With this CL we don't need to store reference to InspectedContext inside of JavaScript console object and able to get all required information from callback data. It allows us to implement console methods without taking in account how and where we create and store these methods: - later we can move console object implementation to builtins.. - ..and install command line API methods smarter. BUG=chromium:588893 R=dgozman@chromium.org Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2784713002 Cr-Original-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#44212} Committed:908cd38123
Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2784713002 Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#44238} Committed:88f71126a5
Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2784713002 Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#44251}
359 lines
13 KiB
359 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
InspectorTest = {};
InspectorTest._dispatchTable = new Map();
InspectorTest._requestId = 0;
InspectorTest._dumpInspectorProtocolMessages = false;
InspectorTest._eventHandler = {};
InspectorTest._commandsForLogging = new Set();
Protocol = new Proxy({}, {
get: function(target, agentName, receiver) {
return new Proxy({}, {
get: function(target, methodName, receiver) {
const eventPattern = /^on(ce)?([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+)/;
var match = eventPattern.exec(methodName);
if (!match) {
return (args, contextGroupId) => InspectorTest._sendCommandPromise(`${agentName}.${methodName}`, args || {}, contextGroupId);
} else {
var eventName = match[2];
eventName = eventName.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + eventName.slice(1);
if (match[1])
return () => InspectorTest._waitForEventPromise(
return (listener) => { InspectorTest._eventHandler[`${agentName}.${eventName}`] = listener };
InspectorTest.logProtocolCommandCalls = (command) => InspectorTest._commandsForLogging.add(command);
var utils = {};
(function setupUtils() {
utils.load = load;
this.load = null;
utils.read = read;
this.read = null;
utils.compileAndRunWithOrigin = compileAndRunWithOrigin;
this.compileAndRunWithOrigin = null;
utils.quit = quit;
this.quit = null;
utils.print = print;
this.print = null;
utils.setlocale = setlocale;
this.setlocale = null;
utils.setCurrentTimeMSForTest = setCurrentTimeMSForTest;
this.setCurrentTimeMSForTest = null;
utils.setMemoryInfoForTest = setMemoryInfoForTest;
this.setMemoryInfoForTest = null;
utils.schedulePauseOnNextStatement = schedulePauseOnNextStatement;
this.schedulePauseOnNextStatement = null;
utils.cancelPauseOnNextStatement = cancelPauseOnNextStatement;
this.cancelPauseOnNextStatement = null;
utils.reconnect = reconnect;
this.reconnect = null;
utils.createContextGroup = createContextGroup;
this.createContextGroup = null;
InspectorTest.log = utils.print.bind(null);
InspectorTest.logMessage = function(originalMessage)
var message = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(originalMessage));
if (message.id)
message.id = "<messageId>";
const nonStableFields = new Set(["objectId", "scriptId", "exceptionId", "timestamp",
"executionContextId", "callFrameId", "breakpointId", "bindRemoteObjectFunctionId", "formatterObjectId" ]);
var objects = [ message ];
while (objects.length) {
var object = objects.shift();
for (var key in object) {
if (nonStableFields.has(key))
object[key] = `<${key}>`;
else if (typeof object[key] === "string" && object[key].match(/\d+:\d+:\d+:debug/))
object[key] = object[key].replace(/\d+/, '<scriptId>');
else if (typeof object[key] === "object")
return originalMessage;
InspectorTest.logObject = function(object, title)
var lines = [];
function dumpValue(value, prefix, prefixWithName)
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
if (value instanceof Array)
dumpItems(value, prefix, prefixWithName);
dumpProperties(value, prefix, prefixWithName);
} else {
lines.push(prefixWithName + String(value).replace(/\n/g, " "));
