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// Name: wx/date.h
// Purpose: wxDate class: this class is deprecated, use wxDateTime instead!
// Author: Julian Smart, Steve Marcus, Eric Simon, Chris Hill,
// Charles D. Price
// Modified by: 18.12.99 by VZ to use the new wxDateTime class
// Created: 01/02/97
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright:(c)
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_DATE_H_
#define _WX_DATE_H_
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface "date.h"
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/object.h"
#include "wx/string.h"
#include "wx/datetime.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum wxdate_format_type
enum // wxdate_format_flags
wxNO_CENTURY = 0x02,
wxDATE_ABBR = 0x04
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxDate
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxDate : public wxObject
wxDate() { Init(); }
wxDate(long j) : m_date((double)(j + 0.5)) { Init(); }
wxDate(int m, int d, int y) : m_date(d, (wxDateTime::Month)m, y) { Init(); }
wxDate(const wxString& dat) { Init(); (void)m_date.ParseDate(dat); }
wxDate(const wxDate &date) { *this = date; }
wxDate(const wxDateTime& dt) { Init(); m_date = dt; }
#ifndef __SALFORDC__
operator wxString() const { return FormatDate(); }
void operator=(const wxDate& date)
m_date = date.m_date;
m_displayFormat = date.m_displayFormat;
m_displayOptions = date.m_displayOptions;
void operator=(const wxString& dat) { (void)m_date.ParseDate(dat); }
wxDate operator+(long i) { return wxDate(GetJulianDate() + i); }
wxDate operator+(int i) { return wxDate(GetJulianDate() + (long)i); }
wxDate operator-(long i) { return wxDate(GetJulianDate() - i); }
wxDate operator-(int i) { return wxDate(GetJulianDate() - (long)i); }
long operator-(const wxDate &dt) const
{ return GetJulianDate() - dt.GetJulianDate(); }
wxDate &operator+=(long i) { m_date += wxTimeSpan::Days(i); return *this; }
wxDate &operator-=(long i) { m_date -= wxTimeSpan::Days(i); return *this; }
wxDate &operator++() { return *this += 1; }
wxDate &operator++(int) { return *this += 1; }
wxDate &operator--() { return *this -= 1; }
wxDate &operator--(int) { return *this -= 1; }
friend ostream WXDLLEXPORT & operator <<(ostream &os, const wxDate &dt)
{ return os << dt.FormatDate().mb_str(); }
void SetFormat(int format) { m_displayFormat = format; }
int SetOption(int option, bool enable = TRUE)
if ( enable )
m_displayOptions |= option;
m_displayOptions &= ~option;
return 1; // (VZ: whatever it means)
// returns julian date (VZ: the integral part of Julian Day Number)
long GetJulianDate() const
{ return (long)(m_date.GetJulianDayNumber() - 0.5); }
// returns relative date since Jan. 1
int GetDayOfYear() const
{ return m_date.GetDayOfYear(); }
// returns TRUE if leap year, FALSE if not
bool IsLeapYear() const
{ return wxDateTime::IsLeapYear(m_date.GetYear()); }
// Sets to current system date
wxDate &Set()
{ m_date = wxDateTime::Today(); return (wxDate&)*this; }
wxDate &Set(long lJulian)
{ m_date.Set((double)(lJulian + 0.5)); return (wxDate&)*this; }
wxDate &Set(int nMonth, int nDay, int nYear)
{ m_date.Set(nDay, (wxDateTime::Month)nMonth, nYear); return (wxDate&)*this; }
// May also pass neg# to decrement
wxDate &AddWeeks(int nCount = 1)
{ m_date += wxDateSpan::Weeks(nCount); return *this; }
wxDate &AddMonths(int nCount = 1)
{ m_date += wxDateSpan::Months(nCount); return *this; }
wxDate &AddYears(int nCount = 1)
