// kWrongArgs
test(function() {
(function() {}).apply({}, 1);
}, "Function.prototype.apply: Arguments list has wrong type", TypeError);
test(function() {
Reflect.apply(function() {}, {}, 1);
}, "Reflect.apply: Arguments list has wrong type", TypeError);
test(function() {
Reflect.construct(function() {}, 1);
}, "Reflect.construct: Arguments list has wrong type", TypeError);
// === SyntaxError ===
// kInvalidRegExpFlags
test(function() {
}, "Invalid flags supplied to RegExp constructor 'x'", SyntaxError);
// kMalformedRegExp
test(function() {
}, "Invalid regular expression: /(/: Unterminated group", SyntaxError);
// kParenthesisInArgString
test(function() {
new Function(")", "");
}, "Function arg string contains parenthesis", SyntaxError);
// kUnexpectedEOS
test(function() {
}, "Unexpected end of input", SyntaxError);
// kUnexpectedToken
test(function() {
}, "Unexpected token /", SyntaxError);
// kUnexpectedTokenNumber
test(function() {
JSON.parse("{ 1")
}, "Unexpected number", SyntaxError);
// kUnexpectedTokenString
test(function() {
}, "Unexpected string", SyntaxError);
// === ReferenceError ===
// kNotDefined
test(function() {
"use strict";
}, "o is not defined", ReferenceError);
// === RangeError ===
// kArrayLengthOutOfRange
test(function() {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty([], "length", { value: 1E100 });
}, "Invalid array length", RangeError);
// kInvalidArrayBufferLength
test(function() {
new ArrayBuffer(-1);
}, "Invalid array buffer length", RangeError);
// kInvalidArrayLength
test(function() {
[].length = -1;
}, "Invalid array length", RangeError);
// kInvalidCodePoint
test(function() {
}, "Invalid code point -1", RangeError);
// kInvalidCountValue
test(function() {
}, "Invalid count value", RangeError);
// kInvalidArrayBufferLength
test(function() {
new Uint16Array(-1);
}, "Invalid typed array length", RangeError);
// kNormalizationForm
test(function() {
}, "The normalization form should be one of NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD.", RangeError);
// kNumberFormatRange
test(function() {
}, "toFixed() digits argument must be between 0 and 20", RangeError);
test(function() {
}, "toExponential() argument must be between 0 and 20", RangeError);
// kStackOverflow
test(function() {
function f() { f(Array(1000)); }
}, "Maximum call stack size exceeded", RangeError);
// kToPrecisionFormatRange
test(function() {
}, "toPrecision() argument must be between 1 and 21", RangeError);
// kToPrecisionFormatRange
test(function() {
}, "toString() radix argument must be between 2 and 36", RangeError);
// === URIError ===
// kURIMalformed
test(function() {
}, "URI malformed", URIError);