The v8 root directory is assumed to be the default cwd. All commands executed in another directory (e.g. the chromium checkout) need an explicit specification (also in the tests). This also fixes several small testing and robustness bugs: - Get rid of all 'rm ...' shell calls - Don't leak tmp files/dirs - Add some forgotten shell calls to the test expectations - Hardcode the DEPS location (must always be chromium_dir/DEPS) - Expect correct return code when terminating gracefully BUG=chromium:408523 LOG=n TBR=jarin@chromium.org TEST=script_test.py Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/540973002 git-svn-id: https://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@23719 ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
469 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
469 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script retrieves the history of all V8 branches and trunk revisions and
# their corresponding Chromium revisions.
# Requires a chromium checkout with branch heads:
# gclient sync --with_branch_heads
# gclient fetch
import argparse
import csv
import itertools
import json
import os
import re
import sys
from common_includes import *
BRANCHNAME: "retrieve-v8-releases",
PERSISTFILE_BASENAME: "/tmp/v8-releases-tempfile",
VERSION_FILE: "src/version.cc",
# Expression for retrieving the bleeding edge revision from a commit message.
PUSH_MESSAGE_RE = re.compile(r".* \(based on bleeding_edge revision r(\d+)\)$")
# Expression for retrieving the merged patches from a merge commit message
# (old and new format).
MERGE_MESSAGE_RE = re.compile(r"^.*[M|m]erged (.+)(\)| into).*$", re.M)
# Expression for retrieving reverted patches from a commit message (old and
# new format).
ROLLBACK_MESSAGE_RE = re.compile(r"^.*[R|r]ollback of (.+)(\)| in).*$", re.M)
# Expression for retrieving the code review link.
REVIEW_LINK_RE = re.compile(r"^Review URL: (.+)$", re.M)
# Expression with three versions (historical) for extracting the v8 revision
# from the chromium DEPS file.
DEPS_RE = re.compile(r"""^\s*(?:["']v8_revision["']: ["']"""
"""|\(Var\("googlecode_url"\) % "v8"\) \+ "\/trunk@"""
"""([^"']+)["'].*$""", re.M)
# Expression to pick tag and revision for bleeding edge tags. To be used with
# output of 'svn log'.
r"A \/tags\/([^\s]+) \(from \/branches\/bleeding_edge\:(\d+)\)")
def SortBranches(branches):
"""Sort branches with version number names."""
return sorted(branches, key=SortingKey, reverse=True)
def FilterDuplicatesAndReverse(cr_releases):
"""Returns the chromium releases in reverse order filtered by v8 revision
cr_releases is a list of [cr_rev, v8_rev] reverse-sorted by cr_rev.
last = ""
result = []
for release in reversed(cr_releases):
if last == release[1]:
last = release[1]
return result
def BuildRevisionRanges(cr_releases):
"""Returns a mapping of v8 revision -> chromium ranges.
The ranges are comma-separated, each range has the form R1:R2. The newest
entry is the only one of the form R1, as there is no end range.
cr_releases is a list of [cr_rev, v8_rev] reverse-sorted by cr_rev.
cr_rev either refers to a chromium svn revision or a chromium branch number.
range_lists = {}
cr_releases = FilterDuplicatesAndReverse(cr_releases)
# Visit pairs of cr releases from oldest to newest.
for cr_from, cr_to in itertools.izip(
cr_releases, itertools.islice(cr_releases, 1, None)):
# Assume the chromium revisions are all different.
assert cr_from[0] != cr_to[0]
# TODO(machenbach): Subtraction is not git friendly.
ran = "%s:%d" % (cr_from[0], int(cr_to[0]) - 1)
# Collect the ranges in lists per revision.
range_lists.setdefault(cr_from[1], []).append(ran)
# Add the newest revision.
if cr_releases:
range_lists.setdefault(cr_releases[-1][1], []).append(cr_releases[-1][0])
# Stringify and comma-separate the range lists.
return dict((rev, ", ".join(ran)) for rev, ran in range_lists.iteritems())
def MatchSafe(match):
if match:
return match.group(1)
return ""
class Preparation(Step):
MESSAGE = "Preparation."
def RunStep(self):
class RetrieveV8Releases(Step):
MESSAGE = "Retrieve all V8 releases."
def ExceedsMax(self, releases):
return (self._options.max_releases > 0
and len(releases) > self._options.max_releases)
def GetBleedingEdgeFromPush(self, title):
return MatchSafe(PUSH_MESSAGE_RE.match(title))
def GetMergedPatches(self, body):
patches = MatchSafe(MERGE_MESSAGE_RE.search(body))
if not patches:
patches = MatchSafe(ROLLBACK_MESSAGE_RE.search(body))
if patches:
# Indicate reverted patches with a "-".
patches = "-%s" % patches
return patches
def GetReleaseDict(
self, git_hash, bleeding_edge_rev, branch, version, patches, cl_body):
revision = self.GitSVNFindSVNRev(git_hash)
