#!python # Copyright (c) 2016 Ryan Prichard # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Run with native CPython 2.7. # # These programs must be in your Path: # - 7z.exe # - git.exe # # This script looks for MSVC using a version-specific environment variable, # such as VS140COMNTOOLS for MSVC 2015. # import common_ship import argparse import os import shutil import subprocess import sys os.chdir(common_ship.topDir) ZIP_TOOL = common_ship.requireExe("7z.exe") MSVC_VERSION_TABLE = { "2015" : { "package_name" : "msvc2015", "gyp_version" : "2015", "common_tools_env" : "VS140COMNTOOLS", "xp_toolset" : "v140_xp", }, "2013" : { "package_name" : "msvc2013", "gyp_version" : "2013", "common_tools_env" : "VS120COMNTOOLS", "xp_toolset" : "v120_xp", }, } ARCH_TABLE = { "x64" : { "msvc_platform" : "x64", }, "ia32" : { "msvc_platform" : "Win32", }, } def readArguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--msvc-version", default="2015") ret = parser.parse_args() if ret.msvc_version not in MSVC_VERSION_TABLE: sys.exit("Error: unrecognized version: " + ret.msvc_version + ". " + "Versions: " + " ".join(sorted(MSVC_VERSION_TABLE.keys()))) return ret ARGS = readArguments() def checkoutGyp(): if os.path.isdir("build-gyp"): return subprocess.check_call([ "git.exe", "clone", "https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/gyp", "build-gyp" ]) def cleanMsvc(): common_ship.rmrf(""" src/Release src/.vs src/*.vcxproj src/*.vcxproj.filters src/*.sln src/*.sdf """.split()) def build(arch, packageDir, xp=False): archInfo = ARCH_TABLE[arch] versionInfo = MSVC_VERSION_TABLE[ARGS.msvc_version] subprocess.check_call([ sys.executable, "../build-gyp/gyp_main.py", "winpty.gyp", "-I", "configurations.gypi", "-G", "msvs_version=" + versionInfo["gyp_version"]] + (["-D", "WINPTY_MSBUILD_TOOLSET=" + versionInfo["xp_toolset"]] if xp else []), cwd="src") devCmdPath = os.path.join(os.environ[versionInfo["common_tools_env"]], "VsDevCmd.bat") if not os.path.isfile(devCmdPath): sys.exit("Error: MSVC environment script missing: " + devCmdPath) subprocess.check_call( '"' + devCmdPath + '" && ' + "msbuild winpty.sln /m /p:Platform=" + ARCH_TABLE[arch]["msvc_platform"], shell=True, cwd="src") archPackageDir = os.path.join(packageDir, arch) if xp: archPackageDir += "_xp" common_ship.mkdir(archPackageDir + "/bin") common_ship.mkdir(archPackageDir + "/lib") binSrc = os.path.join(common_ship.topDir, "src/Release", archInfo["msvc_platform"]) shutil.copy(binSrc + "/winpty.dll", archPackageDir + "/bin") shutil.copy(binSrc + "/winpty-agent.exe", archPackageDir + "/bin") shutil.copy(binSrc + "/winpty-debugserver.exe", archPackageDir + "/bin") shutil.copy(binSrc + "/winpty.lib", archPackageDir + "/lib") def buildPackage(): versionInfo = MSVC_VERSION_TABLE[ARGS.msvc_version] packageName = "winpty-%s-%s" % ( common_ship.winptyVersion, versionInfo["package_name"], ) packageRoot = os.path.join(common_ship.topDir, "ship/packages") packageDir = os.path.join(packageRoot, packageName) packageFile = packageDir + ".zip" common_ship.rmrf([packageDir]) common_ship.rmrf([packageFile]) common_ship.mkdir(packageDir) checkoutGyp() cleanMsvc() build("ia32", packageDir, True) cleanMsvc() build("ia32", packageDir) build("x64", packageDir) topDir = common_ship.topDir common_ship.mkdir(packageDir + "/include") shutil.copy(topDir + "/src/include/winpty.h", packageDir + "/include") shutil.copy(topDir + "/src/include/winpty_constants.h", packageDir + "/include") shutil.copy(topDir + "/LICENSE", packageDir) shutil.copy(topDir + "/README.md", packageDir) shutil.copy(topDir + "/RELEASES.md", packageDir) subprocess.check_call([ZIP_TOOL, "a", packageFile, "."], cwd=packageDir) common_ship.rmrf([packageDir]) if __name__ == "__main__": buildPackage()