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// Name: wx/msw/setup.h
// Purpose: Configuration for the library
// Author: Julian Smart
// Modified by:
// Created: 01/02/97
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_SETUP_H_
#define _WX_SETUP_H_
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global settings
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// define this to 0 when building wxBase library
#define wxUSE_GUI 1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// compatibility settings
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This setting determines the compatibility with 1.68 API:
// Level 0: no backward compatibility, all new features
// Level 1: some extra methods are defined for compatibility.
// Default is 0.
// Recommended setting: 0 (in fact the compatibility code is now very minimal
// so there is little advantage to setting it to 1.
// in wxMSW version 2.1.11 and earlier, wxIcon always derives from wxBitmap,
// but this is very dangerous because you can mistakenly pass an icon instead
// of a bitmap to a function taking "const wxBitmap&" - which will *not* work
// because an icon is not a valid bitmap
// Starting from 2.1.12, you have the choice under this backwards compatible
// behaviour (your code will still compile, but probably won't behave as
// expected!) and not deriving wxIcon class from wxBitmap, but providing a
// conversion ctor wxBitmap(const wxIcon&) instead.
// Recommended setting: 0
#define wxICON_IS_BITMAP 0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// non GUI features selection
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set wxUSE_LONGLONG to 1 to compile the wxLongLong class. This is a 64 bit
// integer which is implemented in terms of native 64 bit integers if any or
// uses emulation otherwise.
// This class is required by wxDateTime and so you should enable it if you want
// to use wxDateTime. For most modern platforms, it will use the native 64 bit
// integers in which case (almost) all of its functions are inline and it
// almost does not take any space, so there should be no reason to switch it
// off.
// Recommended setting: 1
#define wxUSE_LONGLONG 1
// Set wxUSE_TIMEDATE to 1 to compile the wxDateTime and related classes which
// allow to manipulate dates, times and time intervals. wxDateTime replaces the
// old wxTime and wxDate classes which are still provided for backwards
// compatibility (and implemented in terms of wxDateTime).
// Note that this class is relatively new and is still officially in alpha
// stage because some features are not yet (fully) implemented. It is already
// quite useful though and should only be disabled if you are aiming at
// absolutely minimal version of the library.
// Requires: wxUSE_LONGLONG
// Recommended setting: 1
#define wxUSE_TIMEDATE 1
// Setting wxUSE_CONFIG to 1 enables the use of wxConfig and related classes
// which allow the application to store its settings in the persistent
// storage. Setting this to 1 will also enable on-demand creation of the
// global config object in wxApp.
// See also wxUSE_CONFIG_NATIVE below.
// Recommended setting: 1
#define wxUSE_CONFIG 1
// If wxUSE_CONFIG is 1, you may choose to use either the native config
// classes under Windows (using .INI files under Win16 and the registry under
// Win32) or the portable text file format used by the config classes under
// Unix.
// Default is 1 to use native classes. Note that you may still use
// wxFileConfig even if you set this to 1 - just the config object created by
// default for the applications needs will be a wxRegConfig or wxIniConfig and
// not wxFileConfig.
// Recommended setting: 1
// If wxUSE_DIALUP_MANAGER is 1, compile in wxDialUpManager class which allows
// to connect/disconnect from the network and be notified whenever the dial-up
// network connection is established/terminated.
// Default is 1.
// Recommended setting: 1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Optional controls
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxToolBar related settings: if wxUSE_TOOLBAR is 0, don't compile any toolbar
// classes at all. Otherwise, use the native toolbar class unless
// wxUSE_TOOLBAR_NATIVE is 0. Additionally, the generic toolbar class which
// supports some features which might not be supported by the native wxToolBar
// class may be compiled in if wxUSE_TOOLBAR_SIMPLE is 1.
// Default is 1 for all settings.
// Recommended setting: 1 for wxUSE_TOOLBAR and wxUSE_TOOLBAR_NATIVE and 0 for
// wxUSE_TOOLBAR_SIMPLE (the default is 1 mainly for backwards compatibility).
#define wxUSE_TOOLBAR 1
// wxNotebook is a control with several "tabs" located on one of its sides. It
// may be used ot logically organise the data presented to the user instead of
// putting everything in one huge dialog. It replaces wxTabControl and related
// classes of wxWin 1.6x.
// Default is 1.
// Recommended setting: 1
#define wxUSE_NOTEBOOK 1
// The corresponding controls will be compiled in if wxUSE_<CONTROL> is set to
// 1 and not compiled into the library otherwise.