function dumpProperties(object, prefix, firstLinePrefix)
prefix = prefix || "";
firstLinePrefix = firstLinePrefix || prefix;
lines.push(firstLinePrefix + "{");
var propertyNames = Object.keys(object);
for (var i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; ++i) {
var name = propertyNames[i];
if (!object.hasOwnProperty(name))
var prefixWithName = " " + prefix + name + " : ";
dumpValue(object[name], " " + prefix, prefixWithName);
lines.push(prefix + "}");
function dumpItems(object, prefix, firstLinePrefix)
prefix = prefix || "";
firstLinePrefix = firstLinePrefix || prefix;
lines.push(firstLinePrefix + "[");
for (var i = 0; i < object.length; ++i)
dumpValue(object[i], " " + prefix, " " + prefix + "[" + i + "] : ");
lines.push(prefix + "]");
dumpValue(object, "", title || "");
InspectorTest.logCallFrames = function(callFrames)
for (var frame of callFrames) {
var functionName = frame.functionName || '(anonymous)';
var url = frame.url ? frame.url : InspectorTest._scriptMap.get(frame.location.scriptId).url;
var lineNumber = frame.location ? frame.location.lineNumber : frame.lineNumber;
var columnNumber = frame.location ? frame.location.columnNumber : frame.columnNumber;
InspectorTest.log(`${functionName} (${url}:${lineNumber}:${columnNumber})`);
InspectorTest.logSourceLocation = function(location)
var scriptId = location.scriptId;
if (!InspectorTest._scriptMap || !InspectorTest._scriptMap.has(scriptId)) {
InspectorTest.log("InspectorTest.setupScriptMap should be called before Protocol.Debugger.enable.");
var script = InspectorTest._scriptMap.get(scriptId);
if (!script.scriptSource) {
// TODO(kozyatinskiy): doesn't assume that contextId == contextGroupId.
return Protocol.Debugger.getScriptSource({ scriptId }, script.executionContextId)
.then(message => script.scriptSource = message.result.scriptSource)
return Promise.resolve().then(dumpSourceWithLocation);
function dumpSourceWithLocation() {
var lines = script.scriptSource.split('\n');
var line = lines[location.lineNumber];
line = line.slice(0, location.columnNumber) + '#' + (line.slice(location.columnNumber) || '');
lines[location.lineNumber] = line;
lines = lines.filter(line => line.indexOf('//# sourceURL=') === -1);
InspectorTest.log(lines.slice(Math.max(location.lineNumber - 1, 0), location.lineNumber + 2).join('\n'));
InspectorTest.logSourceLocations = function(locations) {
if (locations.length == 0) return Promise.resolve();
return InspectorTest.logSourceLocation(locations[0])
.then(() => InspectorTest.logSourceLocations(locations.splice(1)));
InspectorTest.logAsyncStackTrace = function(asyncStackTrace)
while (asyncStackTrace) {
if (asyncStackTrace.promiseCreationFrame) {
var frame = asyncStackTrace.promiseCreationFrame;
InspectorTest.log(`-- ${asyncStackTrace.description} (${frame.url
} else {
InspectorTest.log(`-- ${asyncStackTrace.description} --`);
asyncStackTrace = asyncStackTrace.parent;
InspectorTest.completeTest = () => Protocol.Debugger.disable().then(() => utils.quit());
InspectorTest.completeTestAfterPendingTimeouts = function()
InspectorTest.waitPendingTasks = function()
return Protocol.Runtime.evaluate({ expression: "new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 0))//# sourceURL=wait-pending-tasks.js", awaitPromise: true });
InspectorTest.addScript = (string, lineOffset, columnOffset) => utils.compileAndRunWithOrigin(string, "", lineOffset || 0, columnOffset || 0, false);
InspectorTest.addScriptWithUrl = (string, url) => utils.compileAndRunWithOrigin(string, url, 0, 0, false);
InspectorTest.addModule = (string, url, lineOffset, columnOffset) => utils.compileAndRunWithOrigin(string, url, lineOffset || 0, columnOffset || 0, true);
InspectorTest.startDumpingProtocolMessages = function()
InspectorTest._dumpInspectorProtocolMessages = true;
InspectorTest.sendRawCommand = function(requestId, command, handler, contextGroupId)
if (InspectorTest._dumpInspectorProtocolMessages)
utils.print("frontend: " + command);
