
510 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
# TODO(jkummerow): Support DATA_VIEW_{G,S}ETTER in runtime.cc
FILENAME = "src/runtime.cc"
HEADERFILENAME = "src/runtime.h"
FUNCTION = re.compile("^RUNTIME_FUNCTION\(Runtime_(\w+)")
ARGSLENGTH = re.compile(".*ASSERT\(.*args\.length\(\) == (\d+)\);")
WORKSPACE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), ".."))
BASEPATH = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, "test", "mjsunit", "runtime-gen")
THIS_SCRIPT = os.path.relpath(sys.argv[0])
# Counts of functions in each detection state. These are used to assert
# that the parser doesn't bit-rot. Change the values as needed when you add,
# remove or change runtime functions, but make sure we don't lose our ability
# to parse them!
# Don't call these at all.
"Abort", # Kills the process.
"AbortJS", # Kills the process.
"CompileForOnStackReplacement", # Riddled with ASSERTs.
"IS_VAR", # Not implemented in the runtime.
"ListNatives", # Not available in Release mode.
"SetAllocationTimeout", # Too slow for fuzzing.
"SystemBreak", # Kills (int3) the process.
# These are weird. They violate some invariants when called after
# bootstrapping.
# Seems to be incompatible with --stress-runs.
# TODO(jkummerow): Fix these and un-blacklist them!
# These will always throw.
"CheckExecutionState", # Needs to hit a break point.
"CheckIsBootstrapping", # Needs to be bootstrapping.
"DebugEvaluate", # Needs to hit a break point.
"DebugEvaluateGlobal", # Needs to hit a break point.
"DebugIndexedInterceptorElementValue", # Needs an indexed interceptor.
"DebugNamedInterceptorPropertyValue", # Needs a named interceptor.
"DebugSetScriptSource", # Checks compilation state of script.
"GetAllScopesDetails", # Needs to hit a break point.
"GetFrameCount", # Needs to hit a break point.
"GetFrameDetails", # Needs to hit a break point.
"GetRootNaN", # Needs to be bootstrapping.
"GetScopeCount", # Needs to hit a break point.
"GetScopeDetails", # Needs to hit a break point.
"GetStepInPositions", # Needs to hit a break point.
"GetTemplateField", # Needs a {Function,Object}TemplateInfo.
"GetThreadCount", # Needs to hit a break point.
"GetThreadDetails", # Needs to hit a break point.
"IsAccessAllowedForObserver", # Needs access-check-required object.
"LiveEditFunctionSourceUpdated", # Needs a SharedFunctionInfo.
"LiveEditPatchFunctionPositions", # Needs a SharedFunctionInfo.
"LiveEditReplaceFunctionCode", # Needs a SharedFunctionInfo.
"LiveEditReplaceRefToNestedFunction", # Needs a SharedFunctionInfo.
"LiveEditRestartFrame", # Needs to hit a break point.
"UnblockConcurrentRecompilation" # Needs --block-concurrent-recompilation.
# Definitions used in CUSTOM_KNOWN_GOOD_INPUT below.
"%GetImplFromInitializedIntlObject(new Intl.v8BreakIterator())")
_COLLATOR = "%GetImplFromInitializedIntlObject(new Intl.Collator('en-US'))"
"%GetImplFromInitializedIntlObject(new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US'))")
"%GetImplFromInitializedIntlObject(new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US'))")
_SCRIPT = "%DebugGetLoadedScripts()[1]"
# Custom definitions for function input that does not throw.
# Format: "FunctionName": ["arg0", "arg1", ..., argslength].
# None means "fall back to autodetected value".
"Apply": ["function() {}", None, None, None, None, None],
"ArrayBufferSliceImpl": [None, None, 0, None],
"ArrayConcat": ["[1, 'a']", None],
"BreakIteratorAdoptText": [_BREAK_ITERATOR, None, None],
"BreakIteratorBreakType": [_BREAK_ITERATOR, None],
"BreakIteratorCurrent": [_BREAK_ITERATOR, None],
"BreakIteratorFirst": [_BREAK_ITERATOR, None],
"BreakIteratorNext": [_BREAK_ITERATOR, None],
"CompileString": [None, "false", None],
"CreateBreakIterator": ["'en-US'", "{type: 'string'}", None, None],
"CreateJSFunctionProxy": [None, "function() {}", None, None, None],
"CreatePrivateSymbol": ["\"foo\"", None],
"CreateSymbol": ["\"foo\"", None],
"DateParseString": [None, "new Array(8)", None],
"DebugSetScriptSource": [_SCRIPT, None, None],
"DefineOrRedefineAccessorProperty": [None, None, "function() {}",
"function() {}", 2, None],
"GetBreakLocations": [None, 0, None],
"GetDefaultReceiver": ["function() {}", None],
"GetImplFromInitializedIntlObject": ["new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US')", None],
"InternalCompare": [_COLLATOR, None, None, None],
"InternalDateFormat": [_DATETIME_FORMAT, None, None],
"InternalDateParse": [_DATETIME_FORMAT, None, None],
"InternalNumberFormat": [_NUMBER_FORMAT, None, None],
"InternalNumberParse": [_NUMBER_FORMAT, None, None],
"IsSloppyModeFunction": ["function() {}", None],
"LiveEditFindSharedFunctionInfosForScript": [_SCRIPT, None],
"LiveEditGatherCompileInfo": [_SCRIPT, None, None],
"LoadMutableDouble": ["{foo: 1.2}", None, None],
"NewObjectFromBound": ["(function() {}).bind({})", None],
"NumberToRadixString": [None, "2", None],
"ParseJson": ["\"{}\"", 1],
"RegExpExecMultiple": [None, None, "['a']", "['a']", None],
"SetAccessorProperty": [None, None, "undefined", "undefined", None, None,
"SetCreateIterator": [None, "2", None],
"SetDebugEventListener": ["undefined", None, None],
"SetFunctionBreakPoint": [None, 200, None, None],
"SetScriptBreakPoint": [_SCRIPT, None, 0, None, None],
"StringBuilderConcat": ["[1, 2, 3]", 3, None, None],
"StringBuilderJoin": ["['a', 'b']", 4, None, None],
"StringMatch": [None, None, "['a', 'b']", None],
"StringNormalize": [None, 2, None],
"StringReplaceGlobalRegExpWithString": [None, None, None, "['a']", None],
"TypedArrayInitialize": [None, 6, "new ArrayBuffer(8)", None, 4, None],
"TypedArrayInitializeFromArrayLike": [None, 6, None, None, None],
"TypedArraySetFastCases": [None, None, "0", None],
# Types of arguments that cannot be generated in a JavaScript testcase.
"Code", "Context", "FixedArray", "FunctionTemplateInfo",
"JSFunctionResultCache", "JSMessageObject", "Map", "ScopeInfo",
# Maps argument types to concrete example inputs of that type.
"Boolean": "true",
"HeapObject": "new Object()",
"Int32": "32",
"JSArray": "new Array()",
"JSArrayBuffer": "new ArrayBuffer(8)",
"JSDataView": "new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8))",
"JSDate": "new Date()",
"JSFunction": "function() {}",
"JSFunctionProxy": "Proxy.createFunction({}, function() {})",
"JSGeneratorObject": "(function*(){ yield 1; })()",
"JSMap": "new Map()",
"JSMapIterator": "%MapCreateIterator(new Map(), 3)",
"JSObject": "new Object()",
"JSProxy": "Proxy.create({})",
"JSReceiver": "new Object()",
"JSRegExp": "/ab/g",
"JSSet": "new Set()",
"JSSetIterator": "%SetCreateIterator(new Set(), 2)",
"JSTypedArray": "new Int32Array(2)",
"JSValue": "new String('foo')",
"JSWeakCollection": "new WeakMap()",
"Name": "\"name\"",
"Number": "1.5",
"Object": "new Object()",
"PropertyDetails": "513",
"SeqString": "\"seqstring\"",
"Smi": 1,
"StrictMode": "1",
"String": "\"foo\"",
"Symbol": "Symbol(\"symbol\")",
"Uint32": "32",
class ArgParser(object):
def __init__(self, regex, ctor):
self.regex = regex
self.ArgCtor = ctor
class Arg(object):
def __init__(self, typename, varname, index):
self.type = typename
self.name = "_%s" % varname
self.index = index
class Function(object):
def __init__(self, match):
self.name = match.group(1)
self.argslength = -1
self.args = {}
self.inline = ""
handle_arg_parser = ArgParser(
re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED\((\w+), (\w+), (\d+)\)"),
lambda match: Arg(match.group(1), match.group(2), int(match.group(3))))
plain_arg_parser = ArgParser(
re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_ARG_CHECKED\((\w+), (\w+), (\d+)\)"),
lambda match: Arg(match.group(1), match.group(2), int(match.group(3))))
number_handle_arg_parser = ArgParser(
re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_NUMBER_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED\((\w+), (\d+)\)"),
lambda match: Arg("Number", match.group(1), int(match.group(2))))
smi_arg_parser = ArgParser(
re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED\((\w+), (\d+)\)"),
lambda match: Arg("Smi", match.group(1), int(match.group(2))))
double_arg_parser = ArgParser(
re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_DOUBLE_ARG_CHECKED\((\w+), (\d+)\)"),
lambda match: Arg("Number", match.group(1), int(match.group(2))))
number_arg_parser = ArgParser(
"^\s*CONVERT_NUMBER_CHECKED\(\w+, (\w+), (\w+), args\[(\d+)\]\)"),
lambda match: Arg(match.group(2), match.group(1), int(match.group(3))))
strict_mode_arg_parser = ArgParser(
re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_STRICT_MODE_ARG_CHECKED\((\w+), (\d+)\)"),
lambda match: Arg("StrictMode", match.group(1), int(match.group(2))))
boolean_arg_parser = ArgParser(
re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_BOOLEAN_ARG_CHECKED\((\w+), (\d+)\)"),
lambda match: Arg("Boolean", match.group(1), int(match.group(2))))
property_details_parser = ArgParser(
re.compile("^\s*CONVERT_PROPERTY_DETAILS_CHECKED\((\w+), (\d+)\)"),
lambda match: Arg("PropertyDetails", match.group(1), int(match.group(2))))
arg_parsers = [handle_arg_parser, plain_arg_parser, number_handle_arg_parser,
double_arg_parser, number_arg_parser, strict_mode_arg_parser,
boolean_arg_parser, property_details_parser]
def SetArgsLength(self, match):
self.argslength = int(match.group(1))
def TryParseArg(self, line):
for parser in Function.arg_parsers:
match = parser.regex.match(line)
if match:
arg = parser.ArgCtor(match)
self.args[arg.index] = arg
return True
return False
def Filename(self):
return "%s.js" % self.name.lower()
def __str__(self):
s = [self.name, "("]
argcount = self.argslength
if argcount < 0:
print("WARNING: unknown argslength for function %s" % self.name)
if self.args:
argcount = max([self.args[i].index + 1 for i in self.args])
argcount = 0
for i in range(argcount):
if i > 0: s.append(", ")
s.append(self.args[i].type if i in self.args else "<unknown>")
return "".join(s)
# Parses HEADERFILENAME to find out which runtime functions are "inline".
def FindInlineRuntimeFunctions():
inline_functions = []
with open(HEADERFILENAME, "r") as f:
inline_list = "#define INLINE_FUNCTION_LIST(F) \\\n"
inline_opt_list = "#define INLINE_OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION_LIST(F) \\\n"
inline_function = re.compile(r"^\s*F\((\w+), \d+, \d+\)\s*\\?")
mode = "SEARCHING"
for line in f:
if mode == "ACTIVE":
match = inline_function.match(line)
if match:
if not line.endswith("\\\n"):
mode = "SEARCHING"
elif mode == "SEARCHING":
if line == inline_list or line == inline_opt_list:
mode = "ACTIVE"
return inline_functions
# Detects runtime functions by parsing FILENAME.
def FindRuntimeFunctions():
inline_functions = FindInlineRuntimeFunctions()
functions = []
with open(FILENAME, "r") as f:
function = None
partial_line = ""
for line in f:
# Multi-line definition support, ignoring macros.
if line.startswith("RUNTIME_FUNCTION") and not line.endswith("{\n"):
if line.endswith("\\\n"): continue
partial_line = line.rstrip()
if partial_line:
partial_line += " " + line.strip()
if partial_line.endswith("{"):
line = partial_line
partial_line = ""
match = FUNCTION.match(line)
if match:
function = Function(match)
if function.name in inline_functions:
function.inline = "_"
if function is None: continue
match = ARGSLENGTH.match(line)
if match:
if function.TryParseArg(line):
if line == FUNCTIONEND:
if function is not None:
function = None
return functions
# Classifies runtime functions.
def ClassifyFunctions(functions):
# Can be fuzzed with a JavaScript testcase.
js_fuzzable_functions = []
# We have enough information to fuzz these, but they need inputs that
# cannot be created or passed around in JavaScript.
cctest_fuzzable_functions = []
# This script does not have enough information about these.
unknown_functions = []
types = {}
for f in functions:
if f.name in BLACKLISTED:
decision = js_fuzzable_functions
custom = CUSTOM_KNOWN_GOOD_INPUT.get(f.name, None)
if f.argslength < 0:
# Unknown length -> give up unless there's a custom definition.
if custom and custom[-1] is not None:
f.argslength = custom[-1]
assert len(custom) == f.argslength + 1, \
("%s: last custom definition must be argslength" % f.name)
decision = unknown_functions
if custom:
# Any custom definitions must match the known argslength.
assert len(custom) == f.argslength + 1, \
("%s should have %d custom definitions but has %d" %
(f.name, f.argslength + 1, len(custom)))
for i in range(f.argslength):
if custom and custom[i] is not None:
# All good, there's a custom definition.
elif not i in f.args:
# No custom definition and no parse result -> give up.
decision = unknown_functions
t = f.args[i].type
if t in NON_JS_TYPES:
decision = cctest_fuzzable_functions
assert t in JS_TYPE_GENERATORS, \
("type generator not found for %s, function: %s" % (t, f))
return (js_fuzzable_functions, cctest_fuzzable_functions, unknown_functions)
def GenerateJSTestcaseForFunction(f):
s = ["// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.",
"// AUTO-GENERATED BY tools/generate-runtime-tests.py, DO NOT MODIFY",
"// Flags: --allow-natives-syntax --harmony"]
call = "%%%s%s(" % (f.inline, f.name)
custom = CUSTOM_KNOWN_GOOD_INPUT.get(f.name, None)
for i in range(f.argslength):
if custom and custom[i] is not None:
(name, value) = ("arg%d" % i, custom[i])
arg = f.args[i]
(name, value) = (arg.name, JS_TYPE_GENERATORS[arg.type])
s.append("var %s = %s;" % (name, value))
if i > 0: call += ", "
call += name
call += ");"
if f.name in THROWS:
s.append("try {")
s.append("} catch(e) {}")
testcase = "\n".join(s)
path = os.path.join(BASEPATH, f.Filename())
with open(path, "w") as f:
f.write("%s\n" % testcase)
def GenerateTestcases(functions):
shutil.rmtree(BASEPATH) # Re-generate everything.
for f in functions:
def PrintUsage():
print """Usage: %(this_script)s ACTION
where ACTION can be:
info Print diagnostic info.
check Check that runtime functions can be parsed as expected, and that
test cases exist.
generate Parse source code for runtime functions, and auto-generate
test cases for them. Warning: this will nuke and re-create
""" % {"path": os.path.relpath(BASEPATH), "this_script": THIS_SCRIPT}
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
action = sys.argv[1]
if action in ["-h", "--help", "help"]:
functions = FindRuntimeFunctions()
(js_fuzzable_functions, cctest_fuzzable_functions, unknown_functions) = \
if action == "info":
print("%d functions total; js_fuzzable_functions: %d, "
"cctest_fuzzable_functions: %d, unknown_functions: %d"
% (len(functions), len(js_fuzzable_functions),
len(cctest_fuzzable_functions), len(unknown_functions)))
print("unknown functions:")
for f in unknown_functions:
if action == "check":
error = False
def CheckCount(actual, expected, description):
global error
if len(actual) != expected:
print("Expected to detect %d %s, but found %d." % (
expected, description, len(actual)))
print("If this change is intentional, please update the expectations"
" at the top of %s." % THIS_SCRIPT)
error = True
CheckCount(functions, EXPECTED_FUNCTION_COUNT, "functions in total")
CheckCount(js_fuzzable_functions, EXPECTED_FUZZABLE_COUNT,
"JavaScript-fuzzable functions")
CheckCount(cctest_fuzzable_functions, EXPECTED_CCTEST_COUNT,
"cctest-fuzzable functions")
CheckCount(unknown_functions, EXPECTED_UNKNOWN_COUNT,
"functions with incomplete type information")
def CheckTestcasesExisting(functions):
global error
for f in functions:
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(BASEPATH, f.Filename())):
print("Missing testcase for %s, please run '%s generate'" %
(f.name, THIS_SCRIPT))
error = True
files = filter(lambda filename: not filename.startswith("."),
if (len(files) != len(functions)):
unexpected_files = set(files) - set([f.Filename() for f in functions])
for f in unexpected_files:
print("Unexpected testcase: %s" % os.path.join(BASEPATH, f))
error = True
if error:
print("Generated runtime tests: all good.")
if action == "generate":