// Default is 1 for everything.
// Recommended setting: 1 (library might fail to compile for some combinations
// of disabled controls)
#define wxUSE_CARET 1
#define wxUSE_CHECKBOX 1
#define wxUSE_CHOICE 1
#define wxUSE_COMBOBOX 1
#define wxUSE_GAUGE 1
#define wxUSE_LISTBOX 1
#define wxUSE_RADIOBOX 1
#define wxUSE_RADIOBTN 1
#define wxUSE_SCROLLBAR 1
#define wxUSE_SLIDER 1
#define wxUSE_SPINBTN 1
#define wxUSE_SPINCTRL 1
#define wxUSE_STATLINE 1
// this setting is obsolete, value is ignored
#define wxUSE_BUTTONBAR 1
// wxGrid class comes in two flavours: the original (pre wxWin 2.2) one and
// the new, much imporved and enhanced version. The new version is backwards
// compatible with the old one and should be used whenever possible, i.e. if
// you set wxUSE_GRID to 1, set wxUSE_NEW_GRID to 1 too.
// Default is 1 for both options.
// Recommended setting: 1 for wxUSE_NEW_GRID, 0 if you have an old code using
// wxGrid and 100% backwards compatible (with all old wxGrid quirks) is
// essential.
#define wxUSE_GRID 1
#define wxUSE_NEW_GRID 1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Metafiles support
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Windows supports the graphics format known as metafile which is, though not
// portable, is widely used under Windows and so is supported by wxWin (under
// Windows only, of course). Win16 (Win3.1) used the so-called "Window
// MetaFiles" or WMFs which were replaced with "Enhanced MetaFiles" or EMFs in
// Win32 (Win9x, NT, 2000). Both of these are supported in wxWin and, by
// default, WMFs will be used under Win16 and EMFs under Win32. This may be
// changed by setting wxUSE_WIN_METAFILES_ALWAYS to 1 and/or setting
// wxUSE_ENH_METAFILE to 0. You may also set wxUSE_METAFILE to 0 to not compile
// in any metafile related classes at all.
// Default is 1 for wxUSE_ENH_METAFILE and 0 for wxUSE_WIN_METAFILES_ALWAYS.
// Recommended setting: default or 0 for everything for portable programs.
#define wxUSE_METAFILE 1
#define wxUSE_ENH_METAFILE 1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Big GUI components
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxHTML sublibrary allows to display HTML in wxWindow programs and much,
// much more.
// Default is 1.
// Recommended setting: 1 (wxHTML is great!), set to 0 if you want compile a
// smaller library.
#define wxUSE_HTML 1
// wxPlot is a class to display functions plots in wxWindow.
// Default is 1.
// Recommended setting: 1
#define wxUSE_PLOT 1
// OpenGL canvas
#define wxUSE_GLCANVAS 0
// wxTreeLayout class
#define wxUSE_TREELAYOUT 1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Postscript support settings
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define wxUSE_POSTSCRIPT 0
// 0 for no PostScript device context
// 1 to use font metric files in GetTextExtent
#define wxUSE_IPC 1
// 0 for no interprocess comms
// Note: wxHELP uses IPC under X so these are interdependent!
#define wxUSE_HELP 1
// 0 for no help facility
#define wxUSE_RESOURCES 1
// 0 for no wxGetResource/wxWriteResource
// 0 for no window layout constraint system
#define wxUSE_CLIPBOARD 1
// 0 for no clipboard functions
#define wxUSE_SPLINES 1
// 0 for no splines
#define wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP 1
// 0 for no drag and drop
#define wxUSE_XPM_IN_MSW 1
// 0 for no XPM support in wxBitmap.
// Default is 1, as XPM is now fully
// supported this makes easier the issue
// of portable icons and bitmaps.
// Use dynamic DIB loading/saving code in utils/dib under MSW.
// Use dynamic icon/cursor loading/saving code
// under MSW.
#define wxUSE_WX_RESOURCES 1
// Use .wxr resource mechanism (requires PrologIO library)
#define wxUSE_STARTUP_TIPS 1
// support for startup tips (wxShowTip &c)
// Set to 0 to disable document/view architecture
// Set to 0 to disable MDI document/view architecture
// Set to 0 to disable print/preview architecture code
// Set to 0 to disable PostScript print/preview architecture code
// under Windows (just use Windows printing).
// If 1, enables provision of run-time type information.