InspectorTest._dispatchTable.set(requestId, handler);
sendMessageToBackend(command, contextGroupId || 0);
InspectorTest.checkExpectation = function(fail, name, messageObject)
if (fail === !!messageObject.error) {
InspectorTest.log("PASS: " + name);
return true;
InspectorTest.log("FAIL: " + name + ": " + JSON.stringify(messageObject));
return false;
InspectorTest.expectedSuccess = InspectorTest.checkExpectation.bind(null, false);
InspectorTest.expectedError = InspectorTest.checkExpectation.bind(null, true);
InspectorTest.setupScriptMap = function() {
if (InspectorTest._scriptMap)
InspectorTest._scriptMap = new Map();
InspectorTest.runTestSuite = function(testSuite)
function nextTest()
if (!testSuite.length) {
var fun = testSuite.shift();
InspectorTest.log("\nRunning test: " + fun.name);
InspectorTest.runAsyncTestSuite = async function(testSuite) {
for (var test of testSuite) {
InspectorTest.log("\nRunning test: " + test.name);
await test();
InspectorTest._sendCommandPromise = function(method, params, contextGroupId)
var requestId = ++InspectorTest._requestId;
var messageObject = { "id": requestId, "method": method, "params": params };
var fulfillCallback;
var promise = new Promise(fulfill => fulfillCallback = fulfill);
if (InspectorTest._commandsForLogging.has(method)) {
utils.print(method + ' called');
InspectorTest.sendRawCommand(requestId, JSON.stringify(messageObject), fulfillCallback, contextGroupId);
return promise;
InspectorTest._waitForEventPromise = function(eventName)
return new Promise(fulfill => InspectorTest._eventHandler[eventName] = fullfillAndClearListener.bind(null, fulfill));
function fullfillAndClearListener(fulfill, result)
delete InspectorTest._eventHandler[eventName];
InspectorTest._dispatchMessage = function(messageObject)
if (InspectorTest._dumpInspectorProtocolMessages)
utils.print("backend: " + JSON.stringify(messageObject));
try {
var messageId = messageObject["id"];
if (typeof messageId === "number") {
var handler = InspectorTest._dispatchTable.get(messageId);
if (handler) {
} else {
var eventName = messageObject["method"];
var eventHandler = InspectorTest._eventHandler[eventName];
if (InspectorTest._scriptMap && eventName === "Debugger.scriptParsed")
InspectorTest._scriptMap.set(messageObject.params.scriptId, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageObject.params)));
if (eventName === "Debugger.scriptParsed" && messageObject.params.url === "wait-pending-tasks.js")
if (eventHandler)
} catch (e) {
InspectorTest.log("Exception when dispatching message: " + e + "\n" + e.stack + "\n message = " + JSON.stringify(messageObject, null, 2));
InspectorTest.loadScript = function(fileName) {
InspectorTest.setupInjectedScriptEnvironment = function(debug) {
let scriptSource = '';
// First define all getters on Object.prototype.
let injectedScriptSource = utils.read('src/inspector/injected-script-source.js');
let getterRegex = /\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+/g;
let match;
let getters = new Set();
while (match = getterRegex.exec(injectedScriptSource)) {
scriptSource += `(function installSettersAndGetters() {
let defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
let ObjectPrototype = Object.prototype;\n`;
scriptSource += Array.from(getters).map(getter => `
defineProperty(ObjectPrototype, '${getter}', {
set() { debugger; throw 42; }, get() { debugger; throw 42; },
__proto__: null
`).join('\n') + '})();';
if (debug) {
InspectorTest.log('WARNING: InspectorTest.setupInjectedScriptEnvironment with debug flag for debugging only and should not be landed.');
InspectorTest.log('WARNING: run test with --expose-inspector-scripts flag to get more details.');
InspectorTest.log('WARNING: you can additionally comment rjsmin in xxd.py to get unminified injected-script-source.js.');
Protocol.Debugger.onPaused(message => {
let callFrames = message.params.callFrames;
InspectorTest.logSourceLocations(callFrames.map(frame => frame.location));