return {
# The SVN revision on the branch.
"revision": revision,
# The SVN revision on bleeding edge (only for newer trunk pushes).
"bleeding_edge": bleeding_edge_rev,
# The branch name.
"branch": branch,
# The version for displaying in the form 3.26.3 or
"version": version,
# The date of the commit.
"date": self.GitLog(n=1, format="%ci", git_hash=git_hash),
# Merged patches if available in the form 'r1234, r2345'.
"patches_merged": patches,
# Default for easier output formatting.
"chromium_revision": "",
# Default for easier output formatting.
"chromium_branch": "",
# Link to the CL on code review. Trunk pushes are not uploaded, so this
# field will be populated below with the recent roll CL link.
"review_link": MatchSafe(REVIEW_LINK_RE.search(cl_body)),
# Link to the commit message on google code.
"revision_link": ("https://code.google.com/p/v8/source/detail?r=%s"
% revision),
def GetRelease(self, git_hash, branch):
base_version = [self["major"], self["minor"], self["build"]]
version = ".".join(base_version)
body = self.GitLog(n=1, format="%B", git_hash=git_hash)
patches = ""
if self["patch"] != "0":
version += ".%s" % self["patch"]
patches = self.GetMergedPatches(body)
title = self.GitLog(n=1, format="%s", git_hash=git_hash)
return self.GetReleaseDict(
git_hash, self.GetBleedingEdgeFromPush(title), branch, version,
patches, body), self["patch"]
def GetReleasesFromBleedingEdge(self):
tag_text = self.SVN("log https://v8.googlecode.com/svn/tags -v --limit 20")
releases = []
for (tag, revision) in re.findall(BLEEDING_EDGE_TAGS_RE, tag_text):
git_hash = self.GitSVNFindGitHash(revision)
# Add bleeding edge release. It does not contain patches or a code
# review link, as tags are not uploaded.
git_hash, revision, "bleeding_edge", tag, "", ""))
return releases
def GetReleasesFromBranch(self, branch):
self.GitReset("svn/%s" % branch)
if branch == 'bleeding_edge':
return self.GetReleasesFromBleedingEdge()
releases = []
for git_hash in self.GitLog(format="%H").splitlines():
if self._config[VERSION_FILE] not in self.GitChangedFiles(git_hash):
if self.ExceedsMax(releases):
break # pragma: no cover
if not self.GitCheckoutFileSafe(self._config[VERSION_FILE], git_hash):
break # pragma: no cover
release, patch_level = self.GetRelease(git_hash, branch)
# Follow branches only until their creation point.
# TODO(machenbach): This omits patches if the version file wasn't
# manipulated correctly. Find a better way to detect the point where
# the parent of the branch head leads to the trunk branch.
if branch != "trunk" and patch_level == "0":
# Allow Ctrl-C interrupt.
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): # pragma: no cover
# Clean up checked-out version file.
self.GitCheckoutFileSafe(self._config[VERSION_FILE], "HEAD")
return releases
def RunStep(self):
# Get relevant remote branches, e.g. "svn/3.25".
branches = filter(lambda s: re.match(r"^svn/\d+\.\d+$", s),
# Remove 'svn/' prefix.
branches = map(lambda s: s[4:], branches)
releases = []
if self._options.branch == 'recent':
# Get only recent development on trunk, beta and stable.
if self._options.max_releases == 0: # pragma: no cover
self._options.max_releases = 10
beta, stable = SortBranches(branches)[0:2]
releases += self.GetReleasesFromBranch(stable)
releases += self.GetReleasesFromBranch(beta)
releases += self.GetReleasesFromBranch("trunk")
releases += self.GetReleasesFromBranch("bleeding_edge")
elif self._options.branch == 'all': # pragma: no cover
# Retrieve the full release history.
for branch in branches:
releases += self.GetReleasesFromBranch(branch)
releases += self.GetReleasesFromBranch("trunk")
releases += self.GetReleasesFromBranch("bleeding_edge")
else: # pragma: no cover
# Retrieve history for a specified branch.
assert self._options.branch in branches + ["trunk", "bleeding_edge"]
releases += self.GetReleasesFromBranch(self._options.branch)
self["releases"] = sorted(releases,
key=lambda r: SortingKey(r["version"]),
class SwitchChromium(Step):
MESSAGE = "Switch to Chromium checkout."
def RunStep(self):
cwd = self._options.chromium
# Check for a clean workdir.
if not self.GitIsWorkdirClean(cwd=cwd): # pragma: no cover
self.Die("Workspace is not clean. Please commit or undo your changes.")