// NOW MANDATORY: don't change.
// If 1, enables wxDebugContext, for
// writing error messages to file, etc.
// If __WXDEBUG__ is not defined, will
// still use normal memory operators.
// It's recommended to set this to 1,
// since you may well need to output
// an error log in a production
// version (or non-debugging beta)
// If 1, enables debugging versions of wxObject::new and
// wxObject::delete *IF* __WXDEBUG__ is also defined.
// WARNING: this code may not work with all architectures,
// especially if alignment is an issue.
// This switch is currently ignored for
// mingw / cygwin
// In debug mode, cause new and delete to be redefined globally.
// If this causes problems (e.g. link errors), set this to 0.
// This switch is currently ignored for
// mingw / cygwin
// In debug mode, causes new to be defined to
// be WXDEBUG_NEW (see object.h).
// If this causes problems (e.g. link errors), set this to 0.
// You may need to set this to 0 if using templates (at least
// for VC++).
// This switch is currently ignored for
// mingw / cygwin
// Set this to 0 if your compiler can't cope
// with omission of prototype parameters.
#define wxUSE_ODBC 0
// Define 1 to use ODBC classes
// For backward compatibility reasons, this parameter now only
// controls the default scrolling method used by cursors. This
// default behavior can be overriden by setting the second param
// of wxDB::GetDbConnection() to indicate whether the connection
// (and any wxTable()s that use the connection) should support
// forward only scrolling of cursors, or both forward and backward
// Support for backward scrolling cursors is dependent on the
// data source as well as the ODBC driver being used.
#ifndef __MWERKS__
#define wxUSE_IOSTREAMH 1
#define wxUSE_IOSTREAMH 1
// VC++ 4.2 and above allows <iostream> and <iostream.h>
// but you can't mix them. Set to 1 for <iostream.h>,
// 0 for <iostream>
#define wxUSE_STREAMS 1
// If enabled (1), compiles wxWindows streams classes
#define wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM 0
// Use standard C++ streams if 1. If 0, use wxWin
// streams implementation.
#define wxUSE_THREADS 1
// support for multithreaded applications: if
// 1, compile in thread classes (thread.h)
// and make the library thread safe
#define wxUSE_ZLIB 1
// Use zlib for compression in streams and PNG code
#define wxUSE_LIBPNG 1
// Use PNG bitmap/image code
#define wxUSE_LIBJPEG 1
// Use JPEG bitmap/image code
#define wxUSE_LIBTIFF 1
// Use TIFF bitmap/image code
#define wxUSE_GIF 1
// Use GIF bitmap/image code
#define wxUSE_PNM 1
// Use PNM bitmap/image code
#define wxUSE_PCX 1
// Use PCX bitmap/image code
#define wxUSE_SERIAL 0
// Use serialization (requires utils/serialize)
#define wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS 1
// Compile in wxLibrary class for run-time
// DLL loading and function calling
#define wxUSE_TOOLTIPS 1
// Define to use wxToolTip class and
// wxWindow::SetToolTip() method
#define wxUSE_SOCKETS 1
// Set to 1 to use socket classes
#define wxUSE_FILESYSTEM 1
// Set to 1 to enable virtual file systems
// (needed by wxHTML)
#define wxUSE_FS_ZIP 1
#define wxUSE_FS_INET 1
// Set to 1 to enable virtual file systems
#define wxUSE_BUSYINFO 1
// wxBusyInfo displays window with message
// when app is busy. Works in same way as
// wxBusyCursor
#define wxUSE_ZIPSTREAM 1
// input stream for reading from zip archives
* Finer detail
#define wxUSE_APPLE_IEEE 1
// if enabled, the float codec written by Apple
// will be used to write, in a portable way,
// float on the disk
// use wxFile class - required by i18n code, wxConfig and others - recommended
#define wxUSE_FILE 1
// use wxTextFile class: requires wxFile, required by wxConfig
#define wxUSE_TEXTFILE 1
// i18n support: _() macro, wxLocale class. Requires wxFile
#define wxUSE_INTL 1
// wxLogXXX functions - highly recommended
#define wxUSE_LOG 1
// wxValidator class
#define wxUSE_VALIDATORS 1
// wxAcceleratorTable/Entry classes and support for them in wxMenu(Bar)
#define wxUSE_ACCEL 1
// wxSashWindow class
#define wxUSE_SASH 1
// text entry dialog and wxGetTextFromUser function
#define wxUSE_TEXTDLG 1
// wxStatusBar class
#define wxUSE_STATUSBAR 1
// progress dialog class for lengthy operations
// wxDirDlg class for getting a directory name from user
#define wxUSE_DIRDLG 1
* MS Windows/Windows NT
// Make settings compatible with MFC
#define wxUSE_MFC 0
#define wxUSE_OLE 1
// drag-and-drop, clipboard, OLE Automation
#if defined(__WIN95__)
#define wxUSE_CTL3D 0
#define wxUSE_CTL3D 1
// Define 1 to use Microsoft CTL3D library.
