vogelheim@chromium.org 06086a90e0 Fix the "PersistentValueMap" memory leak reported here:

The bug:
The code assumed that a weak Persistent whose weak callback is being
called would still be weak. That isn't true since the persistent is
un-weakened by the garbage collector before calling the weak callback. [1]

Specifically, PersistentValueMap would funnel all 'remove' actions
through its Release method, which uses PersistentBase::ClearWeak to
obtain the callback data. [2] For 'removes' caused by the weak callback,
ClearWeak always returns a NULL-pointer since by that time the weak
persistent was already un-weakend. The result was a memory leak in
the test, since the code to delete the weak callback data would
delete NULL.

The fix:
I explicity call Traits::DisposeCallbackData from the weak callback
with the data obtained from the v8::WeakCallbackData. To avoid invalid
calls to DisposeCallbackData, I also check whether this instance is
(still) weak before calling it. (That check could easily be elided
if it's expensive, for the price of having two 'remove' code paths.)

Probably low. At least in Chromium, noone uses the API in a way to
trigger this; only the test does.

[1] https://code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#chromium/src/v8/src/global-handles.cc&q=global-handles.cc&sq=package:chromium&type=cs&l=231
[2] https://code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#chromium/src/v8/include/v8-util.h&sq=package:chromium&l=332-345

R=dcarney@chromium.org, dcarney


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/297193004

git-svn-id: https://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@21514 ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
2014-05-27 09:31:06 +00:00

488 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef V8_UTIL_H_
#define V8_UTIL_H_
#include "v8.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
* Support for Persistent containers.
* C++11 embedders can use STL containers with UniquePersistent values,
* but pre-C++11 does not support the required move semantic and hence
* may want these container classes.
namespace v8 {
typedef uintptr_t PersistentContainerValue;
static const uintptr_t kPersistentContainerNotFound = 0;
enum PersistentContainerCallbackType {
* A default trait implemenation for PersistentValueMap which uses std::map
* as a backing map.
* Users will have to implement their own weak callbacks & dispose traits.
template<typename K, typename V>
class StdMapTraits {
// STL map & related:
typedef std::map<K, PersistentContainerValue> Impl;
typedef typename Impl::iterator Iterator;
static bool Empty(Impl* impl) { return impl->empty(); }
static size_t Size(Impl* impl) { return impl->size(); }
static void Swap(Impl& a, Impl& b) { std::swap(a, b); } // NOLINT
static Iterator Begin(Impl* impl) { return impl->begin(); }
static Iterator End(Impl* impl) { return impl->end(); }
static K Key(Iterator it) { return it->first; }
static PersistentContainerValue Value(Iterator it) { return it->second; }
static PersistentContainerValue Set(Impl* impl, K key,
PersistentContainerValue value) {
std::pair<Iterator, bool> res = impl->insert(std::make_pair(key, value));
PersistentContainerValue old_value = kPersistentContainerNotFound;
if (!res.second) {
old_value = res.first->second;
res.first->second = value;
return old_value;
static PersistentContainerValue Get(Impl* impl, K key) {
Iterator it = impl->find(key);
if (it == impl->end()) return kPersistentContainerNotFound;
return it->second;
static PersistentContainerValue Remove(Impl* impl, K key) {
Iterator it = impl->find(key);
if (it == impl->end()) return kPersistentContainerNotFound;
PersistentContainerValue value = it->second;
return value;
* A default trait implementation for PersistentValueMap, which inherits
* a std:map backing map from StdMapTraits and holds non-weak persistent
* objects and has no special Dispose handling.
* You should not derive from this class, since MapType depends on the
* surrounding class, and hence a subclass cannot simply inherit the methods.
template<typename K, typename V>
class DefaultPersistentValueMapTraits : public StdMapTraits<K, V> {
// Weak callback & friends:
static const PersistentContainerCallbackType kCallbackType = kNotWeak;
typedef PersistentValueMap<K, V, DefaultPersistentValueMapTraits<K, V> >
typedef void WeakCallbackDataType;
static WeakCallbackDataType* WeakCallbackParameter(
MapType* map, const K& key, Local<V> value) {
return NULL;
static MapType* MapFromWeakCallbackData(
const WeakCallbackData<V, WeakCallbackDataType>& data) {
return NULL;
static K KeyFromWeakCallbackData(
const WeakCallbackData<V, WeakCallbackDataType>& data) {
return K();
static void DisposeCallbackData(WeakCallbackDataType* data) { }
static void Dispose(Isolate* isolate, UniquePersistent<V> value, K key) { }
* A map wrapper that allows using UniquePersistent as a mapped value.
* C++11 embedders don't need this class, as they can use UniquePersistent
* directly in std containers.
* The map relies on a backing map, whose type and accessors are described
* by the Traits class. The backing map will handle values of type
* PersistentContainerValue, with all conversion into and out of V8
* handles being transparently handled by this class.
template<typename K, typename V, typename Traits>
class PersistentValueMap {
explicit PersistentValueMap(Isolate* isolate) : isolate_(isolate) {}
~PersistentValueMap() { Clear(); }
Isolate* GetIsolate() { return isolate_; }
* Return size of the map.
size_t Size() { return Traits::Size(&impl_); }
* Return whether the map holds weak persistents.
bool IsWeak() { return Traits::kCallbackType != kNotWeak; }
* Get value stored in map.
Local<V> Get(const K& key) {
return Local<V>::New(isolate_, FromVal(Traits::Get(&impl_, key)));
* Check whether a value is contained in the map.
bool Contains(const K& key) {
return Traits::Get(&impl_, key) != kPersistentContainerNotFound;
* Get value stored in map and set it in returnValue.
* Return true if a value was found.
bool SetReturnValue(const K& key,
ReturnValue<Value> returnValue) {
return SetReturnValueFromVal(returnValue, Traits::Get(&impl_, key));
* Call Isolate::SetReference with the given parent and the map value.
void SetReference(const K& key,
const Persistent<Object>& parent) {
reinterpret_cast<internal::Object**>(FromVal(Traits::Get(&impl_, key))));
* Put value into map. Depending on Traits::kIsWeak, the value will be held
* by the map strongly or weakly.
* Returns old value as UniquePersistent.
UniquePersistent<V> Set(const K& key, Local<V> value) {
UniquePersistent<V> persistent(isolate_, value);
return SetUnique(key, &persistent);
* Put value into map, like Set(const K&, Local<V>).
UniquePersistent<V> Set(const K& key, UniquePersistent<V> value) {
return SetUnique(key, &value);
* Return value for key and remove it from the map.
UniquePersistent<V> Remove(const K& key) {
return Release(Traits::Remove(&impl_, key)).Pass();
* Traverses the map repeatedly,
* in case side effects of disposal cause insertions.
void Clear() {
typedef typename Traits::Iterator It;
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate_);
// TODO(dcarney): figure out if this swap and loop is necessary.
while (!Traits::Empty(&impl_)) {
typename Traits::Impl impl;
Traits::Swap(impl_, impl);
for (It i = Traits::Begin(&impl); i != Traits::End(&impl); ++i) {
Traits::Dispose(isolate_, Release(Traits::Value(i)).Pass(),
* Helper class for GetReference/SetWithReference. Do not use outside
* that context.
class PersistentValueReference {
PersistentValueReference() : value_(kPersistentContainerNotFound) { }
PersistentValueReference(const PersistentValueReference& other)
: value_(other.value_) { }
Local<V> NewLocal(Isolate* isolate) const {
return Local<V>::New(isolate, FromVal(value_));
bool IsEmpty() const {
return value_ == kPersistentContainerNotFound;
template<typename T>
