conradw f5cc091f8f [strong] Implement strong mode semantics for the count operation.
Also fixes a crankshaft bug with strong implicit conversions.

It turns out that the implicit conversion of oddball values
is smushed into so many places in crankshaft that it would
have been pretty invasive surgery to make everything fall
out naturally.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1216463003

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#29381}
2015-06-30 14:22:08 +00:00

413 lines
9.4 KiB

// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --strong-mode --allow-natives-syntax
"use strict";
// Boolean indicates whether an operator can be part of a compound assignment.
let strongNumberBinops = [
["-", true],
["*", true],
["/", true],
["%", true],
["|", true],
["&", true],
["^", true],
["<<", true],
[">>", true],
[">>>", true]
let strongStringOrNumberBinops = [
["+", true],
["<", false],
[">", false],
["<=", false],
[">=", false]
let strongBinops = strongNumberBinops.concat(strongStringOrNumberBinops);
let strongUnops = [
let nonStringOrNumberValues = [
"(class Foo {})"
let stringValues = [
"' '",
let nonNumberValues = nonStringOrNumberValues.concat(stringValues);
let numberValues = [
// Relational comparison function declarations
function add_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x + y;
function add_num_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x + y;
function sub_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x - y;
function mul_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x * y;
function div_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x / y;
function mod_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x % y;
function or_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x | y;
function and_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x & y;
function xor_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x ^ y;
function shl_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x << y;
function shr_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x >> y;
function sar_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x >>> y;
function less_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x < y;
function less_num_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x < y;
function greater_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x > y;
function greater_num_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x > y;
function less_equal_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x <= y;
function less_equal_num_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x <= y;
function greater_equal_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x >= y;
function greater_equal_num_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x >= y;
function typed_add_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) + (+y);
function typed_sub_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) - (+y);
function typed_mul_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) * (+y);
function typed_div_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) / (+y);
function typed_mod_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) % (+y);
function typed_or_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) | (+y);
function typed_and_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) & (+y);
function typed_xor_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) ^ (+y);
function typed_shl_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) << (+y);
function typed_shr_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) >> (+y);
function typed_sar_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) >>> (+y);
function typed_less_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) < (+y);
function typed_greater_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) > (+y);
function typed_less_equal_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) <= (+y);
function typed_greater_equal_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return (+x) >= (+y);
// (in)equality function declarations
function str_equal_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x === y;
function str_ineq_strong(x, y) {
"use strong";
return x !== y;
let strongNumberFuncs = [add_num_strong, sub_strong, mul_strong, div_strong,
mod_strong, or_strong, and_strong, xor_strong,
shl_strong, shr_strong, sar_strong, less_num_strong,
greater_num_strong, less_equal_num_strong,
greater_equal_num_strong, typed_add_strong,
typed_sub_strong, typed_mul_strong, typed_div_strong,
typed_mod_strong, typed_or_strong, typed_and_strong,
typed_xor_strong, typed_shl_strong, typed_shr_strong,
typed_sar_strong, typed_less_strong,
typed_greater_strong, typed_less_equal_strong,
let strongStringOrNumberFuncs = [add_strong, less_strong, greater_strong,
less_equal_strong, greater_equal_strong];
let strongFuncs = strongNumberFuncs.concat(strongStringOrNumberFuncs);
function assertStrongNonThrowBehaviour(expr) {
assertEquals(eval(expr), eval("'use strong';" + expr));
assertDoesNotThrow("'use strong'; " + expr + ";");
assertDoesNotThrow("'use strong'; let v = " + expr + ";");
function assertStrongThrowBehaviour(expr) {
assertDoesNotThrow("'use strict'; " + expr + ";");
assertDoesNotThrow("'use strict'; let v = " + expr + ";");
assertThrows("'use strong'; " + expr + ";", TypeError);
assertThrows("'use strong'; let v = " + expr + ";", TypeError);
function checkArgumentCombinations(op, leftList, rightList, willThrow) {
for (let v1 of leftList) {
let assignExpr = "foo " + op[0] + "= " + v1 + ";";
for (let v2 of rightList) {
let compoundAssignment = "'use strong'; let foo = " + v2 + "; " +
if (willThrow) {
if (op[1]) {
assertThrows(compoundAssignment, TypeError);
assertStrongThrowBehaviour("(" + v1 + op[0] + v2 + ")");
} else {
if (op[1]) {
assertStrongNonThrowBehaviour("(" + v1 + op[0] + v2 + ")");
for (let op of strongBinops) {
checkArgumentCombinations(op, numberValues, numberValues, false);
checkArgumentCombinations(op, numberValues, nonNumberValues, true);
for (let op of strongNumberBinops) {
checkArgumentCombinations(op, nonNumberValues,
numberValues.concat(nonNumberValues), true);
for (let op of strongStringOrNumberBinops) {
checkArgumentCombinations(op, nonNumberValues,
numberValues.concat(nonStringOrNumberValues), true);
checkArgumentCombinations(op, nonStringOrNumberValues, stringValues, true);
checkArgumentCombinations(op, stringValues, stringValues, false);
for (let op of strongUnops) {
for (let value of numberValues) {
assertStrongNonThrowBehaviour("(" + op + value + ")");
for (let value of nonNumberValues) {
assertStrongThrowBehaviour("(" + op + value + ")");
for (let func of strongNumberFuncs) {
// Check IC None*None->None throws
for (let v of nonNumberValues) {
let value = eval(v);
assertThrows(function(){func(2, value);}, TypeError);
assertThrows(function(){func(2, value);}, TypeError);
func(4, 5);
func(4, 5);
// Check IC Smi*Smi->Smi throws
for (let v of nonNumberValues) {
let value = eval(v);
assertThrows(function(){func(2, value);}, TypeError);
assertThrows(function(){func(2, value);}, TypeError);
func(NaN, NaN);
func(NaN, NaN);
// Check IC Number*Number->Number throws
for (let v of nonNumberValues) {
let value = eval(v);
assertThrows(function(){func(2, value);}, TypeError);
assertThrows(function(){func(2, value);}, TypeError);
for (let func of strongStringOrNumberFuncs) {
// Check IC None*None->None throws
for (let v of nonNumberValues) {
let value = eval(v);
assertThrows(function(){func(2, value);}, TypeError);
assertThrows(function(){func(2, value);}, TypeError);
func("foo", "bar");
func("foo", "bar");
// Check IC String*String->String throws
for (let v of nonNumberValues) {
let value = eval(v);
assertThrows(function(){func(2, value);}, TypeError);
assertThrows(function(){func(2, value);}, TypeError);
func(NaN, NaN);
func(NaN, NaN);
// Check IC Generic*Generic->Generic throws
for (let v of nonNumberValues) {
let value = eval(v);
assertThrows(function(){func(2, value);}, TypeError);
assertThrows(function(){func(2, value);}, TypeError);
for (let func of [str_equal_strong, str_ineq_strong]) {
assertDoesNotThrow(function(){func(2, undefined)});
assertDoesNotThrow(function(){func(2, undefined)});
assertDoesNotThrow(function(){func(2, undefined)});
assertDoesNotThrow(function(){func(true, {})});
assertDoesNotThrow(function(){func(true, {})});
assertDoesNotThrow(function(){func(true, {})});