// See note above about using FAFA and CTL3D.
// can we use RICHEDIT control?
#if defined(__WIN95__) && !defined(__TWIN32__) && !defined(__GNUWIN32_OLD__)
#define wxUSE_RICHEDIT 1
#define wxUSE_RICHEDIT 0
// On rare occasions (e.g. using DJGPP) may want
// to omit common dialogs
// (e.g. file selector, printer dialog).
// Switching this off also switches off
// the printing architecture and interactive
// wxPrinterDC.
#define wxUSE_ITSY_BITSY 1
// Define 1 to use Microsoft's ItsyBitsy
// small title bar library, for wxMiniFrame.
// This setting is only used for Win3.1;
// Win9x and NT use native miniframes
// support instead.
// Define 1 to use bitmap messages.
// Define 1 to use new portable font scheme in Windows
// (used by default under X)
// Define 1 for font size to be backward compatible
// to 1.63 and earlier. 1.64 and later define point
// sizes to be compatible with Windows.
// Define 1 to use generic dialogs in Windows, even though
// they duplicate native common dialog (e.g. wxColourDialog)
#define wxUSE_PENWINDOWS 0
// Set to 1 to use PenWindows
#define wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN 1
// Owner-drawn menus and listboxes
// Set to 0 to use cross-platform wxStatusBar
* Any platform
#define wxUSE_TYPEDEFS 0
// Use typedefs not classes for wxPoint
// and others, to reduce overhead and avoid
// MS C7 memory bug. Bounds checker
// complains about deallocating
// arrays of wxPoints if wxPoint is a class.
#if defined(__MINGW32__) && ((__GNUC__>2) ||((__GNUC__==2) && (__GNUC_MINOR__>=95)))
// These don't work as expected for mingw32 and cygwin32
#if defined(__GNUWIN32__)
// MFC duplicates these operators
#if wxUSE_MFC
#ifndef _MBCS
// #define _MBCS
#if (!defined(WIN32) && !defined(__WIN32__)) || (defined(__GNUWIN32__) && !wxUSE_NORLANDER_HEADERS)
// Can't use OLE drag and drop in Windows 3.1 because we don't know how
// to implement UUIDs
// GnuWin32 doesn't have appropriate headers for e.g. IUnknown.
#define wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP 0
// Only WIN32 supports wxStatusBar95
#if !defined(__WIN32__) && wxUSE_NATIVE_STATUSBAR
// Salford C++ doesn't like some of the memory operator definitions
#ifdef __SALFORDC__
#undef wxUSE_THREADS
#define wxUSE_THREADS 0
#define wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN 0
#ifdef __TWIN32__
#undef wxUSE_THREADS
#define wxUSE_THREADS 0
#undef wxUSE_ODBC
#define wxUSE_ODBC 0
// BC++/Win16 can't cope with the amount of data in resource.cpp
#if defined(__WIN16__) && defined(__BORLANDC__)
#define wxUSE_WX_RESOURCES 0
#undef wxUSE_ODBC
#define wxUSE_ODBC 0
#if defined(__WXMSW__) && defined(__WATCOMC__)
#undef wxUSE_LIBJPEG
#define wxUSE_LIBJPEG 0
#if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WIN32__)
#undef wxUSE_SOCKETS
#define wxUSE_SOCKETS 0
#undef wxUSE_THREADS
#define wxUSE_THREADS 0
#define wxUSE_TOOLTIPS 0
#define wxUSE_SPINCTRL 0
#undef wxUSE_SPINBTN
#define wxUSE_SPINBTN 0
#undef wxUSE_LIBPNG
#define wxUSE_LIBPNG 0
#undef wxUSE_LIBJPEG
#define wxUSE_LIBJPEG 0
#undef wxUSE_GIF
#define wxUSE_GIF 0
#undef wxUSE_PNM
#define wxUSE_PNM 0
#undef wxUSE_PCX
#define wxUSE_PCX 0