# Assert that the DEPS file is there.
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cwd, "DEPS")): # pragma: no cover
self.Die("DEPS file not present.")
class UpdateChromiumCheckout(Step):
MESSAGE = "Update the checkout and create a new branch."
def RunStep(self):
cwd = self._options.chromium
self.GitCheckout("master", cwd=cwd)
self.GitCreateBranch(self.Config(BRANCHNAME), cwd=cwd)
def ConvertToCommitNumber(step, revision):
# Simple check for git hashes.
if revision.isdigit() and len(revision) < 8:
return revision
return step.GitConvertToSVNRevision(
revision, cwd=os.path.join(step._options.chromium, "v8"))
class RetrieveChromiumV8Releases(Step):
MESSAGE = "Retrieve V8 releases from Chromium DEPS."
def RunStep(self):
cwd = self._options.chromium
releases = filter(
lambda r: r["branch"] in ["trunk", "bleeding_edge"], self["releases"])
if not releases: # pragma: no cover
print "No releases detected. Skipping chromium history."
return True
# Update v8 checkout in chromium.
self.GitFetchOrigin(cwd=os.path.join(cwd, "v8"))
oldest_v8_rev = int(releases[-1]["revision"])
cr_releases = []
for git_hash in self.GitLog(
format="%H", grep="V8", cwd=cwd).splitlines():
if "DEPS" not in self.GitChangedFiles(git_hash, cwd=cwd):
if not self.GitCheckoutFileSafe("DEPS", git_hash, cwd=cwd):
break # pragma: no cover
deps = FileToText(os.path.join(cwd, "DEPS"))
match = DEPS_RE.search(deps)
if match:
cr_rev = self.GetCommitPositionNumber(git_hash, cwd=cwd)
if cr_rev:
v8_rev = ConvertToCommitNumber(self, match.group(1))
cr_releases.append([cr_rev, v8_rev])
# Stop after reaching beyond the last v8 revision we want to update.
# We need a small buffer for possible revert/reland frenzies.
# TODO(machenbach): Subtraction is not git friendly.
if int(v8_rev) < oldest_v8_rev - 100:
break # pragma: no cover
# Allow Ctrl-C interrupt.
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): # pragma: no cover
# Clean up.
self.GitCheckoutFileSafe("DEPS", "HEAD", cwd=cwd)
# Add the chromium ranges to the v8 trunk and bleeding_edge releases.
all_ranges = BuildRevisionRanges(cr_releases)
releases_dict = dict((r["revision"], r) for r in releases)
for revision, ranges in all_ranges.iteritems():
releases_dict.get(revision, {})["chromium_revision"] = ranges
# TODO(machenbach): Unify common code with method above.
class RietrieveChromiumBranches(Step):
MESSAGE = "Retrieve Chromium branch information."
def RunStep(self):
cwd = self._options.chromium
trunk_releases = filter(lambda r: r["branch"] == "trunk", self["releases"])
if not trunk_releases: # pragma: no cover
print "No trunk releases detected. Skipping chromium history."
return True
oldest_v8_rev = int(trunk_releases[-1]["revision"])
# Filter out irrelevant branches.
branches = filter(lambda r: re.match(r"branch-heads/\d+", r),
# Transform into pure branch numbers.
branches = map(lambda r: int(re.match(r"branch-heads/(\d+)", r).group(1)),
branches = sorted(branches, reverse=True)
cr_branches = []
for branch in branches:
if not self.GitCheckoutFileSafe("DEPS",
"branch-heads/%d" % branch,
break # pragma: no cover
deps = FileToText(os.path.join(cwd, "DEPS"))
match = DEPS_RE.search(deps)
if match:
v8_rev = ConvertToCommitNumber(self, match.group(1))
cr_branches.append([str(branch), v8_rev])
# Stop after reaching beyond the last v8 revision we want to update.
# We need a small buffer for possible revert/reland frenzies.
# TODO(machenbach): Subtraction is not git friendly.
if int(v8_rev) < oldest_v8_rev - 100:
break # pragma: no cover
# Allow Ctrl-C interrupt.
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): # pragma: no cover
# Clean up.
self.GitCheckoutFileSafe("DEPS", "HEAD", cwd=cwd)
# Add the chromium branches to the v8 trunk releases.
all_ranges = BuildRevisionRanges(cr_branches)
trunk_dict = dict((r["revision"], r) for r in trunk_releases)
for revision, ranges in all_ranges.iteritems():
trunk_dict.get(revision, {})["chromium_branch"] = ranges
class CleanUp(Step):
MESSAGE = "Clean up."
def RunStep(self):
self.GitCheckout("master", cwd=self._options.chromium)
self.GitDeleteBranch(self.Config(BRANCHNAME), cwd=self._options.chromium)
class WriteOutput(Step):
MESSAGE = "Print output."
def Run(self):
if self._options.csv:
with open(self._options.csv, "w") as f:
writer = csv.DictWriter(f,
["version", "branch", "revision",
"chromium_revision", "patches_merged"],
for release in self["releases"]:
if self._options.json:
with open(self._options.json, "w") as f:
if not self._options.csv and not self._options.json:
print self["releases"] # pragma: no cover
class Releases(ScriptsBase):
def _PrepareOptions(self, parser):
parser.add_argument("-b", "--branch", default="recent",
help=("The branch to analyze. If 'all' is specified, "
"analyze all branches. If 'recent' (default) "
"is specified, track beta, stable and trunk."))
parser.add_argument("-c", "--chromium",
help=("The path to your Chromium src/ "
"directory to automate the V8 roll."))
parser.add_argument("--csv", help="Path to a CSV file for export.")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--max-releases", type=int, default=0,
help="The maximum number of releases to track.")
parser.add_argument("--json", help="Path to a JSON file for export.")
def _ProcessOptions(self, options): # pragma: no cover
return True
def _Steps(self):
return [
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover