2015-10-19 23:32:08 -05:00

57 lines
2.5 KiB

#include <TestCommon.h>
const int SC_CONSOLE_MARK = 0xFFF2;
int main() {
SpawnParams sp;
sp.bInheritHandles = TRUE;
Worker p;
p.getStdout().write("<-- origBuffer -->");
auto c = p.child();
auto cb = c.newBuffer();
cb.write("<-- cb -->");
// This is what the winpty-agent would want to do:
// - It tries to "freeze" the console with "Select All", which blocks
// WriteConsole but little else. Closing a screen buffer is not
// blocked.
// - Then, winpty wants to get the buffer info, then read screen content.
// - If the child process closes its special screen buffer during the
// scraping, then on Windows 7, conhost can start reading freed memory
// and crash. In this test case, `info2` is frequently garbage.
// Somehow winpty-agent needs to avoid this situation, but options seem
// scarce:
// - The Windows 7 bug only happens with `CloseHandle` AFAICT. If a
// buffer handle goes away implicitly from `FreeConsole` or process
// exit, then the buffer is reference counted properly. If app
// developers avoid closing their buffer handle, winpty can work.
// - Be really careful about when to scrape. Pay close attention to
// the kinds of WinEvents a full-screen app generates just before it
// exits, and try to fast-path everything such that no scraping is
// necessary.
// - Start interfering with the user processes attached to the console.
// - e.g. inject a DLL inside the processes and open CONOUT$, or
// override APIs, etc.
// - Attach to the right console process before opening CONOUT$. If
// that console's buffer handle is inheritable, then opening CONOUT$
// will then produce a safe handle.
// - Accept a certain amount of unreliability.
SendMessage(p.consoleWindow(), WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CONSOLE_SELECT_ALL, 0);
auto scrape = p.openConout();
auto info1 = scrape.screenBufferInfo();
Sleep(200); // Helps the test fail more often.
auto info2 = scrape.screenBufferInfo();
SendMessage(p.consoleWindow(), WM_CHAR, 27, 0x00010001);
trace("%d %d %d %d", info1.srWindow.Left, info1.srWindow.Top, info1.srWindow.Right, info1.srWindow.Bottom);
trace("%d %d %d %d", info2.srWindow.Left, info2.srWindow.Top, info2.srWindow.Right, info2.srWindow.Bottom);