Use int instead of byte to store the source position when computing a location based on the stack trace stored in an error object. Also add tests, since this code path was not covered before (not even for small position where it would have succeeded). Also, add some comments about which positions are 0-based and 1-based. Change-Id: I313dcd6c47b77093ced9bb687415715d04eafb97 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Ben Titzer <> Commit-Queue: Clemens Hammacher <> Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#47739}
185 lines
5.9 KiB
185 lines
5.9 KiB
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --expose-wasm
// The stack trace contains file path, only keep "stack.js".
function stripPath(s) {
return s.replace(/[^ (]*stack\.js/g, "stack.js");
function verifyStack(frames, expected) {
assertEquals(expected.length, frames.length, "number of frames mismatch");
expected.forEach(function(exp, i) {
assertEquals(exp[1], frames[i].getFunctionName(),
assertEquals(exp[2], frames[i].getLineNumber(), "["+i+"].getLineNumber()");
if (exp[0])
assertEquals(exp[3], frames[i].getPosition(),
assertContains(exp[4], frames[i].getFileName(), "["+i+"].getFileName()");
var toString;
if (exp[0]) {
toString = "wasm-function[" + exp[2] + "]:" + exp[3];
if (exp[1] !== null) toString = exp[1] + " (" + toString + ")";
} else {
toString = exp[4] + ":" + exp[2] + ":";
assertContains(toString, frames[i].toString(), "["+i+"].toString()");
var stack;
function STACK() {
var e = new Error();
stack = e.stack;
var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder();
builder.addMemory(0, 1, false);
builder.addImport("mod", "func", kSig_v_v);
builder.addFunction("main", kSig_v_v)
.addBody([kExprCallFunction, 0])
builder.addFunction("exec_unreachable", kSig_v_v)
// Make this function unnamed, just to test also this case.
var mem_oob_func = builder.addFunction(undefined, kSig_i_v)
// Access the memory at offset -1, to provoke a trap.
.addBody([kExprI32Const, 0x7f, kExprI32LoadMem8S, 0, 0])
// Call the mem_out_of_bounds function, in order to have two wasm stack frames.
builder.addFunction("call_mem_out_of_bounds", kSig_i_v)
.addBody([kExprCallFunction, mem_oob_func.index])
var module = builder.instantiate({mod: {func: STACK}});
(function testSimpleStack() {
var expected_string = 'Error\n' +
// The line numbers below will change as this test gains / loses lines..
' at STACK (stack.js:39:11)\n' + // --
' at main (wasm-function[1]:1)\n' + // --
' at testSimpleStack (stack.js:78:18)\n' + // --
' at stack.js:80:3'; // --
assertEquals(expected_string, stripPath(stack));
// For the remaining tests, collect the Callsite objects instead of just a
// string:
Error.prepareStackTrace = function(error, frames) {
return frames;
(function testStackFrames() {
verifyStack(stack, [
// isWasm function line pos file
[ false, "STACK", 39, 0, "stack.js"],
[ true, "main", 1, 1, null],
[ false, "testStackFrames", 89, 0, "stack.js"],
[ false, null, 98, 0, "stack.js"]
(function testWasmUnreachable() {
try {
fail("expected wasm exception");
} catch (e) {
assertContains("unreachable", e.message);
verifyStack(e.stack, [
// isWasm function line pos file
[ true, "exec_unreachable", 2, 1, null],
[ false, "testWasmUnreachable", 102, 0, "stack.js"],
[ false, null, 113, 0, "stack.js"]
(function testWasmMemOutOfBounds() {
try {
fail("expected wasm exception");
} catch (e) {
assertContains("out of bounds", e.message);
verifyStack(e.stack, [
// isWasm function line pos file
[ true, null, 3, 3, null],
[ true, "call_mem_out_of_bounds", 4, 1, null],
[ false, "testWasmMemOutOfBounds", 117, 0, "stack.js"],
[ false, null, 129, 0, "stack.js"]
(function testStackOverflow() {
var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder();
var sig_index = builder.addType(kSig_v_v);
builder.addFunction("recursion", sig_index)
kExprI32Const, 0,
kExprCallIndirect, sig_index, kTableZero
try {
fail("expected wasm exception");
} catch (e) {
assertEquals("Maximum call stack size exceeded", e.message, "trap reason");
assertTrue(e.stack.length >= 4, "expected at least 4 stack entries");
verifyStack(e.stack.splice(0, 4), [
// isWasm function line pos file
[ true, "recursion", 0, 0, null],
[ true, "recursion", 0, 3, null],
[ true, "recursion", 0, 3, null],
[ true, "recursion", 0, 3, null]
(function testBigOffset() {
var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder();
let body = [kExprI32Const, 0, kExprI32Add];
while (body.length <= 65536) body = body.concat(body);
body.unshift(kExprI32Const, 0);
let unreachable_pos = body.length - 1;
builder.addFunction('main', kSig_v_v).addBody(body).exportFunc();
try {
fail('expected wasm exception');
} catch (e) {
assertEquals('unreachable', e.message, 'trap reason');
verifyStack(e.stack, [
// isWasm, function, line, pos, file
[true, 'main', 0, unreachable_pos + 1, null], // -
[false, 'testBigOffset', 173, 0, 'stack.js'], //-
[false, null, 184, 0, 'stack.js']