bool SetReturnValue(ReturnValue<T> returnValue) {
return SetReturnValueFromVal(returnValue, value_);
void Reset() {
value_ = kPersistentContainerNotFound;
void operator=(const PersistentValueReference& other) {
value_ = other.value_;
friend class PersistentValueMap;
explicit PersistentValueReference(PersistentContainerValue value)
: value_(value) { }
void operator=(PersistentContainerValue value) {
value_ = value;
PersistentContainerValue value_;
* Get a reference to a map value. This enables fast, repeated access
* to a value stored in the map while the map remains unchanged.
* Careful: This is potentially unsafe, so please use with care.
* The value will become invalid if the value for this key changes
* in the underlying map, as a result of Set or Remove for the same
* key; as a result of the weak callback for the same key; or as a
* result of calling Clear() or destruction of the map.
PersistentValueReference GetReference(const K& key) {
return PersistentValueReference(Traits::Get(&impl_, key));
* Put a value into the map and update the reference.
* Restrictions of GetReference apply here as well.
UniquePersistent<V> Set(const K& key, UniquePersistent<V> value,
PersistentValueReference* reference) {
*reference = Leak(&value);
return SetUnique(key, &value);
void operator=(PersistentValueMap&);
* Put the value into the map, and set the 'weak' callback when demanded
* by the Traits class.
UniquePersistent<V> SetUnique(const K& key, UniquePersistent<V>* persistent) {
if (Traits::kCallbackType != kNotWeak) {
Local<V> value(Local<V>::New(isolate_, *persistent));
persistent->template SetWeak<typename Traits::WeakCallbackDataType>(
Traits::WeakCallbackParameter(this, key, value), WeakCallback);
PersistentContainerValue old_value =
Traits::Set(&impl_, key, ClearAndLeak(persistent));
return Release(old_value).Pass();
static void WeakCallback(
const WeakCallbackData<V, typename Traits::WeakCallbackDataType>& data) {
if (Traits::kCallbackType != kNotWeak) {
PersistentValueMap<K, V, Traits>* persistentValueMap =
K key = Traits::KeyFromWeakCallbackData(data);
persistentValueMap->Remove(key).Pass(), key);
static V* FromVal(PersistentContainerValue v) {
return reinterpret_cast<V*>(v);
static bool SetReturnValueFromVal(
ReturnValue<Value>& returnValue, PersistentContainerValue value) {
bool hasValue = value != kPersistentContainerNotFound;
if (hasValue) {
return hasValue;
static PersistentContainerValue ClearAndLeak(
UniquePersistent<V>* persistent) {
V* v = persistent->val_;
persistent->val_ = 0;
return reinterpret_cast<PersistentContainerValue>(v);
static PersistentContainerValue Leak(
UniquePersistent<V>* persistent) {
return reinterpret_cast<PersistentContainerValue>(persistent->val_);
* Return a container value as UniquePersistent and make sure the weak
* callback is properly disposed of. All remove functionality should go
* through this.
static UniquePersistent<V> Release(PersistentContainerValue v) {
UniquePersistent<V> p;
p.val_ = FromVal(v);
if (Traits::kCallbackType != kNotWeak && p.IsWeak()) {
p.template ClearWeak<typename Traits::WeakCallbackDataType>());
return p.Pass();
Isolate* isolate_;
typename Traits::Impl impl_;
* A map that uses UniquePersistent as value and std::map as the backing
* implementation. Persistents are held non-weak.
* C++11 embedders don't need this class, as they can use
* UniquePersistent directly in std containers.
template<typename K, typename V,
typename Traits = DefaultPersistentValueMapTraits<K, V> >
class StdPersistentValueMap : public PersistentValueMap<K, V, Traits> {
explicit StdPersistentValueMap(Isolate* isolate)
: PersistentValueMap<K, V, Traits>(isolate) {}
class DefaultPersistentValueVectorTraits {
typedef std::vector<PersistentContainerValue> Impl;
static void Append(Impl* impl, PersistentContainerValue value) {
static bool IsEmpty(const Impl* impl) {
return impl->empty();
static size_t Size(const Impl* impl) {
return impl->size();
static PersistentContainerValue Get(const Impl* impl, size_t i) {
return (i < impl->size()) ? impl->at(i) : kPersistentContainerNotFound;
static void ReserveCapacity(Impl* impl, size_t capacity) {
static void Clear(Impl* impl) {
* A vector wrapper that safely stores UniquePersistent values.
* C++11 embedders don't need this class, as they can use UniquePersistent
* directly in std containers.
* This class relies on a backing vector implementation, whose type and methods
* are described by the Traits class. The backing map will handle values of type
* PersistentContainerValue, with all conversion into and out of V8
* handles being transparently handled by this class.
template<typename V, typename Traits = DefaultPersistentValueVectorTraits>
class PersistentValueVector {
explicit PersistentValueVector(Isolate* isolate) : isolate_(isolate) { }
~PersistentValueVector() {
* Append a value to the vector.
void Append(Local<V> value) {
UniquePersistent<V> persistent(isolate_, value);
Traits::Append(&impl_, ClearAndLeak(&persistent));
* Append a persistent's value to the vector.
void Append(UniquePersistent<V> persistent) {
Traits::Append(&impl_, ClearAndLeak(&persistent));
* Are there any values in the vector?
bool IsEmpty() const {
return Traits::IsEmpty(&impl_);
* How many elements are in the vector?
size_t Size() const {
return Traits::Size(&impl_);
* Retrieve the i-th value in the vector.
Local<V> Get(size_t index) const {
return Local<V>::New(isolate_, FromVal(Traits::Get(&impl_, index)));
* Remove all elements from the vector.
void Clear() {
size_t length = Traits::Size(&impl_);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
UniquePersistent<V> p;
p.val_ = FromVal(Traits::Get(&impl_, i));
* Reserve capacity in the vector.
* (Efficiency gains depend on the backing implementation.)
void ReserveCapacity(size_t capacity) {
Traits::ReserveCapacity(&impl_, capacity);
static PersistentContainerValue ClearAndLeak(
UniquePersistent<V>* persistent) {
V* v = persistent->val_;
persistent->val_ = 0;
return reinterpret_cast<PersistentContainerValue>(v);
static V* FromVal(PersistentContainerValue v) {
return reinterpret_cast<V*>(v);
Isolate* isolate_;
typename Traits::Impl impl_;
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_UTIL_H_