{ m_date += wxDateSpan::Years(nCount); return *this; }
// Numeric Day of date object
int GetDay() const { return m_date.GetDay(); }
// Number of days in month(1..31)
int GetDaysInMonth() const
return wxDateTime::GetNumberOfDays((wxDateTime::Month)m_date.GetMonth(),
// First Day Of Month(1..7)
int GetFirstDayOfMonth() const
{ return wxDate(GetMonth(), 1, GetYear()).GetDayOfWeek(); }
// Character Day Of Week('Sunday'..'Saturday')
wxString GetDayOfWeekName() const { return FormatDate(wxDAY); }
int GetDayOfWeek() const { return (int)m_date.GetWeekDay() + 1; }
// Numeric Week Of Month(1..6) (VZ: I'd love to see a month with 6 weeks)
int GetWeekOfMonth() const { return m_date.GetWeekOfMonth(); }
// Numeric Week Of Year(1..52) (VZ: but there are years with 53 weeks)
int GetWeekOfYear() const { return m_date.GetWeekOfYear(); }
// Character Month name
wxString GetMonthName() { return FormatDate(wxMONTH); }
// Month Number(1..12)
int GetMonth() const { return m_date.GetMonth() + 1; }
// First Date Of Month
wxDate GetMonthStart() const { return(wxDate(GetMonth(), 1, GetYear())); }
// Last Date Of Month
wxDate GetMonthEnd() const { return wxDate(GetMonth()+1, 1, GetYear())-1; }
// eg. 1992
int GetYear() const { return m_date.GetYear(); }
// First Date Of Year
wxDate GetYearStart() const { return wxDate(1, 1, GetYear()); }
// Last Date Of Year
wxDate GetYearEnd() const { return wxDate(1, 1, GetYear()+1) - 1; }
bool IsBetween(const wxDate& first, const wxDate& second) const
return m_date.IsBetween(first.m_date, second.m_date);
wxDate Previous(int dayOfWeek) const
int dow = GetDayOfWeek();
if ( dayOfWeek <= dow )
return *this - (dow - dayOfWeek);
return *this - 7 + (dayOfWeek - dow);
wxString FormatDate(int type = -1) const
static const wxChar *formats[] =
_T("%m/%d/%Y"), _T("%A"), _T("%B"), _T("%A, %B %d, %Y"), _T("%d %B %Y")
wxString fmt = formats[type == -1 ? m_displayFormat : type];
if ( m_displayOptions & wxDATE_ABBR )
fmt.Replace(_T("A"), _T("a"));
fmt.Replace(_T("B"), _T("b"));
if ( m_displayOptions & wxNO_CENTURY )
fmt.Replace(_T("Y"), _T("y"));
return m_date.Format(fmt);
void Init() { m_displayFormat = wxMDY; m_displayOptions = 0; }
#if 0 // the old wxDate members - unused any more
unsigned long julian; // see julDate(); days since 1/1/4713 B.C.
int month; // see NMonth()
int day; // see Day()
int year; // see NYear4()
int day_of_week; // see NDOW(); 1 = Sunday, ... 7 = Saturday
void julian_to_mdy(); // convert julian day to mdy
void julian_to_wday(); // convert julian day to day_of_week
void mdy_to_julian(); // convert mdy to julian day
#endif // 0
wxDateTime m_date;
int m_displayFormat;
int m_displayOptions;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline bool WXDLLEXPORT operator <(const wxDate &dt1, const wxDate &dt2)
{ return dt1.GetJulianDate() < dt2.GetJulianDate(); }
inline bool WXDLLEXPORT operator <=(const wxDate &dt1, const wxDate &dt2)
{ return dt1.GetJulianDate() <= dt2.GetJulianDate(); }
inline bool WXDLLEXPORT operator >(const wxDate &dt1, const wxDate &dt2)
{ return dt1.GetJulianDate() > dt2.GetJulianDate(); }
inline bool WXDLLEXPORT operator >=(const wxDate &dt1, const wxDate &dt2)
{ return dt1.GetJulianDate() >= dt2.GetJulianDate(); }
inline bool WXDLLEXPORT operator ==(const wxDate &dt1, const wxDate &dt2)
{ return dt1.GetJulianDate() == dt2.GetJulianDate(); }
inline bool WXDLLEXPORT operator !=(const wxDate &dt1, const wxDate &dt2)
{ return dt1.GetJulianDate() != dt2.GetJulianDate(); }
#endif // wxUSE_TIMEDATE
// _WX_DATE_H_